The Cabin Factory: A Psychological Horror Walking Simulator with Interesting Concept

The Cabin Factory: A Psychological Horror Walking Simulator with Interesting Concept

International Cat Studios

The Cabin Factory is a psychological horror walking simulator with an interesting concept — you take the role of a cabin inspector and check whether cabins are haunted. 

Imagine you walk into a dark, gloomy cabin, where items inside may or may not suddenly move to create weird noises. It could be from a rattling door, a creepy doll sitting on a dusty couch with its head covered by a blanket, or someone not in the room but appearing in the mirror.

International Cat Studios

Even when you are frightened to scream out, stop struggling immediately and remember to run out to press the “danger” button; if everything seems normal, click the “clear” button to mark it safe. The unease in a closed space, coupled with the fear of unexpected moves when you are investigating carefully, could be the thrills you’re looking for. 

The Cabin Factory will offer only around one hour of gameplay, but you might be grateful for the developers at International Cat Studios, as any longer time than that might bring an unbearable level of horror. 

International Cat Studios

International Cat Studios

It won’t take long for you to get your hands on this horror game, as it will be released in around one month, on December 13. Add it to your wishlist now on Steam if you don’t want to miss out on its launch, and follow the developer on Twitter for more game-related updates. 

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