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  • The benefits of learning programming as a designer
    How diving deeper into the world of programming has made me into a stronger designer.I started my design career as a visual designer with a focus on branding, gradually transitioning into web design and development, and then further into Product Design. I believe the phase in my journey where I dove deeper into the world of programming has made me into a stronger designertoday.A question I often hear from fellow designers is:Should I learn programming as a designer?Therefore, I got motivated to write this article by sharing my experience. In this story, Ill go through some of the areas where skills from development have strongly influenced my design capability and decision makingprocess.TLDR: Starting as a visual designer, learning web development and programming applications to expand my services as a freelancer. Transitioning into product design with the knowledge of responsive design, hierarchy, page optimization, accessibility, and leveraging processes that I can utilize for design. Eventhough building rails apps and learning programming concepts has not directly improved my employability as a designer, knowledge of web development has allowed me to wear multiple hats and has taken me to be involved in projects I otherwise wouldnt have had thechance.How it allstartedIn 2009, I was doing visual design and managing a website that was built in PHP, HTML, CSS, and a bit of jQuery. I was responsible for doing simple updates on the front-end code. I had done a basic website development course during my undergraduate studies prior, so I was somewhat familiar with the basics of HTML andCSS.One day, working in a small business, a booking form powered by PHP stopped workingthis was one of the most important features of the service. I had to try my best to find a solution on how to fix it without any prior knowledge of $PHP. With the help of searching for clues online, Stack Overflow among others was one big helping hand and I surprisingly managed to get it fixed. What a great feeling thatwas.Around 2012, I started to do freelancing. I did visual and print design work for a bakery, travel service, startups, etc. and a lot of the clients I worked with asked if I could do websites. This re-occuring question made me want to dig deeper into how to fully develop a basic website with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.After studying and a few mock projects later, I was let to design and develop a website for a previous client without prior experience. The websites I developed from here on were built on raw code, making updates by the client a bit more troublesome. However, due to the rising popularity of open-source CMSs, such as Wordpress, another new door opened. I could apply some of my skills from before to Worpress and provided clients with a solution that they could update themselves in thefuture.As time went on, I was getting more into programming, and went on to do This is CS50 from EDx/Harvard Online, courses on Code Academy, learned Ruby, did Ruby on Rails app tutorials from Michael Hartl for probably about 15 times with different ideas, messed up setting up environments properly on my VPS, SQL, SSH keys and certificates, creating an email server, andmore.However, one thought I was debating during all of this was whether I should continue to move more towards development or shift the focus back to stricly design.I chose design, again. Learning about these technologies was exciting, but I felt I enjoyed design more and should focus on one more than the other - I guess there was a fear of becoming a jack of all trades, but a master of none. Even though I decided to continue focusing on design, a lot of the learnings from that period are still valid today, which I will highlight below.Lets go!Alternative Text input dialog onMediumAccessibility, SEO and ContentStrategyI dropped some tables in SQL, pushed and pulled in GIT, apt-get some programs on a Linux system and redirected around Apache. Did these enhance my skills as a designer? If Im honest; notreally.However, if you are working with <strong>web products</strong>, I do believe it is beneficial to know the basics of HTML andCSS.Knowing the basics of HTML/CSS and how they can be used to build websites can help youto:structure and optimize content for user experience, performance and search engines on theweb.understand how responsive design works, i.e.: how containers and columns work together, responsive typography, what are clickable areas,etc.There are a lot of available tools for analyzing SEO and site performancecombining it with services such as Hotjar can really help to know how users are interacting with your site, enhancing the page experience and performance for the user. In addition, considering how might we go about the SEO of a page allows you to tailor the content and language of a page for effective communication.Page title, page description, URL slug/pretty permalinkKeyword. Thinking of one keyword to describe apageLenght of a <H1> heading, <H2> headings and <p> paragraph text. Images optimization, alt-text, etcPage (UX) language, internal anchors, backlinks, sitemaps, social handles/meta dataWould the designer need to know the syntax for these above and how to apply them? It surely can help. For example, knowing that a page should include one H1 title, and can include more H2 tagsSteps for a well-structured layout, SEO and clear hierarchy. How easily are the users finding information on apage?Adding an Alternative text (a.k.a ALT) improves accessibility by supporting screen-reader tools to describe images to visually-impaired users and allows search-engine crawlers to know what the image is about. Usage of Alt text is often seen in web apps, and also on social media platforms. In addition to images, it can be applied to charts, graphs, icons and other graphic materials. Medium also provides writers with the ability to use Alt text on images for better accessibility.I studied a lot of SEO and page optimization materials, the markup and constantly analyzed changesI do believe this taught me to create and structure page content in a stronger way, than if not having being exposed to these elements atall.Understanding Responsive DesignBesides breaking points, understanding how responsive design works can help you to enhance the page and user experience.In the example above, there is an order rule applied to the columns within a container that can make the reading experience more consistent on mobile devices. This all depends how you structure your column layouts and how many columns there are in a container. I learned a lot about media queries, using design as templates, and how containers work with columns by utilizing Bootstrap.Headings communicate hierarchy and makes the content easier to scan. How could we keep them not spanning across the screen on smaller devices? Responsive typography. Learning about pixels, ems, rems, etc. has taught me to consider responsive typography across viewport widths. When working with responsive images, in addition to adjusting the image size based on screen size, you can also consider setting minimum or maximum width or height rules to imagesif this is a design choice you areafter.I came across these kind of issues often when I was working with design templates in blogging related systems. The layout from the user perspective worked very well when used on a desktop viewport, but readability suffered when transitioning into smallerscreens.A simplified example showcasing different outputs when typography inherits size and is responsive on mobile devices, as well as as inheriting icon size vs. having a maximum heightrule.Constraints and ScalabilityI often designed and developed websites for clients that needed the ability to update the content themselves in the future. During the design and development phase, I could create any part of the site to follow my designs. However, I shouldnt expect the client to be able to design and code when they would manage the site. This is something I learned through trial anderror.The end-user who will be using your designed and developed product shouldnt need to start learning design or development skills just to use it. Therefore, one aspect to consider is the technological and user-generated content constraint. This can help to design solutions that scale and stay visually consistent beyond the deliverydate.I often created a user manual covering the basics of updating a site, but if the guide needs extra inserted inline code blocks multiple times, it might be good to re-evaluate the design decision or create the feature directly into theproduct.Consider who you are designing for and how they utilize and interact with your solution in the futureThis is a fundamental for design, but I got to say it was very impactful to experience it with aclient.Browser Compatibility, Differences Between Operating Systems andDevicesNot everything will necessarily look and work exactly the same way across browsers or operating systems. Sometimes that is okShould you compromise? The engineers you are working with are the masters of their craft and can advise on the best action tofollow.One example I had was with the execution of a Blur effect on iOS and Android devices. A blur effect (Blur in Figma) worked directly on iOS, but not on Android. The compromise? Same final output as desired, but different execution. In this case, instead of directly using a blur effect on an image itself, a blurred image (pattern) would be placed on top of the original image to create the same outcome on bothdevices.Often times the initially proposed design might be turned down. There might be different reasons as to why, but the point is that it is worth discussing the detailed reasoning, and possible ways it could besolved.File Types, Performance and InteractionPerformance and speed are some of the crucial elements of a good user experince. One big influence on the load time of your product might come down to file size, the amount of animation and how much resources they might beusing.For example, allowing users to query and show live results through all their 1-year transaction history live might take a lot of resources in the backend, multiple that with a million users and depending on infrastructure, this may take a toll on the system. If there are such constraints, may need to dig deeper on what could be possible by talking to engineers.Should the designer go for a GIF, aPNG, WebP, Movie-files, JSON/lottie-files, embedded content from elsewhere, or something else? When developing solutions, I explored with different file types and each have their pros and cons. aPNGs can be lightweight and clear in comparison to GIFs, but may not run on all browsers. Long form content might work best with video,etc.A good discovery has been to know about the existence of Lottie-files and JSON for micro-animations, which opened a whole new world. Creating these might not fall under the responsibilities of a product designer, but in my case it almost always has, if not then at least I had to talk with a motion designer and define that the output should be a JSON-file. Lottie/JSON has allowed me to better incorporate micro-animations in my design. A lot of animation can also be done with CSS, so experimenting with these different file types and moving image has allowed me to learn that there can be multiple ways to approach a solution.Documentation, Changelogs and VersionControlProgramming involves documentation, commenting, information on changes and version control. My general experience has been that in design these are not usually as prominent.asbfkdfjof file-name is more common than you mightthinkIt can be tempting to focus on pushing up new iterations without keeping a backlog of changes and updates over time, but this may come back to bite you. Adding a date/time stamp and the person responsible in your working document can work wondersThink for example a Figma page. Similar to GIT, adding timestamps for updates (push), tagging the person responsible and commenting can really help communication within theteam.Proper documentation, changelogs and version control has several benefits for designers:New members joining the design team can easily grasp changes in the product lifecycle. They can easily identify the most recent files and be aware of how the product has developed overtime.Proper version control and organization of user flows and screens allows for quick access whenneeded.Evaluate design changes. Previous design on May 2024 adoption rate was 0.02%, introducing a new purchase button on June 2024, adoption rate improved to 1.08% in 1 month. If there is no previous version to compare to, it will be harder to evaluate.Clear documentation on design systems on how to use a certain element and interaction. For example: a success message is always shown on top, slide in from top.5s, stay visible for 3s, fade out.5s,etc.Aiming to create an easy to understand processes where designers can easily look up a file that was worked on and by who to maintain efficiency and consistencya process inspired by programming.Closing RemarksIf I would ask myselfagain:Should I learn programming as a designer?While I am bit biased, I would tell myself that it is not necessary to try to learn everything. It really depends on what you what to do with the desired knowledge. It is best to learn if you have a specific goal in mind. It not only helps in concentration and motivation, but you are more likely to continueit.Learning web development has enabled me to wear multiple hats in the role of a designer, which otherwise would not have been possible. This can all vary on the company/product you are workingwith.Learning programming concepts and ideas, creating databases or virtual machines on the other handhast helped as much career-wise, but I do believe it has helped me to ask better questions and have a deeper understanding of what goes into creating digital products.Has learning learning web development increased my chances to findingjobs?Id say no. It never really came up during interviews and was not asked during employment. Perhaps Im lacking in my sales skills as a designer and have rusty interview skills. Only by taking initiative has it resulted in something. I did manage to land projects in my job where I otherwise wouldnt have, and in terms of freelancing it provided me with significantly more projects and allowing to offer a wider range of services.If I had learned how to create apps in C#, Java or sowould it have made me a stronger designer? I have some doubts in that as wellagain, Id say it might give me a better understanding of what goes into developing products.If there is a good mentor who can support your experience when creating digital products, you can learn a lot and fast. Although, depending where you are working, not all designers have access tothis.In short, these learnings have allowed me to have a deeper knowledge of what questions to ask and what goes into creating digital products.Have you had a similar experience? Have you learned programming or web development? Has it benefitted you as a designer? Id love toknow!If you didnt learn web developmentdo any of the topics mentioned in this story resonate to you as a designer? How did you learn about them? Have you needed them when designing digital products (especially web products)?Have a great day and thank you forreading.If { nothing else } then { end here}.// Cheers// Illustrations and images byauthorThe benefits of learning programming as a designer was originally published in UX Collective on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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  • Todays Wordle Hints (and Answer) for Sunday, August 4, 2024
    If youre looking for the Wordle answer for August 4, 2024 read on. Well share some clues, tips, and strategies, and finally the solution. Todays puzzle is harder; I got it in five. Beware, there are spoilers below for August 4, Wordle #1,142! Keep scrolling if you want some hints (and then the answer) to todays Wordle game.How to play WordleWordle lives here on the New York Times website. A new puzzle goes live every day at midnight, your local time.Start by guessing a five-letter word. The letters of the word will turn green if theyre correct, yellow if you have the right letter in the wrong place, or gray if the letter isnt in the days secret word at all. For more, check out our guide to playing Wordle here, and my strategy guide here for more advanced tips. (We also have more information at the bottom of this post, after the hints and answers.)Ready for the hints? Lets go!Does todays Wordle have any unusual letters?Well define common letters as those that appear in the old typesetters phrase ETAOIN SHRDLU. (Memorize this! Pronounce it Edwin Shirdloo, like a name, and pretend hes a friend of yours.)Four of today's letters are from our mnemonic. The other is uncommon. Can you give me a hint for todays Wordle?As a verb, to reduce or drop. Does todays Wordle have any double or repeated letters?There are no repeated letters today.How many vowels are in todays Wordle?There are two vowels. What letter does todays Wordle start with?Todays word starts with L.What letter does todays Wordle end with?Todays word ends with R.What is the solution to todays Wordle?Ready? Todays word is LOWER.How I solved todays WordleI started with RAISE and TOUCH, then guessed GAMED and PLANK to narrow down the consonants that appeared in possible solutions. This left LOVER and LOWER as the best answers, and I guessed the latter. Wordle 1,142 5/6Yesterdays Wordle answerYesterdays Wordle was easier. The hint was a tool you'll find in both the kitchen and the bathroom and the answer contained four common letters and one pretty common letter. The answer to yesterdays Wordle was SCALE. A primer on Wordle basicsThe idea of Wordle is to guess the days secret word. When you first open the Wordle game, youll see an empty grid of letters. Its up to you to make the first move: type in any five-letter word.Now, you can use the colors that are revealed to get clues about the word:Green means you correctly guessed a letter, and its in the correct position. (For example, if you guess PARTY, and the word is actually PURSE, the P and R will be green.)Yellow means the letter is somewhere in the word, but not in the position you guessed it. (For example, if you guessed PARTY, but the word is actually ROAST, the R, A and T will all be yellow.)Gray means the letter is not in the solution word at all. (If you guessed PARTY and everything is gray, then the solution cannot be PURSE or ROAST.)With all that in mind, guess another word, and then another, trying to land on the correct word before you run out of chances. You get six guesses, and then its game over.The best starter words for WordleWhat should you play for that first guess? The best starters tend to contain common letters, to increase the chances of getting yellow and green squares to guide your guessing. (And if you get all grays when guessing common letters, thats still excellent information to help you rule out possibilities.) There isnt a single best starting word, but the New York Timess Wordle analysis bot has suggested starting with one of these:CRANETRACESLANTCRATECARTEMeanwhile, an MIT analysis found that youll eliminate the most possibilities in the first round by starting with one of these:SALETREASTTRACECRATESLATEOther good picks might be ARISE or ROUND. Words like ADIEU and AUDIO get more vowels in play, but you could argue that its better to start with an emphasis on consonants, using a starter like RENTS or CLAMP. Choose your strategy, and see how it plays out.How to win at WordleWe have a few guides to Wordle strategy, which you might like to read over if youre a serious student of the game. This one covers how to use consonants to your advantage, while this one focuses on a strategy that uses the most common letters. In this advanced guide, we detail a three-pronged approach for fishing for hints while maximizing your chances of winning quickly.The biggest thing that separates Wordle winners from Wordle losers is that winners use their guesses to gather information about what letters are in the word. If you know that the word must end in -OUND, dont waste four guesses on MOUND, ROUND, SOUND, and HOUND; combine those consonants and guess MARSH. If the H lights up in yellow, you know the solution.One more note on strategy: the original Wordle used a list of about 2,300 solution words, but after the game was bought by the NYT, the game now has an editor who hand-picks the solutions. Sometimes they are slightly tricky words that wouldnt have made the original list, and sometimes they are topical. For example, FEAST was the solution one Thanksgiving. So keep in mind that there may be a theme.Wordle alternativesIf you cant get enough of five-letter guessing games and their kin, the best Wordle alternatives, ranked by difficulty, include:Wheeldle, which lets you play one puzzle after anotherDordle and Quordle, which ask you to play two (Dordle) or four (Quordle) puzzles at the same time, with the same guesses. There is also Octordle, with eight puzzles, and Sedecordle, with 16.Waffle, which shows you several five-letter words, scrambled in a grid; you play by swapping the letters around until you solve.Absurdle, which changes the solution after each guess, but needs to stay consistent with its previous feedback. You have to strategically back it into a corner until there is only one possible word left; then you guess it, and win.Squabble, in which you play Wordle against other people with a timer running. You take damage if you spend too much time between guesses; winner is the last one standing.Antiwordle, in which you are trying not to guess the days solution. Youre required to reuse any letters that you (oops) guessed correctly, so the longer it takes you, the better you are at the game.
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  • How to Check (and Change) the Health Data Your iPhone Is Tracking
    If you've got an iPhone, then you've also got the Health app from Apple, which comes preinstalled on it. This app is designed to serve as the central hub for all your health and fitness data, from the steps you take to the foods you eat.Some of you may look at this app every day, and maybe even use it together with an Apple Watch. Or you might never open the app at all. But whether you're a frequent user of the Health app or not, it's worth checking up on the data it's collecting, and the various apps and devices it's communicating and sharing that data with.The Health app could well be counting your steps each day, for example, even if you've never specifically told it to. Here's how to check up on the health information being collected, and which devices and apps are involved.Your data in the Health appApple says the Health app automatically counts your steps and your walking and running distances. If you've paired an Apple Watch with your iPhone, then activity data from other types of exercises and movement will also be logged. There's also a Health Profile inside the app, to which you can add details like blood type and date of birth.By default, all the information stored in the Health app is also stored in iCloud. If you've enabled two-factor authentication on your account (and you should), then this data is end-to-end encryptednot even Apple can see it. If you'd rather just keep this data on your iPhone, open Settings and tap your name at the top: Choose iCloud, Show All, then Health to turn off iCloud syncing. All of the health data stored on your iPhone is encrypted by your passcode or Face ID when the handset is locked. You can keep all your health data stored locally, if you prefer. Credit: Lifehacker Note that simply deleting the Health app from your phone doesn't also delete the data the app has previously collectedit stays on your iPhone so other apps can access it if needed. If you want to delete your data and uninstall the Health app as well, you first need to wipe your records through the app before you remove it from your iPhone.You can delete anything stored in the Health app manually by tapping into the categories and the records that have been logged. On the page for each specific data type, you should see a Show All Data linkon the next screen, tap Edit, and you'll have the option to erase some or all of the collected data.How to check what your Health app is trackingOpening the Health app on your iPhone and checking the Summary screen will give you a good idea of the sorts of data the app is already tracking. If you go to the Browse tab, you can view every different type of data that the app can log, from your medications to your sleep: Just tap on a data category to see if there are records.On every data type screen, you'll see a Data Sources & Access link. Tap on this to see where the Health app is getting its information. You might see your iPhone and your Apple Watch listed, for example, as well as any third-party apps you've allowed to interact with your health data (either to report it or to access it, or both). Logged data is stored into categories. Credit: Lifehacker Stop your iPhone from tracking health dataYou can delete records from here, as explained above, but to actually stop the tracking you need to head to the main iOS Settings screen. Choose Health, and you'll see a list of apps connected to the appchoosing any of them lets you delete the data they've logged and disconnect them.To stop your iPhone tracking your activity (including steps), choose Privacy & Security then Motion & Fitness from the iOS Settings screen. Toggle the Fitness Tracking switch to off, and data from the iPhone itself won't be logged any longer. If you have third-party tracking apps installed, you can give permission to log activity to some of them but not others, if needed. You can stop data from your iPhone being recorded. Credit: Lifehacker Stop your Apple Watch from tracking health dataIf you've got an Apple Watch, you can actually stop logging activity from it as wellfrom the Watch app on your iPhone, open the My Watch tab, then choose Privacy to find the Fitness Tracking toggle switch. This doesn't delete the data the watch has already logged though (head into the Health app as described above to do this).Check who you're sharing your health data withFinally, it's worth double-checking who else can see your Health datathough presumably there will be no surprises here, as you'll have specifically set up these connections with family members or fitness buddies. From the Health app, tap the Sharing tab, and you can see current connections, choose which types of data you're sharing, and disable any connections you no longer want to have active.
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  • Why You Need Matching Hangers
    I'm going to give you some organizational advice that might seem trivial, but I hope I've built up enough credibility on the topic that you'll pay attention when I tell you: You need matching hangers in your closet. Most of us collect hangers as we wander through life and probably don't think much about them. For me, as I moved from apartment to apartment, I amassed a collection of hangers that ranged from wooden to metal to plastic to velvet, each reminding me of a former roommate or hotel that I stole them from. It was a nice reminder of where I've been, sure, but that really has no place in a closet. Upgrading to matching hangers was a game changer.The benefits of matching hangersIn December of 2020, I overhauled my closet, installing new shelving units and decluttering all my clothes. Those endeavors sucked up a lot of time, money, and energy. I also got matching hangers. That did not suck up a lot of time, money, or energy. It was also the most effective thing I did during the whole closet reorganization. First of all, matching hangers just look nicer. That may not seem all that important to you, since house guests probably aren't going to see inside your closet, but think of it as a gift to yourself. It's just more pleasant and peaceful to open up those doors and see a uniform spread of clothes before you. The other benefits are a little more tangible: In addition to looking nicer, your clothes hang nicer on hangers that are all the exact same size and shape. A big plastic hanger sandwiched between two metal ones interrupts the flow and obscures whatever is hung behind it. Hangers that are all the same hang the same and move the same, so it's much easier to see and sort through what you have. Don't just take my word for it, either; on organizational forums, people who've made the switch all swear by it, too.In decluttering and organizing, I'm always recommending using uniform containers to store everything, but the usefulness of uniform storage extends well beyond little boxes and drawer dividers. Simply put, making a little investment in better storage now and making sure everything is the same will save you a lot of stress in the future. Plus, it just feels more mature and put-together, which is a nice boost on days when you're feeling disheveled and beaten down by the trials of adulthood that can't be overcome with a quick Amazon purchase. Matching hanger ideasI have to admit, my December 2020 foray into the world of matching hangers wasn't my first attempt. I screwed it up a few months before that during my first attempt. I went to Target and bought a mega-pack of black plastic hangers. I don't recommend those. Plastic hangers are big and thick; they take up way too much space in the closet, plus clothes can (and do) slide right off them. If you're using tiered organizers to store your hangers and clothes vertically, plastic hangers may not even fit in the holes, rendering them useless. Instead, I recommend velvet hangers. That's what I switched to when I tried this for the second time and, four years later, they're still going strong. The hook itself is metal, but the body is slim, reducing the bulkiness on your clothing rack or tiered organizers. The velvet coating gives your clothes something to grip, too, so they don't fall off. I have ones just like this: Pink Velvet Hangers, 60 Pack $29.99 at Amazon $39.99 Save $10.00 Shop Now Shop Now $29.99 at Amazon $39.99 Save $10.00 I also bought a set with clips on them from the same brand. I did this because at the time, I was going through a phase where I had a lot of matching suit sets and wanted to store them together. I thought I was The Nanny. The pandemic was a weird time. The clips turned out to be helpful, though, even when I moved away from that fashion choice, because they doubled the amount each hanger could hold. You don't have to limit yourself to storing matching sets on these; they're useful for any kind of skirts or pants. The most important thing is making sure that if you buy hangers with clips, you're getting them from the same brand as your other matching hangers, to maintain that uniformity. Velvet Skirt Hangers, 24 Pack $34.99 at Amazon $35.99 Save $1.00 Shop Now Shop Now $34.99 at Amazon $35.99 Save $1.00 If you do prefer plastic hangers, opt for slim ones. These ($23.99) come in a pack of 50 and feature a variety of interior hooks and slats to accommodate everything from belts to tank tops, but they're a mere .2 inches thick. For a more upscale look, maybe in a front closet, you can go for wooden ones, but again, thinness is your friend. This 20-pack ($23.99) features hangers that are a sturdy wood, but still slim.
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  • You Need to Update Your iPhone ASAP
    There are a lot of different versions of iOS on the market right now. You could install the iOS 18 beta, which sports upcoming features like total Home Screen customization and message scheduling. You can even try iOS 18.1 on your iPhone 15 Pro or 15 Pro Max, and test out Apple Intelligence features before they officially drop this fall. But if you're not one for testing beta software on your iPhone, you should install Apple's latest official update, iOS 17.6, as soon as possible. You might be putting yourself at risk without it. iOS 17.6's many security patchesApple dropped iOS 17.6 on Monday, for all compatible iPhones, but because of the news surrounding iOS 18.1, it didn't make much of a splash. It doesn't help that Apple includes no new features in 17.6's release notes: The update screen simply says: "This update provides important bug fixes and security updates and is recommended for all users."Apple isn't lying: The update does contain important bug fixes and security patches30 of them, to be precise. While the company doesn't share these patches in the release notes, it does provide a link to a site containing the security notes for all updates, where you click on the notes for iOS 17.6. There are a lot of patches here, for bugs affecting many different parts of iOS. Luckily, Apple doesn't report that any of these bugs have had exploits in the wild, which means, to Apple's knowledge, bad actors haven't discovered how to use them against usersyet. Still, that doesn't mean you should delay installing the update. Now that these vulnerabilities are out there, it's only a matter of time before bad actors figure out how to exploit them. They might figure out how to use Siri to access sensitive data, or use VoiceOver to view restricted content from your Lock Screen. They might discover how to view your Private Browsing tabs in Safari or your Hidden Photos Album without authentication.But it might be the kernel vulnerabilities that are the most important to patch. Kernel is the core of a computer's OS, so security vulnerabilities affecting it are particularly dangerous. Apple highlights two kernel patches in its security notes, one that blocks bad actors from determining kernel memory layout, and another that prevents a malware file from causing "unexpected app termination." As Forbes reports, these flaws are serious enough to get this update on the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency's (CISA) watchlist. The organization is encouraging users and admins to update as soon as possible. Even if your iPhone does not support iOS 17, you likely have an update to patch many of these flaws. Apple also released iOS 16.7.9 and iOS 15.8.3 for older iPhones. The former fixes 20 flaws, while Apple has not disclosed what 15.8.3 patches. Either way, you should also update to whichever version your iPhone support ASAP. iOS 17.6 does add one new featureWhile Apple didn't highlight it, this latest update does include a new feature: Catch Up. As 9to5Mac explains, Catch Up is a sports feature that kicks in when you join a game's livestream midway through. It shows you a series of highlights from the parts of the game you missed, so you can "catch up" as you tune in. Right now, this feature is only part of Apple's MLS Season Pass subscription, but 9to5Mac believes it will expand to other sports beyond soccer.How to update to iOS 17.6 and patch these security flawsTo update your iPhone, head to Settings > General > Software Update. Let this page load a moment, then look for iOS 17.6, or the latest update available. Follow the on-screen instructions to download and install the update.
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  • Why Assuming Someone Elses Mortgage Is Probably a Bad Idea (Even If the Interest Rate Is Low)
    House hunting can easily turn into house fever, especially as home prices keep rising and you keep losing bidding wars on the houses you want. The desire to finally own your own home can drive you to some creative decisions, especially around mortgages, which can be challenging in the best of times. When you crunch those numbers on affording your dream home, you might look at current interest rates (hovering close to 7% at the time of this writing) and then look (longingly) at a decade agothe average mortgage rate in May 2013 was just 3.35%.If only you could use a time machine to buy your house eleven years ago! And then someone tells you that you can time travel to that lower rate: All you need to do is assume someones mortgage, and it might seem like a magical solution to your house-hunting blues. But there are plenty of downsides to an assumed mortgage that make it unlikely to be a wise decision.How do you assume a mortgage?Assuming a mortgage is a simple concept: You take over an existing mortgage, agreeing to make the monthly payments (including escrow payments) at the same terms and interest rate. The seller signs the title of the house over to you, you pay them any difference between the homes value and the loan balance, and bam! You own a house and have a mortgage with the interest rate of a much happier time.For example, lets say you find a house thats being sold for $300,000. The seller has an existing mortgage with a 4% rate and a $200,000 balance. You pay the seller $100,000, you pay some fees to the lender, and you assume the mortgage, maintaining the 4% rate.There are two basic versions of assumable mortgages:Simple assumption is a private arrangement between the buyer and the seller that doesnt involve the lender. The seller remains officially responsible for the loan, but the buyer makes the payments and takes the homes title. If the buyer defaults, both the buyer and the seller are on the hook, because the lender didnt approve the assumption.Novation-based assumptions are more official, and require the lender to approve the buyer for the loan and officially change the debt over to them. These require more paperwork, but the seller is completely released from responsibility for the debt.And assumed loans are getting more popular: In 2022, 2,221 Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans and 308 Veterans Administration (VA) loans were assumed; in 2023, 3,825 FHA loans and 2,244 VA loans were assumedand were on pace to break both those marks by end of 2024.And this can work, yes. If any new mortgage you qualified for would come with a 6% or 7% rate, you could save yourself a lot of money over the course of owning that home. If it was that simple, it would be a no-brainer. But its rarely that simple, for a long list of reasons.The downsides to assuming a mortgageTrying to assume a mortgage comes with a lot of potential downsides:Finding one. Your first problem is going to be finding a mortgage you can assume, because the majority of conventional mortgage loans cant be. Generally only government-backed loans from the FHA, VA, or the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) are assumable. These loans make up roughly one-fourth of the mortgages in existence, so youre already boxed out of 75% of the possible homes you could buy this way.Strict criteria. If you do identify a loan that has the right mix of sale price, loan balance, interest rate, and government-backing, your next problem is going to be the strict criteria involved (unless youre doing a simple assumption). In a novation assumption, you have to apply to the lender just as you would when originating a mortgage. Each government agency has its own set of requirements, including minimum credit scores and requirements that the house be the sellers primary residence.No shopping around. When assuming a mortgage, you are locked in to the existing lender. You cant go to another bank to get a better deal, and you cant negotiate any of the termsyou just assume them as-is. Youll need to be sure that every aspect of the loan works for you, and get comfortable not being able to choose the financial institution you work with.Costs. If we return to the example of buying a $300,000 house by assuming a mortgage with a $200,000 balance, youll have to come up with $100,000 to make the seller whole, so youre either going to pay cash or youll need a second mortgagewhich means you dilute the benefit of your low interest rate. Plus, theres usually a loan assumption fee involved. The VA will charge 0.5% of the remaining mortgage balance, for example.If youre doing a simple assumption with a family member or very close friend that you trust completely, assuming a mortgage can be a way to own a home with a lower interest rate and less trouble than getting a new loan. Otherwise, assuming a mortgage is rarely going to be your best option, even if the rate is good.
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  • How I Use Smart Tech to Help Raise My Backyard Chickens
    While Id long entertained the idea of raising a flock of chickens in my backyard, I knew it wouldn't be easy. Caring for living things takes a lot of work, and I need more on my to-do list like a chicken needs a xylophone (more on that later). But I was undeterred. From robot vacuums in my living room to programmable hoses in may garden, I use a lot of smart tech to make my life easier. I figured someone had to have cracked the code on automating at least part of the care and feeding of suburban fowland if they hadnt, I could.It turns out my thesis was both right and wrong. Yes, there is a lot of smart tech you can use to make chicken herding less cumbersome. But you're still dealing with living, breathing, clucking beings, and theyre always going to be both more expensive and more time consuming than you might think. On the other hand, they also can be pretty flocking delightful creatures to raise, and by using smart tech to do some of the heavy lifting, you can spend more time dispensing chicken cuddles and contemplating how you became a person who always carries around a can of dried worms. Heres how I used smart tech to "hack" my flock of four backyard chickens (Cacciatore, Marsala, Kiev, and Korma). Just look at these adorable freeloading idiots: Marsala, Cacciatore, Korma and Kiev. Credit: Amanda Blum Start with a smarter chicken coopIm handy and I have a Pinterest account, so I was well-positioned to build the coop of dreams in a weekend, but that involves actual work, and the point was to avoid that nonsense. Instead, I was only too happy to try out the Smart Coop. Made of metal and pre-formed plastic, this wifi-enabled coop can be purchased with or without a run. It includes a door that can be programmed via an app to open and close at specific times (or at sunrise and sunset), with a number of preset options (close 20 minutes after sunset; close halfway then pause to as a last opportunity for a straggler to run inside; use latitude and longitude to determine sunrise/sunset, etc.) that give it far more functionality than your standard automatic coop door. Once you dial in the settings that work for you, your chickens will quickly learn to go in on their own when its time. I only had to rescue poor Marsala a few times (because she is that chicken), and even that process is easier, because the app sends me an alert notifying me one of the girls didn't make it in the coop before the door closed.Additionally, the Smart Coop has two wifi enabled cameras that watch the run and the coop. They use a proprietary surveillance algorithm called EggsteinAI to determine where your chickens are, if there are predators about and what kind, if there are eggs to be grabbed, and when the door opens and closes. Notifications are sent to your app or via text so you can react to them appropriately (for example, if you get a predator alert, you can send an SOS that turns on an alarm, activates a light, and shuts the coop door). From the app, you can watch motion captures of your chickens to ensure they got into the coop at night, have figured out roosting, or are playing with their toys. Or you can watch them being little weirdoes (my IG stories are forever changed). The Coop cameras work a lot like any other security camera, except that Eggstein AI looks for predators, eggs and keeps track of your chickens. Credit: courtesy of Smart Coop Of course, you could simply install smart cameras in any old coop, and doors for coops that open and close automatically are nothing new. But the AI alerts have helped me stress less about whats happening in the coop because I can more easily monitor it from afar. Unlike my chickens, I have a job; I cant spend all day outside hanging with them. Plus, no matter what kind of relationship you have with your flock, your presence is always going to freak them out a little because, well, theyre chickens. Mine regard me as their one true leader, and the moment they see me, they stop being adorable and turn into excited idiots. Using a camera to check that theyre roosting, eating, or enjoying the vibes creates less disruption for everyone. I can now spy on how my dog interacts with the coop, and see what local wildlife has become interested in them too, without triggering the observer effect. (Having an easy way to share clips of my chickens' exploits with the world is just a bonus.) Smart Coop also sells accessories to make coop keeping easier, from coop liners so cleaning the coop is roughly the same as cleaning your litter box, solar panels for the cameras and weather covers for the coop. The coop and run are built like a tank, its not going anywhere. The coop itself is highly secure so the chickens are safe at night, in a way that any wood coop Id have built wouldnt be. The double walled plastic is completely sealed around, except for the vents which allow airflow, and all the doors feature locks.Coop has in app support and a community tab that will connect you to other chicken and duck owners. Honestly, I was pretty impressed. The Smart Coop $1,695.00 at Coop Learn More Learn More $1,695.00 at Coop Install sensors that are smarter than the chickens (which wont be hard)As useful and full-featured as it is, the Smart Coop does not monitor temperature in the coop or run, and within a week or two of moving my sweet dumb chicks outside, my city was dealing with a heat dome and temperatures soaring over 100 degrees. While chickens dont usually require temperature controls, they are susceptible to high heat, so I wanted to find ways to cool them off. Monitor temperatureI installed Aqara temperature and humidity sensorsone in their coop (which is essentially a big plastic box, so it gets hot at night when theyre all sealed in there), and one in the run. I now get real time alerts when temps exceed a certain threshold, so I can choose to take action. I can also use the sensors to trigger automations: I set up a Dreo smart fan in the coop that turns on when the temps go above 80 degrees. (It turns out chickens love a breeze.) This automation was simple to set up, as the sensor and the fan will both integrate with most smart hubs. I keep check of the chicken's temperature and humidity inside the coop and run using sensors. Credit: Aqara app Get water alertsPart of my fowl learning curve was discovering the astounding amount of water four chickens can down in a day. I didnt want to have to check or top up the water every single day, so I installed a water sensor. While a water leak sensor usually tells you when unwanted water is present, the YoLink water level float sensor tells you when the water sinks below an acceptable level. I next connected an emitter from my existing smart drip irrigation system to the chickens watering station so that when the sensor says it needs water, the smart irrigation kicks on, refilling the waterer for me. It's supremely satisfying every time. Monitor their feedIve yet to find a dedicated wireless light sensor to control the lighting in the coop, but most motion sensors have them. I chucked an Eve motion sensor into the bottom of the chickens food dispenser. As they eat, they eventually uncover the sensor, exposing it to light, and I get an alert so I know its time to add feed. (My deliveries of food are automated via Chewy to arrive every few weeks.)Use smart tech to train your chickensLet me preface this by noting that I am probably more concerned with my chickens' extracurricular activities than most people: Ive installed a swing, a bridge, a mirror, and that aforementioned xylophone in their pen, even thought they mostly just want to stand in front of the fan impersonating Beach Ken. That said, what I want is for the chicks to crave is my approval. The solution involves dispensing treats when they do what I want them to do. For this, I turned to the Switchbot bot. This is a tiny articulating finger that you can use to turn on a switch or punch a button. I use it to activate a treat dispenser when my chickens peck a corresponding Switchbot button. Hilarity ensues. (I am also considering installing the dog treat dispenser that my dog couldnt figure out; I think the chickens could, though Im not sure what that says about my dog.)I hope all of this doesn't suggest that I use smart tech to ignore my chickens. Far from it: Removing some of the more mundane tasks has given me more time to enjoy the little buggers. I still check in on them daily, usually in early evening, to offer attention and hugs before bedtime (listen, Cacciatore is a highly sensitive chicken). I also use that time to double check all my systems and ensure everything is online and working. Theres plenty about raising chickens that cant be automated, like cleaning out treat trays, changing out the shavings, and refilling grit and dirt bath stations. Automating what I can has helped me actually enjoy managing my little flock.
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  • The 26 Best Shows Streaming on Max Right Now
    Max has always benefitted from being the home for HBO hits like Game of Thrones and The Last of Us, but the streamer produced some quality original programming right out of the gate, too. Hacks is a buzzy award winner, and shows like Peacemaker and The Sex Lives of College Girls have drawn eyeballs toward the former "HBO Max."Given the volume of streaming content, and the number of shows Max has already produced, there are some great choices that might have flown under your radar. In our new era, in which good shows arent just canceled but erased from existence (ahem, Raised by Wolves), it never hurts to take a moment to consider the slightly less buzzy shows that are equally worthy of your attention. Max has begun to fall victim to the streaming implosion that's hitting pretty much every streaming service, but pretty much all of the already-ended shows here have some sense of completion.The shows here are all Max originals, which means they were either initially produced for and/or are currently distributed exclusively by the streamer, at least in North America. Because of the existence of the hyper-mega-conglomerate that is WarnerMedia, that can get a little complicated, and shows get shared around a bit. So, when calling something an Original, Im relying largely on Maxs own definition, even if they started life elsewhere.Hacks (2021 , renewed for a fourth season) After getting canceled over a tweet, 25-year-old writer Ava (Hannah Einbinder) struggles to get her career back in order, reluctantly taking a job for Deborah Vance (Jean Smart)a comedy trailblazer who remains popular with an older Vegas crown, but whose career is largely on autopilot. They're an entirely mismatched pair, but their chemistry is ultimately explosive, with Jean Smart doing some of the best work of her incredible career as the (often) deeply unlikeable Vance, and Einbinder more than holding her own. It's funny, bitchy, and surprisingly moving when it wants to be.Doom Patrol (2019 2023, four seasons) Maxs early DC show was originally ported from the now-defunct DC Universe streamer (past and future episodes are now Max-exclusive), a largely forgotten effort. Thank goodness it survived; though ended after four seasons, it was an uncharacteristically bold and freaky entry in the superhero canon. Nearly indescribably weird, the show includes characters like the non-binary Danny the Street (a literal street), paranormal investigators the Sex Men, Imaginary Jesus, and orgasm-generating body builder Flex Mentallowhile also grounded in some really excellent, frequently emotional character work from the entire cast, including Brendan Fraser, Matt Bomer, Michelle Gomez, and Timothy Dalton. Its also very queer and sex positive, making it a standout among the usually chaste and straight world of superhero cinema.The Flight Attendant (2020 2022, two seasons) Kaley Cuoco plays hard-living (i.e. alcoholic) flight attendant Cassie Bowden, who, in the first episode, wakes up in a Bangkok hotel room with no memory of the night before. Which could be a good thing or a bad thing, given that she's sharing a bed with a dead passenger from her last flight. Afraid to call the police, she tries, on her own, to piece together the increasingly convoluted memories of that last night. Impressively twisty-turny, but also with a hallucinogenic sense of fun, it's an impressively unique show that earned several Emmy nominations, including for a great Cuoco. Despite generating plenty of buzz and seemingly good numbers, it was canceled after two seasonswhich will become something of a theme with Max. The Sex Lives of College Girls (2021 , renewed for a third season) Kimberly (Pauline Chalamet) is an endlessly nave scholarship student; Bela (Amrit Kaur), is an aspiring comedy writer on the make for the hottest guys; Whitney (Alyah Chanelle Scott) is an overachieving athlete and senators daughter; Leighton (Rene Rapp) is a closeted sorority girl. They're randomly assigned to room together as freshmen at the fictional Essex College in Vermont, a mismatched quartet exploring young adulthood together. Created by Mindy Kaling and Justin Noble, the comedy-drama isn't nearly as salacious as its title suggests: There's sex, for sure, but like Sex and the City before it, the funny and queer-friendly show is more about female friendship. Jellystone! (2021 , three seasons) The Hanna-Barbera cartoon pantheon has been largely dormant in recent decades, but this is a fun revisit, with the titular town serving as home to dozens of characters from back in the day, led by Mayor Huckleberry Hound, Yogi Bear (now a doctor at Jellystone Hospital), Augie Doggy, Jabberjaw, Top Cat, and dozens more, with out-of-towners like The Jetsons and Space Ghost popping in now and again. The show's silly, anarchic style is definitely not a one-for-one match to the source material, but it's not a terrible thing that the show is focused on appealing to modern kids rather than their parents (or grandparents, at this point). It's fun for that older elementary age group.Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai (2023, renewed for a second season) It was weird, but kinda cool, that the original Gremlins movie was marketed toward kids, given that the plot turns on moments like a Mogwai blowing up in a microwave and an anecdote about someone's dead dad mouldering in a chimney dressed like Santa Claus. That all being said, this animated prequel is legit kid-friendly, even if it doesn't shy away from the Looney Tunes-esque style of the live-action movies. It also takes the awkward Orientalism of those movies and makes it a virtue: Sam Wing (played by Hollywood legend Keye Luke in Gremlins) is, here, a 10-year-old boy who meets Gizmo and is then forced to join him on a journey through the Chinese countryside, sometimes encountering mythical creatures. The stacked voice cast includes Izaac Wang, Ming-Na Wen as Fong Wing, B. D. Wong, and the great James Hong. The Other Two (2019 2023, three seasons) Helne Yorke and Drew Tarver stars as a couple of meandering siblings whose lives are turned upside down when their younger brother becomes a viral sensation. The show has a lot of fun dissecting modern pop culture, and, though it has a sweet side, its some of the best cringe comedy you'll find on Max. As class satires go, it never quite achieved Succession levels of obsession, but deserves a bit more love.Tokyo Vice (2022 2024, two seasons) Your tolerance for Ansel Elgort may vary (given assault allegations), but he stars here alongside always-welcome Japanese actors Ken Watanabe and Rinko Kikuchi as a young journalist who becomes embedded with veteran detectives in Tokyos vice squad circa 1999. The show pays tribute to both the glitzy and wonderfully seedy aspects of the title city, while also working as an effective crime drama set in a very different context from more typical America-set shows.Rap Sh!t (2022 2023, two seasons) Issa Rae follows up Insecure with the story of socially conscious Miami rapper Shawna (Aida Osman), who winds up selling out, at least in her own eyes, when she teams up with her friend Mia (KaMillion), whose popular OnlyFans brings the new rap group a built-in fanbase. Meanwhile, Shawnas boyfriend Cliff (Devon Terrell) has to come to terms with the fact that Shawnas more commercial career path might put his dreams of political success in danger. Like Insecure, its deeply funny, but also has plenty to say about friendship and ambition between young Black women.The Big Brunch (2022, one season) Finally: a reality show for people who love brunch (some of whom, Im informed, might even be straight). Schitts Creeks Dan Levy hosts the cooking show involving ten chefs competing for the money to make all their dreams come true (to the tune of $300,000)but only if they can make the perfect brunch. The show avoids the stressful elements of a Gordon Ramsey-type competition, while being quite a bit funnier than a GBBO. Its a solid entry in the reality-cooking world with a unique style, though its one-and-done single season (at least so far) will be a pro or a con depending on how hooked you find yourself.Its a Sin (2021, miniseries) Russell T. Davies (Queer as Folk, Doctor Who) revisits the 1980s through the story of a group of friends living in London during the height of the HIV/AIDS crisis. The miniseries brings an impressive cast to bear on a story that tracks them through the early days of queer liberation through the developing menace of a disease that no one in the broader world was willing to talk about, much less do anything about.Peacemaker (2022 , renewed for a second season) A funny and violent bright spot in the wildly convoluted onscreen world of DC Comics, Peacemaker spins out of James Gunn's snarky 2021 entry The Suicide Squad, with John Cena reprising his role. Having survived the events of that film, he's recruited once again by the United States government to join a team trying to stop mysterious butterfly creatures inhabiting human hosts. It's got the same bloody comic tone of the movie, but adds just enough dimension, and an emotional arc, to the the jingoistic superheroes' story that it's easy to root for him, even as his self-awareness remains limited.South Side (20192022, three seasons) Creators/writers Bashir Salahuddin and Diallo Riddle (who also have parts in the series) brought a unique style to their three-season sitcom set in Englewoodthe close-knit cast and production crew (Bashirs brother, Sultan, plays one of the leads) give the show a familial vibe. it follows two mismatched friends (Sultan Salahuddin and Kareme Young) trying to find success while running a rent-to-own store amid a widely diverse ensemble, and trying to find some kind of accord with the local PD.Through Our Eyes (2021, miniseries) An original production from Sesame Workshop, each episode of the docuseries deals with a distinctive issue facing children, and each is directed by a different talented and acclaimed director. The four current episodes engage with kids with incarcerated parents, families displaced by climate crises, the children of veterans relying on caregivers, and those without permanent housing. The series offers a rare perspective, and takes an appropriately straightforward and honest approach without feeling the need to manipulate our emotions. Its a miniseries at the moment, although there might be more coming.Equal (2020, one season) The well-done docuseries pulls in some star power to tell stories around some of the most significant events in LGBTQ+ history during the 20th century. The combination of talking head-style discussions alongside scripted reenactments is particularly effective.Julia (2022 2023, two seasons) Im increasingly drawn to stories of people who made it later in life, probably unrelated to being solidly middle-aged while having accomplished (as yet) nothing of note. Sarah Lancashire plays Julia Child magnificently, capturing much of her distinctive style and patter, and the show has a lot of fun with the production woes of early public television. Even though it has a light touch, the shows also an important reminder of the importance of a woman like Julia, a woman in her 50s who become an unlikely trailblazer as not just an on-camera personality, but also as an innovative producer. Another one that deserved more than two seasons, but still delightful.Expecting Amy (2020, one season) Not a stand-up special (although it does interweave with the development of one), but instead, another in Maxs impressive and (fairly) diverse docuseries offerings. What might otherwise be a vanity project (a doc about comedian Amy Schumers complicated pregnancy) is buoyed by a real sense of honesty, and by discussion of her husband Chriss autism diagnosis around the same time. It probably requires a bit of an appreciation for Schumer going in, but its a fairly fascinating journey.Titans (20182023, four seasons) Theres an almost relentless edginess to an awful lot of the movies and shows based on DC superheroes, feeling at times as though theyre apologizing for the source material. Titans is right there, but with swearing, fucking, and some fairly intense violence. What it has, though, that some of the movies lack, is an addictive quality that mimics the feel of getting really into a good long-form superhero comic book storylinebut more swearsy.Young Justice (20102022, four seasons) This is the little cartoon that could: canceled way back in 2013, picked up by the defunct DC Universe streamer for season 3, and then getting a final season as a Max original (those first three seasons are also on Max). Theres a reason it has hung in there, even without the name recognition of some of DCs other stuff: Its an impressively animated series that draws from any number of comics sources while scrupulously developing its characters. Unlike a lot of cartoons (or comics), its also allowed its characters to grow up over the years and introduced new generations of heroes along the way.Heavens Gate: The Cult of Cults (2020, one season) Its not always an easy watch (the ending episode, not surprisingly, is downright harrowing), but its not a terrible time to revisit the story of the Heavens Gate UFO-worshipping cult and its leader, Marshall Applewhite. The group had come to believe strongly in ideas that are fundamentally goofy, with deeply tragic consequences. Which is all sounding a little familiar lately. The doc makes use of never-before-released footage.Station Eleven (2021, miniseries) The miniseries, based on the Emily St. John Mandel novel, was released at either the best time or the worst possible time, the story of a flu pandemic landed on the former HBO Max right in the middle of the first phase of COVID. The show follows Kirsten Raymonde, a young stage actor whose performance in a production of King Lear is cut short by the onset of a virus with a 99% fatality rate. We meet Kirsten at the outset of the pandemic, and then visit her 20 years on, still an actor, in a world very much changed. Its a slow burn, but ultimately, the series makes a moving case for the power of art, even (or especially) in moments when survival is on the line.Harley Quinn (2019 , renewed for a fifth season) Kaley Cuoco voices Harley in this very adult cartoon series starring the anti-hero who made her debut in Bruce Timm and Paul Dinis Batman: The Animated Series way back in the day. Dont expect traditional superheroicsits very much a zany comedy, but its often funny and delivers some solid queer representation.The Staircase (2022, miniseries) Going beyond the standard true crime tropes, The Staircase stars Colin Firth as Michael Peterson, the real-life novelist convicted of murder after his wife, Kathleen, was found dead at the bottom of the titles staircase. Uniquely, the miniseries deals not primarily with the events surrounding the death, but instead the aftermath, and the filming of a French documentary during Petersons legal battle. The result is a smart look at the medias impact on crime and punishment in our true-crime obsessed world.Love & Death (2023, miniseries) The story of 1970s housewife Candy Montgomery has been told several times before, most memorably via a 1990 TV movie and a Hulu series from just last year. Here, Elizabeth Olsen gives a stellar performance as the woman who kills her lovers wife, maybe in self-defense? It hits plenty of the expected true crime notes, but Olsens performance is top-tier, humanizing the lead character.Search Party (20162022, five seasons) This very dark comedy became an HBO Max/Max original following its cancellation by TBSbut it still counts, kicking off with a Veronica Mars vibe involving Alia Shawkats Dory and her hunt for a missing college friend. The largely narcissistic characters are hunting for meaning and attention as much as for the missing friend, while the show grows weirder, funnier, and more interesting with each season, becoming a convincing chronicle of the absurdities of modern millennial existence.Our Flag Means Death (2022 2023), two seasons I think everyone probably knows about this one alreadyat least those of you who are extremely onlinebut the swashbuckling pirate comedy isnt only wonderfully goofy and funny, it also features, unexpectedly, one of the most believable and compelling gay romances of the last several years, so I just wanted to give it a little extra love. Max cut it short after a mere two seasons which, boo! But that doesn't mean it's not worth diving in.
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  • You Can Hide iPhone App Names Now
    Home screen customization is finally coming to the iPhone with iOS 18. You'll be able to place apps and widgets anywhere on your home screen, so long as they're in a grid layout. Apple will also now let you tint the app icon colors, or switch to a darker color palette.But included in all this is a more hidden feature that lets you remove name labels from apps and widgets. Until now, you had to resort to third party apps or clunky shortcuts to get that clean home screen look that Android users take for granted.A seemingly small change, this gives a huge aesthetic boost to your home screen. Switching to a larger home screen layout increases the size of app icons and widgets a bit, but keeps the general layout the same. Here's how it works.This feature only works if you're running iOS 18, so start by upgrading your OS. At the time of writing, iOS 18 is available for free as a Public beta, with a stable release set for Fall 2024.On your iPhone, go to the home screen and tap and hold an empty part of the home screen. Here, tap the Edit button in the top-left corner, then choose the Customize option. Credit: Khamosh Pathak This will show you the new home screen customization option. Here, switch to the Large mode. Credit: Khamosh Pathak Instantly, you'll notice that the home screen icons will become bigger, and they will lose their name labels (as shown in the screenshot below). This change will occur across all home screens. Swipe up from the home bar to save your preferences. Left: iPhone Home Screen with text labels. Right: Without text labels. Credit: Khamosh Pathak While you're in the customization screen, you can go one step further for a more uniform look. Switch to the Tinted mode, choose a tint color, then optionally activate dark mode. This will make your screen really pop. Play around to see what looks best to your eyes.
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