MacworldWhen the very first Mac Studio was unveiled in 2022, a teardown found a surprisingly removable SSD module. However, theres no way to officially upgrade the drive, since Apple doesnt offer any type of service or do-it-yourself option to swap it out. Neither has any third-party company, until now.Polysoft launched a Kickstarter campaign for its Studio Drive, an SSD upgrade that enthusiasts and repair professionals can use to upgrade the Mac Studio SSD. The campaign was successful and according to the Studio Drive website, the company is very busy producing the boards sold on Kickstarter and theyre going to be taking new orders for bare PCB board to 8TB models soon. If youre interested, Polysoft has an online form to request more information.In case youre wondering if this is a legitimate product, the company reached out to YouTube PC enthusiast Luke Miani, who posted a hands-on with the Studio Drive. Miani shows how the Studio Drive is installed, points out how Apples SSD implementation is different from typical PCs, and how you need another Mac to connect to, run the Apple Configurator app, and reformat the Mac Studio. The installation may sound a little dauntingits not as simple as swapping out the SSDs and rebooting, but its not terribly complicated for the type of user who would buy the Mac Studio in the first place. You can see Mianis demo below.The Studio Drive is guaranteed for 140,00TB written and includes something Apples SSDs dont have: overvoltage protection to prevent the SSD modules from being zapped dead.According to Miani, Polysoft plans to offer an 8TB Studio Drive for 799 (about $845/660), though the official prices are not posted on the Studio Drive website. While Apple doesnt sell Mac Studio SSD upgrades, an 8TB Mac Pro SSD upgrade for the Mac Pro is $2,800/2,800. So, thats a big price difference.Polysoft also has M4 Mac mini SSD upgrades in the works. For more information as its available, check out the Studio Drive website.