Notorious Studios
Notorious Studios is looking for testers for their upcoming title, Legacy: Steel & Sorcery, a third-person action PvPvE RPG with a fantasy setting.
Notorious Studios was founded by Chris Kaleiki, a former Blizzard Game Designer who worked there for 13 years. Back in June of 2022, the studio announced the then-called Project Honor, which was developed with Unreal Engine 5. The team had a vision for the title, hoping it would bring “the ultimate experience of playing core RPG classes like the Mage, Warrior, and Priest with unique, class-specific gameplay and role-defining character art.”
Fast-forward to now, and the game has evolved and become more complete, with many interesting features, mechanics, and gameplay added. The trailer below might give you a quick look at its core gameplay:
In Legacy: Steel & Sorcery, you can take on the adventure alone or team up with two other players while searching for the lost treasures. The game boasts various fantasy classes, like warriors and priests, and each has its own way of interacting with environments and can be upgraded to unlock new abilities and traits. Also, keep in mind that the unique rewards and supplies gained from quests would be extremely valuable and beneficial.
Notorious Studios
Notorious Studios
Notorious Studios
Legacy: Steel & Sorcery is the studio’s debut game, and the release date has yet to be announced. If you’d like to try this game, don’t hesitate to join the playtest by clicking the “request access” button on its Steam page.
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