Giovanni Manili’s Detailed 3D Face Rig Made in Maya Is Finally Completed

Giovanni Manili’s Detailed 3D Face Rig Made in Maya Is Finally Completed

Senior Asset Artist Giovanni Manili has finally completed his impressive realistic 3D facial rig after over half a year of perfecting it. The Maya setup moves faces in amazingly believable ways, tweaking the smallest of details.

Manili thought about nearly everything and even added a “sticky lips” movement – an effect that causes lips to stick to each other when opening the mouth, achieved by “playing with jawOpen in-between shapes.”

“This project took me the majority of this year to be completed. At the beginning of 2024 I had the idea to use the face shapes done on this head three years ago and use them to build an entire facial rig. I had to investigate how to create a facial rig from scratch, but also spent lots of hours sculpting all the corrective shapes (around 230) to make the rig work properly,” he said.

Hopefully, the rig will be available for use soon; I’m sure many artists are looking forward to checking out its fantastic capabilities. Meanwhile, follow Manili on LinkedIn for more news in the future.

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