• Digital twins of human organs are here. Theyre set to transform medical treatment.
    A healthy heart beats at a steady rate, between 60 and 100 times a minute. Thats not the case for all of us, Im reminded, as I look inside a cardboard box containing around 20 plastic heartseach a replica of a real human one. The hearts, which previously sat on a shelf in a lab in West London, were generated from MRI and CT scans of people being treated for heart conditions at Hammersmith Hospital next door. Steven Niederer, a biomedical engineer at the Alan Turing Institute and Imperial College London, created them on a 3D printer in his office. One of the hearts, printed in red recycled plastic, looks as I imagine a heart to look. It just about fits in my hand, and the chambers have the same dimensions as the ones you might see in a textbook. Perhaps it helps that its red. The others look enormous to me. One in particular, printed in black plastic, seems more than twice the size of the red one. As I find out later, the person who had the heart it was modeled on suffered from heart failure. The plastic organs are just for educational purposes. Niederer is more interested in creating detailed replicas of peoples hearts using computers. These digital twins are the same size and shape as the real thing. They work in the same way. But they exist only virtually. Scientists can do virtual surgery on these virtual hearts, figuring out the best course of action for a patients condition. After decades of research, models like these are now entering clinical trials and starting to be used for patient care. Virtual replicas of many other organs are also being developed. Engineers are working on digital twins of peoples brains, guts, livers, nervous systems, and more. Theyre creating virtual replicas of peoples faces, which could be used to try out surgeries or analyze facial features, and testing drugs on digital cancers. The eventual goal is to create digital versions of our bodiescomputer copies that could help researchers and doctors figure out our risk of developing various diseases and determine which treatments might work best. Theyd be our own personal guinea pigs for testing out medicines before we subject our real bodies to them. To engineers like Niederer, its a tantalizing prospect very much within reach. Several pilot studies have been completed, and larger trials are underway. Those in the field expect digital twins based on organs to become a part of clinical care within the next five to 10 years, aiding diagnosis and surgical decision-making. Further down the line, well even be able to run clinical trials on synthetic patientsvirtual bodies created using real data. But the budding technology will need to be developed carefully. Some worry about who will own this highly personalized data and how it could be used. Others fear for patient autonomywith an uncomplicated virtual record to consult, will doctors eventually bypass the patients themselves? And some simply feel a visceral repulsion at the idea of attempts to re-create humans in silico. People will say I dont want you copying me, says Wahbi El-Bouri, who is working on digital-twin technologies. They feel its a part of them that youve taken. Getting digital Digital twins are well established in other realms of engineering; for example, they have long been used to model machinery and infrastructure. The term may have become a marketing buzzword lately, but for those working on health applications, it means something very specific. We can think of a digital twin as having three separate components, says El-Bouri, a biomedical engineer at the University of Liverpool in the UK. The first is the thing being modeled. That might be a jet engine or a bridge, or it could be a persons heart. Essentially, its what we want to test or study. The second component is the digital replica of that object, which can be created by taking lots of measurements from the real thing and entering them into a computer. For a heart, that might mean blood pressure recordings as well as MRI and CT scans. The third is new data thats fed into the model. A true digital twin should be updated in real timefor example, with information collected from wearable sensors, if its a model of someones heart. Taking measurements of airplanes and bridges is one thing. Its much harder to get a continuous data feed from a person, especially when you need details about the inner functions of the heart or brain. And the information transfer should run both ways. Just as sensors can deliver data from a persons heart, the computer can model potential outcomes to make predictions and feed them back to a patient or health-care provider. A medical team might want to predict how a person will respond to a drug, for example, or test various surgical procedures on a digital model before operating in real life. By this definition, pretty much any smart device that tracks some aspect of your health could be considered a kind of rudimentary digital twin. You could say that an Apple Watch fulfills the definition of a digital twin in an unexciting way, says Niederer. It tells you if youre in atrial fibrillation or not. But the kind of digital twin that researchers like Niederer are working on is far more intricate and detailed. It could provide specific guidance on which disease risks a person faces, what medicines might be most effective, or how any surgeries should proceed. Were not quite there yet. Taking measurements of airplanes and bridges is one thing. Its much harder to get a continuous data feed from a person, especially when you need details about the inner functions of the heart or brain, says Niederer. As things stand, engineers are technically creating patient-specific models based on previously collected hospital and research data, which is not continually updated. The most advanced medical digital twins are those built to match human hearts. These were the first to be attempted, partly because the heart is essentially a pumpa device familiar to engineersand partly because heart disease is responsible for so much ill health and death, says El-Bouri. Now, advances in imaging technology and computer processing power are enabling researchers to mimic the organ with the level of fidelity that clinical applications require. Building a heart The first step to building a digital heart is to collect images of the real thing. Each team will have its own slightly different approach, but generally, they all start with MRI and CT scans of a persons heart. These can be entered into computer software to create a 3D movie. Some scans will also highlight any areas of damaged tissue, which might disrupt the way the electrical pulses that control heart muscle contraction travel through the organ. The next step is to break this 3D model down into tiny chunks. Engineers use the term computational mesh to describe the result; it can look like an image of the heart made up of thousands of 3D pieces. Each segment represents a small collection of cells and can be assigned properties based on how well they are expected to propagate an electrical impulse. Its all equations, says Natalia Trayanova, a biomedical engineering professor based at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. This computer model of the human heart show how electrical signals pass through heart tissue. The model was created by Marina Strocchi, who works with Steven Niederer at Imperial College London.COURTESY OF MARINA STROCCHI As things stand, these properties involve some approximation. Engineers will guess how well each bit of heart works by extrapolating from previous studies of human hearts or past research on the disease the person has. The end result is a beating, pumping model of a real heart. When we have that model, you can poke it and prod it and see under what circumstances stuff will happen, says Trayanova. Her digital twins are already being trialed to help people with atrial fibrillation, a fairly common condition that can trigger an irregular heartbeattoo fast or all over the place. One treatment option is to burn off the bits of heart tissue responsible for the disrupted rhythm. Its usually left to a surgical team to figure out which bits to target. For Trayanova, the pokes and prods are designed to help surgeons with that decision. Scans might highlight a few regions of damaged or scarred tissue. Her team can then construct a digital twin to help locate the underlying source of the damage. In total, the tool will likely suggest two or three regions to destroythough in rare instances, it has shown many more, says Trayanova: They just have to trust us. So far, 59 people have been through the trial. More are planned. In cases like these, the models dont always need to be continually updated, Trayanova says. A heart surgeon might need to run simulations only to know where to implant a device, for example. Once that operation is over, no more data might be needed, she says. Quasi patients At his lab on the campus of Hammersmith Hospital in London, Niederer has also been building virtual hearts. He is exploring whether his models could be used to find the best place to implant pacemakers. His approach is similar to Trayanovas, but his models also incorporate ECG data from patients. These recordings give a sense of how electrical pulses pass through the heart tissue, he says. So far, Niederer and his colleagues have published a small trial in which models of 10 patients hearts were evaluated by doctors but not used to inform surgical decisions. Still, Niederer is already getting requests from device manufacturers to run virtual tests of their products. A couple have asked him to choose places where their battery-operated pacemaker devices can sit without bumping into heart tissue, he says. Not only can Niederer and his colleagues run this test virtually, but they can do it for hearts of various different sizes. The team can test the device in hundreds of potential locations, within hundreds of different virtual hearts. And we can do it in a week, he adds. This is an example of what scientists call in silico trialsclinical trials run on a computer. In some cases, its not just the trials that are digital. The volunteers are, too. El-Bouri and his colleagues are working on ways to create synthetic participants for their clinical trials. The team starts with data collected from real people and uses this to create all-new digital organs with a mishmash of characteristics from the real volunteers. These in silico trials could be especially useful for helping us figure out the best treatments for pregnant peoplea group that is notoriously excluded from many clinical trials. Specifically, one of El-Bouris interests is stroke, a medical emergency in which clots or bleeds prevent blood flow in parts of the brain. For their research, he and his colleagues model the brain, along with the blood vessels that feed it. You could create lots and lots of different shapes and sizes of these brains based on patient data, says El-Bouri. Once he and his team create a group of synthetic patient brains, they can test how these clots might change the flow of blood or oxygen, or how and where brain tissue is affected. They can test the impact of certain drugs, or see what might happen if a stent is used to remove the blockage. For another project, El-Bouri is creating synthetic retinas. From a starting point of 100 or so retinal scans from real people, his team can generate 200 or more synthetic eyes, just like that, he says. The trick is to figure out the math behind the distribution of blood vessels and re-create it through a set of algorithms. Now he is hoping to use those synthetic eyes in drug trialsamong other things, to find the best treatment doses for people with age-related macular degeneration, a common condition that can lead to blindness. These in silico trials could be especially useful for helping us figure out the best treatments for pregnant peoplea group that is notoriously excluded from many clinical trials. Thats for fear that an experimental treatment might harm a fetus, says Michelle Oyen, a professor of biomedical engineering at Wayne State University in Detroit. Oyen is creating digital twins of pregnancy. Its a challenge to get the information needed to feed the models; during pregnancy, people are generally advised to avoid scans or invasive investigations they dont need. Were much more limited in terms of the data that we can get, she says. Her team does make use of ultrasound images, including a form of ultrasound that allows the team to measure blood flow. From those images, they can see how blood flow in the uterus and the placenta, the organ that supports a fetus, might be linked to the fetuss growth and development, for example. For now, Oyen and her colleagues arent creating models of the fetuses themselvestheyre focusing on the fetal environment, which includes the placenta and uterus. A baby needs a healthy, functioning placenta in order to survive; if the organ starts to fail, stillbirth can be the tragic outcome. Oyen is working on ways to monitor the placenta in real time during pregnancy. These readings could be fed back to a digital twin. If she can find a way to tell when the placenta is failing, doctors might be able to intervene to save the baby, she says. I think this is a game changer for pregnancy research, she adds, because this basically gives us ways of doing research in pregnancy that [carries a minimal] risk of harm to the fetus or of harm to the mother. In another project, the team is looking at the impact of cesarean section scars on pregnancies. When a baby is delivered by C-section, surgeons cut through multiple layers of tissue in the abdomen, including the uterus. Scars that dont heal well become weak spots in the uterus, potentially causing problems for future pregnancies. By modeling these scars in digital twins, Oyen hopes to be able to simulate how future pregnancies might pan out, and determine if or when specialist care might be called for. Eventually, Oyen wants to create a full virtual replica of the pregnant uterus, fetus and all. But were not there yetwere decades behind the cardiovascular people, she says. Thats pregnancy research in a nutshell, she adds. Were always decades behind. Twinning Its all very well to generate virtual body parts, but the human body functions as a whole. Thats why the grand plan for digital twins involves replicas of entire people. Long term, the whole body would be fantastic, says El-Bouri. It may not be all that far off, either. Various research teams are already building models of the heart, brain, lungs, kidneys, liver, musculoskeletal system, blood vessels, immune system, eye, ear, and more. If we were to take every research group that works on digital twins across the world at the moment, I think you could put [a body] together, says El-Bouri. I think theres even someone working on the tongue, he adds. The challenge is bringing together all the various researchers, with the different approaches and different code involved in creating and using their models, says El-Bouri. Everything exists, he says. Its just putting it together thats going to be the issue. In theory, such whole-body twins could revolutionize health care. Trayanova envisions a future in which a digital twin is just another part of a persons medical recordone that a doctor can use to decide on a course of treatment. Technically, if someone tried really hard, they might be able to piece back who someone is through scans and twins of organs. Wahbi El-Bouri But El-Bouri says he receives mixed reactions to the idea. Some people think its really exciting and really cool, he says. But hes also met people who are strongly opposed to the idea of having a virtual copy of themselves exist on a computer somewhere: They dont want any part of that. Researchers need to make more of an effort to engage with the public to find out how people feel about the technology, he says. There are also concerns over patient autonomy. If a doctor has access to a patients digital twin and can use it to guide decisions about medical care, where does the patients own input come into the equation? Some of those working to create digital twins point out that the models could reveal whether patients have taken their daily meds or what theyve eaten that week. Will clinicians eventually come to see digital twins as a more reliable source of information than peoples self-reporting? Doctors should not be allowed to bypass patients and just ask the machine, says Matthias Braun, a social ethicist at the University of Bonn in Germany. There would be no informed consent, which would infringe on autonomy and maybe cause harm, he says. After all, we are not machines with broken parts. Two individuals with the same diagnosis can have very different experiences and lead very different lives. However, there are cases in which patients are not able to make decisions about their own treatmentfor example, if they are unconscious. In those cases, clinicians try to find a proxysomeone authorized to make decisions on the patients behalf. A digital psychological twin, trained on a persons medical data and digital footprint, could potentially act as a better surrogate than, for example, a relative who doesnt know the persons preferences, he says. If using digital twins in patient care is problematic, in silico trials can also raise issues. Jantina de Vries, an ethicist at the University of Cape Town, points out that the data used to create digital twins and synthetic quasi patients will come from people who can be scanned, measured, and monitored. This group is unlikely to include many of those living on the African continent, who wont have ready access to those technologies. The problem of data scarcity directly translates into technologies that are not geared to think about diverse bodies, she says. De Vries thinks the data should belong to the public in order to ensure that as many people benefit from digital-twin technologies as possible. Every record should be anonymized and kept within a public database that researchers around the world can access and make use of, she says. The people who participate in Trayanovas trials explicitly give me consent to know their data, and to know who they are [everything] about them, she says. The people taking part in Niederers research also provide consent for their data to be used by the medical and research teams. But while clinicians have access to all medical data, researchers access only anonymized or pseudonymized data, Niederer says. In some cases, researchers will also ask participants to consent to sharing their fully anonymized data in public repositories. This is the only data that companies are able to access, he adds: We do not share [our] data sets outside of the research or medical teams, and we do not share them with companies. El-Bouri thinks that patients should receive some form of compensation in exchange for sharing their health data. Perhaps they should get preferential access to medications and devices based on that data, he suggests. At any rate, [full] anonymization is tricky, particularly if youre taking patient scans to develop twins, he says. Technically, if someone tried really hard, they might be able to piece back who someone is through scans and twins of organs. When I looked at those anonymous plastic hearts, stored in a cardboard box tucked away on a shelf in the corner of an office, they felt completely divorced from the people whose real, beating hearts they were modeled on. But digital twins seem different somehow. Theyre animated replicas, digital copies that certainly appear to have some sort of life. People often think, Oh, this is just a simulation, says El-Bouri. But its a digital representation of an individual.
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  • Stalker 2 is a miracle game, and deserves its flowers more than any of the other big budget behemoth games that launched in 2024
    Get over here StalkrStalker 2 is a miracle game, and deserves its flowers more than any of the other big budget behemoth games that launched in 2024Nothing has made me happier than seeing this game, by this team, do well.Image credit: VG247 Article by Connor Makar Staff Writer Published on Dec. 21, 2024 Looking back at 2024, there have obviously been a lot of fantastic games. No doubt about it - it's been a great year for pretty much anyone who loves turning on their PC, console, or phone and just throwing dozens of hours to the wind. But there is only one game that has truly astounded me this year. Not only on its own merit (a huge open world packed with mystery, secrets, and perilous dangers) but for the context outside of the game, too. Stalker 2 is a miracle game, and it deserves its flowers.Yes, it is still an imperfect thing, filled with bugs. It was worse still on launch, and, brother, if I could sit you down and chat to you about the version of the game press played in the week prior to its launch. Still, it shines despite such faults. I typically have little patience for such problems. Yes, I played it for a review and would have marched through its issues regardless, but bugs and crashes didn't siphon my wanderlust. Not one bit.To see this content please enable targeting cookies. It takes a lot of work from the world-building team, the narrative team, the composers, designers, and a strong vision from the lofty heights of directors and producers to manifest such a feeling. The team at GSC Game World has done this not only often, but to a stunning quality. I found myself enamoured with the darker corners of The Zone, and thoroughly engaged when something more drastic popped up on my mini-map. I see you, big tornado in the North West corner of the map.One amazing aspect of the game I only learned about following our Stalker 2 review is the sheer variance in the story depending on your choices. How different NPCs react to you, the different settlements you have access to. The order in which you traverse The Zone! Different boss fights, different lines from your player character... It's just so rad, man. So many games in the same genre offer a paltry unique quest here or there, a different ending cinematic. To talk the entire narrative and shake it up depending on which faction you side with is a brilliant move that frankly wants me to boot it up again and give it another shot this December. It's lonely at the top. | Image credit: GSC Game WorldOne of the things you start to learn doing this job is how much work goes into making games. You can never know for sure, obviously. Only those who have sat down and made a game can really know the physical and mental toil of turning stray lines of code or a grey cube into a wonderful experience. But, talk to enough developers and it becomes clear that it's a difficult feat under regular circumstances. Doing so during a hostile invasion of your home country - with some peers staying in Ukraine to fight or support their families - is outstanding.I think some out there may see sentiments like that and worry that some of the praise GSC is getting stems in part from pity, or support for the real-world struggle of the people making it. I want to tackle that sentiment head on. If Stalker 2 launched without the wider context surrounding development, it would still be brilliant. It may have come out sooner and with less server damage sure. But the fact this game was made under these circumstances is an extra layer atop an already great accomplishment, not a stool the game stands on to reach the heights of other big games this year.It's fantastic, and only getting better. As post-release patches and bug fixes come out and clash against the game's biggest flaw, I can only sit here and feel my faith in the industry's capability to create endearing, exhilarating worlds harden further. I am further glad of its popularity. It is a game you absolutely must play for yourself.
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  • Sega Is "Evaluating" Its Own Netflix-Style Subscription Service
    Image: SegaSega's Western boss has revealed that the company is internally discussing the idea of creating its own subscription-based game service.Speaking to the BBC about subscription services such as Xbox Game Pass and PlayStation Plus, Shuji Utsumi said that such services are "very interesting" and that Sega is currently "evaluating some opportunities".He added:We're thinking something - and discussing something - we cannot disclose right now.This means Sega would join the likes of Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo in offering a monthly subscription which offers access to games.Given its history, it makes sense for Sega to investigate a subscription model. It is one of the industry's veterans and has been making games since the '70s. With such a deep back catalogue to call upon, this kind of service would be instantly appealing to gamers of all ages.Sega recently delisted over 60 titles from digital storefronts, which would suggest that a move into the world of subscription-based gaming is moving at a reasonably brisk pace. It also recently delisted Mega Drive / Genesis Classics collection from the eShop, Xbox and PSN stores.Select Mega Drive / Genesis games are currently available via Nintendo Switch Online. Never too late, eh?Battle of the bandsGame to be delisted on 6th December[source bbc.co.uk]Share:00 Damien has been writing professionally about tech and video games since 2007 and oversees all of Hookshot Media's sites from an editorial perspective. He's also the editor of Time Extension, the network's newest site, which paradoxically is all about gaming's past glories. Hold on there, you need to login to post a comment...Related ArticlesSonic Racing: CrossWorlds Speeds Onto Nintendo Switch "Soon"Update: New info has surfacedSonic The Hedgehog Will Be Back For A Fourth MovieIs anyone surprised?Reminder: Sonic X Shadow Generations 'Sonic 3 Movie Pack' DLC Now Available"Featuring the voice of Keanu Reeves"
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  • If climate tech is dead, what comes next?
    Humans have an innate desire to name things, but to be honest, were not always that good at it.Take climate tech: its a category of companies and technologies that, broadly speaking, seek to minimize or reverse our impact on the climate while also helping us adapt to its increasing changes. As terms go, climate tech is actually not bad since it defines the sectors focus in two words.Its certainly better than its predecessor, clean tech. Its what startups that today fall under the climate tech banner would have likely called themselves just over a decade ago. It wasnt a very good descriptor, though. To the uninitiated, clean tech just as easily could have meant robot vacuums or novel household supplies. Climate tech is much easier to grasp.But climate tech is about a decade old, and humans also like to feel like theyre at the vanguard of something new. That, plus climate techs scope has grown to the point where its getting a bit unwieldy. Some have begun to explore alternatives over the past year or so.Planetary health emerged as an early alternative, first coined in the medical journal The Lancet in 2014. Some investors embraced it, in part to address the problem of scope creep. Plenty of companies dont seek to address carbon pollution, but are still focused on technologies that would address humanitys impact on the planet. It has its appeal, but most people have stuck with climate tech.Then Donald Trump was elected for a second time. Climate hasnt exactly transformed from a buzzword into a dirty word, but people are actively talking about distancing themselves from the term. You can try to fight it if you want, but the migration had actually begun before the election. In five years, well be calling climate tech something else entirely.Whatll it be? People have started throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. Planetary health is an obvious alternative; its descriptive and has an early lead. The American dynamism platform contains a clean energy plank, but that term is associated with a single VC firm a16z, whose partner Katherine Boyle coined it and runs a practice under that name and theres a lot of other stuff packed into it, including defense, public safety, education, housing, and more.Frontier tech is another, though if you thought climate tech was too broad, you definitely wont like how much frontier tech encompasses. Critical infrastructure? That overlaps with climate tech, but the Venn diagram isnt a perfect circle. Deep tech is another that wraps around climate tech, but involves a lot more like AI, robotics, and quantum computing.The most recent proposal was growth tech. Its not my intention to throw stones, but I just cant see it catching on. Its too generic arent all venture-backed startups seeking growth? and it doesnt capture the gist of what these startups are pushing for. Is it likely that climate tech will unleash a wave of growth and industrial innovation? You dont have to look much further than China to understand that. But I think there are better terms.Since Im not one to critique without offering a solution, heres mine: If we really need a term, Im going to suggest resilience tech. Its not perfect, and Ill probably think of something better in the future. But for now, I think itll do. It captures the gist of what climate tech is driving at: to make both the world and humanity more resilient.
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  • Hollywood angels: Here are the celebrities who are also star VCs
    Becoming a venture capitalist has become the latest status symbol in Hollywood.Everyone these days, from Olivia Wilde to Emma Watson, is either launching a venture firm or is in the process of backing the next hottest company. Robinhood, Uber, and Klarna all have some glitzy names on their cap tables, paving the way for the rise of Hollywood angels.For founders, having celebs on the cap table can bring a lot of buzz to the startup and bonus points if the celeb knows what they are doing, too. Here are some of the top celebs investing and what they typically look to invest in. (This list will be updated periodically).Snoop DoggThe famous rapper and personality is a prolific angel investor and is also a founder of Casa Verde Capital, a firm focused on cannabis investments. As an angel investor, according to PitchBook, hes backed companies such as Cameo, Reddit, Klarna, Robinhood, and the fintech MoonPay, alongside other celebs on this list. Hes made at least 26 investments, according to PitchBook. The managing partner of Casa Verde Capital is Karan Wadhera and the firm closed a $94 million Fund II in 2020.Sara and Erin FosterThe Foster sisters are two of Hollywoods most famous siblings, best known these days as the producers of the Kristen Bell Netflix show Nobody Wants This. They launched a venture firm in 2022 looking to raise $20 million to back consumer companies, and the fund has officially closed, their reps confirmed to us. They know the consumer area well: They already have a podcast, a clothing line, and a hit television show.PitchBook shows the firm, which they run alongside business partner Phil Schwarz, has written at least six checks, including into companies like the diaper brand Kudos (alongside Gwyneth Paltrow) and the luxury boxed wine company Juliet.As angel investors, the sisters have also invested in the alkaline water company ZenWTR. Sara is also an angel investor in the swimwear company Summersalt and the ear-piercing startup Rowan.(From left) Erin Foster and Sara Foster, Co-Founders of Favorite Daughter, and business partner Phil Schwarz.Image Credits:Kimberly White / Stringer / Getty ImagesKevin HartA few years ago, comedian Kevin Hart launched a venture firm, HartBeat Ventures, alongside Robert Roman, an investor with a background in financial management for entertainment and sports celebrities.The firm was founded around 2021 with the mission to support minority and underrepresented founders. It received its first outside investment from J.P. Morgan as part of one of the banks initiatives to fund more firms led by women and people of color.The firm has invested in at least 14 companies, according to PitchBook, including the art marketplace Masterworks, the 3D printing company Ready Player Me, and Rihannas Savage x Fenty lingerie line. Tashi Nakanishi and Walid Samaha are partners at the firm, according to LinkedIn, while Ron Everline serves as vice president.HartBeat Ventures began raising its Fund I in 2022 with no target amount. As of January 2024, it has raised at least $28 million, according to an SEC filing from January. An October SEC filing also shows that HartBeat is trying to raise capital for what seems to be an SPV looking to invest in Aston Martins Formula One car racing team.Paris HiltonThe famed socialite is also an angel investor, according to PitchBook.She has made investments through her company 11:11 Media, of which she is the CEO and co-founder. Her investments have included the crypto company MoonPay, the biotech company Colossal Biosciences, the community event platform AfterParty, and the podcast platform Fireside Chats.The theme for her seems to be social platforms, biotechnology, and SaaS products that make consumer life easier. Shes made at least 22 investments, according to PitchBook, and happens to be married to Carter Reum, founder of well-known Los Angeles firm M13 Ventures, which has invested in companies such as ClassPass, Canvas, and Pinterest, according to its website.Ashton KutcherPerhaps one of the most famed and notable celebrity VCs is Ashton Kutcher. He is the co-founder of two VC firms, A-Grade and Sound Ventures, both of which he started with Guy Oseary. Shortly after launching Sound, Effie Epstein joined as managing partner.Sound Ventures, founded in 2015, looks to back software companies and has more than $1 billion in assets under management, according to PitchBook. It also invests out of thematic funds, and last year launched an AI Growth Thematic fund, which invested in companies such as Hugging Face, OpenAI, Anthropic, and World Labs.He told the audience at TechCrunchs 2024 Disrupt that hes backing competitors in AI because he thinks theres room for multiple massive AI model companies. His other notable investments between A-Grade and Sound include Affirm, Airbnb, Airtable, Duolingo, and Uber.NasThe famed rapper Nas founded his firm QueensBridge Venture Partners back in 2014. Its made more than 130 investments across various industries and has around $140 million in assets under management, according to PitchBook. Anand Murthy is a partner at the firm. The firm has invested in companies such as the luggage brand Away (alongside Jay-Z) and the bedding company Parachute, according to PitchBook.As an angel investor, Nas has made more than 50 investments, according to PitchBook. Hes backed SeatGeek, Robinhood, Ring, Coinbase, and the fintech Mercury.Nas Performing at Qudos Bank Arena.Image Credits:John Fordham / Contributor / Getty ImagesGwyneth PaltrowThe Goop founder has made at least 24 investments as an angel investor, according to PitchBook. She, alongside Moj Mahdara, is also the co-founder of Kinship Ventures, which invests in consumer and wellness companies. The firm was looking to raise a $75 million VC fund, Axios reported last year, and has backed the crypto payment company MoonPay. According to other SEC filings, it seems Kinship Ventures also raised what seems to be an SPV to back OpenAI and the bitcoin mining company TeraWulf.As an angel investor, Paltrow has invested in the diaper company Kudos, the hair company Crown Affair, the beauty e-commerce marketplace Thirteen Lune, and the beverage brand Olipop, alongside actress Priyanka Chopra, according to PitchBook. Actress Mindy Kaling, rapper Logic, and the Jonas Brothers, also backed Olipop.Emma WatsonThe actress has cut at least two angel investor checks, according to PitchBook. Investments include at least two companies, including the biomanufacturing company FabricNano, and Hertility Health. Watson is a well-regarded activist, especially when it comes to the environment and womens rights. Its no wonder, then, that her two angel investments are in companies that seek to make product manufacturing more sustainable and a womens health platform.Olivia WildeActress and director Olivia Wilde teamed up with Neil Sirni, who led Roc Nations venture division Arrive, to launch the venture firm Proximity, Bloomberg reported in October.Wilde does not have a PitchBook profile just yet but Bloomberg reports that her new firm will focus on consumer and enterprise technology and has already cut a few checks, including into Pendulum Therapeutics.Investor Jason Mack and artist Santigold, known for her song L.E.S. Artistes, are also partners at the firm, according to Bloomberg. SEC filings show that Proximity is raising two new SPV funds, including a $5 million health fund and another $10 million fund.Olivia Wilde at the 2023 Baby2Baby Gala.Image Credits:Gilbert Flores / Contributor / Getty ImagesJay-ZThe music mogul is an angel investor and co-founder of RocNation and of what is now MarcyPen Capital Partners, an investment firm stemming from the merger of Jay-Zs Marcy Venture Partners with Pendulum Holdings investment arm Pendulum Opportunities.Roc Nation has a venture arm called Arrive Opportunities Management, which was once managed by Neil Sirni, the investor now working with Olivia Wilde at Proximity. That venture arm has made at least 40 investments, according to PitchBook, backing companies such as Sweetgreen and Epic Games.Before the merger, Marcy Venture Partners invested in several companies, such as Rihannas Fenty x Savage (making Rihanna one of the few Black women in the world to have a unicorn company) and the web3 company Spatial Labs. Charlie Hanna and Mason OHanlon are listed as investors at MarcyPen Capital Partners on PitchBook and LinkedIn.Furthermore, as an angel investor, Jay-Z has made some notable investments at least 27, according to PitchBook into companies like Oatly, Flowhub, Impossible Foods, and the luggage company Away.
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  • Francis and Sarah Cranston House // c.1895
    The Francis and Sarah Cranston House is located on Bowen Street in the College Hill section of Providence, Rhode Island. Built circa 1895 for Francis Augusta Cranston (1837-1909) and his wife, Sarah (Hill) Cranston, the house is one of the best residential examples of Colonial Revival architecture in the city. Francis was the son of Barzillai Cranston, a descendant of Gov. Samuel Cranston, who held office from 1698 to 1727, being elected to office 30 times; serving as governor longer than any other individual in the history of Rhode Island. Francis worked as cashier of the Old National Bank of Providence for over fifty years and built this residence to settle into retirement. The residence is unique for its high-sloping hipped roof with two layers of dormers, corner quoins, Palladian window, and Ionic portico. I could not locate the architect, but if anyone knows, Id love to give them their deserved credit!
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  • Do you need a VPN at home? Here are 10 reasons you do
    Published December 21, 2024 10:00am EST close 'CyberGuy': Using VPNs without messing up your banking apps Tech expert Kurt Knutsson says a VPN enhances online banking security by encrypting data and protecting privacy. Have you ever felt a little uneasy while browsing the internet, wondering who might be watching your online activities?Well, let me introduce you to a handy tool that can put your mind at ease: the virtual private network, or VPN.Whether you're working from home, streaming your favorite shows or just exploring the web, a VPN can help ensure that your data stays secure and your privacy intact. So, lets dive into why having a VPN at home is a smart move. A VPN on a laptop. (Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson)What is a VPN?A virtual private network, or VPN, encrypts your internet traffic and reroutes it through a server in a different location than your own. VPNs make it appear that you are connecting to the internet from whichever location the server is hosted in rather than your actual location.When you first connect to a network using a VPN, your device will establish a secure connection with the VPN server, and your device's IP address will appear as the VPN server, meaning that only your internet service provider will see that you're connecting to a VPN server. Normally, when you connect to a website, the website or any online services you visit can see your device's technical information, including location-sensitive data such as IP addresses.Why would you want a VPN at home?While your home internet connection is more secure than apublic Wi-Fi connection, VPNs still provide a greater sense of privacy and access to content that might be restricted due to location. Here are 10 reasons I have for getting a home VPN.1. Secure communicationOnline communication can be hit or miss when it comes to security. Some messaging services, such as Whatsapp, use end-to-end device encryption, which helps keep your messages secure, but other messaging services, such as Skype, don't use end-to-end encryption. If you use a VPN with any communication apps, then all your connection and messaging data between your device and the VPN server is fully encrypted. A VPN on a smartphone. (Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson)2. Access region-locked contentOnline content and services like Netflix are restricted to specific geographic regions. This content can range from news websites to video streaming platforms and social media apps. Using a VPN at home can appear to be using the internet from another location, allowing you to access restricted services.3. Avoid bandwidth throttlingSometimes, an internet service provider (ISP) will slow down bandwidth or certain online activities. One of the most common reasons networks do this is to manage network congestion, especially during peak hours. You might notice that your home internet connection slows down at night, when everyone is home from work, or it might slow down when summer vacation starts. Using a VPN will prevent your service provider from identifying the type of web content you are accessing, making it impossible for your ISP to slow down your traffic.4. Keep your Wi-Fi activity hiddenA VPN also keeps your internet activity private from Wi-Fi network admins, who, if technically skilled enough, can figure out which websites you've visited. If you're worried about the Wi-Fi admin of your office, hotel, school or other public place having access to your browsing history, a VPN is the perfect solution for you. When it comes to your own home Wi-Fi network, a VPN will keep your browsing history private from other household members.WHAT IS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI)?5. Defend against cyberattacksHackers deploy large-scale cyberattacks to observe network activity and steal your information. These attacks are particularly prevalent on public Wi-Fi networks, which often have minimal security measures, but they can also target secured networks. Using a VPN can significantly enhance your security by providing encryption for your internet traffic, making it difficult for hackers to intercept and read your data. This encryption is especially crucial when using public Wi-Fi, as it secures your information from potential eavesdroppers.Additionally, a VPN masks your real IP address with that of the VPN server, helping to protect your identity online and making it harder for attackers to target you directly. However, it is essential to understand that while a VPN adds a layer of security,it is not a comprehensive solution against all cyber threats.A VPN does not prevent malware infections orphishing attacks, so you must still employstrong antivirus software and exercise caution when clicking on links or downloading files.Get my picks for the best 2024 antivirus protection winners for your Windows, Mac, Android and iOS devices.Furthermore, not all VPNs are created equal; some may have vulnerabilities or questionable privacy practices. It is crucial to choose areputable provider that uses strong encryption and has a clear no-logging policy.6. Fight against internet censorshipThere's a myriad of reasons, ranging from political to economic, that countries use to justify censoring certain apps and websites. It can be incredibly frustrating for citizens and anyone traveling to that country to lose access to email, social media, news websites and other tools that keep us connected to the world around us. I've used VPNs extensively while traveling to ensure that I can always view my most important websites, no matter where I actually am. As I've mentioned, a VPN can mask your IP address and make it appear as traffic from a different country, allowing you to bypass online geographic restrictions.7. Save money by avoiding geographic price changesOne of the best reasons to have a VPN at home is that it can help you save money and find better deals while online shopping. Some online retailers change their prices depending on users' locations. However, when using a VPN while shopping for plane tickets, hotels or gifts, it's possible tofind cheaper prices just by changing your location.8. Keep your online activity private from governmentsIt's no longer the work of sci-fi. We do know that governments, nearly all of them, surveil their citizens. A VPN will add a layer of privacy, making it significantly more difficult for governments to detect your web traffic. Even if you feel that you have nothing to hide, online privacy is something you should feel free to exercise.9. Hide your browsing history from your ISPMuch like governments, your ISP can surveil your online activity with ease. While most ISPs claim that they don't sell your browsing data, they are often allowed through contracts with marketing agencies to give your data away for free to advertise to you. The simplest way to hide your online activity from your ISP is to use a VPN. When using a VPN, your ISP won't be able to see which websites you visit or which apps you use. Image of a Google search on a laptop (Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson)10. Experience speedy low-ping online gamingWhile it may seem counterintuitive, a VPN can offer faster connection speeds for online gaming. It can also help prevent your ISP from throttling bandwidth directly from gaming servers. By changing your VPN's location, you can connect to a server closer to your gaming server, which will give you better latency. This is also called ping, which determines how fast the server responds to your inputs.Tips for maximizing your VPN securityTo fully leverage the benefits of your VPN and enhance your online security, consider these important tips that will help protect your personal information and ensure safe browsing.1. Choose a reliable VPN:Select a reputable VPN service with strong encryption protocols.For best VPN software, see my expert review of the best VPNs for browsing the web privately on your Windows, Mac, Android and iOS devices.2. Always use VPN on public Wi-Fi:Never access financial accounts onpublic networks without activating your VPN first.3. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA): Add an extra layer of security to your accounts byenabling 2FA.GET FOX BUSINESS ON THE GO BY CLICKING HERE4. Use strong, unique passwords:Create complex passwords for each of your accounts and consider using a password manager. Consider using apassword manager to generate and store complex passwords.5. Regularly monitor your accounts: Check your retirement accounts frequently for any suspicious activity.6. Keep software updated: Ensure your devices and apps are alwaysup-to-date with the latest security patches.7. Be cautious of phishing scams while using a VPN:Even with a VPN securing your connection, phishing scams remain a significant threat to your online safety. These scams often use deceptive emails or links to steal sensitive information like passwords or credit card numbers. To protect yourself, combine the use of a VPN withstrong antivirus software that detects and blocks phishing attempts. Additionally, always scrutinize unsolicited emails, avoid clicking on suspicious links, and never provide personal information without verifying the source.For the best protection, check out my expert reviews of the top 2024 antivirus solutions for your Windows, Mac, Android and iOS devices. Together with a VPN, this approach helps keep your personal information and digital assets safe.Kurt's key takeawaysIf you want to start taking your online privacy seriously, it's worth getting a VPN. There are a wide range of options available. You can pick up a router with a VPN or install a software VPN on your devices. I prefer to have a VPN on my laptop and smartphone, and I especially find it useful when traveling internationally.CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APPDo you have a reason for using a VPN we didn't feature in the list? Let us know by writing us atCyberguy.com/ContactFor more of my tech tips and security alerts, subscribe to my free CyberGuy Report Newsletter by heading toCyberguy.com/NewsletterFollow Kurt on his social channels:Answers to the most-asked CyberGuy questions:New from Kurt:Copyright 2024 CyberGuy.com.All rights reserved. Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson is an award-winning tech journalist who has a deep love of technology, gear and gadgets that make life better with his contributions for Fox News & FOX Business beginning mornings on "FOX & Friends." Got a tech question? Get Kurts free CyberGuy Newsletter, share your voice, a story idea or comment at CyberGuy.com.
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  • If ChatGPT produces AI-generated code for your app, who does it really belong to?
    monsitj/Getty ImagesIn one of my earlier AI and coding articles, where I looked athow ChatGPT can rewrite and improve your existing code, one of the commenters, @pbug5612, had an interesting question:Who owns the resultant code? What if it contains business secrets - have you shared it all with Google or MS, etc.? It's a good question and one that doesn't have an easy answer. Over the past two weeks, I've reached out to attorneys and experts to try to get a definitive answer. Also: I've tested dozens of AI chatbots since ChatGPT's stunning debut. Here's my top pickThere's a lot to unpack here, but a good starting point is the overall theme of this discussion. As attorney Collen Clark of law firm Schmidt & Clark states: Ultimately, until more definitive legal precedents are established, the legal implications of using AI-generated code remain complex and uncertain. That's not to say there is a shortage of opinions. In this article, I'll discuss the copyright implications of using ChatGPT to write your code. In a related article, I discuss issues of liability pertaining to AI-generated code. Who owns the code?Here's a probable scenario. You're working on an application. Most of that application is your direct work. You've defined the UI, crafted the business logic, and written most of the code. However, you've used ChatGPT to write a few modules and linked that resulting code into your app. Continue to Part 2: If you use AI-generated code, what's your liability exposure?Who owns the code written by ChatGPT? Does the inclusion of that code invalidate any ownership claims you have on the overall application? Attorney Richard Santalesa, a founding member of the SmartEdgeLaw Group based in Westport, Conn., focuses on technology transactions, data security, and intellectual property matters. He points out that there are issues of contract law as well as copyright law -- and they're treated differently. From a contractual point of view, Santalesa contends that most companies producing AI-generated code will, "as with all of their other IP, deem their provided materials -- including AI-generated code -- as their property." OpenAI (the company behind ChatGPT) does not claim ownership of generated content. According to their terms of service, "OpenAI hereby assigns to you all its right, title, and interest in and to Output." Clearly, though, if you're creating an application that uses code written by an AI, you'll need to carefully investigate who owns (or claims to own) what. For a view of code ownership outside the US, ZDNET turned to Robert Piasentin, a Vancouver-based partner in the Technology Group at McMillan LLP, a Canadian business law firm. He says that ownership, as it pertains to AI-generated works, is still an "unsettled area of the law." That said, there has been work done to try to clarify the issue. In 2021, the Canadian agency ISED (Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada) recommended three approaches to the question: Ownership belongs to the person who arranged for the work to be created.Ownership and copyright are only applicable to works produced by humans, and thus, the resultant code would not be eligible for copyright protection.A new "authorless" set of rights should be created for AI-generated works.Piasentin, who was also called to the bar in England and Wales, says: "Much like Canada, there is no English legislation that directly regulates the design, development, and use of AI systems. However, the UK is among the first countries in the world to expressly define who can be the author of a computer-generated work." "Under the UK Copyright Designs and Patents Act, with respect to computer-generated work, the author of the work is the person who undertook the arrangements necessary to create the work and is the first owner of any copyright in it," he explains.Piasenten says there may already be some UK case law precedent, based not on AI but on video game litigation. A case before the High Court (roughly analogous to the US Supreme Court) determined that images produced in a video game were the property of the game developer, not the player -- even though the player manipulated the game to produce a unique arrangement of game assets on the screen. Because the player had not "undertaken the necessary arrangements for the creation of those images," the court ruled in favor of the developer. Ownership of AI-generated code may be similar in that, "the person who undertook the necessary arrangements for the AI-generated work -- that is, the developer of the generative AI -- may be the author of the work," Piasenten notes. That doesn't necessarily rule out the prompt-writer as the author. Notably, it also doesn't rule out the unspecified (and possibly unknowable) author who sourced the training data as an author of AI-generated code. Fundamentally, until there's a lot more case law, the issue is murky. What about copyright?Let's touch on the difference between ownership and copyright. Ownership is a practical power that determines who has control over the source code of a program and who has the authority to modify, distribute, and control the codebase. Copyright is a broader legal right granted to creators of original works, and is essential to controlling who can use or copy the work. If you look at litigation as something of a battle, Santalesa describes copyright as "one arrow in the legal quiver." The idea is that copyright claims provide an additional claim, "above and beyond any other claims, such as breach of contract, breach of confidentiality, misappropriation of IP rights, etc."He adds that the strength of the claim hinges on wilful infringement, which can be a challenge even to define when it comes to AI-based code. Then there's the issue of what can qualify as a work of authorship -- in other words, something that can be copyrighted. According to the Compendium of the U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition, to qualify as "a work of 'authorship,' a work must be created by a human beingWorks that do not satisfy this requirement are not copyrightable." Additionally, the Compendium notes that the U.S. Copyright Office "will not register works produced by nature, animals, or plants. Likewise, the Office cannot register a work purportedly created by divine or supernatural beings."While the Copyright Office doesn't specifically say whether AI-created work is copyrightable or not, it's probable that that block of code you had ChatGPT write for you isn't copyrightable. Also:25 AI tips to boost your programming productivity with ChatGPTPiasenten says this applies in Canada, too. Provisions that point to "the life of the author" and the requirement that the author be a resident of a certain country imply a living human.Piasenten notes that, inCCH Canada Ltd. v Law Society of Upper Canada,the Supreme Court of Canada found that original work is derived from "an exercise of skill and judgment" and cannot be "purely mechanical exercise." Messy for coders Let's wrap up this part of our discussion with some thoughts from Sean O'Brien, lecturer in cybersecurity at Yale Law School and founder of the Yale Privacy Lab. Taking us from analogies and speculation to actual rulings, O'Brien points to some US Copyright Office actions on AI-generation."The U.S. Copyright Office concluded this year that a graphic novel with images generated by the AI software, Midjourney, constituted a copyrightable work because the work as a whole contained significant contributions by a human author, such as human-authored text and layout," O'Brien says. "However, the isolated images themselves are not subject to copyright." If this ruling were applied to software, the overall application would be copyrighted, but the routines generated by the AI would not be subject to copyright. Among other things, this requires programmers to label what code is generated by an AI to be able to copyright the rest of the work. Also: The most popular programming languages in 2024 (and what that even means)There are also some messy licensing issues. O'Brian points out that ChatGPT "can't properly provide the copyright information, specifically refusing to place free and open source licenses, like the GNU General Public License, on code." Yet, he says: "It's already been proven that GPL'd code can be verbatim repeated by ChatGPT, creating a license infringement mess. Microsoft and GitHub continue to integrate such OpenAI-based systems into code authoring platforms used by millions, and that could muddy the waters beyond recognition." What does it all mean? We haven't even touched on liability and other legal issues, which you'll want to read about in Part II. There are some clear conclusions here, though. First, this is somewhat uncharted territory. Even the attorneys say there's not enough precedent to be sure what's what. I should point out that in my discussions with the various attorneys, they all strongly recommended seeking an attorney for advice on these matters, but in the same breath, acknowledged there wasn't enough case law for anyone to have more than a rough clue how it was all going to shake out. Second, it's likely the code written by an AI can't be owned or copyrighted in a way that provides legal protections. This opens a huge can of worms because unless code is rigorously documented, it will be very difficult to defend what is subject to copyright and what's not. Let's wrap this up with some more thoughts from Yale's O'Brien, who believes that ChatGPT and similar software are leaning on the concept of fair use. However, he says: There have been no conclusive decisions around this affirmation of fair use, and a 2022 class action called it "pure speculation" because no court has yet considered whether usage of AI training sets arising from public data constitutes fair use. Pure speculation. When considering whether you own and can copyright your code, you don't want a legal analysis to end with the words "pure speculation." And yet here we are. Continue to Part 2:If you use AI-generated code, what's your liability exposure?You can follow my day-to-day project updates on social media. Be sure to follow me on Twitter at @DavidGewirtz, on Facebook at Facebook.com/DavidGewirtz, on Instagram at Instagram.com/DavidGewirtz, and on YouTube at YouTube.com/DavidGewirtzTV.See also
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  • The best iPhone power banks of 2024: Expert tested and reviewed
    Imagine this: a dead iPhone throwing a wrench in your entire day! It's happened to me more times than I'd like to admit, which is why I'm never without my trusty power bank. It's all about staying one step ahead of problems. After all, it's better to have it and not need it than to find yourself in a panic with a phone that's gone belly up!Seriously, giving your iPhone a little mid-day top-up is like treating it to a little snack! It can mean the difference between cruising through the day or watching it fade to black before you even get home. So, keep that power bank close and let your phone thrive!Also:The best MagSafe accessories for your iPhone What is the best iPhone power bank right now? I've tested hundreds of iPhone power banks, scrutinizing everything from their sleek designs and rapid charge times to their hefty recharge capacities, power outputs, port varieties, and safety features. This thorough analysis has allowed me to weed out the duds -- the low-quality units, the overpriced rip-offs, and the downright failures -- focusing exclusively on the cream of the crop. This lineup represents the pinnacle of performance, ensuring you get only the best from your purchase.My top pick for the best overall iPhone power bank is the Anker MagGo 6.6K Wireless Charger, based on its lightweight build, foldable kickstand, and convenient charging options. Read on to learn more about my top picks and others. Also:The best iPhone 15 cases Sort by All The best iPhone power banks of 2024 Show less View now at Amazon This Anker battery pack offers 6,600mAh of battery capacity, features a USB-C port that is used both as an input and output, and has a compact design. With a single magnetic click, this battery pack can be stored in your pocket or propped up using its sturdy magnet as a stand. Additionally, you don't have to worry about charging your phone and your battery pack separately, as you can charge both simultaneously when the pack is connected to a power source.Leveraging Qi2 technology, the MagGo Power Bank securely snaps onto the back of compatible Android and Apple phones and packs a 6,600mAh battery capacity that can charge most phones at least once.This power bank also comes with a two-foot USB-C-to-USB-C cable, which is always handy to have. I like the clamshell design of this power bank, and it looks a lot like the Star Trek communicator from the days of old. It's a well-made, durable power bank, exactly what I'd expect from an Anker product.Online reviews for this product are strong, although I feel that some buyers are confused about what Qi2 offers and expect it to be faster than a MagSafe charger (which it isn't).Anker 622MagSafe Wireless ChargerFeatures: Capacity: 6,600mAh|Charging port:USB-C| Max output: 15W wireless, 20W wired Pros Well priced Foldable clamshell design Lightweight and easy to hold Can charge your device while the charger itself is charging Cons Either have to purchase a MagSafe-compatible case or remove your current case to use Only wired charging for older iPhones A bit bulky This Anker battery pack offers 6,600mAh of battery capacity, features a USB-C port that is used both as an input and output, and has a compact design. With a single magnetic click, this battery pack can be stored in your pocket or propped up using its sturdy magnet as a stand. Additionally, you don't have to worry about charging your phone and your battery pack separately, as you can charge both simultaneously when the pack is connected to a power source.Leveraging Qi2 technology, the MagGo Power Bank securely snaps onto the back of compatible Android and Apple phones and packs a 6,600mAh battery capacity that can charge most phones at least once.This power bank also comes with a two-foot USB-C-to-USB-C cable, which is always handy to have. I like the clamshell design of this power bank, and it looks a lot like the Star Trek communicator from the days of old. It's a well-made, durable power bank, exactly what I'd expect from an Anker product.Online reviews for this product are strong, although I feel that some buyers are confused about what Qi2 offers and expect it to be faster than a MagSafe charger (which it isn't).Anker 622MagSafe Wireless ChargerFeatures: Capacity: 6,600mAh|Charging port:USB-C| Max output: 15W wireless, 20W wired Read More Show Expert Take Show less Show less View now at Amazon A "not-too-big, not-too-small" power bank, this product falls into the Goldilocks zone -- big enough for a few rounds of recharging but still small enough to carry.I'm a fan of the Anker brand, and this is another gadget that I've taken out and about in cities (and into the wild) in several countries. Anker power banks are well-built, robust, and highly reliable. This is a power bank that's built for daily use, or for throwing into a drawer or glovebox for when you need it.While this is a list of power banks for iPhones, I have to admit that I do like the fact that this power bank comes with USB-A and USB-C ports. If you have earbuds that need charging alongside the iPhone, this is a perfect pairing.Despite the relatively large 10,000mAh capacity and two USB ports, this is still a portable power bank that's compact and lightweight enough to slip into a pocket or bag. It also fits great both in the hand and pocket, a sentiment echoed in reviews I've read on Amazon and Reddit.Anker PowerCore Features: Capacity:10,000mAh |Charging port:USB-C | Max output: 25W Pros Compact design Good capacity Dual ports Cons Wall charger not included Long charging time A "not-too-big, not-too-small" power bank, this product falls into the Goldilocks zone -- big enough for a few rounds of recharging but still small enough to carry.I'm a fan of the Anker brand, and this is another gadget that I've taken out and about in cities (and into the wild) in several countries. Anker power banks are well-built, robust, and highly reliable. This is a power bank that's built for daily use, or for throwing into a drawer or glovebox for when you need it.While this is a list of power banks for iPhones, I have to admit that I do like the fact that this power bank comes with USB-A and USB-C ports. If you have earbuds that need charging alongside the iPhone, this is a perfect pairing.Despite the relatively large 10,000mAh capacity and two USB ports, this is still a portable power bank that's compact and lightweight enough to slip into a pocket or bag. It also fits great both in the hand and pocket, a sentiment echoed in reviews I've read on Amazon and Reddit.Anker PowerCore Features: Capacity:10,000mAh |Charging port:USB-C | Max output: 25W Read More Show Expert Take Show less Show less The biggest downer is reaching into your bag and discovering that you have a power bank without a cable. The Belkin Boostcharger removes this possibility because it features built-in Lightning and USB-C cables, separating it from the competition -- a feature that many reviewers on Amazon and B&H Photo also love.This power bank also features passthrough technology, which means you can charge your iPhone with speeds up to 18W while charging the power bank.This passthrough charging feature might not seem like much, but I've found this to be super useful both for use on a desk or nightstand and when traveling. It means I can have one small wall charger charging up the power bank, and then have the power bank simultaneously charging up a couple of devices. This not only saves on space and how many power outlets I need, it also streamlines what I need to carry, which is really appreciated when traveling.The 10,000mAh capacity also means that it's not too big to be slipped into a pocket or bag.Belkin Boostcharge Features: Capacity:10,000mAh |Charging port:Integrated Lightning (MFI) and USB-C cables plus USB-C port | Max output: 23W Pros Charge two devices at once Slim design LED indicators Cons Pricey Slow to charge devices The biggest downer is reaching into your bag and discovering that you have a power bank without a cable. The Belkin Boostcharger removes this possibility because it features built-in Lightning and USB-C cables, separating it from the competition -- a feature that many reviewers on Amazon and B&H Photo also love.This power bank also features passthrough technology, which means you can charge your iPhone with speeds up to 18W while charging the power bank.This passthrough charging feature might not seem like much, but I've found this to be super useful both for use on a desk or nightstand and when traveling. It means I can have one small wall charger charging up the power bank, and then have the power bank simultaneously charging up a couple of devices. This not only saves on space and how many power outlets I need, it also streamlines what I need to carry, which is really appreciated when traveling.The 10,000mAh capacity also means that it's not too big to be slipped into a pocket or bag.Belkin Boostcharge Features: Capacity:10,000mAh |Charging port:Integrated Lightning (MFI) and USB-C cables plus USB-C port | Max output: 23W Read More Show Expert Take Show less Show less The Anker Nano 10,000mAh 30W is a power bank with a twist, and that twist is a built-in USB-C cable -- making it a great option for the iPhone 15.This cable is a decent length at 0.6ft (19cm) and can be used for both charging the power bank and charging other devices. This cable fits through a metal loop on the power bank, keeping it out of the way when not in use and allowing it to be used as a lanyard loop when you're not charging anything. There's a single button on the top of the unit to turn the power bank on. On the front, a small but exceptionally vibrant display shows the charge level and estimated charge/discharge time. Anker Nano 10,000mAh 30W Features: Capacity: 10,000mAh |Charging port:USB-C|Max Output: 30W Pros Built-in cable is a winner Cons LCD screen is small and can be difficult to read The Anker Nano 10,000mAh 30W is a power bank with a twist, and that twist is a built-in USB-C cable -- making it a great option for the iPhone 15.This cable is a decent length at 0.6ft (19cm) and can be used for both charging the power bank and charging other devices. This cable fits through a metal loop on the power bank, keeping it out of the way when not in use and allowing it to be used as a lanyard loop when you're not charging anything. There's a single button on the top of the unit to turn the power bank on. On the front, a small but exceptionally vibrant display shows the charge level and estimated charge/discharge time. Anker Nano 10,000mAh 30W Features: Capacity: 10,000mAh |Charging port:USB-C|Max Output: 30W Read More Show Expert Take Show less What is the best iPhone power bank? The Anker MagGo 6.6K battery pack is our pick for the best overall iPhone power bank, because the functional design makes it a multitasking winner. Plus, it offers easy integration with Apple devices. Here's how the best iPhone power banks compare based on pricing, capacity, and quick charge capabilities: iPhone power bankPriceCapacityMax outputQuick charge?Anker MagGo 6.6K$706,600mAh15W wireless/20W wiredYesAnker PowerCore$3510,000mAh25W wiredNoBelkin Boostcharge Plus$4510,000mAh23W wiredYesAnker Nano 10,000mAh 30W$3010,000mAh30W wiredYes*Lowest price at the time of writing. Please note that prices may vary based on retailer and available promotions, sales, or discounts. Show more Which iPhone power bank is right for you? The best iPhone power bank gives you enough mobile power to keep your phone running until you can plug it in. Here's a further breakdown if you're trying to decide which power bank is best for you since all vary in power, price, and even port availability. Choose this iPhone power bank...If you need...Anker MagGo 6.6K A multitasking, all-around solid power bank. Anker PowerCore An affordable power bank with dual ports. Belkin Boostcharge Plus A power bank with integrated charging cables. Anker Nano 10,000mAh 30W The perfect portable power bank for the iPhone 15 with a built-in cable. Show more Factors to consider when choosing an iPhone power bank Here are some factors I suggest you consider when choosing a power bank for your iPhone:Size: It's no good having a power bank if you're going to end up leaving it at home. Sure, if you're going off grid for a few days, you're going to need something big, but most people are looking for something to top up their phone during the day before going home, and for this a power bank with a 4,000mAh capacity is more than enough.Wired or wireless: If you don't want the hassle of having to carry a charge cable and a power bank, go for a unit that feature wireless MagSafe charging.Safety: I test every power bank for a number of safety issues, including checking for overheating in use and whether the case is robust enough to protect the internal batteries. I recommend sticking with name brands and avoiding dollar store power banks. Show more How we test iPhone power banks I chose these iPhone power banks through a combination of extensive research and using the products to charge everyday devices. I paid attention to:Customer reviews and ratings: I evaluated personal experiences and ratings of the included products to take note of strengths, weaknesses, and overall customer satisfaction with each battery pack.Pricing: I considered battery packs with a varied price range to ensure there is a product for everyone, with most battery packs costing between $20 and $100.Renowned brands: I selected battery packs manufactured by trusted and ZDNET-reviewed brands to ensure the recommended picks were of quality and standard.Capacity: Battery packs can differ in the amount of power (measured in milliamp hours or mAh) contained in the battery. I used a USB power meter to test the capacity of every power bank listed to ensure that it delivers what it says on the spec sheet.Overheating: I used a thermal camera to check for overheating, both when the power back was in use, and when it was being charged. Show more Does charging your battery from a power bank damage the battery on the iPhone? Some cheap power banks and chargers can harm your smartphone. Overall, though, power banks are safe and work using the same technology as a regular charger. We trust any of the picks above to be quality power banks that won't damage your iPhone's battery. Show more Are these power banks allowed on an airplane? According to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), portable chargers or power banks containing a lithium-ion battery must be packed in a carry-on bag, rather than in checked baggage. Most airlines allow a power bank with a battery of up to 27,000mAh. Show more How much should you spend on a power bank? Those cheaper power banks work; however, in my experience, they don't offer the capacities that they claim and don't last nearly as long as a decent power bank from a reputable manufacturer, don't deliver the power stated, and can overheat in use.The phrase "you get what you pay for" applies to everything, including iPhone accessories. That's why it's better to spend more money to get something that'll enhance your phone's productivity and last. Show more Is a wireless power bank better? A wireless power bank can be very helpful, since you don't have to remember to bring any cords or cables with you. Just set your iPhone on the power bank and start charging.They're not ideal for use while you're actually traveling, however, since there isn't a way to secure your phone to the power bank. When flying or driving, your phone could slip off the charger without you noticing, leaving you with a dead or dying phone when you reach your destination. MagSafe power banks are good, but they're not infallible. Show more What size power bank do you need to charge an iPhone? It depends on how many recharges you want. A 5,000mAh power bank will give you about two recharges of a standard iPhone, and a little less for the bigger iPhones. Show more More iPhone power banks to consider Further ZDNET Tech Coverage Smartphones Smartwatches Tablets Laptops TVs Other Tech Resources ZDNET Recommends
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  • The best NAS devices of 2024: Expert tested
    While cloud backup servicespredominantly emerged as the preferred solution for consumers and small businesses seeking to secure their data, partly down to how easy it is to implement, a select group of professionals -- such as photographers, videographers, and 3D designers -- continue to advocate for the efficacy of local backup methods. The process of transferring hundreds of gigabytes to the cloud can be cumbersome, particularly for those lacking substantial bandwidth.Enter the network-attached storage (NAS) device, which represents a significant advancement for individuals managing extensive data workloads. These technological innovations provide considerable storage capacities and remarkably fast data transfer rates, while simultaneously ensuring secure data backups across multiple drives through RAID (redundant array of independent disks) technology. This sophisticated system markedly mitigates the risk of permanent data loss resulting from a single drive failure. For professionals who require robust and reliable storage solutions to accommodate their expansive data needs, NAS devices are truly indispensable.Also: The best M.2 SSDs of 2024: Expert tested and reviewedWhat is the best NAS device right now?Based on extensive testing, thorough research, comprehensive product review analysis, and expert opinions, my top pick for the best overall NAS device is the Synology Diskstation DS1522+. This exceptional NAS stands out as a powerful and robust option, equipped with top-tier hardware and excellent supporting software. And it offers storage capacities up to 60TB using robust and reliable server-grade drives.You can't go wrong with this NAS, whether you need it for personal use, creative projects, or small business operations. Read on to discover all of my recommendations for the best NAS devices available on the market today. Each option has been carefully selected to meet various needs and preferences, ensuring you find the perfect storage solution for your requirements. Sort by All The best NAS devices of 2024 Show less View now at Amazon By far, the standout feature of any Synology NAS is the company's exceptional Diskstation Manager (DSM) software. While the Synology hardware is on par with many other NAS offerings, it's when that hardware is combined with the DSM software that Synology's offerings truly become noteworthy.Synology's DS1522+ ships with built-in enterprise-grade data software and support for dozens of applications, OS, and SaaS services. Featuring five hard drive bays by default and expandable up to 15 bays total, the DS1522+ is an economical NAS solution with plenty of room to expand as the user's data storage needs grow. Running Diskstation Manager, this NAS option comes with Synology's suite of enterprise backup solutions. This includes Active Backup for Business which allows users to backup Windows PCs, VMs, SaaS applications like Microsoft 365.Also included is Synology's Hyper Backup software, which allows you to back up your entire NAS or specific files and folders to most major cloud service providers. This flexible and free backup software gives the user enterprise-grade tools in an easy-to-understand format. This makes setting up a proper 3-2-1 backup environment a breeze, no matter what or how many devices you're responsible for.The DS1522+ is also a certified storage device for VMware and is compatible with most major virtualization platforms, including Windows Server, Microsoft's Hyper-V, and Citrix.Synology Diskstation DS1522+ specs:Drive bays:5 |Max capacity:108TB |Max w/expansion units:270TB |RAM:8GB DDR4 (32GB max) |1GB Ethernet ports:4 |10GB Upgrade:with Gen3 x2 upgrade |USB 3.2 ports:2 |eSATA ports:2 |M.2 slots:2 Pros Excellent DSM UI Good price per bay Great apps Ample USB ports Cons No native 2.5GB Ethernet ports No HDMI ports No SSD-only models By far, the standout feature of any Synology NAS is the company's exceptional Diskstation Manager (DSM) software. While the Synology hardware is on par with many other NAS offerings, it's when that hardware is combined with the DSM software that Synology's offerings truly become noteworthy.Synology's DS1522+ ships with built-in enterprise-grade data software and support for dozens of applications, OS, and SaaS services. Featuring five hard drive bays by default and expandable up to 15 bays total, the DS1522+ is an economical NAS solution with plenty of room to expand as the user's data storage needs grow. Running Diskstation Manager, this NAS option comes with Synology's suite of enterprise backup solutions. This includes Active Backup for Business which allows users to backup Windows PCs, VMs, SaaS applications like Microsoft 365.Also included is Synology's Hyper Backup software, which allows you to back up your entire NAS or specific files and folders to most major cloud service providers. This flexible and free backup software gives the user enterprise-grade tools in an easy-to-understand format. This makes setting up a proper 3-2-1 backup environment a breeze, no matter what or how many devices you're responsible for.The DS1522+ is also a certified storage device for VMware and is compatible with most major virtualization platforms, including Windows Server, Microsoft's Hyper-V, and Citrix.Synology Diskstation DS1522+ specs:Drive bays:5 |Max capacity:108TB |Max w/expansion units:270TB |RAM:8GB DDR4 (32GB max) |1GB Ethernet ports:4 |10GB Upgrade:with Gen3 x2 upgrade |USB 3.2 ports:2 |eSATA ports:2 |M.2 slots:2 Read More Show Expert Take Show less Show less This Asustor Lockerstor model bridges worlds in a number of ways. First, by providing six hard drive bays as well as support for four M.2 sticks, it's possible to do some very interesting performance tiering work, both automatically and manually. Second, like the QNAP, the Lockerstor has HDMI output, possibly moving this from the server closet to the family room.The internal 8GB RAM is respectable, and ZDNET was impressed with the 2.5G Ethernet port. The Lockerstor 6 uses the ADM operating system with more than 200 App Central applications, including various tools, business applications, office applications, and digital home entertainment.A common theme in the reviews of this NAS is ease of use, which for what can be a complex network product, will be a breath of fresh air for those who are not tech experts.Asustor Lockerstor 6 Gen 2 specs:Drive bays:6 |M.2 SSD slots:4 |Max capacity:120TB + M.2 capacity |RAM:8GB |2.5G Ethernet ports:2 | USB 3.0 ports: Dual 3.2Gen 2x1 |PCIe Gen 3 x4 slots:Support PCIe 3.0 on M.2 SSD |HDMI:HDMI 2.0b Pros Ample M.2 slots Reasonable RAM capacity Built-in HDMI Cons Customers report slow tech support This Asustor Lockerstor model bridges worlds in a number of ways. First, by providing six hard drive bays as well as support for four M.2 sticks, it's possible to do some very interesting performance tiering work, both automatically and manually. Second, like the QNAP, the Lockerstor has HDMI output, possibly moving this from the server closet to the family room.The internal 8GB RAM is respectable, and ZDNET was impressed with the 2.5G Ethernet port. The Lockerstor 6 uses the ADM operating system with more than 200 App Central applications, including various tools, business applications, office applications, and digital home entertainment.A common theme in the reviews of this NAS is ease of use, which for what can be a complex network product, will be a breath of fresh air for those who are not tech experts.Asustor Lockerstor 6 Gen 2 specs:Drive bays:6 |M.2 SSD slots:4 |Max capacity:120TB + M.2 capacity |RAM:8GB |2.5G Ethernet ports:2 | USB 3.0 ports: Dual 3.2Gen 2x1 |PCIe Gen 3 x4 slots:Support PCIe 3.0 on M.2 SSD |HDMI:HDMI 2.0b Read More Show Expert Take Show less Show less QNAP has a broad selection of NAS devices, and this lower-cost entry-level unit is absolutely worth consideration. At only $200 (without drives), this option provides you with a way to quickly create a private home cloud.Powered by an ARM Cortex-A55 2.0GHz processor, this NAS station can serve two valuable purposes at home: working as a backup machine for Windows and Mac (via NetBak Replicator software and Time Machine), and as a storage system for your multimedia, including photos, videos, and important documents.The entry-level NAS comes with 3.5-inch drive bays that are 2.5-inch compatible. Customer reviews suggest that this NAS is excellent value for money, with one reviewer saying it "punches above its class." However, others say the user interface needs improvement.The Amazon reviews on this product are strong, with many users emphasizing the value this NAS device offers compared to other high-end units.QNAP TS-233-US 2-Bay NASspecs:Drive bays:2 |Max capacity:Diskless|RAM:2GB (up to 4GB)|Ethernet ports:1 |USB 2 ports:2|USB 3.2 ports: 1 Pros Affordable Solid performance Supports multimedia applications Cons Purchasing disks ramps up the cost QNAP has a broad selection of NAS devices, and this lower-cost entry-level unit is absolutely worth consideration. At only $200 (without drives), this option provides you with a way to quickly create a private home cloud.Powered by an ARM Cortex-A55 2.0GHz processor, this NAS station can serve two valuable purposes at home: working as a backup machine for Windows and Mac (via NetBak Replicator software and Time Machine), and as a storage system for your multimedia, including photos, videos, and important documents.The entry-level NAS comes with 3.5-inch drive bays that are 2.5-inch compatible. Customer reviews suggest that this NAS is excellent value for money, with one reviewer saying it "punches above its class." However, others say the user interface needs improvement.The Amazon reviews on this product are strong, with many users emphasizing the value this NAS device offers compared to other high-end units.QNAP TS-233-US 2-Bay NASspecs:Drive bays:2 |Max capacity:Diskless|RAM:2GB (up to 4GB)|Ethernet ports:1 |USB 2 ports:2|USB 3.2 ports: 1 Read More Show Expert Take Show less Show less TerraMaster is a solid storage space at a budget-friendly price. We found the user interface to be clean and well done and the overall usage experience to be solid. Now, to be clear, this is not a Synology, but that device is considerably more expensive.TerraMaster is upping its game with the F4-423. Instead of a budget device, this is a performance machine, but at a mid-tier price. It's got two high-speed Ethernet ports, an HDMI port that lets you turn this into a media center server, and support for additional applications. TerraMaster says this model provides improved speeds and up to a 50% improvement in handling high-load workflows.Overall, this is a solid product for higher-stress loads at a reasonable price. Cheaper, two-bay options are also available. Customers say this NAS solution is great for home setups, although some are irritated by its lack of documentation.Reviews for the TerraMaster F4-423 on Amazon and Reddit take note of the the stylish exterior of this NAS cabinet, as well as the performance and value for money it offers.TerraMaster F4-423 specs:Drive bays:4 |Max capacity:80TB |RAM:4GB |2.5G Ethernet ports:2 |USB 3.2 ports:2 |HDMI port:1 |M.2 slots:2 Pros Fast Respectable user interface HDMI port Bay hot swaps Cons A bit more expensive than TerraMaster's earlier offerings Fewer apps than Synology and QNAP TerraMaster is a solid storage space at a budget-friendly price. We found the user interface to be clean and well done and the overall usage experience to be solid. Now, to be clear, this is not a Synology, but that device is considerably more expensive.TerraMaster is upping its game with the F4-423. Instead of a budget device, this is a performance machine, but at a mid-tier price. It's got two high-speed Ethernet ports, an HDMI port that lets you turn this into a media center server, and support for additional applications. TerraMaster says this model provides improved speeds and up to a 50% improvement in handling high-load workflows.Overall, this is a solid product for higher-stress loads at a reasonable price. Cheaper, two-bay options are also available. Customers say this NAS solution is great for home setups, although some are irritated by its lack of documentation.Reviews for the TerraMaster F4-423 on Amazon and Reddit take note of the the stylish exterior of this NAS cabinet, as well as the performance and value for money it offers.TerraMaster F4-423 specs:Drive bays:4 |Max capacity:80TB |RAM:4GB |2.5G Ethernet ports:2 |USB 3.2 ports:2 |HDMI port:1 |M.2 slots:2 Read More Show Expert Take Show less Show less View now at Amazon If you're interested in exploring the capabilities of NAS devices but aren't ready to take the plunge on a full rig -- yet -- you may want to consider the SSK 2TB portable NAS.To be clear, this product doesn't have bays and is more akin to an external storage drive than a full NAS -- and some users report problems with speed. However, it's cheap and provides a way to set up a personal cloud that can be accessed remotely via your PC, smartphone, and other mobile devices.Keep in mind, though, that this is a mechanical hard disk so you shouldn't treat it like a typical external SSD drive, which tends to be quite rugged. As it has its own Wi-Fi hotspot, I would use a product like this for accessing media including films and TV shows.Many user reviews on Amazon compliment the ease of setup, with it being more like an external drive than a NAS. This makes it perfect for those who want an easy out-of-the-box storage solution.SSK 2TB Portable NASspecs: HDD/SSD|Max capacity:2TB |USB 3.0 ports:1 |HDMI port:1 | Supports up to 10 simultaneous connections Pros Portable Personal cloud functionality Cons Some users report performance issues If you're interested in exploring the capabilities of NAS devices but aren't ready to take the plunge on a full rig -- yet -- you may want to consider the SSK 2TB portable NAS.To be clear, this product doesn't have bays and is more akin to an external storage drive than a full NAS -- and some users report problems with speed. However, it's cheap and provides a way to set up a personal cloud that can be accessed remotely via your PC, smartphone, and other mobile devices.Keep in mind, though, that this is a mechanical hard disk so you shouldn't treat it like a typical external SSD drive, which tends to be quite rugged. As it has its own Wi-Fi hotspot, I would use a product like this for accessing media including films and TV shows.Many user reviews on Amazon compliment the ease of setup, with it being more like an external drive than a NAS. This makes it perfect for those who want an easy out-of-the-box storage solution.SSK 2TB Portable NASspecs: HDD/SSD|Max capacity:2TB |USB 3.0 ports:1 |HDMI port:1 | Supports up to 10 simultaneous connections Read More Show Expert Take Show less What is the best network-attached storage? ZDNET ranks the Synology DiskStation DS1522+ as the best NAS device currently on the market. This model stands out as a powerful and durable choice, supported by an excellent suite of applications. If the DS1522+ doesn't meet your specific needs, here are the top features to look for in alternative models:Best network attached storagePriceBaysMax capacityEthernetSynology Diskstation DS1522+ 60TB$2,8105108TB4 1GB portsAsustor Lockerstor 6 Gen 2$8096120TB2 2.5GB portsQNAP TS-233-US 2-Bay NAS$199236TB1 portTerraMaster F4-423$453480TB2 2.5GB portsSSK 2TB Portable NAS$125N/A2TB1 port Show more Which is the right NAS for you? Choosing the right NAS device is a straightforward process, beginning with an assessment of your budget and storage requirements. Vendors typically offer models starting from two bays (allowing for two drives) and upwards.For those requiring substantial storage, opting for a model with more bays is advisable. However, if you're venturing into NAS devices for the first time, you might want to start with an entry-level or portable option. This allows you to become acquainted with NAS technology without committing to more advanced and costlier equipment immediately.Below is a simple chart to assist you further in making your decision:Choose this NAS device...If you want...Synology Diskstation DS1522+The best overall NAS. By combining solid hardware and a best-in-class DSM software, this unit promises comprehensive storage for small businesses and remote workers alike.Asustor Lockerstor 6 Gen 2The best NAS from a reputable brand. This model also features six hard drive bays, support for four M.2 sticks, and uses the ADM 4.0 operating system.QNAP TS-233-US 2-Bay NASThe best value storage with solid performance. This entry-level model will add considerable value to your network without breaking the bank.TerraMaster F4-423The best mid-tier NAS with a nice user interface. Coming at a mid-tier price, it still has two high-speed Ethernet ports, an HDMI port, and accounts for higher stress loads.SSK 2TB Portable NASA portable, less expensive, and less powerful option. While this portable NAS drive does provide you with a private cloud, it's more akin to an external hard drive than a typical NAS setup. Show more Factors to consider when choosing a NAS storage solution When in the market for a new NAS device, it's crucial to consider several key factors to ensure you choose the option that best suits your needs:Use Cases: Identify the primary function of your NAS device. Whether it's for video editing, setting up a home office, or entertainment purposes, understanding its intended use is vital given the investment. This clarity will guide your decision-making process.Budget: Determine your budget early on. NAS systems are significant investments, often carrying a hefty price tag. Additionally, if you opt for a diskless model, remember to account for the cost of purchasing storage separately.Bays: The number of bays you need is directly tied to your storage requirements. For those handling extensive multimedia files or planning long-term storage, opting for a device with more bays is advisable.Connectivity: NAS devices vary in their connectivity options, from Ethernet and HDMI ports to portable models that can generate Wi-Fi hotspots. Ensure the device you choose has the connectivity features that align with your needs. Show more How did we choose these NAS devices? Here at ZDNET, our expertise in NAS devices spans decades. Our selections are informed by a combination of in-depth testing, verified customer feedback, and real-world user interactions, with particular emphasis on user-friendly interfaces, performance, a thorough assessment of each model's strengths and weaknesses, and, importantly, price point.User-friendly Interface: We prioritize NAS models that are straightforward to set up and manage, featuring software that simplifies usage and enhances sharing and collaboration capabilities.Fast Performance: A NAS device accelerates saving and retrieving the data, making it particularly efficient for tasks like video editing -- outpacing many cloud storage services.Strengths and Weaknesses: Understanding that no model is flawless, we highlight the advantages and drawbacks of each, providing clarity on how they might match your security needs, setup preferences, and workflow requirements, including portability.Price: Recognizing budget constraints, we carefully consider each product's price. Although initial costs can be high, they may offer savings over time compared to ongoing cloud service subscriptions. Show more Should you build your own NAS service? You can repurpose an old PC or even build a very custom NAS solution to meet your exact needs.ZDNET author and resident hardware expert David Gewirtz has built his own NAS boxes for years, including some that were highly customized. But as the NAS offerings from vendors like Synology, QNAP, and Drobo improved, the need to build his own diminished.If you're comfortable with the prospect of sourcing PC parts and building PCs, you'll probably want to go it on your own. But if you're new to PC building, buying an appliance NAS is probably the way to go. Show more What is a RAID? RAID, which stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disks, is a data storage technology that combines multiple physical disk drives into a single logical unit for improved performance, redundancy, or both. The primary purpose of RAID is to enhance data protection and improve storage efficiency by distributing data across several disks in various configurations known as RAID levels.Here's a breakdown of three of the most common RAID levels:RAID 0 (Striping)RAID 0 splits (stripes) data evenly across two or more disks. This configuration offers improved performance because multiple disks can be read or written simultaneously. However, be aware that this provides no redundancy. If one disk fails, all data in the array is lost.RAID 1 (Mirroring)RAID 1 duplicates (mirrors) data across two or more disks. This setup offers high data redundancy because each disk in the array contains an exact copy of the data. If one disk fails, the data can be recovered from the other disk(s). However, note that RAID 1 does not improve performance and effectively reduces usable storage capacity by half.RAID 5 (Striping with Parity)RAID 5 combines striping with parity, distributing data and parity information across three or more disks. Parity provides fault tolerance, allowing the array to withstand the failure of a single disk without data loss. RAID 5 offers a good balance of performance, redundancy, and storage efficiency. Show more What's the difference between network storage and DAS? The primary difference between Network Attached Storage (NAS) and Direct Attached Storage (DAS) lies in how they are connected to and accessed by devices in a network.NAS devices connect to a network, typically through Ethernet, providing storage that can be accessed by multiple devices on that network. This setup allows multiple users and devices to access and share data simultaneously over the network, making NAS ideal for collaborative environments. NAS units often come with their own operating systems and can support a variety of applications, including file sharing, media streaming, and even server functions like web hosting. These devices are managed via a web-based interface, allowing for remote administration and configuration. Additionally, NAS solutions are generally more scalable, allowing for easy expansion by adding more drives or connecting additional NAS units to the network.In contrast, DAS devices connect directly to a computer via USB, Thunderbolt, or another direct interface, making them accessible only to that specific computer. DAS systems are typically single-user devices, meaning only the connected computer can access the stored data. For other devices to access this data, it must be shared through the computer to which the DAS is connected. DAS units are simpler and usually do not come with their own operating systems or support for additional applications beyond basic storage. These devices are managed directly through the operating system of the connected computer, without the need for web-based interfaces. Because they connect directly to a computer, DAS devices can offer faster data transfer rates compared to NAS, which relies on network speeds.The choice between NAS and DAS depends on specific requirements for accessibility, scalability, and performance. NAS is best suited for environments where multiple devices need to access and share data, such as in homes with multiple users, small businesses, or professional settings requiring collaborative access to large files. On the other hand, DAS is ideal for single-user scenarios where fast data transfer rates are critical, such as video editing, graphic design, or personal data storage needs. Show more How long do NAS drives last? Vendors typically estimate the lifespan of a NAS device to be between three to five years. However, it's possible for a NAS to exceed this range, potentially lasting up to a decade. Despite this, the risk of failure escalates over time.Be on the lookoutfor signs of hardware deterioration, like sluggish performance and connectivity problems, which may indicate impending failure. Show more Does a NAS drive stay on all the time? You can potentially improve a NAS device's lifespan by allowing it to hibernate while not in use. For example, if you are away from home for several months, you may want to consider giving it a rest. However, NAS devices can be left on permanently, as many NAS devices have been specifically built to allow this. Show more Are there alternative NAS drives worth considering? While our top recommendations are above, we also wanted toshowcase some other worthy alternatives, including different features, price points, and bay counts. Show more Further ZDNET Tech Coverage Smartphones Smartwatches Tablets Laptops TVs Other Tech Resources ZDNET Recommends
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