This Add-on Will Help You Easily Draw Surfaces with Blender’s Grease Pencil

This Add-on Will Help You Easily Draw Surfaces with Blender’s Grease Pencil

Nodes Interactive has released a useful new add-on for Blender that allows you to draw surfaces with Grease Pencil.

This robust tool, called GSURFACE GEN, does what it says on the tin: it’s extremely handy for creating blockout meshes and easily manipulating 3D surfaces.

GSURFACE GEN is compatible with Blender 4.3+ and is available for free on Blender Market. But if you add a tip, you’ll get access to an organized and properly named node tree, which is disguised in the free version.

If you like the tool, check out Nodes Interactive’s awesome Tear Painter, an add-on to add procedural wear and damage to your digital clothes and fabrics using brush strokes, or this plug-in that helps you easily wrap bandages, ropes, or fabric around models.

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