Outliner, Denoise, Voxel Remesh 🤯 Blender Today Live #73
How am I supposed to pack so many amazing features in just one show? Devs, please chill with the awesomeness. source
How am I supposed to pack so many amazing features in just one show? Devs, please chill with the awesomeness. source
This major improvement finally made it to the properties editor. Plus a whole lot of UI updates, fixes and the usual Q&A. Tune in ... source
With Sebastian as guest once again! * Chat: https://blender.chat/channel/today * Community: http://blender.today * Twitter: ... source
Blender.Today is a weekly live show highlighting the latest news on Blender 2.80 and the community. source
As 2.80 gets closer and closer, the user interface needs to freeze so documentation, translations, and tutorials can be made. source
As we approach mid-may, the UI is getting its final major updates for 2.80. * Chat: https://blender.chat/channel/today * Community: ... source
Another week PACKED with updates! New File Browser, Workbench features, UI improvements and much more. Tune in! source