The Star Wars Legends Graphic Novel Omnibus Will Take Fans Back To The Old Republic Era Next Month

The Star Wars Legends Graphic Novel Omnibus Will Take Fans Back To The Old Republic Era Next Month

The Star Wars expanded universe has explored the various parts of a Galaxy Far, Far Away that the movies only hinted at, and the comics are packed with all-new storylines and eras of the Star Wars mythos–and soon, readers can return to the fan-favorite Old Republic era with the Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic Omnibus Edition that launches March 25 and is available to preorder for $150 at Amazon.

Despite sharing the same name and being set in the same era of the (now non-canon) Star Wars Legends Universe, The Knights of the Old Republic comic series feature a different series events than Bioware classic Knights of the Old Republic video game. The comics follow young Jedi Zayne Carrick, a fugitive who was framed for murder by his own Jedi masters. On the run, Carrick joins up with con artist Marn Hierogryph, outlaw scientist Camper, and bodyguard Jarael. Determined to clear his name, the ragtag group soon find themselves facing off against corrupted Jedi, deadly Mandalorians, and the Sith as they journey across the galaxy.

As mentioned above, the Star Wars Legends series is the name for the expanded universe material published before Disney bought the franchise and retconned all those old stories. Despite not being a part of the current Star Wars in-universe lore, fans still love many of these beloved stories, so it’s nice when they’re reprinted like this. If you’re interested in exploring this version of the Star Wars universe tales, you can pick up Omnibus Editions of various other Star Wars Legends comics series at Amazon.

Star Wars Legends: The Empire tells the story of what happened after Revenge of the Sith as Palpatine and Darth Vader cemented their rule on the galaxy, while Star Wars Legends: The Rebellion follows the Rebel Alliance and its attempts to bring order back to the galaxy. There’s also Star Wars Legends: Tales of the Jedi Volume 1 for $91 (was $150) that explores the origin and early days of the ancient order of peacekeepers, and to see how the galaxy changed after Return of the Jedi, you can read through the Star Wars Legends: The New Republic comics that envisioned a very different future for Star Wars before Disney came along with its sequel trilogy of films. Check out more Star Wars Legends Omnibus Editions in the list below.

More Star Wars Legends Omnibus Edition Preorders