Fan with Terminal Illness Played Borderlands 4 in Gearbox Office

Fan with Terminal Illness Played Borderlands 4 in Gearbox Office


In October, Caleb McAlpine, a 37-year-old Borderlands fan diagnosed with terminal cancer, asked in a Reddit post if anyone knew how to get in touch with Gearbox to see if there was a way to play the game early as he was unsure if he “will be around for Borderlands 4.” Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford contacted Caleb and said they would do “whatever we can to make something happen.” Later, Caleb confirmed that he would visit the Gearbox headquarters in Texas to see how Borderlands 4 looks right now. 

Recently, Caleb shared that Gearbox organized the trip, and he was able to play the new Borderlands:

Caleb wrote:

“So Gearbox flew me and a friend down 1st class the 20th of this month and we got to tour the studio and meet an amazing bunch of people from some of the devs of all of the borderlands games up to Randy the CEO. We got to play what they have for Borderlands 4 so far and it was amazing. I don’t know if I will be around when the game comes out but I just want to say thank you to all of you for all of your love and support and for helping in making this happen. It truly was an amazing experience and it was just awesome.

We stayed at the Omni at The Star (the Dallas Cowboys headquarters) and the hotel wanted to do something nice as well and got us in on a VIP tour of the entire facility. Needless to say me being a Lions fan I got to talk a lot of smack lol

Thank you everyone.”

Caleb’s story is described in more detail on GoFundMe. You can support him there.

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