Check Out This Animation-Ready Rubik’s Cube Maya Rig

Check Out This Animation-Ready Rubik’s Cube Maya Rig

This impressive project was created by Rigging Artist Aldo Aldrich, who took on the challenge of building a fully functional Rubik’s cube rig with undo/redo options and support for animation keyframes. The artist chose to develop a custom Rubik node, using the project as an opportunity to deepen his knowledge of Maya’s API modules and matrix operations.

“Rubik rig might look simple, but the first major issue is the parenting system. We might use external UI or function callback to handle all the calculations behind, but it becomes more complicated if we want to undo/redo, animate, or transfer files”, commented Aldo Aldrich.

The demonstration also includes a brief breakdown of the process, and the artist teased the potential release of a full tutorial along with the completed rig for the public. We encourage you to follow Aldo Aldrich on LinkedIn and see more of his curious Maya projects below:

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