• Kristi Noem, Trumps Nominee for Leader of the Department of Homeland Security, Has Rejected Climate Science
    November 13, 20246 min readKristi Noem, Set to Oversee Disaster Agency, Has Rejected Climate SciencePresident-elect Donald Trumps pick to lead the Department of Homeland Security and its disaster agency has said people arent driving temperature increases and declined to accept federal climate money for disaster preparedness as governor of South DakotaPresident-elect Donald Trump named South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) to his Cabinet on Tuesday. Kamil Krzaczynski/AFP via Getty ImagesCLIMATEWIRE | President-elect Donald Trumps pick to run the department in charge of disaster recovery has been skeptical of climate change, declined to accept federal climate money and been criticized for her own handling of a natural catastrophe.Trump named Gov. Kristi Noem of South Dakota on Tuesday to run the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees the Federal Emergency Management Agency at a time when damage from extreme weather is soaring. FEMA distributes billions in disaster aid yearly and runs the country's biggest insurer against flooding the most damaging disaster in the U.S.But Noem has dismissed the idea that people are causing temperatures to rise.On supporting science journalismIf you're enjoying this article, consider supporting our award-winning journalism by subscribing. By purchasing a subscription you are helping to ensure the future of impactful stories about the discoveries and ideas shaping our world today.Asked by a reporter in March 2022 if she believes the climate is changing, Noem replied, I think the science has been varied on it, and it hasnt been proven to me that what were doing is affecting the climate.Noem, a Republican, is one of five governors who declined to accept EPA planning grants that the Biden administration offered every state to address climate pollution.She is the only governor to opt out of a new $4 billion Energy Department program that gives states money to distribute to their residents for rebates on energy-efficient home appliances and improvements. South Dakotas share was $69 million, one of the largest amounts per capita in the nation.That money would have been available to commercial contractors to install energy-efficient appliances, which would lower heating and cooling costs for the individuals who are renting or buyers of those homes, said South Dakota state Sen. Linda Duba (D) on Tuesday.Were trying to drive down costs for individuals, so there was tremendous opportunity there, Duba added.Ian Fury, a Noem spokesperson, said last year that the governor declined the rebate money because federal spending often comes with strings attached, and more of it is often not a good thing.Noem declined the pollution grant because we focus on solving long-term problems with one-time investments rather than creating new government programs, Fury said.Noem also did not claim most of the money that FEMA has made available to states through a grant program for resilience projects.FEMA offered each state $3.6 million from 2021 to 2023. South Dakota collected just $1.3 million, FEMA records show. Thats one of the lowest collection rates of any state.Noem has also sought minimal funding from a separate FEMA grant program that pays for projects to lower flood damage, FEMA records show.She would be the eighth Homeland Security secretary since the department was created after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in 2001. Two of them had also been governors Tom Ridge of Pennsylvania and Janet Napolitano of Arizona.Noem is expected to focus largely on border and immigration issues if the Senate confirms her. DHS includes Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement.Noem joined legal attacks on climate programsNoems skepticism about climate change stands in sharp contrast to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell, both of whom are currently serving under President Joe Biden. They have both emphasized the enormous damage being caused by intensifying hurricanes, wildfires and floods, which they link to climate change.Trump has not yet named a FEMA administrator, who requires Senate confirmation, and is likely to wait until he has selected his Cabinet and other top officials.Noem, who has been governor since 2019, faced criticism for her response in June to major flooding in southeastern South Dakota due to massive rainfall overflowing streams, including the Big Sioux River. Some local residents criticized Noem for not activating the South Dakota National Guard and for flying to Tennessee during the flooding to attend a Republican fundraiser.When journalists asked Noem why she didnt deploy the National Guard, she pointed to the cost and said no local officials requested it, according to South Dakota Searchlight. Fury, the spokesperson, said at the time that county emergency managers handle local emergencies and are supported by the state on request.Quite frankly she was back and forth out of the state when all of that rain was falling, and her focus should have been right here. She should have canceled all of her press and been here because the flooding was substantial, said Duba, the Democratic state senator.A couple of weeks after the flooding, Noem asked Biden to approve federal disaster aid for South Dakota. Biden approved the request, and FEMA has given $9.1 million to 1,100 residents for emergency expenses and minor home repairs.Noem has experience with the FEMA disaster system. During her time in office, she has made 10 requests to the White House for FEMA aid after natural disasters five to Biden and five to Trump, who denied one request due to insufficient damage. South Dakota has received a total of $142 million in FEMA aid under her leadership, agency records show.In 2023, Noem hired Navigators Global, a Washington lobbying firm, to make sure that South Dakota is getting their fair share of all the taxpayer money they send to the federal government, lobbyist Cesar Conda said at the time.Noem met with Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack in early 2023. Around the same time, her chief of staff, Mark Miller, met with Mitch Landrieu, who was then at the White House overseeing implementation of the bipartisan infrastructure law.As she sought help from the White House, Noem also attacked some of the Biden administration's actions on climate change. She joined 15 other Republican governors to protest a move by the Securities and Exchange Commission to require publicly traded companies to disclose their risks from climate change.Since climate change models vary dramatically, the notion of evaluating investment risk based on such uncertain variables is inherently subjective and unreliable, the governors wrote to SEC Chair Gary Gensler in 2022. The SEC rule is tied up in a court challenge.Noem also joined a lawsuit to stop the Biden administration from putting a price on the social cost of carbon emissions, which agencies could use to write stronger climate regulations. The lawsuit was dismissed.'You're fired!'A year after becoming governor, Noem gained national attention during the pandemic for insisting that state and local businesses stay open. She was the only governor to reject Trumps offer of additional unemployment benefits.Noem has described the pandemic and the response as a life-changing event.In 2020, dysfunction mutated into dictatorship, Noem wrote in her autobiography "No Going Back," published this year.The COVID-19 pandemic changed our country and changed me. It almost killed us, and Im not talking about a virus. Most of the American population was at high risk for being controlled, Noem wrote.South Dakota, she boasted, was the only state in the nation that never once closed a single business.Before then, as a member of Congress from 2011 to 2019, Noem had few dealings with climate issues or disasters and was focused on agriculture and the military.Noem, who is 52, served in the South Dakota Legislature from 2007 to 2011 and grew up on a farm in the eastern part of the state.In "Not My First Rodeo," Noem's memoir published in 2022, she wrote, If I had to describe my overall political beliefs and the political beliefs of my whole family and most of my neighbors in just one word, it would be: respect.But Noem expressed a sharper edge in her newest book, "No Going Back."Near the end, she lists actions she would take as president on her first day. They include close the border and build that wall and restore the Made in Mexico policy.Noem also said she would hire John Kerry as climate czar just to have the satisfaction of looking him in the eye and saying, Youre fired!'"Reprinted from E&E News with permission from POLITICO, LLC. Copyright 2024. E&E News provides essential news for energy and environment professionals.
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  • Are Alternate Timelines Real? Quantum Physics Explains
    November 13, 20246 min readAlternate Timelines Cant Help You, Quantum Physicists SayThe multiverse offers no escape from our realitywhich might be a very good thingBy George Musser Hiroshi Watanabe/Getty ImagesAs memes go, it wasnt particularly viral. But for a couple of hours on the morning of November 6, the term darkest timeline trended in Google searches, and several physicists posted musings on social media about whether we were actually in it. All the probabilities expressed in opinion polls and prediction markets had collapsed into a single definite outcome, and history went from what might be to that just happened. The two sides in this hyperpolarized U.S. presidential election had agreed on practically nothingsave for their shared belief that its outcome would be a fateful choice between two diverging trajectories for our world.That raises rather obvious (but perhaps pointless) questions: Could a darkest timeline (or any other timeline, for that matter) be real? Somewhere out there in the great beyond, might there be a parallel world in which Kamala Harris electorally triumphed instead?It turns out that, outside of fostering escapist sociopolitical fantasies and putting a scientific gloss on the genre of counterfactual history, the notion of alternate timelines is in fact something physicists take very seriously. The concept most famously appears in quantum mechanics, which predicts a multiplicity of outcomescats that are both alive and dead and all that. If a particle of lighta photonstrikes a mirror that is only partially silvered, the particle can, in a sense, both pass through and reflect off that surfacetwo mutually exclusive outcomes, known in physics parlance as a superposition. Only one of those possibilities will manifest itself when an observation is made, but until then, the particle juggles both possibilities simultaneously. Thats what the mathematics saysand what experiments confirm. For instance, you can create a superposition and then uncreate it by directing the light onto a second partially silvered mirror. That wouldnt be possible unless both possibilities remained in play. Although this feature is usually framed in terms of subatomic particles, it is thought to be ubiquitous across all scales in the universe.On supporting science journalismIf you're enjoying this article, consider supporting our award-winning journalism by subscribing. By purchasing a subscription you are helping to ensure the future of impactful stories about the discoveries and ideas shaping our world today.What supports the idea that these timelines are real, and not just imaginative fictions, is that they can interfere with one another, either enhancing or diminishing the probability of their occurrence. That is, something that might have happened but doesnt has a measurable effect on what does, as if the former reaches from the shadowy realm of the possible into the world of the actual.Consider the bomb detector that physicists Avshalom Elitzur and Lev Vaidman proposed in 1993 and that has since been demonstrated (fortunately not with real bombs): Perform the experiment with the partially silvered mirror but place a light-sensitive bomb along one of the two paths the photon can take. This blockage prevents you from uncreating the superposition to restore the traveling photon to its original state. It does so even if the bomb never goes off, indicating that the photon never touched it. The mere possibility that the photon could strike the bomb affects what happens. In theory, you could use this principleknown as counterfactual definitenessto take x-ray images of cells without subjecting them to damaging radiation. In an emerging subject known as counterfactual quantum computing, a computer outputs a value even if you never press the run button.One way to think about counterfactual definiteness is known as the many-worlds interpretation. A photon striking a mirror causes the cosmic timeline to branch, creating one world in which the particle passes through the mirror and one in which it reflects off that surface. Each of us is stuck inside our world and therefore sees only one outcome at a time, but the other is still there, visible to an inhabitant of the alternate world. All such worlds, taken together, constitute a multiverse.Whether they agree with the many-worlds interpretation or not, physicists and philosophers certainly love to argue about it. Some admire its elegance; others grouse about conceptual difficulties such as the slippery matter of what exactly constitutes a world. Quantum theory not only allows multiple worlds but also offers an infinity of ways to define them.In all the debate over many worlds, though, the key insight of the ideas originator, physicist Hugh Everett, is often forgotten. Everett developed his view in reaction to assumptions by other physicists that, because we can see only one of the possibilities of a superposition if a particle enters into that state, something must cause all the other possibilities to be discarded. In other words, some mechanism must collapse the superpositionperhaps the act of observation itself or some sporadic randomness inherent to the fabric of reality. Everett noticed a fallacy in this reasoning: it will always look as though the superposition has collapsed, even if it remains intact. The reason is that, in making our observation, we interact with the particle, and together we and it become a single combined system. Because the particle is in superposition, so are we. But we cant tell. Everetts fundamental point is this: We are part of the reality we seek to observe, yet no part can fully apprehend the whole, and thus our view is limited. Multiple timelines arise in the hidden recesses imposed by our very embedding within the universe.Other branches of physics also conceive of existence as comprising forking timelines. Physicists consider counterfactuals when calculating the path of a particle; according to what they call the principle of least action, even a classical particle that exhibits no distinctively quantum effects susses out all the possibilities. In statistical physics, researchers study particles by the septillion by thinking in terms of ensembles, which are another kind of multiverse, spanning all the possible ways the particles can be arranged and evolve. Over time, the particles explore all possibilities open to them. We sense their machinations indirectly as the flow of heat and establishment of thermodynamic equilibrium. Going outside physics, evolutionary biologists also routinely talk about multiple timelines: If you reran the evolution of species, would things turn out the same?All these scientific issues are rooted in a fundamental puzzle: What does it mean to be possible but not actual? Why is there something rather than something else? The physicist Paul Davies has called this the puzzle of what exists. It touches not just on esoteric ideas about branching timelines but also on aspects of everyday life such as causation. To say that something causes something else, there must be the possibility that the something else would never have happened in the first place. In astrobiologist Sara Imari Walkers recent book on the physics of life, Life As No One Knows It, she noted that the entire observable universe doesnt contain enough material to create every single possible small organic molecule, let alone big ones such as the DNA strands we know and love. For her, living things distinguish themselves by making molecules and other structures that are otherwise vanishingly unlikely to exist. Life blazes a path through the void of possibility space.Perhaps some deep rule selects the actual reality from among the possible realities, but efforts to identify that principle have been serially dashed. It is hard to argue that ours is the best of all possible worlds. Nor, despite what the 19th-century philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer proclaimed, does it seem to be the worstthings could always get worse, Google searches for the darkest timeline notwithstanding. For many, such as philosopher David Lewis and cosmologist Max Tegmark, the most straightforward conclusion is that all possible realities exist.The real question, then, is not whether there are other timelines; there certainly are. Rather it is why we see only one. Perhaps life or intelligence would not be possible if the branching were too evident to us. Physics is replete with such preconditions for our existence. For instance, if temporal flow did not have a directionalityan arrow of timethere could be no lasting change, no memories, no intelligence, no agency. Keeping other timelines hidden might be of similar importance. Quantum superposition may serve some specialized functions in our bodies, but otherwise italong with any traces of alternate timelinesis dissipated in biologys vigorous exchange of material and energy with the environment. The very nature of intelligence is to be selective; we would be paralyzed if we had to assay boundless infinitudes. Rather than holding open all possibilities, a mind must settleat least tentativelyon one. The effort required to make that choiceand, from there, to act upon itmay be key to giving us at least the subjective feeling of free will.So be careful what you wish for. In dark hours we may imagine alternate timelines and long for escape to another, but we seem to be inseparable from our own. Were it easier to flit between them, we might arrive only at oblivion. Like it or not, were stuck in this oneif we want to change it, well have to do that the old-fashioned way.
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  • Sea of Thieves is finally letting private server players earn full rewards starting in December
    Sea of Thieves is finally letting private server players earn full rewards starting in DecemberBut it's lowering the level cap.Image credit: Rare/Xbox News by Matt Wales News Reporter Published on Nov. 13, 2024 We're coming up to a year since Sea of Thieves launched its long-requested private servers, and with that first anniversary looming, Rare has announced it's making some welcome changes, finally allowing players to earn full rewards while sailing in Safer Seas mode.Safer Seas, if you're unfamiliar, provides a means for a single crew of up to four pirates to sail Sea of Thieves' entire open-world map without the ever-looming PvP threat of High Seas mode. While the absence of other crews means a good chunk of PvP focussed content is unavailable in Safer Seas, players can still tackle emergent PvE events, complete Trading Company voyages, and embark on narrative-driven Tall Tales.Crucially too, it's possible to earn gold to spend on cosmetics and to increase Trading Company standing by earning reputation in Safer Seas - but both of these have been capped at 30 percent of the amount you'd ordinarily earn in High Seas until now, making things a bit of a drag for pirates who just want to, say, have a chill time raising funds for a shiny new figurehead away from the hubbub of Sea of Thieves' main mode.Sea of Thieves News, November 7th 2024.Watch on YouTubeIn a new developer update, however, Rare has acknowledged Safer Seas' "punishingly restrictive rewards", admitting they're working against its intention of providing an "onboarding ramp for new players". As such, it'll be increasing the current gold and reputation payout rate all the way up to 100 percent, matching the rewards earned in High Seas. There's a trade-off, though; the studio is dropping Safer Seas' level cap down from 40 to 25.Essentially, that means players wanting to work their way up to Pirate Legend status and gain access to the various Trading Company cosmetics unlocked along the way will now need to hop over to High Seas much sooner. On the flip side, players looking for a safe environment to learn the ropes, or for a more relaxed space to amass gold or Seasonal Renown (which continues to be awarded at a 100 percent rate in Safer Seas) can now do so completely unhindered. It is, admittedly, a shame the Hunter's Call faction has been slapped with a lower level cap given how perfect Safer Seas mode is for a evening of quietly contemplative fishing (and given the Trading Company's already glacial reward payouts), but perhaps that'll be something - alongside the use of Captaincy ships, pretty please Rare - revisted as a Christmas treat next year.In other Sea of Thieves news, players will soon get their hands on a number of features originally promised for the start of the current stealth-focused Season 14, but which were pulled en masse as part of "drastic steps" following a disastrous launch in October. Once Rare releases its next patch this Thursday, 14th November, players can finally lay traps, hang from ledges while sneaking, and wear disguises. Rare is also promising a number of "high impact" fixes, putting a stop to players using crouch to gain a firing speed advantage, and preventing pirates grabbing supplies from barrels after moving out of range. Additionally, measures have been introduced to stop players swiping treasure from the Fort of the Damned's vault by swimming underneath.The studio notes this week's update has gained "additional [testing] time internally and with insiders", and that the team has also been trialling a new process enabling it to address critical experience issues as it locks down each build. "There's been a concerted effort across the team to improve on quality control", says Rare, and plans are also now in motion for "broader improvements for quality at the studio", with more details to come.And finally, players sailing the Sea of Thieves within the first week of tomorrow's update will earn bonus gold and doubloons, alongside a Lucrative Voyage of Luck or Legendary Voyage of Luck for Pirate Legends. These bonuses will now be offered with every monthly update.
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  • World of Warcraft getting customisable cars, player housing, and Classic Classic's launching soon
    World of Warcraft getting customisable cars, player housing, and Classic Classic's launching soonWow.Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment News by Matt Wales News Reporter Published on Nov. 13, 2024 Warcraft, you might have noticed, is 30 this year (this week in fact, if you want to be more specific), and Blizzard is celebrating the occasion with a bit of a news splurge covering its various games set in the Warcraft universe. And that, of course, includes World of Warcraft, with today bringing word the long-running MMO will soon see customisable cars, the launch of World of Warcraft Classic Classic, plus player houses sometime next year.On the World of Warcraft Classic front, Blizzard has announced it'll be launching Mists of Pandaria Classic in 2025, with a roadmap accompanying the news pointing to a pre-patch drop early next summer, before the full release a little later on. Additionally, it's confirmed the impending arrival of World of Warcraft Classic Classic (not strictly an official title), which introduces new fresh realms as part of a WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Edition launching on 21st November this year. These will be available in PvP, PvE, and Hardcore flavours, all progressing through to Burning Crusade Classic (Classic?) next year.Over in World of Warcraft regular, meanwhile, patch 11.0.7 is on the horizon, introducing the Siren Isle as this year's The War Within expansion continues to unfold. That's alongside a revamped Winter Veil event for the festive season, and the previously announced return of WoW's battle royale-style Plunderstorm mode, which is making a comeback next year.Mists of Pandaria Classic launches next year.Watch on YouTubeAnd as for what's next, that'll be WoW's 11.1 update, officially known as Undermined, releasing this winter. Undermined takes players to the capital city of the goblin's trade empire - called, yes, Undermine - where they'll learn more about goblin culture as The War Within's story continues, aligning themselves with one of the four warring goblins cartels: Steamwheedle, Blackwater, Bilgewater, and the Venture Company.There's a lot going on in update 11.1, including a new dungeon, Operation: Floodgate, which'll see players racing to stop a group of goblins from blowing up a dam that would bring ruin to the Ringing Deeps. This'll be immediately available as part of Season 2's dungeon pool, alongside four other launch dungeons and three returning legacy dungeons - including Motherlode from Battle for Azeroth. There's also a new arena PvP map set in the heart of the city, plus an eight-boss raid zone - The Liberation of Undermine - taking players through the city's streets and into the colourful but deadly Gallagio, where its owner, Gallywix, awaits.Undermined's most notable addition, however, is the introduction of cars, which players will earn early on in their quest, enabling them to barrel through Undermine's streets "much, much faster" than a regular ground mount would allow. Better yet, car characteristics - grip, drift, acceleration, top speed, and so on - can all be customised to suit players' tastes.Blizzard has plenty more planned for World of Warcraft in 2025, of course, with its roadmap outlining various new content drops as the year continues. That includes the MMO's next expansion, World of Warcraft: Midnight, which continues the Worldsoul Saga started in The War Within. And while Blizzard is mostly keeping tightlipped about Midnight for now, it has teased - via its favoured medium of cinematic reveal trailer - the introduction of player houses. It'll likely be some time, however, before it's ready to share more.In other Warcraft news, Blizzard has announced remasters of Warcraft 1 and 2, which real-time strategy fans can purchase via - either on their own or as part of a new $39.99 USD Battle Chest bundle containing Warcraft 3: Reforged - starting today.
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  • The First Descendant is making big improvements to skins starting with Season 2
    You can trust VideoGamer. Our team of gaming experts spend hours testing and reviewing the latest games, to ensure you're reading the most comprehensive guide possible. Rest assured, all imagery and advice is unique and original. Check out how we test and review games hereThe First Descendant Season 2 is only a few weeks away. Season 1 has been fantastic with the debut of Hailey followed by the introduction of Ultimate Freyna, and fans can expect similar content for Nexons second chapter. While we dont know the new upcoming character or Ultimate yet, Nexon has revealed how The First Descendant skins are being improved in Season 2. Players only have to wait until December 5th for Season 2 to arrive. Massive news is incoming this weekend as Nexon are about to reveal the newest Ultimate set to join TFD. In addition, Nexon has shared a new Season 2 feature that was previously kept secret for a surprise reveal, and the developer has confirmed an appealing character who is set to receive a huge upgrade. While the curtain will officially be pulled aside on Season 2 soon, right now the Korean developer has shared notable improvements they are making to The First Descendant skins. The First Descendant skin improvements arriving in Season 2 One of the best aspects of The First Descendant is undoubtedly its skins. Players absolutely adore the characters in the game, and they are made even better thanks to cosmetics that are very alluring and bodacious. Leading up to Season 2s launch, Nexon has previously discussed how they want to add more body diversity as its an aspect that made Hailey so beloved but also challenging to develop. Elaborating on the desire for more body diversity, TFD_PD_Lee recently posted in Discord that Nexon are prioritising improvements related to appearances. These improvements include more diverse and appealing outfits (sexy, cool, cute), helmet-free heads, mask-free heads, fixing body shape errors, and accommodating different body types. In regard to mask-free heads, Nexon is specifically adding an Ultimate Freyna head without a mask and providing it as a Battle Pass or event reward. As for long-term improvements, Nexon plans to produce a wider variety of skins while also strengthening the character customization system. Image credit: The First Descendant DiscordOne of the biggest bones of contention with skins has been seasonal windows where they are no longer available to buy. For example, fans adored the swimsuit skins earlier this year, but they were seasonal only and thus no longer available to anyone joining the game anew. Fortunately, this will end with Season 2. In response to a question on Discord, TFDs producer confirmed permanent availability will apply to skins released starting with Season 2. While this is fantastic news for when S2 arrives, it unfortunately means The Bunny/Glay nurse outfits are considered limited and will no longer be available for sale once the sales period ends. Image credit: The First Descendant DiscordFor more The First Descendant, we have a guide to thebest skills and loadout for Viessa, along with thebest skills, gear, and mods for the hugely popular Bunny. We also have a guide forFreynaalong with fundamentaltips for beginners.Related TopicsThe First Descendant Subscribe to our newsletters!By subscribing, you agree to our Privacy Policy and may receive occasional deal communications; you can unsubscribe anytime.Share
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  • Fortnite leak reveals upcoming collab with biggest release of the year
    You can trust VideoGamer. Our team of gaming experts spend hours testing and reviewing the latest games, to ensure you're reading the most comprehensive guide possible. Rest assured, all imagery and advice is unique and original. Check out how we test and review games hereCollabs in Fortnite are a never-ending phenomenon as Epic keeps adding more and more crossover cosmetic items to the game. Even in the current season, which brings back the OG Chapter 2 gameplay, Fortnite has brought in hip-hop icons like Juice WRLD, Eminem, Snoop Dogg, and Ice Spice to lead the way.However, not to forget the last season, which was completely themed around a Marvel storyline, brought plenty of characters to the game and even made players battle Dr. Doom as a boss on the island. Now Epic is once again set to bring a new round of Marvel collaborations, but this time with one of the biggest game releases of the year.Fortnite joins hands with Marvel Rivals to bring new skinsMarvel Rivals, developed by NetEase Games is 2024s biggest free-to-play multiplayer title launching on December 6th. Now NetEase has announced that with the games release, a new Chronoverse will be launched, bringing characters from Rivals into other popular games.The release of Marvel Rivals Chronoverse will bring a new Fortnite collab. Image by NetEase Games.This Weeks Fortnite Quiz Test Your Skills, Win FREE V-Bucks!Sign up for our newsletter, and well tell you exactly how you can win V-Bucks in this weeks Fortnite challenge!These games include Marvel Snap, Puzzle Quest, Contest of Champions, Future Fight, and even Fortnite which has the most number of Marvel skins out of any third-party game.Furthermore, according to the Executive Producer of Marvel Rivals, the collab will take place in Fortnite, and not Marvel Rivals, which most likely means skins. Since Galacta is one of the protagonists in Marvel Rivals, the first speculation strongly points towards her appearing as a skin in Fortnite.However, other characters in the game such as Jeff The Land Shark may also be released with the collab as theres now a Chomper Kicks style in Fortnite. While it is currently unknown the exact date of the collab, players have expressed their enthusiasm for such a possibility.One user wrote, If they dont bring out a new version of Storm that isnt locked behind a battle pass Im quitting Fortnite. Another chimed in, Fantastic collabs upcoming lets go! FortnitePlatform(s):Android, iOS, macOS, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/XGenre(s):Action, Massively Multiplayer, Shooter9VideoGamerRelated TopicsFortnite Subscribe to our newsletters!By subscribing, you agree to our Privacy Policy and may receive occasional deal communications; you can unsubscribe anytime.Share
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  • Best Hybrid Mattresses of 2024: Tested and Reviewed
    Cant decide between a mattress with cushioning memory foam and one with buoyant innersprings? The best hybrid mattress combines the desired traits of both in one versatile build, giving you the classic, pressure-relieving feel of foam and the supportive benefits of sturdy coils. Best of all, hybrid mattresses work for all three primary sleep positions (back, stomach, and side sleeping), and they often come with a structured design that elevates (literally and figuratively) any bedroom space.Searching for the best hybrid mattress for your sleep and style? We've got you covered. We personally tested and reviewed hundreds of mattresses to determine which ones belong in your space, prioritizing hybrid mattress models that provide that coveted balance of comfort and support. Read on for our top picks, as well as what traits to look for in the best hybrid bed.The Absolute Best Hybrid Mattress: Nectar Premier HybridWith its supportive build, pressure-relieving memory foam layers, and cooling qualities, the Nectar Premier Hybrid is the Goldilocks of hybrid mattresses. Offering a luxurious feel at an affordable price, it balances your needs for soft comfort and full-body support with a breathable cotton cover, five inches of memory foam, and edge-to-edge innerspring coils. It also does an excellent job of minimizing motion transfer, which is key for those who share a bed. Its hard to beat the 365-day trial period and lifetime warranty, too.Our Top Picks for the Best Hybrid MattressesBest Overall Hybrid Mattress: Nectar Premier HybridBest Hybrid Mattress for Back Sleepers: DreamCloud Classic HybridBest Hybrid Mattress for Couples: Helix Midnight LuxeBest Hybrid Mattress for Back Pain: Saatva ClassicBest Hybrid Mattress for Side Sleepers: Bear Elite HybridBest Firm Hybrid Mattress: The WinkBedBest Value Hybrid Mattress: Nolah EvolutionBest Cooling Hybrid Mattress: Leesa Sapira ChillBest Latex Hybrid Mattress: Birch Luxe NaturalOur MethodologyWe take sleep seriouslyso seriously, in fact, that we worked with a team of certified sleep science coaches, sleep health experts, and seasoned reviewers to test more than 500 mattresses both in their homes and at our dedicated mattress labs. We subject each mattress to a rest test that involves lying down or napping on the mattress to see how it feels, as well as conduct a series of objective assessments to determine how well the mattress relieves pressure, isolates motion, supports a range of body types in different sleep positions, and more. Dive into our detailed sleep product testing methodology to learn more about how we test mattresses and other sleep products.Best Overall Hybrid Mattress: Nectar Premier HybridNectar Premier HybridThe BasicsMattress type: HybridFirmness: MediumTrial Period: 365 daysWarranty: LifetimeKey Product FeaturesFour inches of pressure-relieving memory foamMoisture-wicking and breathable cotton coverReinforced edge-to-edge innerspring coilsWhy should you choose this hybrid mattress? A mattress brand were obsessed with here at AD, Nectar sells both memory foam and hybrid beds that are value-friendly yet full of high-end features. One of the brands more premium (yet still affordable) buys is the Nectar Premier Hybrid, a bed perfect for those who want a plush-soft feel without losing the support of coils. With its five total inches of foam layers that sit on top of the reinforced spring system, sleepers get plenty of pressure relief and full body contouring. The Nectar Premier Hybrid also has a breathable cotton cover to help regulate your temperature and prevent overheatingwhich is a common problem on softer mattresses.What does this mattress feel like? Our testers found the Nectar Premier Hybrid comfortable and soft to the touch, with the gentle sinking feel of memory foam. The five inches of foam up top nicely contoured around our joints, and although memory foam is notorious for trapping heat, the cover felt cool and breathable for a mattress with that much foam. Overall, the Nectar Premier Hybrid feels deeply cushioning while also supportive, and it generated only minimal movement across the bed when we shifted around, making it a great choice for those who share a bed.What do we love about this mattress? The Nectar Premier Hybrid aced our back sleeping test with virtually no pressure buildup on our pressure map, which was mostly blue (indicating low pressure). While there was a tiny bit of pressure buildup while side sleeping, we still felt very comfortable and would definitely try side sleeping on this bed. The great value is another winning factor. Between affordable price points (which are almost always lower thanks to ongoing sales), a 365-day trial period, and a lifetime warranty, you can easily feel like youll get your moneys worth with the Nectar Premier Hybrid.What would we change, if anything, about this mattress? Wed improve the responsiveness to make changing positions easier. Foam is naturally tougher to move around on than a mattress with more spring simply because foam material is so contouring. Since the Nectar Premier Hybrid has a stacked four inches of foam on top of its coil system, we had to put in extra effort to change sleeping positions and move around on the bed. If youre an active sleeper, you may want to seek out a more responsive bed.Overall Rating: 4.2 out of 5Support level: 4Durability: 4Motion control: 4.5Cooling: 4Edge support: 3.5Shipping, warranty, and trial: 5Best Hybrid Mattress for Back Sleepers: DreamCloud HybridDreamCloud Classic HybridThe BasicsMattress type: HybridFirmness: FirmTrial Period: 365 daysWarranty: LifetimeKey Product FeaturesBreathable cashmere blend quilted coverEight layers, including three cooling gel foam layersReinforced edge-to-edge individually-encased coilsWhy should you choose this hybrid mattress? The DreamCloud Hybrid stacks eight comfortable, supportive layers in one compact package. Inside youll find a total of five foam layers, including three made out of cooling and contouring gel memory foam. It also has individually encased coils that work independently of one another to push back on heavier areas of the body, like the hips and low back, for increased pressure relief. Around the edges youll find reinforced edge support with two rows of thicker coils, making this bed easy to get in and out of (a bonus for those with injuries or mobility issues). Lastly, its yearlong trial period and lifetime warranty is hard to beat, so you can feel truly confident in your purchase.Most PopularAD-it-YourselfThe 15 Best Oven Ranges Designers Often Choose for Kitchen RenovationsBy Rebecca Shinners Architecture + DesignThis Furniture Maker Built His Germantown House and Filled It With His Own CreationsBy Morgan GoldbergArchitecture + DesignThis Colorful Spanish Apartment Feels Much Larger than 700 Square FeetBy Sara Barragn del ReyWhat does this mattress feel like? With its firmer feel, we found ourselves resting nicely on top of the DreamCloud Hybrid with our spines properly aligned, which is important for preventing back pain. Our back and stomach sleepers found great support and pressure relief in those two primary sleep positions. The mattress surface was also easy to move around on (a bonus for active sleepers) and the mattress did a great job of isolating motion (another bonus for couples who share a bed). With its breathable cashmere blend quilted cover, elegant design, and cushioning gel memory foam interior (paired with lifting and sturdy coils, of course), this hybrid bed feels like a luxury buy without the high price tag.What do we love about this mattress? We love that each of the DreamCloud Hybrids layers work differently and can be felt doing their job while laying on the bed. For instance, the transition layer, which is made of denser and thicker foam, helped absorb movement so our fellow testers werent disturbed when we shifted around. The upper gel memory foam layer gently cradled our hips and lower back. Just underneath, firmer foam added a layer of stability to prevent bottoming out, or sinking too far into the bed. The value is also top-notchthe DreamCloud Hybrid costs less than $1,000 for any size (except the split king size), is made with quality materials, and has the best warranty and trial period a buyer could ask for.What would we change, if anything, about this mattress? Wed offer multiple firmness options, including a softer version. We found the DreamCloud Hybrid too firm for side sleeping and noticed pressure buildup along our shoulders. Instead, side sleepers may want to opt for a medium-soft to medium-firm mattress to ensure their shoulders and hips have enough contouring to prevent any pain.Overall Rating: 4.6 out of 5Support level: 5Durability: 5Motion control: 4Cooling: 4.5Edge support: 4Shipping, warranty, and trial: 5Best Hybrid Mattress for Couples: Helix Midnight LuxeHelix Midnight LuxeThe BasicsMattress type: HybridFirmness: Medium-firmTrial Period: 100 daysWarranty: 15 yearsKey Product FeaturesZoned lumbar support that follows the natural curvature of the spineDesigned for couples, side sleepers, and people who toss and turnAdd-on cooling pillow top available for an additional $249Most PopularAD-it-YourselfThe 15 Best Oven Ranges Designers Often Choose for Kitchen RenovationsBy Rebecca Shinners Architecture + DesignThis Furniture Maker Built His Germantown House and Filled It With His Own CreationsBy Morgan GoldbergArchitecture + DesignThis Colorful Spanish Apartment Feels Much Larger than 700 Square FeetBy Sara Barragn del ReyWhy should you choose this hybrid mattress? Helix is one of our favorite mattress brands because of its use of quality materials (like breathable Tencel covers) and structured, supportive designs. Its hybrid Helix Midnight Luxe, which is one of the brands higher-end buys, has pressure-relieving foam layers and zoned lumbar support, or firmer and softer areas of the bed that match the natural curvature of your spine. This feature improves pressure relief without compromising on low back support. The Helix Midnight Luxe also has a luxurious pillow top layer, which you can upgrade to a cooling cover for an additional $249. Nonetheless, we found that even the beds standard cover has excellent cooling properties suitable for couples who overheat while sharing a bed.What does this mattress feel like? Our testers likened laying on the Helix Midnight Luxe to floatinga sensation brought out by its soft pillow top layer. If you love that ahhhh feeling of sinking into your bed (but not too far as to be suffocated), the Helix Midnight Luxe is one of your best bets in the hybrid category. Despite its cushioning pillow top, this mattress has excellent support along the lumbar (or lower back) region of the spine. Those of us with sensitive joints felt like our hips and shoulders were gently hugged by the plush pillow top and contouring foam layers underneath, while the thick coil system kept us sleeping on top of the mattress, rather than it. This mix of both soft and supportive should appeal to couples who need a medium-firmness that works for different body types and sleep positions. The bed also did an excellent job of isolating motion from one side to the other, which is important for couples who share a bed.What do we love about this mattress? We tested a version of the Helix Midnight Luxe with its standard cover, but even though we didnt upgrade to the GlacioTex cooling cover it was still cool to the touch and excelled at dissipating heat. The cover felt plush and breathable, so the added cooling cover will likely amp up the chill factor even more. Its coils also pushed back on heavier parts of our bodies, like the hips and low back, which tend to need more support. The coils also added plenty of bounce to the bed, making it easy to move around on. As for our favorite and most comfortable sleeping position on this mattress, side sleeping easily took the cake. Between its ample cushioning around the hips, shoulders, and neck and plush yet contouring top feel, this bed is just soft enough to make side sleeping a pleasant experience. Stomach and back sleepers, dont fretthis bed also offered great pressure relief in those positions as well.Most PopularAD-it-YourselfThe 15 Best Oven Ranges Designers Often Choose for Kitchen RenovationsBy Rebecca Shinners Architecture + DesignThis Furniture Maker Built His Germantown House and Filled It With His Own CreationsBy Morgan GoldbergArchitecture + DesignThis Colorful Spanish Apartment Feels Much Larger than 700 Square FeetBy Sara Barragn del ReyWhat would we change, if anything, about this mattress? Wed improve the edge support. If you have mobility issues or trouble getting in and out of bed, note that the Helix Midnight Luxe scored lower in edge support than other mattresses on our list. If you sleep on the edge of the bed or simply need more support in those areas, you may want to seek out a firmer mattress or a mattress with reinforced edge support, like the DreamCloud Hybrid.Overall Rating: 4.2 out of 5Support level: 4.5Durability: 4Motion control: 4.5Cooling: 5Edge support: 3Shipping, warranty, and trial: 4Best Hybrid Mattress for Back Pain: Saatva ClassicSaatva ClassicThe BasicsMattress type: HybridFirmness: Plush soft, luxury firm, and firmTrial Period: 365 daysWarranty: LifetimeKey Product FeaturesDouble layer of coils for extra pressure reliefCenter-third of the bed is raised to lift the low back and hipsCradling plush Euro pillow topWhy should you choose this hybrid mattress? Saatva is known across the mattress space for making back-pain-friendly beds. The brand promises chiropractor-approved back support with two independent coil layers that push back on areas that need extra lift. The center-third of the bed is raised to support the low back and hips to keep the spine in a natural gentle S-curve. As one of the most springy beds we tested, the Saatva Classic has only one foam layer of high-density memory foam to cradle the joints and contour the body for that gentle hug-like feeling many crave in a mattress.What does this mattress feel like? We tested the luxury firm version of the Saatva Classic, which we found falls in the medium-firm range. The zoned support was comfortable to sleep on and kept us lifted in a neutral spinal alignment. The three-inch pillow top added a touch of softness, and the dense memory foam layer created gentle body contouring. Edge support also stood out in this bed, and although we laid on the perimeter with our arms draped off the mattress, we never once felt like we were going to slide off the bed. This makes the Saatva Classic a good fit for those who sleep on the edge of the bed or people with mobility issues who require more support getting in and out of bed.Most PopularAD-it-YourselfThe 15 Best Oven Ranges Designers Often Choose for Kitchen RenovationsBy Rebecca Shinners Architecture + DesignThis Furniture Maker Built His Germantown House and Filled It With His Own CreationsBy Morgan GoldbergArchitecture + DesignThis Colorful Spanish Apartment Feels Much Larger than 700 Square FeetBy Sara Barragn del ReyWhat do we love about this mattress? The Saatva Classic feels supportive and looks high-end with its luxurious pillow top. Since it has dual coil layers (double the amount of most standard hybrid beds), the Saatva Classic is also bouncier than most and a breeze to change sleeping positions on thanks to the springy nature of coils. In fact, one of our testers belly flopped onto the mattress and bounced up like they were on a trampoline, so if youre an active sleeper, rest assured you wont find yourself stuck in the middle of this bed. We also love this bed for back sleeping, which is one of the best sleep positions to try if you have back pain, since it keeps your spine naturally aligned (with the help of a supportive mattress, of course). Our pressure map showed only blue, signaling no pressure buildup at all while back sleeping.What would we change, if anything, about this mattress? One downside to the spring-heavy Saatva Classic is that it scored poorly for motion control, which is true of many mattresses with coils. We could feel our fellow testers moving around on the bed, and our seismograph test showed lots of motion transfer from dropping a steel ball on the bed. Couples who bed share and are sensitive sleepers may find themselves feeling every toss and turn on this hybrid mattress.Overall Rating: 4.3 out of 5Support level: 4.5Durability: 4.5Motion control: 3Cooling: 4Edge support: 5Shipping, warranty, and trial: 5Best Hybrid Mattress for Side Sleepers: Bear Elite HybridBear Elite HybridThe BasicsMattress type: HybridFirmness: Soft, medium, and firmTrial Period: 120 daysWarranty: LifetimeKey Product FeaturesCradling hand-quilted cushion coverInfused with copper, which helps dissipate heatReinforced edge coils around the perimeterWhy should you choose this hybrid mattress? As our best mattress for side sleepers in the hybrid category, the Bear Elite Hybrid has a plush, hand-quilted cushion cover that cradles sensitive joints, and contouring memory foam that generates pressure relief along the shoulders and hips. While the Bear Elite Hybrid has three firmness options, we recommend the medium variation for side sleepers who want a balanced blend of plushness and support. Hot sleepers will also love the Bear Elite Hybrid, which is infused with copper throughout the top foam layer to naturally draw away heat, so the mattress stays cooler even while youre laying on it. If youre a side sleeper who curls up at the edge of your bed, the Bear Elite Hybrid also has reinforced edge coils to help prevent that dreaded feeling of rolling off the bed.Most PopularAD-it-YourselfThe 15 Best Oven Ranges Designers Often Choose for Kitchen RenovationsBy Rebecca Shinners Architecture + DesignThis Furniture Maker Built His Germantown House and Filled It With His Own CreationsBy Morgan GoldbergArchitecture + DesignThis Colorful Spanish Apartment Feels Much Larger than 700 Square FeetBy Sara Barragn del ReyWhat does this mattress feel like? We tested the medium version of the Bear Elite Hybrid, which offered gentle contouring yet kept us lifted with our spines aligned thanks to its sturdy coil system. While some hybrid beds, especially those with thicker foam layers, start to naturally sink simply due to the effects of gravity and contouring, we found the Bear Elite Hybrid suitable and equally supportive for most body types. For that reason, our testers called this bed durable. The excellent edge support also makes the Bear Elite Hybrid a good choice for people with injuries or mobility issues who require a sturdy perimeter around the bed to make it easier to get in and out of.What do we love about this mattress? The Bear Elite Hybrid has an airy and plush feel that makes it a joy to climb into. The copper-infused memory foam did its job to dissipate heat and cool our testers down. Plus, if youre a super hot sleeper, you can also add an optional Celliant-infused cover (Celliant is another highly breathable fiber) to help regulate your body temperature even more. While the Bear Elite Hybrid is certainly a more expensive hybrid mattress, this is one of those cases where you get what you pay for when it comes to the reinforced edge coils, copper infusions, and luxurious hand-quilted cushion cover. Plus, the bed did an excellent job with motion control, making it a good choice for couples who bed share.What would we change, if anything, about this mattress? Similar to the Nectar Premier Hybrid, wed improve the responsiveness of the Bear Elite Hybrid. Since it has two foam layers just underneath the cover, you get that classic, slow-moving feel of memory foam, which, although contouring, takes away from the beds ease of movement. While it wasnt exactly a challenge to shift around on this bed, it wasnt easy either, and we had to put in more effort to change sleeping positions or get from one side of the bed to the other. This is something to keep in mind if youre an active sleeper, since youll probably want a bed with a bit more bounce to prevent any middle-of-the-night frustration.Overall Rating: 4.4 out of 5Support level: 4.5Durability: 4.5Motion control: 4.5Cooling: 4.5Edge support: 4Shipping, warranty, and trial: 4.5Best Firm Hybrid Mattress: The WinkBedThe WinkBedThe BasicsMattress type: HybridFirmness: Soft, medium-firm, firm, and plus optionsTrial Period: 120 nightsWarranty: LifetimeKey Product FeaturesReinforced coils for extra supportPressure-relieving pillow topDesign emphasis on support and breathabilityMost Popular
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