This Game Lets You Experience Underwater Welding
There are countless jobs in the world, some of which we might not even think about. What is the most dangerous one? The creator of Weldiver thinks it's underwater welding.…
There are countless jobs in the world, some of which we might not even think about. What is the most dangerous one? The creator of Weldiver thinks it's underwater welding.…
Since April of this year, Game Developer Rishi Khanna has been building a battle royale game from scratch, writing over 40,000 lines of C++ code within the Unreal Engine ecosystem,… source
It’s only half a month since PyroLith proved themselves to be beyond brilliant with the addition of the fishing mechanic to V.A. Proxy, a parry-focused hack n slack indie game.…
DORFteamIt's been nearly one year and a half since we first covered D.O.R.F. Real-Time Strategic Conflict, an upcoming Command & Conquer-inspired game with stunning graphics. Game development has continued during… source source