Neat 3D Printing Effect Made with Blender’s Geometry Nodes

Neat 3D Printing Effect Made with Blender’s Geometry Nodes

3D-print your objects right inside Blender with Mohamed Fayed’s cool effect. The best part is the models don’t need supports, they are perfect from the very beginning!

From simple donuts to complicated shapes – the Geometry Nodes modifier can create whatever you want in a matter of seconds. You don’t have to worry about the details: the effect is available on Gumroad. Grab it now!

We’ve seen Fayed’s talent in his awesome teleportation visualization:

He is also a great traditional artist, you can find his works on Instagram

Geometry Nodes is famous for its wide capabilities. Take a look at this useful tutorial on mixing colors in paint with Procedural Fluid Simulators v2.2 and these painterly marigolds in bloom.

It can even run DOOM, which should not be that surprising considering how many other objects can handle the game, but it’s still cool.

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