Check Out This Cool Terrain Scan Shader Created in Unreal Engine

Check Out This Cool Terrain Scan Shader Created in Unreal Engine

Developers from Tuatara Games, a team behind the pixel shooter Let Them Come and VFX in several popular games, have presented a nice terrain scan effect they made using Unreal Engine. 

You might have seen this mechanic in Assassin’s Creed, Dragon Age: Inquisition, and plenty of other games – it travels outward from the player and highlights loot and points of interest. You could build this effect yourself for your next project, as Tuatara Games showed the nodes it used for the VFX.

This is not the only thing the team can teach you. On its X/Twitter, there are other useful things you can make in UE5:

We have also seen Tuatara’s trick to fake lighting on particles in Unreal Engine and cool stylized fire VFX in Godot. From our interview with its VFX Technical Artist and Technical Director Matt Ostertag you can find out how he sets up non-photorealistic visual effects.

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