• Amazon slashes Apple's MacBook Air to $699.99
    Bonus coupons have slashed closeout MacBook Air models down to $699.99 at Amazon as the company makes room for new M4 inventory.Grab blowout prices on MacBook Air laptops - Image credit: AppleThe MacBook Air price drops offer savings of up to $300 off as the Apple Authorized Reseller clears out closeout models.Save on MacBook Airs Continue Reading on AppleInsider | Discuss on our Forums
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  • How circles of trust explain the political divide
    How circles of trust explain the political dividePi Day + eggflation (Issue #287)Published inThe Medium BlogSent as aNewsletter3 min read1 hour ago--Last month, Nichola Raihani British psychologist and author of The Social Instinct, a book about the history of human cooperation published a fascinating story on Medium. It made me think differently about why (in the U.S., at least) were so divided politically.A Gallup poll released in January reveals that Republicans and Democrats ideologies have grown more extreme in the last 30 years. Even if you compare polls from the last 23 years, the number of people who label themselves very conservative or very liberal is increasing.Raihani sees political division through a specific lens: circles of trust. We mentioned this briefly in issue #261, but essentially, political differences (in Raihanis view) come down to how we envision our obligations to people who are not close family or friends. She cites a behavioral study which found that political conservatives profess greater love for their family, but less love for humanity as a whole (with political liberals showing the opposite pattern). Conservatives circles of trust are smaller (family + township come first); liberals circles of trust are larger (love for humanity writ large). By extension, conservatives trust institutions less than liberals, because institutions (e.g. banks, schools, governments) are basically manifestations of care for people beyond your core family/friend group.For an institution to exist, its users must have a pretty wide circle of trust.More interestingly, our circles of trust expand and contract over time. If we perceive our institutions as untrustworthy, our circles of trust shrink; if our institutions serve us well, they expand. Raihani concludes: Our moral boundaries are, therefore, determined as much by the society that we live in as they are by our own personal values and beliefs.Harris SockelTake our survey to shape the future of Medium. Also todayIts Pi Day, a holiday instituted by Prince of Pi Larry Shaw a physicist and artist who worked at San Franciscos Exploratorium (a science museum) for 33 years. The celebration once featured a parade at 1:59 p.m. (pis next 3 digits after 3.14). Everyone in the processional would hold a sign bearing a single digit of pi, and of course they would eat a ton o pie.On Medium last year, data scientist Eric Silberstein shared 14 dumb, serious, funny, creative, or boring ways to calculate pi, like dropping matches at random and counting how many cross a series of equally spaced vertical lines. Another creative (and unexpected) way to calculate pi? Simulate sliding two blocks together. If one of the blocks weighs more than the other by a power of 100, the number of collisions between them will be pi. This YouTube video demonstrates it better than I can, but its kind of magical to watch, proof that pi is hiding all around us not only in circles, but in oscillations, magnetic fields, and in the way sunlight radiates through space. A dose of wisdomQuick callback to yesterdays issue on eggflation: the best substitutes for eggs in cooking? Applesauce, mashed bananas, and a flax egg (1tbsp ground flax + 2.5tbsp water).
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  • The Dog House Isnt a Dog Dating Show, Its Therapy
    Like a cloud of candyfloss twirled around its stick, the sweetest, wispiest things can have a solid core, just as people with the sunniest dispositions have often had the stormiest lives. The same applies to TV shows. A programme that seems twee on the surface may turn out to have depth and steel beneath its cheery face.Anyone who thinks long-running BBC One dramaCall the Midwife, for instance, is just nuns beaming over slices of Victoria sponge cake while new mums knit matinee jackets, ignores the shows red-hot socialism and the pints of blood those nuns wade through to remind us why a National Health Service built on immigration is to be treasured, and why women having autonomy over their bodies is a bedrock of civilised society. There is also a fair bit of Victoria sponge cake-beaming, to be clear, but its incidental to the shows core.The core of Channel 4s long-running dog adoption showThe Dog Houseis hope. Underpinning the cutesy music and footage of adorable pooches is an unblinking confrontation of the things in life that can go terribly, terribly wrong. That acceptance is combined with the shows message belief that whatever has gone wrong, theres a next step to a future not just to be salvaged, but to be relished.And you guessed right that next step is getting a dog.Not always! A portion of the people who walk up the driveway to the Woodgreen rehoming centre in the programme come away having understood that dogs can be big-personality tyrants with teeth, and that opening their life to one would destroy rather than improve it. (Theyre the ones either missing from each episodes final Some Time Later recap, or who appear in it, but shifting uncomfortably in their seat as they explain why they chose not to bring home Buster, the obese, incontinent Newfoundland.)Most people who make it as far asThe Dog Housethough, end up with a dog. Every episode, three potential dog adopters visit the centre and are interviewed about the kind of animal theyre after and how they envision it fitting into their lives. What size, age, sex, breed, and personality are they open to? Is it an outdoorsy rabbit-chaser theyre picturing, more of a sofa-cuddler, or a bit of both? People come alone, in couples, in pairs, as a family or with friends. And more often than not, they arent just looking for a dog to bring home, theyre looking for a dog to complete their home.The Dog Houses clients are usually as reality television requires on a journey, and not just to Cambridgeshire, where the show is filmed. They might be lonely, or grieving, or recovering from a traumatic event, and theyve made the hopeful decision that love and companionship will help.The Dog Houseand its staff know that love and companionship will help. Theyve seen it happen, and week-in and week-out, so has the viewer.Take five-year-old Violet, the first dog-adopter of the most recent series. She and her grandmother walk up to the Woodgreen reception staffed by actor Elisha Duffy, the shows professional greeter whose job it is to put people at ease and get them to introduce themselves for our benefit with a dog already in hand. Tyson is a cheeky sausage whos kept in check by Violet, who comforts and disciplines him with charm and authority. Elisha gives him a tickle and a little play as they walk in, and the Woodgreen staff make admiring comments as Tyson settles by Violets feet.Unlike the dogs at Woodgreen, Tyson is invisible. Hes Violets imaginary companion, a safe way for her to communicate her feelings. If Tysons feeling scared, perhaps Violet is too. If hes lonely or in need of a cuddle, so might Violet be. For the past two years, Violet has lived with her grandparents because her parents are unwell and unable to care for her. The family is clearly going through a very difficult time, but Violet is clearly loved to bits, and shes ready to love a non-imaginary dog.Poodle-cross Lola turns out to be that dog. In the specially made pen in which potential adopters interact with the centres dogs who need rehoming because they were either unwanted, abandoned, ill-treated, or their owners were unable to look after them Lola is initially unsure. Like many of the centres dogs, shes formed a bond with her handler and is nervous of new people. Violets grandmother asks what Lola is saying, and the five-year-old empathetically interprets the dog as feeling sad and, tellingly, wanting to go back to her other house.Soon though, Lola relaxes, and she and Violet play and cuddle. The short VT at the end of the episode is full of fun and affection, and Violet calls Lola the perfect dog and a best friend for little Violet. Tyson, notes Lolas grandmother, doesnt come around much now.Join our mailing listGet the best of Den of Geek delivered right to your inbox!Thats just one story of many. There are couples experiencing fertility struggles who need to put their boundless love somewhere, and who find joy in adding a dog to their family. There are children with disabilities who find the total acceptance that they sadly dont get in the street or the playground, in the adoration from a rescue dog. There are people of all ages recovering from serious injuries or traumatic losses, all of whom decide to open up their lives instead of shutting them down.The Dog Houseis cutely described by Channel 4 as the dog dating show where people and dogs are matched and hopefully fall in love. Matchmaking is a key element, as is chemistry, compatibility, and sometimes even love at first sight. The Woodgreen staff who suggest potential matches are like fairy godmothers, instinctually knowing just which animal could be the right fit for which household and more often than not, getting it right.This is more than a dating show though, its therapy. Its a show that squares its shoulders to sadness and offers hope in the form of a wriggling staffie found abandoned by the side of a busy road, whos now the apple of its adoring familys eye. Bad things happen, saysThe Dog House, but theres a future, one that will involve twice-daily walks, chewed-up toys, all your soft furnishings getting absolutely covered in dog hair, and love.The Dog House is available to stream on Channel 4.com in the UK and on Max in the US.
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  • Spider-Man 4: Who Is Sadie Sink Playing in the MCU?
    Its out there now. As all the rades are reporting, Sadie Sink, best known for her breakout role as Max Mayfield in Stranger Things, will join the cast of Spider-Man 4. While Marvel Studios has yet to confirm the news, fans are already speculating about which character Sink might portray in the Marvel Cinematic Universes next Spider-Man story.Admittedly, just about every detail of Spider-Man 4 is anyones best guess at this time. Still, Sinks acting style, look, and Spider-Mans current status in the MCU do suggest some intriguing possibilities. With all things considered, and all disclaimers applied, here are some of the most notable characters that Sadie Sink could play in Spider-Man 4.Jean GreyOne of the most popular fan theories at the moment suggests that Sink will portray Jean Grey in the upcoming Spider-Man film. Granted, that theory seems to be pushed hardest by those looking for major Marvel characters with striking red hair that Sink could play (hey, fan-casting isnt always the deepest pursuit!), but a closer look at this situation reveals a more compelling argument.Kevin Feige has already said that hes interested in incorporating X-Men characters into existing MCU projects as Marvel Studios builds toward their first proper X-Men films. If they are interested in casting Sadie Sink as Jean Grey in the long term (which would seemingly be a pretty great choice), then she certainly could debut in a Spider-Man storyline that has been rocked by multiverse shenanigans. That said, Jean Grey and Spider-Man team-ups have been relatively rare in the comics over the years. If Jean Grey is going to be introduced to the MCU via Spider-Man 4, then that movie may have to revolve around Spider-Mans introduction to the larger mutant community.Marvel ComicsKitty PrydeAnother X-Men casting possibility, Kitty Pryde actually has a well-established prior relationship with Peter Parker in various Marvel Comics lore. The two have complementary combat skills, matching attitudes, and even dated each other for a brief time in the Ultimate universe.Its that more intimate relationship which makes Kitty Pryde such a fascinating casting possibility for Sadie Sink. Given the hard reset Peters life took at the end of No Way Home, its easier to imagine Peter meeting Kitty Pryde in his new life, striking up some kind of relationship with her, and exploring new possibilities as well as being properly introduced to the entire mutant community. Sinks age and character oeuvre to date make her a seemingly perfect fit for Kitty Pryde, though its reasonable to wonder if Pryde is enough of a major name to secure one of those coveted X-Men cameo spots that Feige hinted at.Marvel ComicsMary Jane WatsonIf you subscribe to the Sadie Sink must play a red headed character in the MCU philosophy (as many seem to do), then you must consider the Mary Jane Watson possibility.Yes, casting Sadie Sink as MJ in Spider-Man 4 would seemingly require the use of multiverse shenanigans or a small army of convenient plot points. Then again, these are the Spider-Man MCU movies were talking about! Multiversal shenanigans and convenient plotting is the name of the game! However it may happen, its hard to deny that Sink is seemingly a good fit for the classic Mary Jane role. It would be intriguing to watch Peter explore a relationship with another Ms. Watson now that he and Zendayas Michelle Jones-Watson have softly been split by the events of the previous film. That said two MJs? In this economy?Sony PicturesGwen StacyWhen you hear that a notable actress has reportedly been cast in a major role in an upcoming Spider-Man movie, its only natural to think Gwen Stacy. The death of Gwen Stacy is one of the most pivotal moments in Peters life, though the narrative evolution of the recent Marvel Spider-ManNo Way Homes throwaway reference to the character.Nowadays though, things are a bit different. If Marvel is interested in giving fans a full Gwen Stacy storyline, they would pretty much have to take advantage of this unique time when Peters life has effectively been reset and hes free to explore a variety of possibilities that would have previously seemed impossible. Its a stretch, but Gwen Stacy true believers have renewed reason to hope.Marvel ComicsBlack Cat/Felicia HardyBlack Cat has to be one of the betting favorites for Sinks Spider-Man 4 role. While there have been rumors of a Black Cat appearance in a Spider-Man movie for about as long as weve had Spider-Man movies, weve yet to see the formidable thief or her alter-ego Felicia Hardy in a live-action adventure. (Sorry, Felicity Jones is never 100 percent confirmed to be Felicia Hardy in her blink and you miss The Amazing Spider-Man 2 cameo.) Not only would now be a great time to bring Black Cat into the MCU, but Sink is seemingly in a fantastic position to potentially continue playing that character in future MCU projects.Join our mailing listGet the best of Den of Geek delivered right to your inbox!If you subscribe to the idea that Sink is likely playing some kind of potential love interest who creates a complication in Peters life (again, a safe bet given everything we suspect about Spider-Man 4 and this casting), then Black Cat arguably makes the most sense. She would be the easiest addition to the movies from a logistical standpoint, and her antihero status could fit the darker direction that Peters adventures will likely take now that he has gone to great lengths to upend his life.Marvel ComicsSpider-WomanThis is seemingly the least likely casting possibility for Sadie Sink, but we should still talk about the Spider-Woman in the room. Bringing Spider-Woman into the MCU would not only give Peter Parker a new partner in crime-fighting but could open the door to bigger Spider-Verse storylines to come. If you also suspect that Sink may end up making multiple MCU appearances, then casting her as Spider-Woman would seemingly open the door to major future possibilities.Whether or not Sink would play one of the existing lore versions of Spider-Woman (perhaps Jessica Drew or the aforementioned Gwen Stacy), or a new version of the superhero is another matter entirely. Theres also the issue of Sonys Spider-Man pictures and their reported interest in a future Spider-Woman project. While it seems likely that the spell Strange performed at the end of No Way Home will have consequences that could create crossover potential from a plot standpoint, the legal rights may be far more challenging to navigate. So while this is one of the least likely possibilities, a Spider-Woman appearance would enable some fascinating storyline options in the long term.
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  • Unmanaged Devices: The Overlooked Threat CISOs Must Confront
    TechTarget and Informa Techs Digital Business Combine.TechTarget and InformaTechTarget and Informa Techs Digital Business Combine.Together, we power an unparalleled network of 220+ online properties covering 10,000+ granular topics, serving an audience of 50+ million professionals with original, objective content from trusted sources. We help you gain critical insights and make more informed decisions across your business priorities.Unmanaged Devices: The Overlooked Threat CISOs Must ConfrontUnmanaged Devices: The Overlooked Threat CISOs Must ConfrontNo matter the strategy, companies must approach securing unmanaged devices with sensitivity and respect for employee privacy.Dark Reading, Staff & ContributorsMarch 13, 20251 Min ReadMBI via Alamy StockOne of my favorite things about working in security, and tech in general, is the shared attitude that no problem is unsolvable. We transitioned virtually the entire Internet from "http" to "https" in the name of security. Clearly, we're not afraid of a challenge. But there's one problem that many companies haven't even tried to solve, and its very name seems to communicate a kind of surrender: unmanaged devices.By "unmanaged devices," we're talking about laptops, tablets, and phones that employees use at work but that aren't covered by a mobile device management (MDM) solution, and so are outside the visibility and control of security or IT, often because the company has no effective way to prevent personal devices from authenticating. These devices might belong to contractors, Linux users, or employees using personal devices under abring-your-own-device (BYOD) policy. A2022 Kolide studyfound that 47% of companies allow unmanaged devices to access company resources. That means nearly half let sensitive data disappear onto devices with no safeguards.Read the Full Article on Dark ReadingAbout the AuthorDark ReadingStaff & ContributorsDark Reading: Connecting The Information Security CommunityLong one of the most widely-read cybersecurity news sites on the Web, Dark Reading is also the most trusted online community for security professionals. Our community members include thought-leading security researchers, CISOs, and technology specialists, along with thousands of other security professionals.See more from Dark ReadingWebinarsMore WebinarsReportsMore ReportsNever Miss a Beat: Get a snapshot of the issues affecting the IT industry straight to your inbox.SIGN-UPYou May Also Like
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  • Asias Top Integrated Security Exhibition Starts Soon
    TechTarget and Informa Techs Digital Business Combine.TechTarget and InformaTechTarget and Informa Techs Digital Business Combine.Together, we power an unparalleled network of 220+ online properties covering 10,000+ granular topics, serving an audience of 50+ million professionals with original, objective content from trusted sources. We help you gain critical insights and make more informed decisions across your business priorities.Asias Top Integrated Security Exhibition Starts SoonAsias Top Integrated Security Exhibition Starts SoonThe 24th annual SECON & eGISEC 2025 in Korea will cover the latest in physical and cybersecurity innovations, trends, products, and techniques. The exhibition features over 400 exhibitors from more than 10 countries.Pam Baker, Contributing WriterMarch 13, 20252 Min ReadMirko Vitali via Alamy StockThis year marks the 24th annual show of the SECON & eGISEC 2025 exhibition. As Asias only integrated security exhibition covering both the physical and cybersecurity fields, expectations and anticipations are running high for both the exhibitors and attendees.As cybersecurity threats become more sophisticated, we are eager to discover new technological approaches in AI-driven security, cloud security, and security automation, said Junghyun Kim, Marketing Director at AhnLab, an endpoint and network security provider and an exhibitor, at the event.Additionally, networking with security professionals will provide a valuable opportunity to share experiences and discuss potential collaborations, Junghyun added.The event spreads over 28,000+ m of space, has over 400 exhibitors signed up, and is expecting more than 30,000 visitors from around the world.While security is of significant concern to companies and governments everywhere, global interest is reaching a fevered pitch given current political issues and the emergence of China's AI model DeepSeek, according to event organizers.SECON & eGISEC 2025 is being held in Korea given its key role as a testbed for validating and demonstrating new technologies in the security market. The exhibition will be held from March 19 to 21 at Hall 3-5 in Kintex, Korea.Related:We are excited about the opportunity to engage with not only industry experts but also international buyers. Understanding global market demands and security trends while establishing networks with overseas companies and buyers will be invaluable in expanding the international reach of INEBs security solutions, said Haeun JI at iNeb Inc, a provider of encryption and data security and an exhibitor.Two of the most intriguing pre-show glimpses into the future are the expansion of edge devices with on-device AI, and the rise of converged security.Comprehensive, integrated protection for physical and cyber elements of the same entity is crucial for complex systems like smart cities, smart cars, and other interconnected environments. But converged security also applies to virtualized environments with complex systems and both real-world and virtual world components.In particular, we are eager to observe how cybersecurity is evolving in response to advancements in AI, big data, and the metaverse and how these technologies are shaping the future of the industry, said Haeun.Other areas of prime concern to be covered at the exhibition include cloud and IoT security, smart city security, automotive security, and maritime security, among others.Related:Beyond the exhibits, SECON & eGISEC 2025 will feature an extensive conference and seminar program. This program is produced in collaboration with leading institutions and industry experts and presents 30+ tracks and 100+ sessions. Topics range from industrial security and integrated CCTV control to aviation security, counterterrorism strategies, and personal data protection and beyond.Pre-registering for SECON & eGISEC 2025 will get you quick access to the event via fast badge issuance and faster entry. Attendees will also save big as they wont have to pay the 15,000 KRW on-site registration fee. The deadline for preregistration is 6:00 PM (KST) on March 18th.About the AuthorPam BakerContributing WriterA prolific writer and analyst, Pam Baker's published work appears in many leading publications. She's also the author of several books, the most recent of which are "Decision Intelligence for Dummies" and "ChatGPT For Dummies." Baker is also a popular speaker at technology conferences and a member of the National Press Club, Society of Professional Journalists, and the Internet Press Guild.See more from Pam BakerWebinarsMore WebinarsReportsMore ReportsNever Miss a Beat: Get a snapshot of the issues affecting the IT industry straight to your inbox.SIGN-UPYou May Also Like
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  • Wisnam: Cloud Software Engineer
    To support our mission of advancing renewable energy and energy management, were looking for an experienced Cloud Software Engineer to lead the design and development of cloud-based systems for managing PPC updates, reporting, and data storage. This role involves ensuring reliable communication with in-plant systems and seamless integration with the Farsight analytics platform. If you are passionate about renewable energy and cloud technologies, we want to hear from you!What You'll DoDesign and implement cloud infrastructure for PPC status reporting, updates, and onboarding.Architect data pipelines for real-time and historical data from the PPC to the Farsight system using MQTT.Ensure scalability, reliability, and security of cloud components.Collaborate with the in-plant technical lead to optimize data exchange and system performance.Develop APIs and services for system management and reporting.Why Join WiSNAM?Take a lead role in designing innovative energy management systems that drive the renewable energy revolution.Join a growing, remote-first organization that values inclusivity, innovation, and work-life balance.Benefit from a competitive salary, over 30 days of paid vacation, and comprehensive sick leave.Participate in annual retreats with paid travel arrangements to connect with colleagues in person.Receive paid hardware and tools to excel in your role.Work in an inclusive and supportive environment where creativity and collaboration thrive.Contribute to meaningful projects ensuring a healthy, safe, and clean planet for future generations.We encourage applications from all backgrounds, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, orientation, age, or religion. If you dont meet every qualification listed, we still encourage you to apply. We value diversity and the unique perspectives every candidate brings to the table.RequirementsYou are smart and get things doneYou have 5+ years of experience in cloud-based developmentYou bring expertise in MQTT and real-time data pipelines and are familiar with renewable energy systemsYou are proficient with cloud platforms (AWS, Azure)You have experience with database systems for historical data (Timescale, Clickhouse)You excel at working collaboratively with cross-functional, remote teams.You are located in or have a 4-hour overlap with CETYoure eligible to obtain a visa and can travel to Italy within three months of hiring.Apply NowLet's start your dream job Apply now
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  • Wisnam: Software Engineering Manager
    To support our growth and mission to revolutionize energy management, we're looking for an experienced Engineering Manager to join our team at WiSNAM. This role is ideal for someone with a strong technical background, a passion for renewable energy solutions, and a commitment to nurturing engineering talent. As an Engineering Manager, you'll play a key role in guiding our teams, mentoring developers, and fostering a diverse and inclusive culture while driving impactful projects in the clean energy space. If you're looking to contribute to a more sustainable future, we want to hear from you!What You'll DoManage and mentor multiple teams of talented engineers (approximately 15 team members), helping them overcome challenges and excel in their roles.Collaborate closely with product owners, designers, and stakeholders to deliver high-quality, innovative products, including Power Plant Controllers, SCADA systems, and Energy Management Systems (EMS).Set, monitor, and review Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) to align team efforts with WiSNAMs goals of sustainability and technological innovation.Actively participate in hiring, onboarding, and developing top engineering talent to grow and strengthen the team.Ensure engineering processes are efficient, scalable, and secure to deliver robust energy management solutions.Advocate and implement agile methodologies, coaching teams on Scrum and Kanban practices.Conduct regular one-on-one meetings with team members to provide support, gather feedback, and promote their personal and professional development.Act as a bridge between technical teams and non-technical stakeholders, ensuring clear communication and alignment across all levels of the organization.Why Join WiSNAM?Lead and develop talented teams working on cutting-edge energy management solutions that drive a renewable energy revolution.Join a growing, remote-first organization that values inclusivity, innovation, and work-life balance.Benefit from a competitive salary, over 30 days of paid vacation, and comprehensive sick leave.Participate in annual retreats with paid travel arrangements to connect with colleagues in person.Receive paid hardware and tools to excel in your role.Work in an inclusive and supportive environment where creativity and collaboration thrive.Contribute to meaningful projects ensuring a healthy, safe, and clean planet for future generations.We encourage applications from all backgrounds, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, orientation, age, or religion. If you dont meet every qualification listed, we still encourage you to apply. We value diversity and the unique perspectives every candidate brings to the table.RequirementsYou are smart and get things doneYou have a proven track record of managing and growing high-performance engineering teamsYou bring a strong technical background with experience in software developmentYou are great with modern engineering practices and agile methodologiesYou have experience working in diverse, globally distributed, remote teamsYou have a 4-hour overlap with the CET time zone (westbound preferred)Youre eligible to obtain a visa and can travel to Italy within three months of hiringApply NowLet's start your dream job Apply now
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  • Going, going, gone: last chunk of Robin Hood Gardens is ripped down
    Demolition of the 1972 in east London Brutalist landmark, to make way for the Blackwall Reach regeneration project, began in 2017 but is only completing now.The photographs were taken on Monday night (March 10) by photographer James Burns, who runs the London from the Rooftops website and has catalogued much of the capitals disappearing architecture.They show the final piece of the famous streets in the sky housing scheme still standing against the backdrop of Canary Wharf and Erno Goldfingers Balfron Tower.AdvertisementLit up by the sinking sun, its concrete walls are daubed with graffiti tags and sprout tendrils of rebar in places following earlier stages of the demolition.Only last summer, the estates eastern block was intact when the AJ visited with academic and social housing research pioneer Jane Darke. Source:Laura PannackDespite a campaign to save Robin Hood Gardens, which was launched by Building Design magazine in 2008 and backed by many architects including Richard Rogers, English Heritage (now Historic England) refused to recommend the building for listing, so sealing its fate.A 9m-high section of the faade, including a portion of a street in the sky and some interior features designed by the Smithsons, was acquired by the V&A Museum and exhibited at the Venice Biennale in 2018.The fragment will go on public display again at Diller Scofidio + Renfro's V&A East Storehouse when it opens at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park on 31 May.AdvertisementBurns latest collection of images is available to purchase on his Etsy page.Robin Hood Gardens
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  • Major practices make redundancies
    London-based Squire & Partners, which recently went through a radical restructure, is understood to have made around a dozen staff members redundant.According to its last annual accounts posted on Companies House (for the year ending 31 July 2023), the practice had already seen some recent contraction, reducing its headcount from 126 in 2022 to 87 in 2023.Turnover in the same period dropped from 18.2 million to 14.8 million.AdvertisementThe practice,founded in 1976 as Michael Squire Associates, was once the UK's ninth biggest practice. Since 2017 it has been based in a revamped Grade II-listed building in Brixton known as The Department Store. Squire & Partners declined to comment on the latest job losses.Meanwhile, AJ100 practice Hyphen Architects, which was ranked 51st in the 2024 league table of the nations largest employers of architects, confirmed to the AJ that it was going through a consultation programme over proposed job losses.The 120-strong company said it was too early to estimate how many redundancies it would be making.The 15 million turnover practice, which has 10 offices around the globe and is a specialist in designing data centres, has seen significant growth in recent years, first entering the AJ100 in 2020.AdvertisementA practice spokesperson said that clients slowing their decision-making has recently started to affect Hyphens UK business.Last year the AJ reported that several major architects had got rid of staff in order to balance their books as uncertainty slowed down construction and stalled progress on existing projects.The RIBAs Future Trends surveys in 2025 have not, so far, painted a much brighter picture. Data collected from its bellwether practices in January pointed to a weak architectural market, with continued reports of intense fee competition, a lack of new enquiries, and insufficient work in the pipeline.The institutes report had also warned that some firms were considering redundancies.RIBA head of economic research and analysis Adrian Malleson said last month: In the context of an under-performing economy and global uncertainty, the architects market remains challenging. The profession remains pessimistic about future work.For the third consecutive month, the RIBA Future Workload Index is negative, indicating that practices continue to anticipate workloads falling in the near term. Most sectors and regions anticipate falling workloads. Expectations for future staffing levels are also negative, with practices reporting that coming changes in employer National Insurance Contributions (NICs) are dampening recruitment plans.2025-03-13Richard Waitecomment and share
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