See What Stock Market of Future Could Look Like in This Cool Blender Diorama Animation

See What Stock Market of Future Could Look Like in This Cool Blender Diorama Animation

Do you think we will all be just sentient beings in robot suits in the future? Triqlide Studios seems to believe so, at least in this animated Blender diorama depicting what looks like a stock market scene with switching displays and a bunch of people with monitors instead of heads.

This is a fascinating place where rooms appear and change thanks to blocks that slide up from the floor, making walls, desks, and whatever else you want. Now that’s something I’d like to see one day.

Triqlide Studios has some other animations you might find interesting on YouTube and Reddit:

Looks fun! Here are some more Blender dioramas you will surely love, including a cute sea house, a Japanese-style bathroom, a beautiful place inspired by Zelda and Diablo, and Neo’s apartment.

Jake Woodruff

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