• #PortfolioDay on Cara
    Hi everyone! #PortfolioDay is happening this Tuesday, July 9th! While we are not an official partner of the event, we would love to share some tips for preparing your profile on Cara, given that we have some tools to facilitate those who are job-seeking and artist-hiring! What is #PortfolioDay? From the official website: #PortfolioDay is a creative job fair of sorts that takes place on social media. Creatives who are looking for work will make a post with examples of their work using the hashtag in hopes of reaching clients and connecting with other professionals in the community. Clients in turn use the tag to find artists to hire! Tips for Sharing on CaraThere is always a lot of excitement around #PortfolioDay, and we have noticed that often times, people are not aware of its origins and that its a tag for artists seeking work. For better clarity on Cara, we want to help make it easy to identify and find artists who are actively looking for work. For artists, we encourage the following:Include both #PortfolioDay and #OpenToWork in your post On your Profile, update the Open to Work status on your About pageFor art directors, recruiters, and clients, we encourage you to check out Cara on desktop:Our website has more robust features for portfolios and search currently You can see portfolio albums on profiles You can use in-depth search, like the Open to Work and category filters We ask that everyone be considerate of others, and only use the hashtags relevant to you. On Explore, we will also showcase a selection of posts tagged with #PortfolioDay in the featured event tab. Update to the latest app version (v0.4.4) and you will see it when the event is running! Preparing Your Artist ProfileUpdate the Open to Work status on your Profile About tab Update About page with relevant bio, work background, and contact info Glaze/Mist, Nightshade, and watermark before sharing Organize your Portfolio Albums (Desktop only) We are currently piloting the Portfolio Albums feature on desktop. You can organize your posts by creating albums and categories for your portfolio. This beta feature currently available on the website only Share, Discover, & Support!#PortfolioDay is a great time to discover new artists and boost those who are seeking work. So give a Like, Comment, or Repost where you can! A note on Quote Reposts: some of our users may not be aware, but any comments and likes left on quote reposts wont be shared or notified to the original poster. So if you want people to engage with the original artist, consider making a standard repost without writing text when you share their work! We wish everyone a fun #PortfolioDay. Cant wait to see your portfolios! The Cara TeamHave questions? Join us on Discord!cara | twitter | instagram | buy us a coffee Remember to update your app! Ran into an issue? Submit a bug report!
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  • Site Status & Known Issues
    Hi everyone! Cara is currently experiencing very high traffic load and we are aware some users have had trouble accessing the platform or signing up these last couple days. We would like to post an update on the sites current status:First of allweve had a spike in new user signups and we want to say a warm welcome to all new users! Unfortunately, there were also some attacks on Cara mixed in, so it took a while for our team to disentangle things, but services should start returning to normal now. Currently known issues & troubleshooting infoCan't signup Signups were blocked for a few hours while we fixed things, please try again now & let us know if you still can't sign in or sign up. Profile pictures not saving on mobile app Try using cara.app in browser and see if that solves the issueOTPs sent to emails timing out We can't figure out what's causing this, please contact us with info on the email service you're using/any screenshots.You can also use Google/Apple instead of email to sign up, but you dont wish to, rest assured we are actively looking into the issue.AI detection alerts Edge cases where alerts pop up for AI detection and user can't publish their postthis was a feature in our early beta from over half a year ago, and its already been depreciated and should no longer be happening. If this occurs, please verify you're on latest version of the app and contact us with your device and OS version, and any other info you can provide!Glaze is temporarily disabled This is due to our security measures and we will work to reenable it as soon as we can get through all other security and access issues.TLDR: Site experienced huge traffic spike of genuine traffic mixed in with some attacks on Cara. We have some temporary measures in place now which should help the site return to normal while we work on permanent solutions. If you still experience slowness or outages, please report to the team as it helps us immensely to be aware of whats happening. We appreciate everyones patience and understanding as we work through all this! Gentle reminder that Cara is still in beta so there may be hiccups and things are far from polished. We hope you can be patient with us as Cara is built by a group of volunteers and we are a very small team! Supporting Cara You can support Cara with Buy Us a Coffee. Everything go towards hosting and server costs to help keep Cara running. If youd like to join our volunteer team at Cara, we are looking for engineers, project assistants, moderators, and social media and support staff to help our growing community. Check out our blog post for more info. Bug ReportsBug reports are always helpful!Cara is a huge engineering effort for a small team, and we cant always catch every bug. If you let us know when you encounter issues, then we can look into them, or else we may not even be aware!So please contact us if you encounter any bugs or issues. You can reach us via Discord or email: support@cara.app Thank you for the support! - The Cara Team Have questions? Join us on Discord!cara | twitter | instagram | buy us a coffee
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  • [Event] MerMay 2024 Challenge
    Jeff Simpson @jeffsimpson Let's make a splash with ocean- and mermaid-themed artwork this May! Wanna join? Then dive into the challenge with us:About the Event MerMay is a community event celebrating the month of May with mermaid-themed artwork!To participate in the challenge, you are free to use one of the many theme lists that are meant to inspire you like the official MerMay themes, Cara's List or your very own!Whether you draw a mermaid a day throughout the entire month or participate with a single entry is completely up to you: You can join in as much or as little as you want and can.How to join MerMay 2024 on CaraParticipate by posting new work youve made following either Caras Theme List, the official MerMay themes or your own ideas.Make sure to mention # mermay2024 in the description box when posting and feel free to add the day and theme if you drew inspiration from a list!A new tab on our explore feed featuring #mermay2024 entries along with posted features on our Instagram and Twitter pages will boost your entries throughout May!After the challenge has ended, another blog post is going to summarize the event and commemorate a selection of entries in a final feature. Tobias Kwan @tobiaskwan - Mermay 2023 Cara Theme ListWe encourage you to take this chance to explore new ideas, experiment with your art and take a chance at learning something new within our aquatic theme. Most of all, we are excited to see everyone having fun with their art and raving about each other's works in the comments!We hope you can forge fresh friendships, discover new artwork and artists, collaborate and enjoy MerMay together. We look forward to seeing your creativity unfold! - The Cara Team Nabs @nabsdraws - MerMay Illustrations from 2 Years ago Patryk Chudzinski @patichudy17 - Day 1 #mermay2023 Omichi @omichiart - Flower Mermaid enn @entropienn - Mermaids based on Planets - Mercury Ying Lam @inglam - Line Art 01 Fernando Salvaterra @salvaterra - A MerMay Thing Katerina Ladon @lumen - The Mermaid Queen Margo 37 @margo37 - Mermay2023 George Patsouras @cgmythology - Mermaid Creature Nodens @nodensart - Luminosity Mermaid Rona Ks @rona-ks - Mermay Kitten Anthony Brooks @anthonybrooks - MerMay 2023 Glass Nandito @fernandodoesart - Mermaid Virginie Juteau @virginiejuteau - Mermaid inspired by Underwater Photography Katerynka @handrosaur - Mermay Willy Merry @willymerry - Mermay 2023 Izzy @izzymedrano - Late Night MerMay Sketchies Alessia Hilary Valastro @alessiahv - THE SEA BELONGS TO US
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  • [Event] Join us for #PleinAirpril!
    Cara is proud to be the official platform partner for Warrior Painters #PleinAirpril this year! What is PleinAirpril?PleinAirpril is a social media campaign started in 2017 to celebrate Earth Day. The aim is to challenge and engage with plein air artists across the globe and to encourage them to share their artworksone per dayduring the month of April. How to participate in PleinAirpril 2024Every day of April 2024, paint one painting based on the themes "City, Forest, Ocean, Mountain" and post your work on Cara or Instagram Use the hashtag #PleinAirpril, and tag @warriorpaintersYou can use any medium you want as PleinAirpril is about experimentation, practice, and exploration! Challenge yourself to paint more from life, but feel free to create photo studies or virtual plein air piecesDue to Instagrams recent limitations on artwork discovery via hashtags, participants are encouraged to post on Cara for increased visibility, Content shared on Cara stands a better chance of being discovered and reshared by both the Warrior Painters and Cara community. About Warrior PaintersWarrior Painters was founded in 2016 as a way to connect artists from all walks of life, who share the same passion of showcasing natural and architectural diversity through plein air painting. The majority of painters in the group work in the entertainment industry, spanning from animation and games, to live action films and theme park designs. There is also a good number of freelance illustrators and concept artists. ~As per usual, we have curated a selection of stunning past #pleinairpril artwork on Cara. Check out what the community has been up to, be inspired, and we hope to see you join us this PleinAirpril! - The Cara Team Have questions? Join us on Discord!cara | twitter | instagram | buy us a coffee Patti Vincent @pattivincentstudio - PleinAirpril Angela@angothemango - #PleinAirpril Car Karin Brandenberg @kbrandenberg - PleinAirpril 2022 Karin Brandenberg @kbrandenberg - Studies 2023 Karin Brandenberg @kbrandenberg - PleinAirpril 2022 Jelly Octopus @jellyoctopus - #PleinAirpril Elise Braud @itsmoriartea - Pleinairpril Day 24 Yiguang Wang @pessamin - PleinAirpril 2022 Alex Forner @alexforner - 6pm Yiguang Wang @pessamin - PleinAirpril 2022 Yiguang Wang @pessamin - PleinAirpril 2022 Elise Braud @itsmoriartea - Pleinairpril Patryk Olas @patryk - PleinAirpril Adriana Bica @bootlegwhale - PleinAirpril Karin Brandenberg @kbrandenberg - Studies 2023 Max Maury @maxtronaute - PleinAirpril Elise Braud @itsmoriartea - PleinAirpril Vic @spookyastronaut - Pleinairpril Japan Yiguang Wang @pessamin - PleinAirpril 2022 Karin Brandenberg @kbrandenberg - Studies 2023 We hope to see you join #PleinAirpril this year! cara | twitter | instagram | buy us a coffee
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  • [Event] Year of the Dragon Art Challenge
    Zhang Hao@sleeeeeepyz - Lunar New Year is upon us and its coming up on February 10th, 2024! As this is the year of the dragon, we couldnt miss the opportunity to host Caras first art challenge of the year with something so mythical and fun. Want to join in? Read on for details! Year of the Dragon Challenge #LNY2024 Unleash your imagination based on the theme of Asian dragons. (This is the year of the wood dragon, if you are curious about the element!)If you need a little inspiration, scroll down for an assortment of past dragons and lunar new year celebration art from the Cara community. How to ParticipateInclude the #LNY2024 hashtag when posting your work on CaraAny media, style, finishsketches and WIPs posts are always a joy to see! Submit as many entries as you like Date: Ends on Feb 25th, 2024 Join our Discord server to chat about history, lore, research, and WIPs!The #LNY2024 hashtag will be a featured tab on Caras Explore page through February 2024.We will also conclude with an editorial feature at the events conclusion! Kan Liu@artof666k - Connection About Lunar New YearLunar New Year follows the lunar calendar, which runs in a 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac animals. Each year is ruled by a specific zodiac sign and element, and 2024 is the Year of the Wood Dragon. In Chinese astrology for yin and yang, this is the year of the Yang-Wood Dragon. Celebrations can start a few days before the new year and last for days after, depending on the region. On Cara, we will start by featuring some past works with an assortment of dragons and lunar new year art for your enjoyment. We look forward to your pieces at the end of the event. We hope you have fun, and wish you a Happy Lunar New Year! The Cara Teamcara | twitter | instagram | buy us a coffee yushan@yushan - Qiwuzu Serpentiform Family, White Dragon Alena N@ymhin - MYTHBOOK 3 Fugurisko@fugurisko - Ruins Exploration Kan Liu @artof666k - WaterSleeves Dance & The Dragon aosma @aosm - cciko @cciko - 5 vosian @vosian - Dragon Amir Borghei @amirdraws - The Dragon's Rest Temple GaoMingze @snowgao - Pi Pei @pipei321 - 23-24 Daria Shestakova @lethendralis - Magical Items Illustrations Penett @penett - Year of the blue dragon kongtiaoxiaotailang @kongtiaoxiaotailang - Alex Kuhn @alexkuhn - Dragon Kevin Glint @kevinglint - The Immortal Podium: Enigmatic Dragon Phil Liu @eclypse - Azure Dragon Audre Schutte @charamath - Fox dragon free sculpt Kuang Hong @noah-kh - Xuan Yuan Gaowen Fu @gfu97 - Old dragon lord YINJIE CEN @infall - 2022.Dragon's Rise: The Forgotten Realms YINJIE CEN @infall - 2022.Dragon's Rise: The Forgotten Realms YINJIE CEN @infall - 2022.Dragon's Rise: The Forgotten Realms Casey Straka @cstraka - Copper King My Hanh @myxhanh - Dragon Bees @paintedbees - Sisu Redesign Vo Trong Hieu @umgj - Girl with the Dragon Chafer @chafer - Happy New Year Nikittysan @nikittysan - BICHIGHU, the History Recorder Dragonfish Russell06h @russell - Cassandra Jean @cassandrajean - Year of the Dragon Rowena Doge @rowenadoge - Beyond the Skies (2021-2022) 8th creation @8thcreation - White dragoness of Eteos Olongtea @olongtea550 - Auspicious Year of the Rabbit~ kongtiaoxiaotailang @kongtiaoxiaotailang - pipi @pipi - LAMP @lamp - Have questions? Join us on Discord!cara | twitter | instagram | buy us a coffee
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  • Jan Jobs Roundup: Blizzard, WildBrain, Dreamhaven
    We have new listings on our jobs board. The new openings include an internship from Blizzard, senior animator from WildBrain and more. Keep reading to find out more! Blizzard, USAConcept Art Internship WildBrain, CanadaSenior Animator, CGAnimator, CGLead FX Artist, CG (Unreal)Senior FX Artist, CG (Unreal)FX Artist, CG (Unreal)Lighting/Compositing Supervisor, CG (Unreal)Lead Lighter/Compositor, CG (Unreal) Dreamhaven, USAUI VFX/Animation Artist (Fixed-Term Contract)Audio Software Engineer (Fixed Term Contract) View open jobs listings on Cara
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  • #CaraBest9
    Hello everyone! To wrap up the end of year, we are celebrating with two community events: #CaraBest9 and #CaraWishes! #CaraBest9You can now generate your own Cara Best 9 here! Image: Jingna Zhang @zemotion | Generate yours at: Cara Best Nine Share your post on Cara or social media with #CaraBest9 so that others can see what you have been up to! This hashtag will be a featured tab on Caras Explore page through January 2024! #CaraWishesHave a message you want to send to the Cara dev team or a new feature you would like to see in 2024? Tag #carawishes in your post and we will send it on to the team! If youd like to send the team a gift, you can buy us a coffee! .We also encourage you to write a message to someone you enjoyed engaging with on Cara. Let them know if you appreciate them! We are so happy to see new friendships forged and art discovered on the platform this year. We cant believe our one year anniversary is coming up on January 9thwe have plenty of news and feature plans lined up, and cant wait to share it with everyone in the new year. Once again, the Cara team would like to wish you a happy holidays and wonderful new year. See you in 2024!!! The Cara Teamcara | twitter | instagram | buy us a coffee Dont forget to check out our winter seasons art feature!
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  • Caras Holidays 2023 Feature
    Julien Belin @julien - Winter Forest Hello everyone! The year is almost over and the warm shades of fall are leaving us in shifting to the colder tones of winter.This time of the year is always an inspiring for the arts: falling leaves or snowy forests, menacing creatures, snow queens or Christmas scenes are amongst the main characters of this colorful display of artworks we are treated to at this time of the year.We thought about this as a journey and an adventure to accompany us together into the new year.The Cara team wishes you Happy Holidays and a serene, beautiful start to 2024! The Cara Teamcara | twitter | instagram | buy us a coffee Francisco Fuenzalida @fuenzalida - Envars Autumn vibes contest Irene Nogueron G @inogart - Nene's Hallows Eve & Day of the Dead Noukah @noukah - Leaf Collector Hang Bui @hangbui - Back from School Allison Chin @allisonchinart - Fiery Autumn Thu Cao @thucaoillus - Garnet's World 05 - Moon Festival Amy Nguyen @amynyan - Year of the Cat Caleb OBrien @cobrien - The Delivery Snowman 3D Max Turnbull @oats - snow day Ornella Greco @ornitoplatypus - Snowy paths Kuang Hong @noah-kh - Winterfall Max Bedulenko @maxbedulenko - Winter Orjan Ruttenborg Svendsen @orsvend - Troll/Snowman Tokity Balazs @tokitybalazs1208 - Winter Thomas Arnaud @chroma - Snowy Sunset Matt Taylor @matt - Merced River - Yosemite Jingna Zhang @zemotion - Winter's Rose Kamila Szutenberg @karamissa - Warm-up 06 Yun Ling @lingy000 - Winter Trip Christopher English @christopherenglish - Alone YangY @aayangy - Ice Age Ierlix @ierlix - HAppy Holidays Archie Eka @stevenarchie - Plein Airpril Day 3 Rhys Griffiths @rhys - Winter groeegr @groeegr - Winter Julia Metzger @juliametzgerart - Die Winterwacht Anton Fadeev @shant - The Lady of Winter and her friend Jeff Simpson @jeffsimpson - THE HUNTSMAN: WINTER'S WAR CONCEPTS Yasushi Matsuoka @yasuartstudio - Snowy River Mermaid Liko - Nicolas Nguyen@liko - Snow golden lake David Jones @davidjones - Snow Elf Yulia Zhuchkova @avalach - Winter Song Oliver Chen @oliwa066 - Snowfield shop Etienne Hebinger @ehebinger - Winter Evening Lidia Goryachewa @sadtea - Winter Cat Yulia Zhuchkova @avalach - Lunar Ravens Graeme @graemedalyart - Snow Day GREMO @greenmold - Christmas Luv @its-soulfy - New Year Fireworks / Sky: Children of the Light Valeriane Duvivier @valeriane - Happy holydaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! Valeriane Duvivier @valeriane - Lady Snow and her helpers Foofarawr @foofarawr - Christmas in Pallet Town bkvoxel @bkvoxel - JPN02: Winter Wei Wu @weitoocool - Red Winter kaktuwanchik @kaktuwanchik - Koliadnyky(Christmas caroling) Marie Kister @marie - Christmas Campaign HK @bag2d - Winter 2022 KlausPillon @klauspillon - Personal Work Connect with us! cara.app | twitter | instagram | buy us a coffee
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  • Dev Update #10 - Cara Glaze, AI Image Detection
    Hello everyone! Were happy to announce a number of our new features and several bug fixes since our last dev update! Please see more below: New features on Cara Cara Glaze Drag & drop images upload on desktop Search filters added to artwork search View search results by top or most recent New category tags: Photography, Makeup, Hair Styling, Fashion Styling, TattooAnd in case you missed it: Cara mobile app download Users I've MetBug Fixes & ImprovementsExplore grid improvements on desktopno more rectangles crops or shuffling when loading page AI flagging improvements Images in lightbox view are no longer cut off at the top on mobile browsers Reduced confusing shuffle while typing username @mentions Bookmarks fixesLogin email updatesSidebar media section missing images on user profilesOTP codes now send normally upon request Edge cases where deleting accounts through mobile app caused errorsFix to hopefully prevent broken images from occasionally showing on the platform Jobs page UI update Cara Glaze We are proud to announce our collaboration with The Glaze ProjectCara Glaze! With the new Cara Glaze dashboard, you can create a new post and Glaze all the images within it automatically for posting, or upload and Glaze individual images to download and review them later.Cara Glaze is available on all Cara Portfolio accounts. Community accounts will receive access in waves in the coming days so long as we do not experience abuse or usage issues. To check your account status, or sign up for early access, visit the Cara Glaze dashboard: cara.app/glaze Please note that Cara Glaze is only available on desktop and mobile browsers at the moment. Feature will be added to mobile app after we stabilize testing! Drag & DropTo upload images, you can Drag & Drop them directly into the post box now! This will save time in manually clicking all the buttons and you can now operate on a larger area! Search FiltersFilters have been added to artwork search!By using the Search filter, you can select the options you need while looking for images. This way you can easily narrow down your search experience making it more specific. Dont forget that we have also introduced work availability options in profiles. When searching for artists, its not possible to filter by their open to work availability in case you are hiring. Artists can update their settings on their profile page. Users Ive Met - Cara MeetAs previously announced, with Cara Meet you can scan Caras users QR Code to keep track of the community members you meet along the way. Without the pressure of following someone back right away, you can check their profiles in your QR Meets history afterwards, an easy way to connect and dont get lost in contacts! Cara Mobile AppDont forget that Cara Mobile App is now live on Apple App Store and Google Play Store!On the previous Dev Update you can find all the info about the App, including the current available features!Our aim is to constantly improve both the social and portfolios aspects of the platform in order to give a nice and smooth experience to the community and also make it easier for recruiters and artists to find each other. We also announce that we will soon drop our support on the PWA (Progressive Web App), so dont waste time and download the app on the following links: *For Android users who previously used the browser app: you can either delete the previous browser app, or go to App Settings in the new app, then set it as the default for Cara URLs. This way, the QR codes will be opened in the correct app when theyre scanned. Questions & FeedbackIf you discover any bugs or have questions, join our Discord community and submit them or reach us at support@cara.app. Thank you! The Cara Teamcara.app | twitter | instagram | buy us a coffee
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  • Introducing: Cara Glaze
    Hi everyone, we are excited to announce the launch of Cara Glaze betathe long-awaited collaboration between Cara and The Glaze Project! Glaze is a tool designed to protect artists from style mimicry by generative AI models, and we are honored to partner with the Glaze team to bring this tool to more users in the artist community. Cara Glaze is now available on all Cara Portfolio accounts. Community accounts will receive access in waves in the coming days so long as we do not experience abuse or usage issues. To check your account status, or sign up for early access, visit the Cara Glaze dashboard: Cara Glaze Dashboard What is Glaze? Glaze is a program designed to protect human artists by disrupting style mimicry in the training of generative AI models. Below is an example of how Glaze affects AI models that try to replicate an artists art style. The sample original art features the work of John Tenniel for Alice in Wonderland (1865, public domain). The LoRA models were trained on sets of 15 images, one original set without Glaze, and one set protected using Glaze. Left: sample of original art style. Right: AI-generated outputs In the output generated by the two models: Trained on images with no Glaze: the artists hatching style is closely replicated. Trained on images with Glaze: the style looks much more visibly disrupted. Information republished with permission from the Glaze Works post on Reddit by WonderfulWanderer777. A few more examples below: Result from model trained on original images Result from model trained on Glazed images Given the clear result of using Glaze, we recommend everyone to Glaze their work before posting online, and to make that process easier, we have collaborated with The Glaze Project to integrate Glaze into Cara. To learn more about Glaze, visit the official Glaze website. Access Cara Glaze What is Cara Glaze? Cara Glaze is an integration of the Glaze tool on the Cara.app platform. Users will be able to access all features available on Web Glaze, with the added benefit of users being able to: Create new posts that apply Glaze automatically Upload multiple images, and download the Glazed versions as neededall in one place How Cara Glaze WorksOn the Cara Glaze dashboard, you can:Create a new post and Glaze all images within the post, orUpload multiple unrelated individual images to be Glazed You can Glaze an entire post with the New Post option, or upload various unrelated images using Choose File At this time, its not possible to edit or remove Glazed images from a post after creating it. So if you want granular control over the quality and result of each Glazed image, we recommend uploading individual images instead of using the New Post option. Glazing via +New PostWhen choosing the +New Post option, a standard New Post pop up will be displayed for you to enter your post information. You can attach images as usual. After clicking Next, images from the post will be loaded into the dashboard, where you can choose your Glaze intensity. Write your draft as usual. Clicking Next will load load the images into the Glaze dashboard Choose the intensity you want to Glaze each image at. This cannot be changed after you click Glaze on your post. Glaze OutputAfter clicking Glaze, images will move to the Output section and be queued. Once Glazing is complete, you will receive both an email and in-app notification. Please be reminded that at this time, Glazed posts are published automatically. To have more control over your Glazed images or intensity level, we recommend using the Choose File option to batch upload your images and review them individually. Notes & FAQCara Glaze DashboardFor questions about Cara Glaze, check the Cara FAQ For issues while using Cara Glaze dashboard, submit bug reports using our Discord or email Cara Glaze is only available on desktop and mobile browsers at the moment. It will be added to our mobile app at a later date after initial testing stabilizes. Glaze Image Quality and Output For questions and issues with Glaze output or image quality: Check the official Glaze website for their Guide and Q&A and; Contact the Glaze team directly using the #glaze channel on our Discord or via their websiteAs a reminder, the original Glaze program is free to use. You can download the desktop app, or use the original Web GlazeTo access Cara Glaze, visit the link below: Cara Glaze Dashboard Have questions or feedback? Reach us at support@cara.app or join our Discord community to submit suggestions. Thank you! The Cara Teamcara.app | twitter | instagram | buy us a coffee Mobile app download: App Store | Google Play
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