Check Out This Stunning Subtle Animation of an Original Character

Check Out This Stunning Subtle Animation of an Original Character

Check out this cool animation created by a talented 3D Artist Wilhem Durand. He animated an original character made by his friend Character Artist Thomas Lalande, skillfully bringing it to life and adding subtle but realistic movements.

This is the image depicting a character that the artist animated:

In our interview, Wilhem discussed his animation workflow for the Stitch fan art, shared his approach to translating the character’s emotions, and named his favorite tools used in the production:

Take a look at other stunning animations created by the artist, with accurately captured complex and smooth movements:

Wilhem also made the animation for the game Dune: Spice Wars:

Visit the artist’s ArtStation page and don’t forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our new Discord server, follow us on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Telegram, TikTok, and Threads, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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