Neat Stylized Tornado VFX Set Up in Unreal Engine’s Niagara

Neat Stylized Tornado VFX Set Up in Unreal Engine’s Niagara

We would never let you suffer without stylized VFX for too long, so here is a cool tornado created by Gustavo Dresch Rosa in Unreal Engine. 

Using its Niagara system, the artist set up layers of a cone-shaped mesh with a tornado shader, and the result, especially on the left, might remind you of Studio Ghibli’s style, like this waterfall made by Motion Designer Seter MD or moving water by crzyzhaa.

Rosa’s tornado was a study done to learn more about shaders and “orbiting stuff around.” If you enjoy it, visit his X/Twitter for more.

We also have more moving natural disasters, made with Houdini, EmberGen, and Unity.

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