Find out how three filmmakers used Unreal Engine to create three stunning animated shorts featured in Short Nite, Fortnite’s in-game film festival.
In Elizabeth Ito’s documentary-style short film Mall Stories, produced in collaboration with Chromosphere, we meet the endearing staff of a fictional food court inspired by real-life eatery Atilla the Grilla.
Little Bird by Chris Perry follows a brave young astronaut as she wrestles with a heart-wrenching choice.
And Emre Okten’s Two takes us on a journey with two robot friends as they near the end of a one-way mission to the sun.
Each of these animated shorts is stylistically different. They all required different production techniques—from building complete CG sets to using mocap to animate characters. But all were created in Unreal Engine.
Read more on this story, and about how real-time techniques are changing the game for animators, here:
#AnimatedShorts #Mocap #Rigging #Layout #UnrealEngine #RealTimeAnimation #Animation #ShortFilm #ShortNite #FortniteFilm #LittleBird #ChrisPerry #EmreOkten #Two #ElizabethIto #MallStories #Chromosphere