Hirokazu Yokohara, a brilliant 3D Artist renowned for his expertise across multiple 3D software, has discovered that the government of the Tokyo Metropolis has released digital copy of Tokyo, which is a 3D dataset that captures the city’s topography and urban structures.
This data is available for download and can be utilized by 3D artists, developers, and researchers to craft detailed, realistic models of the city while also integrating additional data layers, such as real-time updates on city buses, for example. Hirokazu Yokohara also shared that this point-cloud file appears to cover the entire city of Tokyo, not just Shinjuku:
Download Tokyo’s digital copy here and have a look at some of Hirokazu Yokohara’s works, including this semi-realistic virtual avatar, a real-time fur simulation made in UE5, a Unity-powered hair sim, a soft-body simulation created with UE5’s Chaos Flesh, and more on his X/Twitter page:
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