Check Out a Camera-Shy Anime-Style 3D Model That Doesn’t Want to be Seen

Check Out a Camera-Shy Anime-Style 3D Model That Doesn’t Want to be Seen

Kensyouen_Y, a legendary 3D Modeling Artist and Animator who earlier this year impressed the entire internet with a hilarious fourth-wall-breaking animation of an anime girl messing around with Blender’s UI, has once again delighted the community with another fantastic piece.

Featuring the familiar anime-like aesthetic, the artist’s new sequence portrays a camera-shy girl viewed from the perspective of a 3D modeler, who tries to compare her final 3D form to the original “2D” design – something the character herself, according to Kensyouen, “can’t stand.” True to form, the creator utilized Blender, more specifically the recently-released Blender 4.3 and its upgraded Eevee rendering engine, to breathe life into their “next child”.

And here are some of Kensyouen_Y’s previous works featuring more of the artist’s “children”:

You can see more of Kensyouen_Y’s stunning animations by visiting their Twitter page and learn more about the working process behind some of them via the author’s YouTube channel.

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