• B&H's Black Friday sale includes 196 noteworthy Apple deals
    B&H's Black Friday deals are live and there are nearly 200 Apple markdowns to explore. Here are the best picks.B&H's Black Friday sale has close to 200 Apple deals.A staple in the AppleInsider Price Guides, B&H is known for offering competitive prices on Apple hardware and this year's Black Friday sale is no exception.Shop the B&H sale Continue Reading on AppleInsider | Discuss on our Forums
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  • Modular DA Houses, Poland, Eastern Europe - e-architect
    Designed by Dom Architektw the Da House, Poland, is made with certified solid wooden 3D construction, ecological certified materials, passive technology, and mobile foundationshttps://www.e-architect.com/poland/modular-da-houses-poland-eastern-europe#modularhouse #poland #architecture #3dconstruction #ecologicalmaterials #passivetechnologyDesigned by Dom Architektw the Da House is an innovative modular object made with certified solid wooden 3D construction
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  • The Glade Bookstore, Chongqing, China - e-architect
    The Glade Bookstore in Chongqing, China, by HAS design and research, was designed in their trademark style which utilises light-filled spaces and tactile materialshttps://www.e-architect.com/china/the-glade-bookstore-chongqing-china#bookstore #China #design #shopinterior #architectureThe Glade Bookstore in Chongqing, China, designed by HAS design and research, is an elegant composition of light spaces and tactile materials
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  • Morris Adjmi's Anchor House helps new Berkeley students feel at home
    Morris Adjmi Architects' new Helen Diller Anchor House student housing project has debuted on the campus of the University of California at Berkeley.Photo by Jason O'RearThe project is a resource meant to house transfer students who are a vital part of the UC system and more likely to be first-generation college students from low-income backgrounds than their peers. Anchor House has ample space for their transition with 772 beds at 450,650 square feet. Its construction was funded entirely through the Helen Diller Family Foundation, helping the university towards its 9,000-bed goal to end a housing crisis that has persisted for almost a decade.Photo by Jason O'RearAdjmis team situated the mixed-use development, which offers 11,500 square feet of ground-level retail space to non-related dorm establishments like a bookstore and fitness center that help fund its maintenance and scholarships for students, in a prime gateway location adjacent to the western edge of campus.Photo by J...
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  • EUs second-tallest building revealed following KCAP competition win in Slovakia
    Two new Bratislava skyscrapers designed by Dutch architectural firm KCAPare set to become the tallest buildings in Slovakia, and the second-tallest in the European Union. Standing at heights of 853 and 604 feet, the residential towers will contain over 1,100 new homes.
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  • We are happy to announce that we've just added 4 new stunning collections of HUMANO 3D PEOPLE
    We are happy to announce that we've just added 4 new stunning collections of HUMANO 3D PEOPLE. They are featuring high quality 3D people who are walking, standing, leaning on railings or sitting on stool.And here's the best part - to celebrate Black Friday we're offering 33% discount on all Humano collections till December 5th.More informations in comment below #evermotion3d #3dmodels #3dhumans #humano
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  • Photos from CGMeetUp's post
    The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim | Anime Featurettehttps://www.cgmeetup.com/news/the-lord-of-the-rings-the-war-of-the-rohirrim-or-anime-featurette-821.#3d #cgi #animation #animated #shortfilm2024 #short #artist #digitalart #3dart #art #2D #artwork #games #gameart #illustration #digitalartist #drawing #cgmeetup #TheLordoftheRingsTheWaroftheRohirrim
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  • 10 Things That We Loved About STALKER 2, 5 That We Hated
    Theres a lot to love about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl,with GSC Game Worlds mammoth open world horror shooter touting everything from best-in-class visuals and top-notch horror atmosphere to a huge and expansive map to explore and more. At the same time, however, its also a blatantly divisive game, due to both issues intentional and unintentional, with significant technical deficiencies and a deliberately daunting approach to challenge. Here, then, were going to talk about the things we like most aboutS.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, and some of the things that we dislike.THINGS THAT WE LIKEDLARGE AND VARIED OPEN WORLDA large, well crafted open world is always a big allure in any game, andS.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2definitely delivers in that area. At over 60 square kilometers, its Chornobyl Exclusion Zone is absolutely massive, made even more impressive by the stunning variety of environments that it boasts. What truly sets it apart, however, is the painstaking level of detail that that word touts throughout its entirety- which, considering its size, makes it particularly impressive.THE CHALLENGEThis specifically is one of the games defining traits, and whileS.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2sapproach to difficulty might be precisely what makes it downright unplayable to some, for us, its what sets it apart. The Zone is crawling with danger, and around every step is something new and terrifying and unknowable thats trying to kill you. Youll die alotinS.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, which also makes it so much more rewarding when you slowly learn, grow, and become a better survivor all on your own.THE ATMOSPHEREThis is wat has always set theS.T.A.L.K.E.R. series apart, and boy does Heart of Chornobyl deliver with its atmosphere in spades. Feelings of constant danger, imminent death, and pervasive isolation seep through every inch of the Exclusion Zone, and whether youre creeping through dark and overgrown woods in the middle of a storm or silently making your way through a claustrophobic cave, the game never misses the mark with how incredibly atmospheric it feels.SURVIVAL HORROR ELEMENTSS.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2s heavy emphasis on survival horror mechanics (and its survival mechanics) contribute significantly to how frightening it is. Ammo conservation is key, as is inventory management, while having to manage things such as your hunger, any radiation effects, the condition of your weapons and gear, and more also makes things that much more hectic. While none of these elements add too much actual difficulty per se, theyre additional layers of friction for players to deal with- and friction is exactly what the Zone in its entirety is built around, after all.REWARDING EXPLORATIONThanks to the constant feeling of dread and the punishing difficulty, going out to explore the vast world ofS.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2always feels like its fraught with risks, but when you do go out and explore, the game has a knack of consistently rewarding you for it. Obviously, nothing ever comes easy, but from the gear and resources that you find to the money that you get from completing side quests, the rewards that you get tend to be substantial enough to make exploration feel worthwhile.EMERGENT GAMEPLAYFromolder examples likeSkyrimandFallout 3 to newer ones likeBreath of the WildandBaldurs Gate 3, its been proven on more than a few occasions over the years that a game that manages to deliver actual, well-crafted emergent gameplay is going to enjoy an incredibly long shelf life, and we imagineS.T.A.L.K.E.R.2is going to fall in that group as well. A multitude of systems are constantly working together to turn the games open world into a highly reactive playspace, and an equally unpredictable one. Using those systems your advantage in creative ways is just as much of a blast as it is to watch those systems react to your own actions in ways you absolutely couldnt have seen coming.IMMERSIVE SIM ELEMENTSS.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2s systemic nature means it also allows players to tackle situations in a variety of different ways more often than not. GSC Game World has proudly touted the games immersive sim elements for some time now, and the game absolutely does deserve praise in this department. From solving quests in creative ways (including those that you may not think would be possible- like, say killing a quest-giver) to approaching combat encounters in the most experimental manner possible,S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2usually lets players do what they want while taking it all into account and reacting (and changing itself) appropriately.CHOICE-AND-CONSEQUENCE MECHANICSIts not just the moment-to-moment gameplay that emphasizes player choice. No, like its predecessor,S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2makes use of narrative choice-and-consequence mechanics as well. Obviously, you shouldnt go in expecting something on the level of, say,The Witcher 3or Baldurs Gate 3in this department, but the choice mechanics here are solid enough on their own nonetheless. More than a few times, youll be asked to make choices that will legitimately give you pause, and its always fascinating to examine the ways in which your decisions impact the story.TENSE COMBATThis is about as far from a run-and-gun game as it possibly could be, but it concocts a thrilling combat system nonetheless. Every single shot that lands has the potential to be deadly, both for you and your enemies, which means being slow, methodical, and tactical is almost a necessity. Taking cover, changing up positions, and carefully picking off enemies is always a thrill, and nothing quite beats the adrenaline of making it through a firefight alive.GORGEOUS VISUALSIt wouldnt be an exaggeration to call this one of the best looking games we have ever played.S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2is a staggeringly large experience, but in spite of its size, the gorgeous art design and unprecedented level of visual fidelity it touts simply cannot be praised enough. Of course, it does have its rough edges, but by and large, the game is drop-dead gorgeous. Speaking of its rough edges thoughTHINGS THAT WE DIDNT LIKETHE TECHNICAL ISSUESWe absolutely loveS.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, but even its most ardent fans will tell you that technically, the game is a bit of a hot mess. Minor issues like texture pop in or broken lighting, more significant ones like glitched audio or inconsistent AI, critical ones like crashing or progress blocking bugs-S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 has all of that and more, and that is in spite of a couple of hefty patches. Hopefully, GSC Game World will be able to address the games biggest issues as quickly as possible.MUTANT ENEMIESCombat in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is generally a tense and exciting affair, but at times, it can be a bit of a nuisance. Specifically, taking on mutants tends to be very frustrating. Pretty much all mutant enemies move quickly and erratically, which makes hitting them an absolute nightmare. More than actual challenge, the game artificially increases its difficulty with these encounters entirely by being deliberately sloppy and annoying.SLOW TRAVERSALNot everyone will have a problem with this (especially given how well-done the exploration usually is), but some definitely will. Traversal inS.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2is always pretty slow and ponderous. The only way to get from point A to B is to walk, with no vehicles being available as an option, and walking becomes even more of a drag (literally) if you happen to be over-encumbered (which isnt that uncommon of an occurrence). Add to that the fact that the only fast travel method is supposed to be used infrequently (and isnt free), and traversal can become potentially even more of a headache.INCONSISTENT WRITINGMuch like its predecessors, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2boasts intriguing lore and strong world-building, but the writing as far as the actual, immediate story is concerned is often a little spotty. By and large, the story is well-told, especially for existing series fans (though it does take quite a while to get going), but from sluggish initial pacing to clunky dialogue and interactions, the writing isnt always putting its best foot forward.POTENTIALLY TOO DAUNTINGS.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2makes zero concessions in its attempts to bring its unique and singular vision to write. For our money, thats absolutely one of the games biggest strengths, and a big part of what gives its very distinct identity. That said, wed have to be fools to not recognize that for many, that uncompromising nature is going to makeS.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2difficult to get into- especially for those completely unfamiliar with the series.
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  • Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 is Adding PS5 Pro Support
    Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2ranks as one of the years most impressive games, and its technical ambitions and the confidence with which it brings them to life have a big role to play in that. Of course, given that, the fact thatSpace Marine 2wasnt included in the first wave of games that touted support for the PS5 Pro upon the consoles launch earlier this month was surprising to some- though thatll be changing soon.In an update on its official forums, publisher Focus Entertainment has confirmed thatSpace Marine 2is set to add PS5 Pro support. On Sonys new console, the third-person shooter will use PSSR to upscale to a 4K resolution in both Performance and Quality modes, with the formers native render resolution ranging from 1080p-1440p, and the latters from 1080p-2160p. Performance Mode will also run at 60 FPS, while Quality will target 30.In the first half of December,Space Marine 2will also receive its next major patch, which will add a new Operation, cosmetics, and more.Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2is available on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. Read our review of the game through here.
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