• The White Lotus Season 3, Episode 6 Recap And Review: Killer Instinct
    The White LotusCredit: HBOThe White Lotus continues to slowly build to whatever wild conclusion is in store for us, but it sure is taking its time. I say that not to be critical of Season 3s pacing, but I am a little surprised that there hasnt been a bit more cross-pollination between the story lines at this stage of the game. That looks to be changing soon enough, however, with a big dinner party schedule for our ritzy guests. And, of course, there are now three guns in the mix. Spoilers ahead.The Guns And The GunmenThe big question on everyones mind remains the same as the start of the season. Who is the shooter and who is the victim (or victims)? As I noted, there are now at least three guns we know about that could be the murder weapon. With that many guns, its possible this isnt just a shooting, but a shoot-out. The guns currently in rotation belong to:Gun #1 has left Timothys (Jason Isaacs) possession, and not a moment too soon. The episode opened with a pretty explosive headfake when we see the troubled Ratcliff patriarch shoot himself in the head. His wife Victoria (Parker Posey) finds him in a pool of blood and starts screaming as their daughter, Piper (Sarah Catherine Hook) runs into the room. Its all just twisted fantasy, however, the first of two. In the second, he imagines shooting his wife first before taking his own life. This follows her telling him that shed rather die than become destitute.The White LotusCredit: HBOIn any case, luckily for Victoria this is a lot less likely to happen now that Gaitok has retrieved the handgun from the Ratcliff suite, after a long and almost fruitless search. He does so just in time. When he returns to the guard station, his boss has discovered the weapon is missing. Gaitok (Tayme Thapthimthong) lies and says he just had it on him, which earns him a mild dressing down but nothing like the trouble hed have been in had he not found the weapon. They head to the shooting range, where he proves to be a pretty good shot. But does he have what it takes? his boss asks. Everyone likes you, he says, but you need a killer instinct in this line of work.Thats a question that Frank (Sam Rockwell) has when he agrees to help Rick (Walton Goggins) in Bangkok. This is where Gun #2 resides. Last week, before his wild sex-addict monologue, Frank passed Rick a bag. Inside was the second gun. After Rick explains his backstory to his friend, Frank is reluctant to help him. But Rick tells him he doesnt plan on killing his fathers murderer. He wont even bring the gun. So Frank reluctantly agrees.They travel to Sritalas residence under false pretenses. Rick has told Sritala (Lek Patravadi) that hes a movie producer and Frank is playing the role of director. Its unclear at this point whether or not Rick was lying to his old friend. Is the gun with him? I suspect he did leave it behind, but will he take it with him back to The White Lotus?The other big question in this storyline is whether Sritalas husband really is the man who murdered Ricks father. I continue to suspect a twist. Could he actually be Ricks father, and the story of his murder was just something his mom made up?The White LotusCredit: HBOWe spotted Gun #3 during the gift shop robbery. Im 100% certain now that this was carried out by Valentin (Arnas Fedaravicius) and his friends, Alexei (Julian Kostov) and Vlad (Yuri Kolokolnikov). Alexi was the masked man and he brandished a firearm when he stole the jewelry. This gun is likely not still at The White Lotus, but the thieves are clearly very close by and they undoubtedly still have the gun, which could easily make its way back to the hotel. I would not be surprised if other guns exist that we dont know about yet. Could Greg/Gary (Jon Gries) have one up at his sprawling mansion? It would make sense for a man who works in this and that to have one.The Sins Of The BrotherOf course, the most shocking moment in this episode is something thats been setup from the very first episode. There have been some very weird, very disturbing incest vibes in the family Ratcliff, and incest very much occurred in tonights episode. Well, it took place the night before, when Lachlan (Sam Nivola) and Saxon (Patrick Schwarzenegger) return to the yacht with Chloe (Charlotte Le Bon) and Chelsea (Aimee Lou Wood) high and drunk, for an orgy.Chelsea, thankfully, does not participate. When Saxon asks her why, she tells him that she has a boyfriend who is also her soul mate. And you have no soul, she says. Its quite a damning sentiment, though its far from the worse thing the elder Ratcliff son hears. When the two are joined by Chloe, the talk turns to Greg/Gary and how he knows Saxon and Chloe hooked up. But hes not jealous, she assures him (Im not entirely sure shes correct) and hed like them to come over for a big dinner party this evening.The White LotusCredit: HBOMaybe he wants to have a threesome, Chelsea suggests, which makes Saxon uncomfortable. What, youve never had a threesome? the women ask, to which Saxon replies, Never with another dude.What about last night? Chloe says. Saxon has been remembering bits and pieces of the previous evening, much to his dawning horror, but hes in denial when Chloe tells him what actually happened. Both Ratcliff boys slept with Chloe, but Lachlan also . . . gave Saxon a helping hand, so to speak.I dont remember that! Saxon blurts. I was blacked out!Well I wasnt, so . . . Chloe replies. Saxon wants them to drop it and she agrees, but only if he comes to the party. Saxon blames the drugs. Theres no amount of drugs that would make me hook up with my brother, Chelsea replies, reassuring him that shes not judging. Everyone has their thing. Its not a thing! Saxon says angrily. Sure, buddy.The White LotusCredit: HBOMeanwhile, Piper, Lachlan and their parents have made their way to the Buddhist community so that Timothy and Victoria can speak with the monk, Luang Por Teera (Suthichai Yoon). Victoria is still distraught over her daughters desire to live in Thailand for a year and insists that he better be the best Buddhist in China proving once again that shes this seasons most consistent source of comic relief.She tours the grounds while Timothy sits with the monk. He asks him a question: What do you think happens when we die? The monk replies that we are like drops of water. When were born, we rise up above the ocean, little isolated droplets separated from the collective whole. When we die, we fall back down into the waves. Death is a happy thing, he says. Like coming home. Timothy is clearly trying to reconcile himself with all the suicidal thoughts hes been having.Victoria tells Piper that shell support her decision if she spends one night with the monks to see what its like and whether it would actually be something she could handle for a year. Piper happily agrees, and Lachlan offers to stay with her. We next see them in a meditation session with Luang Por Teera. He tells his students to clear their minds of all their worries, to let go. As they sit and meditate, Lachlan finally remembers the night before. Like his brother, hes horrified.The White LotusCredit: HBOThe family Ratcliff is on the verge of total meltdown. Timothy still hasnt told anyone about his legal troubles. The boys now harbor a terrible secret of their own. I suspect that Piper will not have the amazing time shes hoping for at the retreat, as she has lead an awfully pampered life up to this point. Victoria is doing surprisingly well without her benzos, but how will she react when she learns the truth? Could she be the gunman?The Gossip Girls Implosion, Stage 1The White LotusCredit: HBOSpeaking of meltdowns, the trio of old friends Ive been calling the Gossip Girls are starting to crack at the seams. Kate (Leslie Bibb) spots Valentin leaving Jaclyns room early in the morning and, naturally, cant wait to share the dirt with Laurie (Carrie Coon) who, she thinks, will just laugh about it.This is not Lauries reaction. As I pointed out last week, Jaclyn (Michelle Monaghan) appears to be the kind of person who gets off on taking what isnt hers. Remember Cameron from Season 2? Ethan was right about him. He was the same kind of person. If Ethan had something, Cameron had to take it from him. This extends all the way to Ethans wife, Harper. Thats a lot worse than Jaclyn sleeping with Valentin, obviously, but its the same instinct.So Jaclyn puts the idea in Lauries head that she should hook up with Valentin and then pushes that idea over and over again and then takes Valentin for herself, just to prove to herself that shes the prettiest and most desirable. Its not even really to hurt Laurie since she didnt expect her to find out. Its all part of her terrible, insatiable need for attention.And Laurie pretty much tells her all of that, much to Kates horror. Nor will she let it go. When she tries to get the others to go with her to the Muay Thai fights later, she dangles a carrot for her celebrity friend: Valentin will be there. Jaclyn is upset. She heads back to her room where Kate tries to pass it off as Laurie being drunk. Do you know how much gossip I have to deal with? Jaclyn says. And now I have to deal with my friends talking behind my back?Forget Muay Thai, someone throw this woman a pity party! Shes done plenty of gossiping with the other two, first with Kate while Laurie was in her room and later with Laurie when Kate was away. They all gossip relentlessly. Laurie, now adopting her own holier-than-thou perch, is just as bad. But theres no doubt that Jaclyn has taken it all a lot further by being so manipulative with Laurie, not to mention cheating on her husband. Now shes playing the victim card. Oy vey.And Now For Some GripesWe have just two episodes left in this season, and while I think its been absolutely fantastic for the most part, I have a couple of minor quibbles. The first is the aforementioned lack of cross-pollination between the guests. Season 1 didnt have a ton of mixing, but there was such a great conflict established between Armond and Shane. In Season 2, we had pretty juicy conflicts brewing between the two couples and with the whole Tanya vs The Gays plotline (obviously this didnt come to a head until the finale, but it was percolating much earlier).The conflict at this point remains fairly anodyne by comparison. Yes, the Greg/Gary vs Belinda stuff is tense and interesting, especially since it ties into Tanyas death and whatever her husband inherited, but the brief encounter between these two in tonights episode was, well, very brief. Im having a hard time getting worked up about it, though obviously this could change depending on Greg/Garys plans.The White LotusCredit: HBOSpeaking of Belinda, her son Zion shows up this episode. We, of course, already met him in the opening scene of the season. Its pretty hilarious that Belinda uses a Scarface line when talking to her son about money. In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women," Tony Montana says in the movie. This is an interesting reference, calling to mind all the Godfather easter eggs in Season 2. Its also an inversion of Greg/Garys strategy. First, he had to get the woman, then he had to kill the woman to get the power and the money . . . so he could get a younger model.I digress. The other conflicts remain fairly muted as well. Timothys inner struggle is compelling, but it hasnt splashed out onto anyone else yet, and with Gaitok retrieving the gun, some of that tension is gone. The incest storyline is gross and bizarre, but Im not really sure its setting up anything. Its already happened. And Ricks mission, while certainly brimming with potential for violent conflict, has remained a sort of side-quest. We havent even really met the man hes after yet, though he pops in briefly and mostly off-screen right at the end.Again, this is a small gripe for now. It all depends on these final two episodes to see if it all pays off. Though I will add one thing: As of right now, this season feels less rewatchable than the last two, which I happily watched multiple times.The other complaint is something Ive been noticing more and more and which I will chock up to personal taste more than anything. Im just not a huge fan of the use of so much shallow depth of field. The bokeh blur is intense in scene after scene. At times, these characters surrounded by the green and gold blur of jungle and sunshine almost look fake, or as if theyre being shot in a studio. Meanwhile, all these great locations and details are obscured constantly, muddled into blurry backgrounds. On the boat, you can barely see the ocean or the islands in the background. Just blur.The White LotusCredit: HBOIve heard theories that this is intentional, meant to symbolize how little our rich tourist protagonists appreciate their surroundings, how self-absorbed they are. But I dont think so. The shallow depth of field is present everywhere, including with the staff. I dont mind some shots like this, but its just so constant that it becomes distracting. Like all cinematography techniques, overusing them can make them less effective. I was keenly aware of it in tonights episode. Others, Im sure, will feel the opposite or not even notice and thats fine, too.Im still loving this season, but the jury remains out until its over whether it will be as good as the last two. We shall see.Scattered ThoughtsChelsea tells Rick that bad luck comes in threes worrying about him staying a third day in Bangkok. I suspect thats a bit of foreshadowing beyond just their situation. Did I mention there are three guns? Will there be three victims?Pornchai (Dom Hetrakul) is a sweet guy, but hes also the second person to offer Belinda the chance at starting up her own wellness spa. The last person who did that is now dead. Ominous.I suppose Sritala has bigger things to worry about, but Im sort of sad for her. It sucks that shes been led to believe that a big Hollywood movie director wants to cast her in his film when we know this is all a lie.Fabian (Christian Friedel) invites Belinda to watch him sing later that evening. At this point, we have several events about to take place: Fabians performance, Greg/Garys party, the Muay Thai fights and Ricks showdown in Bangkok. Things already got out of hand at the full moon party, and during the squirt gun festival. I dont imagine theyll go any better at any of these encounters.Aimee Lee Woods facial expressions are priceless. The looks she gives Saxon this episode were hilarious.Mook (Lalisa Manobal) only briefly makes an appearance but I am starting to think she actually has moved beyond the friend zone with Gaitok after the robbery incident. She seems very excited to see him and go out later, after he trains at the firing range.What did you think about tonights episode? Are you enjoying the season so far?Let me know on Twitter, Instagram, Bluesky or Facebook. Also be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow me here on this blog. Sign up for my newsletter for more reviews and commentary on entertainment and culture.
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  • Pixel wall art meets retro gaming in stunning Raspberry Pi 5 project
    In brief: We have seen some wild projects over the years when it comes to retro gaming on the Raspberry Pi, but one maker has taken it to a whole new level. Using a Raspberry Pi 5, he's built a stunning, wall-mounted arcade system that combines retro gaming vibes with modern DIY tech. The result is a glowing, pixelated masterpiece that's as functional as it is eye-catching. At the heart of this project is the Raspberry Pi 5 4GB model, which drives four 64x64px HUB75 RGB LED matrix panels. These panels are connected via an Adafruit RGB matrix bonnet, creating a 128x128 pixel display perfect for retro gaming.The entire setup is housed in an IKEA Sannahed picture frame featuring custom 3D-printed brackets, which add a splash of color while holding everything together. It's a clever mix of off-the-shelf and custom components.It's fair to say that the frame alone makes for an excellent art piece. But as you can see in the clip below, the frame serves more than just an aesthetic purpose.Maker and developer John Park's creation is a fully functional gaming rig that runs on the PICO-8 Fantasy Console, a $15 software platform that's compatible with Raspberry Pi, Mac, and Windows. The cool thing about PICO-8 is that it isn't just for playing games; it's also a development tool for coding, creating music, and designing game assets. The system supports a handful of custom titles, all of which have that nostalgic retro feel.To make the magic happen, the Raspberry Pi 5 runs Piomatter, which drives the LED matrix display. A Python script (virtualdisplay.py) grabs the framebuffer from PICO-8, which is launched against Xvfb (a virtual X framebuffer), and feeds it to the LED panels. The result is a seamless gaming experience.For input, Park uses wired USB controllers, and audio comes from an external USB stereo speaker. // Related StoriesIf you're itching to build your own version, the maker has you covered. He's shared a detailed build guide on the Adafruit website, complete with links to all the components you'll need.
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  • European coalition pushes for second Chips Act funding to boost semiconductor sector
    Bottom line: Europe continues to lag in semiconductor production despite spending billions of euros trying to rectify this. But a new initiative signals the continent's intent to compete with leading semiconductor markets such as the United States and Asia. A coalition of nine European Union countries, led by the Netherlands, has been formed to accelerate plans for a potential second funding package under the European Chips Act. This initiative aims to present proposals by summer, following the mixed results of the 2023 Chips Act, which, despite preventing a decline in Europe's industry, failed to meet its key objectives due to slow approval processes and less state support than that provided by the U.S. and China.Dutch Economy Minister Dirk Beljaarts emphasized the need for a more targeted approach in the potential second funding program. "We need to allocate funds," Beljaarts told Reuters. "Both private and public funds to push the sector, also to make sure that the trickle-down effect takes place and that (small and medium-size) companies also benefit." This strategy aims to address gaps in areas such as chip packaging and advanced production, particularly after Intel shelved plans for a cutting-edge factory in Germany.The coalition, which includes Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, and the Netherlands, is focused on three main priorities: enhancing production capabilities, mobilizing public and private investment, and fostering talent within the sector.Europe boasts strong research and development capabilities, with companies like ASML leading the chipmaking-tools market. However, the region lags behind in advanced chip production, with only Intel utilizing cutting-edge technology in Ireland. The industry's stakeholders include major chip manufacturers like Bosch, Infineon, NXP, and STMicroelectronics, along with equipment suppliers ASML and ASM.Following a meeting in Brussels, organizations such as ESIA and SEMI Europe are set to formally propose their needs to the European Commission's digital official, Henna Virkkunen. Their requests include direct support for semiconductor design, manufacturing, R&D, materials, and equipment. // Related StoriesThe European Chips Act, launched in 2023, aimed to reduce Europe's dependence on foreign semiconductor supplies and bolster the region's technological sovereignty. However, it has faced challenges, including a scarcity of skilled workers and slow approval processes.The Act has a total investment goal of 43 billion, with the Chips Joint Undertaking playing a pivotal role in bridging the gap between research and commercialization. Despite these efforts, critics argue that government intervention may not be the most effective strategy, as it can distort competition and favor inefficient producers.
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  • E.T. go home with the highest bidder
    Movie memorabilia is a serious business, which is why this E.T. model that appeared in Steven Spielbergs hit 1982 movie could fetch as much as a million bucks in a Sothebys auction that ends on April 3.The E.T. model is part of a collection of movie-related items being brought to auction by the estate of its creator, Italian special effects artist Carlo Rambaldi, who also worked on legendary movies such as King Kong (1975), Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977), and Alien (1979).Recommended VideosThe E.T. model up for auction is the one that appeared in the movies iconic closet scene in which the alien tries to disguise itself among Elliotts stuffed animals to avoid being discovered by his mother.Please enable Javascript to view this contentThe model is 17 inches wide, 36 inches tall, and 12 inches deep (43.2 x 91.4 x 30.5 cm), and has an aluminum frame covered with latex, foam, straw, acrylic paint, and adhesive.There was one ground rule in the studio where Rambaldi and the special effects team brought the creature to life: E.T. is not a monster, the auction house says in the lots description on its website.Working from Melissa Mathisons screenplay that intentionally declined to include a physical description of its central character, Rambaldi created the look of E.T. entirely off reference images provided by Spielberg.The director recalled: I remember saying to Carlo, Heres some pictures of Albert Einstein, Ernest Hemingway, and Carl Sandburg. How can we make E.T.s eyes as frivolous, wizened, and also as sad as those three icons?Six months after first showing Spielberg his vision for E.T., Rambaldi and his team of four assistants completed the first of four full-scale working models of the diminutive alien.Rambaldis E.T. models could colledctively make 86 different movements from blinking eyes to delicate grasps of the hand through a combination of animatronics, mechatronics, and puppetry. The original animatronic model sold for a colossal $2.6 million at an auction in 2022.You can put in a bid for the lot now (youll need a minimum of $500,000), with the hammer coming down on April 3.What the winning bidder will do with the E.T. model is anyones guess. They could do the sensible thing and put it in a museum, or alternatively have some fun with it and stick it in the passenger seat for trips to the mall. That would turn a few heads.Editors Recommendations
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  • Othello Review: Denzel Washingtons Dismal Revival
    The actor stars alongside Jake Gyllenhaal in a Broadway production of Shakespeares tragedy, directed by Kenny Leon, that struggles to make music of the text.
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  • The White Lotus Star Jason Isaacs Talks Financial Misdeeds and Prosthetic Cover-Ups
    The actor on billionaires, why the hotel isnt fancy enough for the Ratliffs, and dry-swallowing pills.
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  • Denmark's defense committee head said he regrets choosing the F-35: 'We must avoid American weapons if at all possible'
    2025-03-24T04:30:56Z Read in app Denmark ordered 27 F-35s in 2016, a decision that its defense committee chairman says he regrets helping to make. BO AMSTRUP/Ritzau Scanpix/AFP via Getty Images This story is available exclusively to Business Insider subscribers. Become an Insider and start reading now.Have an account? The head of Denmark's defense committee says buying American weapons is now a "security risk."Rasmus Jarlov fears the US may use weapons like the F-35 as leverage against countries like his.Jarlov said he regrets selecting the fighter amid US tensions with Denmark over Greenland.The chairman of Denmark's parliamentary defense committee said he regrets choosing the F-35 for his country, citing fears that the US may threaten to cease support for the fighter."As one of the decision-makers behind Denmark's purchase of F-35s, I regret it," Rasmus Jarlov, a member of parliament for the center-right Conservative People's Party, wrote on social media on Wednesday.Jarlov was addressing rumors that the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II may have a "kill-switch" that allows Washington to remotely disable F-35s purchased by US allies.The Pentagon said on Tuesday that the stealth fighter does not have such a feature.But the Danish MP isn't convinced. "We obviously cannot take your word for it," Jarlov wrote in his post.He added that the US could scupper Copenhagen's use of the F-35 just by stopping the supply of spare parts a similar dilemma that Ukraine faced when Washington temporarily paused military aid."I can easily imagine a situation where the USA will demand Greenland from Denmark and will threaten to deactivate our weapons and let Russia attack us when we refuse," wrote Jarlov, who is also his party's spokesperson for his stance on Greenland's affairs.Jarlov further accused the US of wanting "to strengthen Russia and weaken Europa.""Therefore, buying American weapons is a security risk that we cannot run. We will make enormous investments in air defense, fighter jets, artillery, and other weapons in the coming years, and we must avoid American weapons if at all possible," he said."I encourage our friends and allies to do the same," Jarlov added.Denmark announced in 2016 that it was spending about $3 billion on 27 F-35s to replace its aging fleet of F-16 Fighting Falcons. Jarlov was serving as Denmark's defense committee chairman at the time. Jarlov, pictured left, served as chairman of the defense committee from 2015 to 2017, before resuming the role in 2021. MADS CLAUS RASMUSSEN/Ritzau Scanpix/AFP via Getty Images Copenhagen has received 17 of its orders so far.His comments come as President Donald Trump has said that he wants to buy or annex Greenland, an autonomous territory of Denmark that's rich in minerals and can provide the US with a strategic location near the Arctic.Leaders in both Greenland and Denmark have repeatedly resisted Trump's statements, saying their governments had no interest in the territory coming under US administration or rule."There is no threat from China against Greenland and China has no presence in Greenland," Jarlov wrote on Sunday. "The only threat against Greenland is the USA."Meanwhile, Second Lady Usha Vance, White House national security advisor Mike Waltz, and the Secretary of Energy Chris Wright are expected to visit Greenland on Thursday.Denmark isn't the only country reconsidering its defense reliance on US exports. Leaders in Portugal and Canada have also said they are reviewing their willingness to buy the F-35 amid the geopolitical tensions between the US and its allies.Canada's defense minister, Bill Blair, said his country may be seeking alternatives to the F-35 over concerns of hostility from Washington, which launched steep tariffs against Canadian and Mexican goods earlier this month.Meanwhile, Portugal's outgoing defense minister, Nuno Melo, told local media that his country "cannot ignore the geopolitical environment in our choices" on possibly buying the F-35.At least 19 governments, including the UK, Italy, Norway, Denmark, Canada, Australia, and Israel, have agreed to purchase the F-35.The F-35 is one of the most advanced fighter jets in the world, and while it has several competitors, its stealth features have been dominant in the market. Other planes considered adjacent or similar in capability are China's Chengdu J-20 and the French Dassault Rafale, which a British think tank said has recently surged in popularity as US ties with its allies fray.South Korea is also developing the KF-21 Boramae, but its stealth systems are expected to be less advanced than the F-35's.Lockheed Martin, the State Department, the Pentagon, and Jarlov did not respond to requests for comment sent outside regular business hours by Business Insider.
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  • Games Inbox: What Assassins Creed setting will be next?
    Assassins Creed Shadows what happens next? (Ubisoft)The Monday letters page discusses the most overrated games of recent history, as a reader thinks 5 for Mass Effect Trilogy is disrespectful.To join in with the discussions yourself email gamecentral@metro.co.ukWhats next?Im glad to hear that Assassins Creed Shadows is selling well, as Im really enjoying it so far. Thats hopefully good news for Ubisoft in general, given their current trouble, but the obvious problem for them is that theyve already got a gazillion Assassins Creed sequels and spin-offs in the work and as far as I know the one set in Germany during the witch trials is next.People have been asking for a game set in Japan for years, but I dont think a game where you play as a black cat was on anybodys wishlist. Im not saying it will be bad, thats not the point Im trying to make, but its not an obvious bestseller and that puts Ubisoft right back in trouble again.Thing is though Im not sure what is the next most requested setting? Ive heard stuff about India and the Azetc era but I dont know if theyre super anticipated. For a spin though why couldnt they try setting one in the future? Maybe have it half and half with the ancient past? Something weird like that could be an interesting way to hype a new sequel and try and keep the momentum.HoosantPreviously on Half-LifeIm seeing even more rumours about Half-Life 3 being nearly finished and coming out soon, but I just cant believe it. How could you even hope to sell something like that to console owners, or even just younger or casual PC owners, who have no idea what the series is and even less about what happened in the last one.Surely remasters, if not full remakes, with a big marketing campaign are essential to laying the groundwork for Half-Life 3. As I remember, Half-Life 2 only originally came out on the original Xbox, with some Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 ports a few years later and none of them sold because no one knew or cared about Half-Life 1.If any company is not going to care about spending money on a vanity project. its Valve but why not just do it anyway? Id like a full fat remake of the two by Valve, especially if they update it with new story and gameplay elements.BensonAdded extrasNintendo could charge a tenner for a Switch 2 upgrade to games or provide it free out of the goodness of their own hearts. Alternatively, it could be a new feature of a Nintendo Switch Online subscription.Either a new tier or bundled in the Expansion Pack, they could offer all upgrades for free when youre a member. They keep talking about making subscribing appealing to players and giving value and so on. They already have DLC on there, if you keep your subscription, so a 60fps upgrade doesnt seem too far-fetched.Euclidian BoxesGC: Yes, that sounds very plausible.Email your comments to: gamecentral@metro.co.ukClassic pricingDoes anyone else feel kind of bad when they see a great game for ridiculously cheap? I know its silly but when I see something like Doom or Mass Effect Trilogy for just a few pounds it seems disrespectful?I know what Im saying, and I dont consciously agree with it, because itd be great if all games were that much, but subconsciously it doesnt sit right. Not when I know how much trash is out there with a 70 price tag on it.At the end of the day everything is only worth the price people are willing to pay for it and I guess with those two games Bethesda and EA reached the limit of people that were going to pay more than 5 for it. I hope they like them though. The idea of playing the whole of Mass Effect for so little is mind-blowing to me.LemonZRepo man and boyJust want to give a shout out to a fun new game that Ive been playing with my son. I know you struggle to cover everything, so if anyones looking for a fun co-op with horror vibes then you can do far worse than R.E.P.O.Its only on PC (were playing it on Steam Deck) at the minute, so not sure if it will make its way to console, but if you have a few friends and are looking to laugh and cry together then check it out.ChrisGC: The developer is very small and hasnt said anything about console versions yet.Netflix of NintendoIve been enjoying the love for the Nintendo GameCube recently and I hope that it will be a part of the Switch 2 from very early on. Although I dont understand why it hasnt been added already, given its not a technical issue, or at least I wouldnt have thought it was.I really hope that Nintendo has a proper virtual console that is a library of all their games right from the start. Previously, every time they release a new console they start their retro releases from scratch, so its the end of a generation before we get everything big and theres always lots of smaller titles left out that they dont have time for.Im hoping that backwards compatibility means they wont be able to do this again but the fact that people arent buying the games but essentially renting them via Nintendo Switch Online makes me think that well be back to square one again.At the very least have a PlayStation style platinum tier where you get everything from the start. I know not many would pay for it, but I would. To have every Nintendo game ever in one place would be an amazing thing but Nintendo seems strangely committed to making sure that never happens.Taylor MoonImpulse purchaseIm a massive fan of the first Darkest Dungeon (200+ hours) and its taken a while for the second to click but Im about 60 hours in.Ive got the DLC and one of the trophies has a 0.9% completion rate it isnt even a difficult trophy! I messaged in a couple of weeks back and you said how most people dont complete games, but do people even play them?SimonGC: Its quite possible a lot of people buy DLC, because they like the main game, with the intention of playing it but never get round to it.Overrated listSo, I mailed in a list a few months ago, detailing my ten favourite games of all time. I included titles such as Baldurs Gate 3 and Silent Hill 2. Id like to formally discuss another list. My personal opinion of the 10 games I consider to be the most overrated titles.10. Assassins Creed the one that started it all, but repetitive missions and clunky gameplay serve as a detriment.9. Fallout 4 serviceable graphics fail to mask a generic, boring, and repetitive role-player, thats more of an action game masquerading as a role-playing game.8. Final Fantasy 16 the pinnacle of horrendous side missions, bloated content, and the worst role-playing game that I have ever played.7. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain Kojimas worst game and an embarrassment of a title, that features barren and empty environments. The cherry on top is an unfinished story.6. Dragon Age: Inquisition a textbook example of dreadful combat, mundane fetch quests, and boring political intrigue.5. Uncharted: Drakes Fortune the beginning of Nathan Drakes journey, hasnt aged well and it is bogged down with awful platforming and below par combat.4. The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim adored at launch, this title barely even matches what The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 brought to the table3. God Of War Ragnark tanky enemies, an unfulfilled narrative, and the premise of Ragnark falling flat. No wonder Elden Ring beat it to Game of the Year.2. Grand Theft Auto 5 an abysmal story, more emphasis on the online portion, and restrictive elements. No bowling. Torturing Lazlow is always funny though.1. The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom a reused world. No story. No reason to care about Zelda. Link is boring and mute. Sky portion disappoints. Ganondorf is forgettable as a villain. Raphael from Baldurs Gate 3 is more memorable. Shrines are just as repetitive and stale as Breath Of The Wild.Shahzaib SadiqGC: The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 came out more than eight years after Skyrim?Inbox also-ransIve been enjoying Aliens: Dark Descent and just finished XCOM 2 again. Im about to go back onto Halo Wars which is one of my personal favourites but Im just curious of your opinion on the game. Did you enjoy it?SimonGC: Not very much, no. But Halo Wars 2 is great, with a very good multiplayer if anyones still playing it.Glad to hear that Assassins Creed Shadows has been a hit. I dont want Ubisoft to go under and I like the game so far. I just hope that doesnt mean all theyll make in the future is Assassins Creed games.WotanMore TrendingEmail your comments to: gamecentral@metro.co.ukThe small printNew Inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with special Hot Topic Inboxes at the weekend. Readers letters are used on merit and may be edited for length and content.You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word Readers Feature at any time via email or our Submit Stuff page, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.You can also leave your comments below and dont forget to follow us on Twitter.GameCentralSign up for exclusive analysis, latest releases, and bonus community content.This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. 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  • Coscia Guangzhou Concept Store / All Design Studio
    Coscia Guangzhou Concept Store / All Design StudioSave this picture! Studio TENRetail InteriorsGuangdong, ChinaInterior Designers: All Design StudioAreaArea of this architecture projectArea:1000 mYearCompletion year of this architecture project Year: 2024 PhotographsPhotographs:Studio TENManufacturersBrands with products used in this architecture project Manufacturers: A2STONE, COLDEC, Findeisen GmbH Lead Architects: GNIAL LIANG More SpecsLess SpecsSave this picture!Text description provided by the architects. Located in the heart of Guangzhou Tower, COSCIA Guangzhou Tower Boutique is a high-end fashion buyer's store that blends Italian luxury with architectural inspiration. Designed by All Design Studio (ADS), the 1,000-square-meter space draws from the tower's grandeur and mist-like aura, centered on the themes of "Foundation Stone" and "Mist." The boutique is envisioned as a monumental foundation block, rooted beneath the tower, embodying its strength and ethereal beauty.Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!The design features sculptural, irregular boulders that define distinct zones for brands and products. These boulders, combined with the interplay of stone and mist, create a harmonious blend of art, function, and brand identity. The result is an immersive shopping experience where fashion, art, and architecture converge, redefining traditional retail spaces.Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!The layout balances functionality with visual impact. A central display area showcases accessories like jewelry and handbags, while surrounding zones house individual brand spaces, encouraging exploration. The ceiling slopes upward, evoking drifting mist, while the VIP lounge, in signature brand colors, offers an exclusive space for events. Opposite the lounge, a mirrored stainless steel installation allows customers to view outfits from multiple angles, enhancing the fashion experience.Save this picture!A refreshment bar provides a tranquil retreat, and the strategically placed checkout counter ensures seamless service. The ceiling's semi-transparent white mesh and intricate lighting create a mist-like effect, complemented by pristine white floors and walls, reinforcing a dreamlike ambiance.Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!Each brand space is defined by uniquely crafted boulderssome clad in luxurious marble, others with textured finishesadding sophistication. At the center, five green marble pillars rise like crystalline formations, infusing the space with vibrancy. Green fiberglass displays, resembling gemstones, add a playful contrast, while five fitting rooms ensure a seamless shopping experience. Together, these elements create a captivating retail environment where customers feel as if they are floating among clouds, immersed in a fusion of fashion, art, and architecture.Save this picture!Save this picture!Project gallerySee allShow lessProject locationAddress:222 Xingang Middle Rd, Haizhu District Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, ChinaLocation to be used only as a reference. It could indicate city/country but not exact address.About this officeAll Design StudioOfficeMaterialsMaterials and TagsPublished on March 24, 2025Cite: "Coscia Guangzhou Concept Store / All Design Studio" 24 Mar 2025. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/1028148/coscia-guangzhou-concept-store-all-design-studio&gt ISSN 0719-8884Save?COSCIA- / You've started following your first account!Did you know?You'll now receive updates based on what you follow! Personalize your stream and start following your favorite authors, offices and users.Go to my stream
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  • The Fall
    A scene I made just over a year ago and decided to share it here. Made entirely in Blender. submitted by /u/benwinfield [link] [comments]
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