3D Artist Kuji, who recently went viral for a smooth, stylized animation of a bored girl playing with and eating jelly beans, has shared a new artwork showcasing an adorable girl with ribbons in her pigtails, wearing rings and glasses, all rendered in their signature flat 2D style.
Although the video and caption clearly indicate that this is a Blender piece, some of Kuji’s other works aren’t that easy to recognize as 3D due to flat colors and weightless lines, which make them look like 2D illustrations:
While many 3D artists strive for stylized 2D aesthetics, many 2D artists are looking to simulate the illusion of 3D, and recently, we featured some intriguing examples created with Live2D, including an old experiment by rukusu2012 and the more recent hand model by Live2Doll, which is part of a project to craft a full-body 3D character model:
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