90 GB of Halo Data from the Digsite Project Appeared Online

90 GB of Halo Data from the Digsite Project Appeared Online

A leak of about 90 GB of Halo game data has appeared online. Some of the documents can be traced back to 1998, 26 years ago, when the iconic series was in its early development period. 

Microsoft (via VISCERAL)

As tweeted by Leaker and Dataminer VISCERAL a few hours ago, the leaked Halo Digsite Archive covered development builds, tools, and internal documents that show how the games were made, like mission details and design plans.

As for how it could have been leaked, they provided additional information that “343 hired a group of community modders to restore cut content from past Halo games, giving them the tools and certain builds back then.”

Fans have been thrilled with this gift for the holiday and can’t wait to examine it further. The Bungine’s Technical Manual (see screenshot above) seemingly has some sub-folders that might include art assets judged by the names, like 3ds Max, Maya, Shader, et cetera. Some fans were also quick enough to present playable beta builds of FPS Halo 1, which was then a third-person prototype:

Twitter user DogbrainLudus, who was part of the Digsite project, verified the leak to be genuine. As to who could be behind this leak, they said, “I nor any of the recent Digsite departures did this “because some of the files, like the debug dlls, were not accessible for DogbrainLudus or fellows who left the project recently. 

As it takes some time to digest all the contents, we probably could expect more findings from the community later on. 

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