Filmic Tonemapper | Feature Highlight | Unreal Engine

Filmic Tonemapper | Feature Highlight | Unreal Engine

Announce Post:

In the 4.15 build of Unreal Engine, there were updates to the filmic tonemapper to have it match the Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) by default. This tonemapper also enables the engine to target multiple display types including HDR displays and bloom settings have been updated to provide a more physically correct result by default. Brian Karis and Jordan walker are joining us to show off and explain these changes live! They’ll open up an example while breaking down the technical details of how and why the filmic tonemapper works.

Old Tonemapper Curves:

Slope = 0.98;
Toe = 0.3;
Shoulder = 0.22;
BlackClip = 0;
WhiteClip = 0.025;

[00:00:00] Intro
[00:00:14] News
[00:03:07] Community Spotlight
[00:09:03] Filmic Tonemapper History
[00:10:38] Color and Light Theory
[00:18:38] The Spectral Locus
[00:31:32] What is Tonemapping?
[00:35:52] Filmic Response
[00:36:18] Kodak Test Image Marcy
[00:42:50] Deviation from ACES standard
[00:45:00] Post Process Settings & Example
[01:00:33] Q&A
[01:19:47] Outro
