Beautiful Tropical Environment Inspired By Rogue One In Maya & Houdini

Beautiful Tropical Environment Inspired By Rogue One In Maya & Houdini

Baptiste Vercier, whom we had the pleasure of speaking with last autumn, has revealed his latest environment, which was completed as part of a Creative Seeds course. The artist drew inspiration from Romain Lebouleux‘s work but quickly moved away from the concept to craft something that felt uniquely his own, blending in elements of Star Wars, particularly Rogue One.

This project took Baptiste over two months and presented a significant technical challenge, as it was his first environment created using Guerilla Render and his first time working on FX. The smoke simulations were especially difficult, particularly in terms of optimization, but he managed to reduce the render time from 6 hours per frame to around 1.5 hours.

Baptiste Vercier

For more details, visit the Tropical Base project page and check out Baptiste’s other recent ambitious project, a highly detailed asset based on a French military vehicle, Panhard VBL, which can be purchased here.

Baptiste Vercier

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