Fortnite’s Tactical 5v5 First-Person Competitive Mode Ballistic is Announced

Fortnite’s Tactical 5v5 First-Person Competitive Mode Ballistic is Announced

Epic Games

In May this year, Fortnite fans were excited to hear that a first-person perspective would be added to the game later this year. After more than half a year of waiting, the team has finally introduced Ballistic, a tactical first-person shooter mode that will launch in two days on December 11. 

“In Ballistic, players are sorted into two teams at the start of the match: attackers and defenders. Attackers aim to plant a reality-tearing Rift Point Device at one of two sites on the map, while defenders do their best to thwart the device from being planted and detonated,” the blog post reads. 

During the Early Access period, players will battle on one map, Skyline 10, which has a clear Japanese modern city style, a starting set of weapons, and a limited number of items. Epic Games has promised that more maps will be added later and that the features and weapons might be adjusted based on players’ feedback. 

There are two modes for players to choose from based on their playstyle: Ranked mode, suitable for players who prefer a competitive experience, and Unranked, great for casual gaming and having fun with friends. 

Ballistic will be accessible to players on all platforms and regions where Fortnite is supported, other than South Korea and Russia.

Epic Games

Epic Games

Epic Games

Epic Games

Epic Games

Are you excited about this upcoming first-person mode? Let us know. Also, read more about the game’s detailed rules, gameplay, initial weapons, and more visuals here.

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