LIMBO Producer Reaquired His Own Indie Studio After Selling It In 2022

LIMBO Producer Reaquired His Own Indie Studio After Selling It In 2022


Indie studio Jumpship, co-founded by Dino Patti, executive producer of atmospheric indie puzzle-platformer LIMBO, has returned to the hands of the founder after being sold in November of 2022. 

After working at LIMBO developer Playdead for ten years and soon after the release of Inside, another beloved title from the studio, Dino Patti announced his departure in 2016. Later, he set up Jumpship in 2017 together with film animator Chris Olsen, and the studio released its debut title, a sci-fi action adventure called Somerville, in 2022. Not long after the game was released, the company was acquired by indie publisher Thunderful Group. 

However, in the past year, the buyer had been suffering from restructuring and encountered layoffs in the process, cutting down over 100 employees. With approval from shareholders at the general meeting, the deal has been made. 

“Unfortunately, the company is now empty of employees, so the road ahead will be entirely different,” Patti wrote in a heartfelt letter on X/Twitter. “But with every challenge comes an opportunity — it’s always about moving forward with a bold and bright vision.”

Looking at the future, Patti has decided to bring on something that will be a “completely new direction for JUMPSHIP.” Although it’ll be something new, one thing remains unchanged ahead of their future journey: “our commitment to emotion-driven storytelling, gameplay, and innovation.” What the studio is cooking remains mysterious, but he teased that more information could be expected to come soon. 

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