About | CGShares

Passa a Pro


Welcome to CG Shares - Your Digital Canvas and Community Hub for Computer Graphics Mastery.

At CG Shares, we're pioneering a new horizon in the realm of digital creativity, offering a dedicated social media platform for CG artists and developers. Our mission is to empower you with a powerful way to showcase your work, connect with like-minded individuals, and grow your skills in an ever-evolving landscape of computer graphics and digital art.

Our Vision

We believe in the transformative power of computer graphics, not just as a tool for creating stunning visuals, but as a medium for storytelling, innovation, and expression. CG Shares is designed to be more than just a platform; it's a community where artists and developers of all levels can gather to share, learn, and inspire each other.

What Makes CG Shares Unique?

  • A Dedicated Platform: Exclusively tailored for CG artists and developers, CG Shares understands your needs, challenges, and aspirations.
  • Showcase Your Work: Whether you're a seasoned artist or a budding developer, CG Shares provides you with the tools to display your projects in the best light, receive feedback, and gain recognition.
  • Connect and Collaborate: Join a vibrant community that values collaboration over competition. Find partners for your next project, or contribute your skills to others.
  • Learn and Grow: With access to a wide range of tutorials, articles, and forums, you can continuously expand your skills and stay ahead of the latest trends and technologies in CG.
  • Receive Support: CG Shares introduces a unique model of support, where artists and developers can receive financial contributions directly from their fans and followers, enabling them to pursue their passion and create more freely.

Join Our Community

Whether you're looking to showcase your latest 3D model, share a groundbreaking development in CG technology, or simply find inspiration from other talented individuals, CG Shares is the place for you. Our platform is constantly evolving, driven by the feedback and needs of our community.

We're excited to welcome you to CG Shares. Together, let's push the boundaries of what's possible in the world of computer graphics.

Create. Share. Inspire.
Welcome to the future of CG creativity.