This Houdini-Made Rib Cage Rig Allows Creating Lifelike Breathing Animations

This Houdini-Made Rib Cage Rig Allows Creating Lifelike Breathing Animations

Multidisciplinary Digital Artist and Technical Director Travis Saul continues to recreate anatomically accurate parts of a human skeleton in 3D, this time showcasing an impressive rib cage rig that can slightly expand and contract, thus allowing the creator to set up lifelike breathing animations for humanoid character models.

According to Travis, the setup provides independent control over each side of the rib cage and the sternum – the long, flat bone at the center of the rib cage – and includes a dedicated control for adding secondary breathing motion. To create the rig, the artist utilized Houdini’s APEX, a new graph evaluation framework that can be used to represent the rig logic within KineFX, first introduced a year ago with the release of Houdini 20.

“Deep breaths… I had no idea how much our ribs move and are not rigidly fixed to our spine. Rigging the rib cage was much harder than I initially thought but I’m liking where it has landed,” commented Travis.

Previously, the creator also demonstrated APEX-powered spine and skull rigs:

We highly encourage you to visit Travis’ LinkedIn and Instagram pages to see more of his amazing artworks. And if you’d like to learn more about Houdini’s APEX, here are some comprehensive tutorials that will help you get started:

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