• What if the moon suddenly transformed into cheese? John Scalzis new book has an answer
    John Scalzi is a master of subverting expectations and skewering genre conventions. The author of Redshirts, The Kaiju Preservation Society, and Starter Villain is adept at turning time-worn tropes on their head with humor and wisdom, riffing on everything from archetypal sci-fi to Bond-esque supervillainy. For his latest book, When the Moon Hits Your Eye, Scalzi takes a crack at disaster fiction, imagining a world faced with an existential crisis in the form of the moon suddenly and unexpectedly having transformed into cheese.Ahead of the books release on March 25, Tor Books offered Polygon an exclusive excerpt from When the Moon Hits Your Eye. In addition, John Scalzi shared a statement prefacing why he chose this particular excerpt to share:When youre writing on a topic as outrageous as the Moon turning into something else entirely, one secret to making it work is to have your characters treat itabsolutely seriously to have the reactions a normal person in the real world might have in the same situation. In this chapter, two scientists, a spy, a military man and a politician all sit down to discuss what the actual hell might be happening when suddenly the moon has changed and no one knows why.As a side note, this is the chapter I read to audiences on my most recent book tour, because I wanted to see how they would react to this whole premise. I can say I was happy with the response.Day TwoWashington, DC | The White House Situation RoomWhite House Chief of Staff Pat Heffernan sat at the head of the conference table and looked at the four experts arrayed on either side of the table. Lets get to this, he said. It ishe checked his watchsix thirty in the a.m., I have a briefing with the president in exactly half an hour, and because we all know he doesnt bother to read the daily intelligence briefing, it will fall to me to explain what the hell is going on. So explain it to me. Use small words on me so I can use smaller words on him. Somebody start.Nobody wanted to start.The news is that good, Heffernan said, wryly, and pointed to Dr. Debra Dixon, from NASA. You. Begin.Uh, at approximately five p.m. yesterday Eastern time, NASA became aware that several Apollo-era lunar-based retroreflectorsAnd youve already lost me, Heffernan said.Dixon cleared her throat and tried again. We have a bunch of mirrors on the moon. She paused to make sure this was understood. We shoot lasers at them for science. Yesterday afternoon the mirrors stopped working.Why did they stop working?It wasnt clear at the time. We had mirrors at three sites, and there are three other sets of mirrors, two from the Soviet era and one from the Indian moon landing in 2023. Those stopped working as well.We asked the Russians and Indians about this? Heffernan asked.No, we shot lasers at those mirrors, too. Dixon said. Or where we knew they were supposed to be. We didnt need their permission to do that. Theyre mirrors. They reflect for anyone.Okay, so mirrors are missing on the moon. So what?After we lost contact one of our stations involved in the International Laser Ranging ServiceThe what?Its a service that allows us to track satellites and other objects in near space to millimeter accuracy, said Alan Glover, who was in the meeting for the National Security Agency. It also provides data on the location of the moon.Heffernan grunted at this. Dixon continued. Since we couldnt use the mirrors, one of our stations ranged the moon using an older method called EME, or a moon bounce, in which we reflect radio waves directly off the surface of the moon. Thats when we discovered another issue.What was the issue?Uh. Dixon looked around the table. The bounce returned earlier than expected, sir.Heffernan looked annoyed, and was opening his mouth to remind Dixon about making things simple, when Colonel Glenn Axel of the Space Force spoke up. It means the surface of the moon is closer to Earth than it used to be.This got Heffernans attention. How much closer? About three hundred miles, Dixon said.How did the moon suddenly move three hundred miles closer to Earth?It didnt, Dixon saidBut Heffernan stopped. Its beginning to feel like Whos on First in here, he said. He looked around the table and saw blank expressions, and realized how much older he was than all the other people at the table. Forget it. Explain to me how the moon is three hundred miles closer and yet somehow not threehundred miles closer. Small words.It grew.Heffernan blinked at this. The moon is rock. Rocks dont grow.Dixon paused for a moment, and Heffernan imagined her brain filled with examples of how rocks could, in fact, grow. If that was indeed what she was thinking, she said none of it. Were looking into it now, sir. The point is that the moon is exactly where it should be in its orbit, and also, its surface is three hundred miles closer to us. Which means that the diameter of the moon is roughly six hundred miles wider than it was before roughly five p.m. Eastern time yesterday.Its impossible but it happened, Heffernan said.Yes, Axel replied.Heffernan rubbed his forehead. So now I have to go up and tell a presidentthis presidentthat in an instant, the moon somehow accreted six hundred miles of rock.Almost inaudibly, Dixon squeaked.I heard that, Heffernan said, and pointed once more to Dixon. Explain that squeak.Oh, I really dont want to, Dixon said, to the room. Someone else do this one, please.Ill answer this, said Dr. Miriam Golden, from the National Science Foundation. Eyes turned to her. The moons diameter is six hundred miles wider than it was yesterday, but its mass is the same as far as we can tell. If it wasnt wed already be seeing evidence of it. Higher tides, for a start. If the moon is physically larger and has the same mass, then whatever it is made of is less dense than the basalt and other material that made up the moon as we knew it.All right, Heffernan said. What is the new, mysterious substance that the moon is made out of again?Another nearly inaudible squeak from Dixon.Stop that, Heffernan snapped at her. He looked back to Golden. Do you know?Its being looked into, Golden said. Theres nothing we can confirm yet. But yesterday, around the same time as the moon mirrors went missing, Space Center Houston reported a problem with their store of lunar samples. We first thought it was theft, but then other places in the US that have or store moon rocks reported the exact issue at the exact same time. In all cases the moon rocks were gone and replaced with objects made from another substance entirely.What substance? Heffernan asked.Golden looked directly at the White House chief of staff and answered calmly and evenly. Cheese, she said.Dixon squeaked again.Heffernan burst out laughing, went on for a good long time, and then stopped when he realized no one else at the table had even cracked a smile. This is a joke, he said. It has to be a joke.No one responded.You have to be fucking kidding me, Heffernan said, to the room. I have here representatives from both our science and intelligence community, and all of you are telling me the moonthe whole fucking moonhas been turned to goddamn cheese.Thats right, Golden said. She at no time had taken her eyes off the chief of staff.Bullshit! Heffernan said. Its not possible. Its not possible, Axel agreed. Its also our best guess at the moment.How the hell is that your best guess?We checked it, Dixon said, speaking up. We tested the cheese that replaced our lunar sample. We determined its mass and density. Then we applied those figures to the moon. They match.What does that mean, they match?It means they match! Dixon said. If you had a moon made of this specific cheese, with the same mass as our previous moon, it would have the diameter it now has. Almost exactly. She put her head in her hands and stared at the conference table. Heffernan considered this for a minute. Then he said, What kind of cheese?Its not just that its cheese, Dixon burst out, raising her head again. Its that its undifferentiated cheese.Is that . . . a type of cheese? Heffernan asked. She means that its the same all the way through, Axel said. The moon and the earth have different layers to them. Rocky crust on the surface, molten or partially molten rock farther down, and then a solid core. This new moon doesnt have layers. We can tell that from the diameter and the lunar samples we have here on the planet. Its cheese of the same density and consistency all the way through.For now, Dixon muttered, darkly. For now, Heffernan repeated, question implied.She means that a mass of cheese sixteen hundred miles in diameter isnt likely to be stable, Golden said. Its going to start collapsing on itself soon.Is that a threat?We dont know yet, Golden said. We have to model it. She looked over to Dixon, who was now resolutely staring at the conference table again. And we still have to confirm that the moon is made of what we think it is. All the evidence we have right now checks out, but its still just a hypothesis. Well need to get more data.When will we have it? Heffernan asked.Were already working on it.Who is working on it?Were all working on it, Axel said. It obviously has scientific and security issues.Heffernan considered this and then looked at Dixon. What does this mean for the moon landings? NASA had been promising to go back to the moon for decades, and had finally scheduled crewed landings. Test flights, from NASA and from private parties in other places, were already scheduled; an uncrewed flight from PanGlobal Aerospace, designed to test the soundness of the lunar lander NASA had commissioned them to construct, was going to be launched from Ecuador in a week.Its difficult to land on cheese, Dixon said.If it is cheese, Golden said to Dixon.Dixon nodded. Whatever it is, were not likely to risk landing on it until we know its safe. Its not my decision, but I wouldnt be surprised if landings are delayed indefinitely.Heffernan grimaced at this. The president had famously wanted to be an astronaut growing up, and fervently wanted a moon landing during his administration. He would be unhappy with any delay. He put this out of his mind for the moment, and turned to Alan Glover of the NSA. Who knows about this?About there being something going on with the moon? Glover asked. Literally everyone on the planet. The moon is up in the sky, close to the sun. Cheese or not cheese, whatever the moon is made of right now is a lot brighter than moon rock was. The sun is up now. We could go outside and look at it ourselves.Does any of the chatter youve picked up suggest anyone else knows the . . . cheese connection? Heffernan asked.Nothing specific, Glover said. We have public and secure chatter about the moon, obviously. Scientists are talking openly about it on social media. Even without the benefit of samples Glover motioned toward Dixontheyll have already figured 0ut diameter, mass and density. Thats just math.And what about samples? Heffernan asked. Who has moon rocks out there?Lots of people, Dixon said. We gave moon rocks to every country in the world after we landed. A lot of them were stolen or disappeared over the years, but enough of them are still on public display.And turned to cheese.We havent heard from anyone about that, but its still early morning here, Dixon said.Heffernan looked over to Glover. Pick anything up?Not yet, but again, its only a matter of time, Glover said. If I remember correctly, the samples are smallDixon nodded at thisand probably for at least a few hours the institutions that have them will assume some sort of theft happened, just like we did. We should probably let them continue to think that for as long as we can.No one is claiming victory for stealing the moon, Heffernan said.Not so far, Glover said. Someone will. Someone always claims victory.And just to be clear, and I cannot believe I am actually asking this, there is no way any of our enemies could have done this?No, sir, Glover said, absolutely seriously. We know pretty much everything our friends and foes are up to these days. Theres been no chatter of anything even remotely similar to this. Beyond that, theres no one else in the world who would have the technology to disappear the moon, much less replace it with a globe of, probably, cheese.Do we have that technology?Ask him. Glover pointed to Colonel Axel of the Space Force.No, sir, Axel said. And even if we had it, disappearing the moon and replacing it with an equally massive orb of probably cheese serves no discernable military purpose.Heffernan looked at his watch. I have to head up, he said.So let me summarize. Sometime yesterday afternoon the moon was replaced by a globe of cheese with the same weightMass, said Dixon and Golden and Axel, all at the same time.the same fucking mass as the moon, and we dont know how, or why, and the only thing we can say at this point is that we didnt do it, no one else we know did it either, and the way we know its cheese is that all the moon rocks we have here on Earth turned into cheese at the same time. Is that right?Thats basically the gist of it, yes, Axel said.And every single one of you will actually stand behind this complete line of horseshit.It is our best guess about whats going on at the moment, yes, Golden said.I hate it with every single bone in my body and I cant think of any other explanation, Dixon added.Heffernan nodded. Last question, he said. When does this go away?Go away? Dixon asked.Yes, go away, Heffernan said, irritably. How long do we have to wait until this cheese moon goes away and the old one comes back?The people at the table looked at one another. We have no idea how it happened, sir, Golden said. And we have no idea if this is a temporary or permanent change. We have to assume for now that, for all intents and purposes, this is the moon now.You all agree with this? Heffernan said. They all nodded.Great. You can tell everyone that at the press conference later today.You want us to do a press conference about this? Dixon asked, shocked.Its not your press conference, its the presidents, Heffernan said, and then looked at their surprised faces. People, the moon has turned to fucking cheese. The president cant not have a press conference about this. He will go up, Jaime will whip some comforting words to vomit out at the nation, and then you all will go up and answer the questions the president has no business answering. Heffernan pointed to Glover. Not you, youre a spy.I didnt think you were talking about me, Glover assured Heffernan.But the rest of you, well do this thing at three.Do you think thats wise? Golden said. People could lose their minds about this.They absolutely will lose their minds about it, Heffernan said. But if we do this right, they will lose their minds in the direction of our choosing. He stood, and they stood with him.Now. You have eight hours to get your stories straight. Get to it. Ill have breakfast sent down.MOON ALTERED BY MYSTERIOUS FORCES, PRESIDENT SAYSNASA and other scientific organizations to look for causes but say no danger for nowEarly reports suggest alterations may include organic-seeming materialBy Robert Evansen, NYTimes Staff WriterIn one of the most extraordinary presidential press conferences ever given, President Brett Boone confirmed that the moon, Earths sole natural satellite, has undergone a significant and unexplained transformation, growing some six hundred miles in diameter seemingly instantly.We do not yet have answers for how or why this has happened, President Boone said, reading from a brief, prepared statement before handing over the bulk of the conference to representatives from NASA, the National Science Foundation and the Space Force. We have the nations best minds working on this, and we will find answers, and when those answers are found, we will share them with the United States and the world.President Boone stressed that while this lunar transformation was without precedent in recorded history, I have been assured by experts at NASA that the nation is under no threat from it. I want to stress this: There is no danger at this time, nor do we anticipate any danger from it in the near future.The president added that he had been in contact with other world leaders including heads of state from China, Russia, India and the United Kingdom and had met with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and representatives of the United States intelligence community. At this moment, this does not appear to be the act of any government, group or individual. As this is an issue that affects us all, governments worldwide have pledged their cooperation to determine how this could have happened, and why.According to Dr. Debra Dixon, chief scientist for NASA, the agency became aware of the moons alterations yesterday at around 5:00 p.m. Eastern, shortly before the moon, entering its waxing crescent phase, became visible in the early evening sky. Dr. Dixon noted that while the change occurred when the moon was not directly visible to observers on Earth, no special significance was accorded to that. At this point, we assume it was random.Dr. Dixon said that NASA was not yet prepared to offer any definitive statements as to the nature of the transformation, cautioning that science takes time. That said, Dr. Dixon did say that early observations of the moon suggested that its surface, previously made from rock, might now be partially or fully comprised of organic- seeming material. Dr. Dixon stressed that organic compounds were not in themselves evidence of life.When asked how the moons sudden transformation would affect NASAs schedule for crewed moon missions, Dr. Dixon said that no determination had yet been made and that those decisions would be made by NASA administrator Kevin Olsen in conjunction with John Able, administrator for the Diana missions. Make no mistake that our aim has not wavered. We will return Americans to the moon, Dr. Dixon said. We also haveto understand how these changes will affect our brave astronauts and their missions. We need to take them safely to the moon. We also need to bring them safely back.
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  • The 2025 preview
    The holidays are over and the new year has arrived, and that means 365 more days of fresh movies, books, games, TV shows, and anime to get excited about. 2025 already looks like a doozy. The winter may only last a few months into the new year, but the avalanche of great content wont stop until next December.But on top of all those releases, 2025 has plenty of question marks too, including what exactly Nintendos Switch 2 will look like (let alone the release date), whether or not Grand Theft Auto 6 is actually going to come out, what DCs new superhero universe might look like, and, of course, how much money Avatar 3 is going to make.Thankfully, weve put together a few guides to help you sift through everything thats coming this year and 2025s biggest questions. So, heres what you should be adding to your watch list, your reading list, or maybe just your wish list in 2025. The 50 most exciting TV shows for your 2025 watch listThe 50 most anticipated new movies of 2025The 50 most anticipated new games of 2025What if the moon suddenly transformed into cheese? John Scalzis new book has an answer
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  • The 50 most exciting TV shows for your 2025 watch list
    With 2024 now firmly in the rearview, its time to start looking ahead at what fantastic shows the new year will bring. This year were looking at 50 shows in 2025 that we think you should be excited about, including a nice mix of favorites returning for new seasons as well as new shows and miniseries that are on the way.Those shows include returns to dystopian societies in Severance and Squid Game, the return of TV lawyers with Daredevil and Suits: LA, a new Robert De Niro miniseries, and a new show from Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan. Here are the shows from 2025 were on the lookout for: Harley Quinn season 5 Release date: Jan. 16Where to watch: MaxThe funniest show in the DC Universe returns for a fifth season this January, and moves the action to Metropolis. That means Aisha Tyler joining the crew as Lena Luthor, Stephen Fry as Brainiac, and most likely a bigger role for Superman. And with a new DC Universe around the corner, you can be sure there will be a lot of meta gags about James Gunn, who was last seen directing an in-universe Thomas Wayne biopic starring Clayface pretending to be Billy Bob Thornton. Pete VolkSeverance season 2Release date: Jan. 17Where to watch: Apple TV PlusSeason 1 of Severance left all of us with one of the most daring, conniving, and frankly annoying (non-derogatory) cliffhangers in TV: The innies in open rebellion; Mark (Adam Scott) discovering his wife was still alive and (somehow?) being kept in the bowels of Lumon. Now, season 2 has to pick up the pieces which you can certainly trust them to do in the way Lumon does: orderly and liminal. Zosha MillmanPrime TargetRelease date: Jan. 22Where to watch: Apple TV PlusLeo Woodall (The White Lotus) stars in this original miniseries from Sherlock writer Steve Thompson as Edward Brook, a brilliant postgraduate mathematician on the verge of a breakthrough that could upend the entire field of global cybersecurity. Consisting of eight episodes, Prime Target will follow Brook as he teams up with Taylah Sanders (Quintessa Swindell), an NSA agent tasked with reporting on him, as they attempt to unravel the conspiracy he finds himself inadvertently at the heart of. Toussaint EganWatsonRelease date: Jan. 26Where to watch: CBSIts another Sherlock Holmes adaptation! This time, though, the focus is on Dr. John Watson, so its more of a medical drama with detective elements than a detective drama with medical elements. This version is set in Pittsburgh and kicks off a year after Sherlock Holmes death. Watson (played by Morris Chestnut) has started a new clinic for patients with strange issues but the medical mysteries get even more complicated when Watsons past surfaces. Petrana RadulovicYour Friendly Neighborhood Spider-ManRelease date: Jan. 29Where to watch: Disney PlusDisney Plus has the newest member of the Animated Spider-Man Series family in Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. The new show, designed after the style of Steve Ditko and John Romita Sr., is set to feature not just Spider-Man but lots of other Marvel characters, including deep cuts like Nico Minoru. Susana PoloCobra Kai season 6 part 3Release date: Feb. 13 Where to watch: NetflixCobra Kai is back for those keeping score at home, this will be the third part of its sixth season, and the final batch of episodes for the show ever. No surprise, this is being billed as the Cobra Kai legends biggest battle yet. And with five episodes on the horizon in February, it seems like its anyones game. ZMYellowjackets season 3Release date: Feb. 14Where to watch: ShowtimeAfter a terrific first season to establish this shows plane-crash mystery, season 2 was a little too meandering. But hopefully season 3 will dive deeper into the mystery and weirdness that makes this show great. AGThe White Lotus season 3Release date: Feb. 16Where to watch: MaxMike Whites luxury resort mystery series is back for another season, this time set in Thailand. And of course, it wouldnt be a new White Lotus season without a new all-star cast, which this time includes Walton Goggins, Parker Posey, Jason Isaacs, Michelle Monaghan, Leslie Bibb, Lisa, and many, many more. AGWin or LoseRelease date: Feb. 19Where to watch: Disney PlusSoon after the launch of Disney Plus, Pixar announced a streaming show called Win or Lose, which sounded like a sort of animated softball Rashomon: Each week, viewers would see the same events surrounding a coed middle school softball team, but from a different team members perspective. Fast forward a few years, and the show is finally coming to the platform. Most appealing is how that premise will be reflected in the visual approach of the series, as each episode is supposed to have a different animation style. But news that Disney pulled a transgender storyline from the season continues a troubling pattern, and will give some viewers pause about diving in. PVReacher season 3Release date: Feb. 20Where to watch: Prime VideoEveryones favorite swole Sherlock show returns for a third season, and this time theres a secret weapon: Yes, Reacher somehow found an even bigger dude. Seven-foot-two, 350-pound Dutch bodybuilder Olivier Richters has joined the show as an antagonist, and the early teaser shows that Richters presence somehow makes the massive Alan Ritchson look like a small child. Thats going to set up one hell of a throwdown. PVZero DayRelease date: Feb. 20Where to watch: NetflixWe dont know much about this new series, but the premise of a political thriller centered around a massive cyberattack sounds pretty interesting. Even better, it stars Robert De Niro, Lizzy Caplan, Jesse Plemons, Joan Allen, Bill Camp, Dan Stevens, and Angela Bassett, which gives it one of the most stacked casts of any show this year. Austen GoslinSuits: LARelease date: Feb. 23Where to watch: NBCSuits is back and moving. The new reboot will pick up in (you guessed it) the City of Angels, with the Arrowverses Stephen Amell as Ted Black, a former prosecutor whos reinventing himself in Los Angeles. What led his whole life to unravel, and where will that leave the firm now? Suit up and find out. ZMDaredevil: Born AgainRelease date: March 4 Where to watch: Disney PlusCharlie Cox returns to his role as Matt Murdock in Daredevil: Born Again. While his Daredevil has already appeared in the MCU with cameos in 2021s Spider-Man: No Way Home and 2022s She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, this will be his first time in the spotlight for Marvel. The nine-episode first season will see Murdock once again clash against his adversary, former mob boss Wilson Fisk (Vincent DOnofrio). Deborah Ann Woll and Elden Henson are set to reprise their roles as Karen Page and Franklin Foggy Nelson from the Netflix version of the show as well, which aired from 2015 to 2018, along with Jon Bernthal, who will reprise his role as the vigilante Frank Castle, aka the Punisher. TEDevil May CryRelease date: April Where to watch: NetflixGamings sassiest demon slayer is coming to Netflix in a new animated series from creator Adi Shankar (Castlevania, Captain Laserhawk) that promises the same over-the-top, shoot-and-slash-em-up action thats made the Devil May Cry games so great. Early trailers that show Devil May Cry star Dante jumping out of exploding planes and kicking all kinds of ass sure seem promising. Michael McWhertorAndor: A Star Wars Story season 2Release date: April 22Where to watch: Disney PlusWe know where this story ends: a cataclysmic explosion of a citadel. But Andor season 2, if its anything like season 1 (and I suspect, hope, and anticipate it will be!), will make the journey well worth it. ZMIronheartRelease date: June 24Where to watch: Disney PlusThe long-delayed Ironheart series, which wrapped principal photography all the way back in 2022, will finally get in front of audiences this year. Spinning out of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, it will follow Dominique Thornes Riri Williams, a teen who reverse engineered her own Iron Man suit. SPEyes of WakandaRelease date: Aug. 6Where to watch: Disney PlusMarvels new animated series for Disney Plus, Eyes of Wakanda, will follow agents of the Hatut Zaraze throughout Wakandan history as they reclaim vibranium that falls outside of Wakandas borders. SPDexter: ResurrectionRelease date: SummerWhere to watch: Paramount PlusWeve got way more questions than answers about this spinoff Dexter sequel series, which, as the title implies, seems to be about bringing the titular serial killer back from the dead, with Michael C. Hall back in the lead role. AGAdultsRelease date: TBA Where to watch: FXOriginally titled Snowflakes, this new FX comedy follows a group of 20-something housemates trying to navigate life and learn to be good people. Despite the fact that at this point theyre pretty awful. AGA Knight of the Seven KingdomsRelease date: Late 2025Where to watch: HBOThe second big Game of Thrones spinoff takes place between House of the Dragon and the original series, but the stakes are a whole lot smaller than the fate of Westeros this time around. A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms follows the adventures of Sir Duncan the Tall and young Prince Aegon Targaryen, better known as Egg, as they wander the kingdom looking for odd jobs and deeds of valor. AGAlien: EarthRelease date: TBA Where to watch: HuluFargo and Legion creator Noah Hawley is heading back to television for a new series set in the Alien universe. But while last years Alien: Romulus kept the xenomorphs firmly in the stars, Hawleys new FX series will bring the iconic monster to Earth, which sounds like a whole new kind of nightmare. AGThe Bear season 4Release date: TBA Where to watch: HuluThe third season of tense restaurant drama (or comedy, if you ask the Emmys) The Bear season 3 was a disappointment to many audiences after the extremely high bar the show set in its first two seasons. But a down season of The Bear is still better than a lot of other television out there, and the show is always worth a spot on your TV calendar. FX head John Landgraf has said he hopes The Bear keeps going beyond a fourth season, but theres been no news yet of any plans beyond this one. PVBlack Rabbit Release date: TBAWhere to watch: NetflixWhats there to say about the mysterious Black Rabbit? Well, heres what we know: Its a limited series executive produced by and starring Jude Law and Jason Bateman. The former is the owner of a New York City hotspot whose chaotic brother is gate-crashing his life and threatening everything hes built. Thats about all we know! Count us in! ZMBlack Mirror season 7Release date: TBA Where to watch: NetflixCharlie Brookers sci-fi anthology series is back to deliver another concentrated dose of dystopian heartache. Black Mirror season 7 will consist of six episodes, with Brooker claiming that the stories will return to the basics of what made the series so appealing in the first place. Peter Capaldi, Rashida Jones, Paul Giamatti, and more are anticipated to make appearances this season. We also know that season 7 will feature a sequel to the season 4 episode USS Callister, which starred Jesse Plemons in a dark satirical riff on Star Trek. TEBlood of Zeus season 3Release date: TBA Where to watch: NetflixGaia is not pleased: Hades was selfish, and now she has decided that the Olympians no longer deserve the power they hold. And so she has broken the Eleusinian Stone, unleashing the most dangerous adversaries yet: the Titans. ZMChad PowersRelease date: TBA Where to watch: HuluApple TV caught lightning in a bottle with Ted Lasso, successfully converting a hacky commercial into a mega successful TV show. ESPN and Hulu are trying to do the same thing with Chad Powers, which started as a prank on YouTube and now finds itself as a bona fide scripted TV show. Glen Powell stars (and co-creates with Lokis Michael Waldron) as a former hotshot college quarterback who wears a disguise and takes on a fake name in order to walk onto a struggling smaller schools team. PVIt: Welcome to DerryRelease date: TBAWhere to watch: MaxIts been nearly five years since It Chapter Two was released, and it seems like Pennywise has been busy since then. This new It spinoff series is a prequel to the main story, and based on established lore, it seems like it could take place quite a few years before the plot we know. Of course, this means a whole new cast, with the exception of Bill Skarsgrd, whos back as Pennywise himself.AGFor All Mankind season 5Release date: TBA Where to watch: Apple TV PlusFor All Mankind season 4 took the series into the new millennium, rocketing things ahead to 2003 as the new Martian colonies were thriving. But with this series habit of jumping several years into the future with each new season, who knows when season 5 might take place or what it will be about. AGFoundation season 3Release date: TBA Where to watch: Apple TV PlusAfter an explosive finale to season 2, Foundation season 3 will continue to jump many years into the future, setting up a whole new plot for us with many new characters and a few returning faces. And while much of this seasons plot remains a mystery, were sure to see a little bit more of The Mule, the series big bad this time around.AGHacks season 4Release date: TBA Where to watch:MaxOne of our favorite shows of 2024 returns after the stunning conclusion to the third season. The showrunners have always planned a five-season arc for the show about intergenerational comedian conflict, and the fourth season will start a brand-new stage in the careers of both Deborah Vance and Ava Daniels. And this time, the legendary Carol Burnett will be joining as a guest star. PVInterview with the Vampire season 3Release date: TBA Where to watch: AMCInterview with the Vampire season 3 brings four words and a helluva promise: rockstar Lestat de Lioncourt.Adapting Anne Rices The Vampire Lestat, the show is taking one of the internets preeminent babygirls and putting him on the big stage. Hes already got an extratextual feud with Swifties, so what could go wrong? ZMThe Last of Us season 2Release date: TBA Where to watch: MaxGet ready for a grim season 2 of The Last of Us, which will see the repercussions of the series debut season play out in devastating ways. Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey return as series leads Joel and Ellie, who are settling into their new lives in Jackson, Wyoming, but are about to see their relatively peaceful existence upended. MMLong Story ShortRelease date: TBA Where to watch: NetflixRaphael Bob-Waksberg, the creator of BoJack Horseman, is back with a brand-new animated sitcom premiering on Netflix. Not much is known about Long Story Short, aside from the fact that it follows the story of a dysfunctional familys shared history as it chronicles the passage of time. If its anything like BoJack Horseman, be prepared to cry and cringe a lot. TERambler & the Birdie MachineRelease date: TBA Where to watch: Apple TV PlusFresh off television success with his memorable role as Mobius M. Mobius in Loki, Owen Wilson returns to the small screen as Pryce Cahill, an over-the-hill former golf pro who teams up with a rising golf star (Insidious: The Red Doors Peter Dager) to try and turn his life around. The show comes from playwright and screenwriter Jason Keller (Machine Gun Preacher, Ford v Ferrari), who, as the son of former Minnesota Twins pitcher Ron Keller, is no stranger to the world of professional sports. The supporting cast includes Marc Maron, Judy Greer, and Timothy Olyphant. PVThe Righteous Gemstones season 4Release date: TBA Where to watch: HBOThis very well could be the funniest show on television. Danny McBrides opus on American failsons returns after a riotous third season that included giant styrofoam thrones, monster trucks, and literally thousands of real bugs. There are so many reasons to praise the heavens for the return of Gemstones, but Ill stick with just one: Baby. Billys. Bible. Bonkers. PVSandman season 2Release date: TBA Where to watch: NetflixTom Sturrdige returns as Lord Morpheus in the new season of Netflixs The Sandman. Netflix hasnt revealed exactly which of the comic storylines will feature in this season, but we do know that the world will grow, stretching through Dreaming, hell, and beyond. And this season introduces three more Endless Destiny (Adrian Lester), Delirium (Esm Creed-Miles), and Destruction (Barry Sloane) to the lineup of immortal personifications. PRSlow Horses season 5Release date: TBA Where to watch:Apple TV PlusConsistently one of the best shows on television since its release in 2022, Slow Horses is gearing up for another season, but since season 4 didnt come with the shows regular preview of whats next, were left guessing here. The good news is, whoever the bad guys are and whatever their plot, Jackson Lamb (Gary Oldman) and the rest of Slough House are sure to get called to clean up the mess. AGStar Trek: Starfleet AcademyRelease date: TBA Where to watch: Paramount PlusStar Trek boldly goes where no series has gone before: Starfleet Academy. Reportedly filmed on the biggest soundstage ever built for a Trek show, Academys crew of cadets will be joined by Paul Giamatti, Tatiana Maslany, the Academy Award-winning Holly Hunter, and Tig Notaro and Robert Picardo reprising their roles from Star Trek: Discovery and Star Trek: Voyager respectively. SPStar Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3Release date: TBA Where to watch: Paramount PlusCaptain Pike and the crew of the Enterprise return for a third season of Paramount Plus now-flagship Trek series. That is, if the crew can extract themselves from last seasons Gorn-based cliffhanger. SPStranger Things season 5Release date: TBA Where to watch: NetflixSeems like just yesterday that Mike Wheeler and his friends were playing Dungeons & Dragons in his basement! But now Will Byers has returned from the Upside Down, and the paranormal danger in Hawkins, Indiana, has only gotten worse. After various delays, the fifth and final season will finally tie up Stranger Things this year though the Duffer brothers are allegedly working on a spinoff in the same world. PRStar Wars: Visions season 3Release date: TBA Where to watch: Disney PlusStar Wars: Visions is back with a new season in 2025! After veering into uncharted territory with a second season that saw another smattering of episodes by a selection of world-class studios, the animated sci-fi anthology is returning to its roots with its upcoming third season. Featuring nine short episodes produced by several acclaimed anime studios, including Trigger (Cyberpunk: Edgerunners), Wit Studio (Attack on Titan), David Production (JoJos Bizarre Adventure), and more, anticipation is high for Star Wars: Visions to raise the bar for what audiences can expect from the landmark sci-fi series. TESquid Game season 3Release date: TBA Where to watch: NetflixJust when he thought he was out, they he pulled himself back in. With season 2s attempted rebellion squashed, and the dreams of Gi-hun (Lee Jung-jae) seemingly dashed, season 3 has one heckuva mess to clean up. Will the Squid Game finally fall when it returns in 2025? ZMThe Terror: Devil in SilverRelease date: TBA Where to watch: AMCHard to pick what is the best part of the new season of The Terror: that its coming from Chris Cantwell (of Halt and Catch Fire fame) and Victor LaValle (who wrote the novel the season is based on), or that its using The Terrors marriage of horror and grounded drama to explore a story at a psychiatric hospital. But all of them together? Thats a hit, baby. ZMVince Gilligans new showRelease date: TBA Where to watch: Apple TV PlusThe new show from Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan known only by its working title, Wycaro 339 is about as shrouded in mystery as they come. Its set in a present-day Albuquerque, has no crime, and no [meth], stars Better Call Sauls Rhea Seehorn, and features a world that changes very abruptly in the first episode, and then it is quite different. Id say say less, but thats hard to do; either way, Im in. ZMWednesday season 2Release date: TBAWhere to watch: NetflixTim Burtons take on the Addams family was a match made in heaven (or hell). Were not entirely sure about the second seasons plot details, but itll likely follow Wednesday in her second year at Evermore Academy. This time, her brother Pugsley will join! And Gomez and Morticia will also play bigger roles. The rest of the cast is stacked, with Steve Buscemi, Thandiwe Newton, Billie Piper, Christopher Lloyd, and Lady Gaga among the newcomers for the new season. PRWidows BayRelease date: TBAWhere to watch: Apple TV PlusWidows Bay follows the residents of a small New England town that seems to be suffering from a curse and the mayor thats trying to get them all through it. This mystery series is based on a book thats adapted by Parks and Rec writer Katie Dippold, with the first episode directed by The Bear producer and Atlanta director Hiro Murai. AGThe Witcher season 4Release date: TBAWhere to watch: NetflixThe Witcher is back after taking a year off, and this time with a brand-new Geralt: Liam Hemsworth. While its hard to imagine the series without Henry Cavill, its likely that Ciri (Freya Allan) will take on a larger role this time around, so hopefully we wont miss our old Witcher too much. AGWonder ManRelease Date: TBAWhere to watch: Disney PlusYahya Abdul-Mateen II is finally making his MCU debut in Wonder Man, the new TV miniseries from Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings director Destin Daniel Cretton. The series will follow Simon Williams, a superpowered actor and stunt person who auditions for the lead role in a superhero TV series. Theres not much else to go off on at the moment, but with a premise like that we can probably expect some Wandavision-esque fourth wall-breaking shenanigans. Ben Kingsley is set to reprise his role as Trevor Slattery, the failed actor who impersonated the Mandarin, aka Xu Wenwu, and was later abducted by the Ten Rings. TEX-Men 97 season 2Release date: TBAWhere to watch: Disney PlusAfter a surprise-hit first season, X-Men 97 season 2 will hopefully air on Disney Plus this year, having wrapped production before the first season even ended. With the X-Men scattered through time, the second season is expected to feature the threat of the villain Apocalypse. SPYou season 5Release date: TBAWhere to watch: NetflixJoe Goldberg (Penn Badgley) is out in the open and more exposed than hes ever been. Ostensibly, his crimes have been wiped away with the power of money and influence, and hes putting his murderous tendencies behind him. In reality well, this is Yous final season, and hes now up on a very high pedestal ZM
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  • I used Notion to run my life in 2024 here are 5 ways to get started with the free version this year
    Notion isn't just for businesses here's how I've used it to run my personal life and how you can do the same in 2025.
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  • The 12 most exciting cameras of 2025, from the iPhone 17 to the Sony A7 V
    What do the leading camera brands have in store for us in 2025? We've rounded up all of the latest camera rumors and shortlisted the most promising launches of the year.
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  • 4 new Apple TV Plus shows I'm excited to watch in January 2025
    A highly-anticipated second season of Severance and a new show called Prime Target are going to stop those January blues from taking hold.
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  • Its 2025. Lets stop grading generative AI on a curve
    Compared to other tech giants, Apples approach to generative AI is strikingly measured. Its new Apple Intelligence errs on the side of sidestepping functionality that could go awry or be misused: Image Playground, for example, produces only cheerfully synthetic Pixar-esque graphics, not anything that might be mistaken for a photograph.But even Apple can do only so much to tamp down AIs tendency to run wild. Another Apple Intelligence feature uses the technology to summarize notifications. Last month, its prcis of a BBC article about Luigi Mangione, charged with having murdered United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson, mistakenly stated that Mangione had shot himself. Understandably, the BBC was not pleased. Reacting to both that botched summary and an earlier one inaccurately claiming that Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had been arrested, a journalists group said that Apple should just ditch the notification summaries, period.Its dystopian that a new AI featurefrom Apple of all companieshas spewed misinformation about some of the worlds most-watched news stories. And thats before you get to the fact that the Apple Intelligence summaries, even when accurate, often read like they were written by an alien only vaguely familiar with the ways of human beings. Given that theyre compressing items that were usually pretty concise in the first place, its just not clear that the summaries are a net positive for users of Apples platforms. I cant imagine the company will kill the feature, but maybe it should have held off releasing it until it worked better.Across the tech business, the race to implement AI has led companies to ship functionality they know to be raw and erraticnot because its buggy in any traditional sense, but because unpredictability is baked into the system. For an industry thats accustomed to working in ones and zeroesmaking quality control literally binarythats a sea change. Thirty years ago, Intels Pentium processor turned out to have a glitch that could result it to divide numbers incorrectly. The chances of the defect affecting any given calculation were apparently one in nine billion, which initially led to Intel downplaying the flaw. After the chipmaker realized its blitheness was a bad look, it apologized and spent millions to provide debugged Pentiums to PC owners who requested them.With todays AI, flakiness is so core to the experience that some of my conversations with Anthropics Claude are dominated by its self-aware acknowledgments of its limitations. In response to one recent query, it helpfully explained, I should note that while I try to be accurate, I may hallucinate details when answering questions about very obscure topics like this. Thats better than the maniacally overconfident personas of other chatbots, but its still a stopgap, not a solution.Its true that the current versions of Claude, ChatGPT, and their rivals are less prone to getting stuff laughably wrong than their predecessors did. But they remain very good at weaving plausible-sounding inaccuracies into mostly true material. Computer graphics long faced an uncanny valley problem, in which realistic animated people that were 90% convincing tended to leave viewers fixated on the 10% that was imperfect, such as eyes that lacked a convincingly human glint. With AI, by contrast, theres a canny valleythe percentage of material it generates thats faulty, but not obviously so. Its a more pernicious issue than hallucinations that are easy to spot, and it isnt going away anytime soon.Now, Im aware that I often use this newsletter to carp about AIs imperfections. I swear Im not a Luddite. Im fully capable of being dazzled by AI-infused features, and I dont think they need to attain perfection to be extraordinarily useful. For instance, this weeks newsletter implements a formatting tweak that I couldnt quite figure out on my own. Claude handled most of the coding work with only general instructions from me. Even factoring in the time I spent wrapping up the job, it felt like a miracle. (Id previously tried ChatGPT and found its advice unworkable.)As tempting as it is to cut an infinite amount of slack for something as astonishing as generative AI, the best computing breakthroughs dont require any special dispensation. Arthur C. Clarke famously said that any sufficiently developed technology is indistinguishable from magic. With all due respect, the opposite may be true: We know that a new technology is sufficiently developed when its so dependable that we regard it as mundane, not magical. When was the last time you found yourself awed by the internet? Or electricity, or air travel?If 2025 is the year that generative AIs novelty fades away, it might force tech companies to hold it to the same standards as all the older, more familiar technologies at their disposal. That coming-of-age cant arrive soon enoughand in its own unglamorous way, it would be a giant leap forward.Read/Watch/Listen/TryAt Fast Company, Jared Newmans roundups of the years best new appsboth brand-new ones and meaty upgradesare a holiday tradition. Heres his list for 2024. It inspired me to recommend three additional productivity apps. None of them are all that well-known, but theyre as essential to my work as any of the big-name ones.Bear. After ditching Evernote in 2023, Ive tried an infinite number of note-taking apps. Bearavailable for Macs, iPhones, and iPadsis the one that comes closest to thinking the way I do. Its interface is beautifully minimalist, and Ive bonded with its use of hashtags as an organizational tool. Even the Pro version is an absurdly reasonable $30 a year.Reclaim.ai. This web-based app helps ensure that I actually complete the tasks on my to-do list by intelligently slotting them into available space on my Google Calendar, where theyre impossible to ignore. There are paid plans, but the free version offers everything I need and more. Until just now, I somehow missed that Reclaim was acquired by Dropbox in August; heres hoping that company doesnt mess too much with a good thing.Focus. Back in 2015, I learnedfrom a Fast Company article, naturally!about a productivity technique called Pomodoro. It involves dividing your workday into 25-minute chunks, with brief breaks in between if you need them. I continue to find it a boon to my efficiency, and my favorite way to manage it is this elegant timer app for Macs, iPhones, iPads, and Apple Watchesnot to be confused with a bunch of other timers also called Focus.Youve been reading Plugged In,Fast Companys weekly tech newsletter from me, global technology editor Harry McCracken. If a friend or colleague forwarded this edition to youor if youre reading it on FastCompany.comyou cancheck out previous issues and sign up to get it yourself every Wednesday morning. I love hearing from you: Ping me athmccracken@fastcompany.comwith your feedback and ideas for future newsletters. Im also happy to hear from you on Bluesky, Mastodon, or Threads.More top tech stories from Fast CompanyAI vaporware: 7 products that didnt materialize in 2024GPT-5, an Alexa overhaul, Googles Project Astra, and more.Read MoreGot an Apple computer for Christmas? Here are 6 apps and games to try with that new MacPixelmator Pro, Prince of Persia, The WereCleaner, and other fun ways to test out what that new machine can do.Read MoreAn ex-OpenAI exec and futurist talks about AI in 2025 and beyondAI could bring some real benefits next year, but also some unforeseen side effects.Read MoreYouTube has a new plan to combat clickbaitThe video platform will take action against content that features clickbait titles and thumbnails, particularly those tied to breaking news or current events.Read More45 years ago, the Walkman changed how we listen to musicIn 1979, Sony premiered the Walkman to limited fanfare. Now, the entire music tech market has formed around it.Read MoreHow to put down your phone in 2025A quick guide to achieving your New Years resolution of getting offline.Read More
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  • What the future of work looks like in 2025, according to an ancient technology
    How does the future of work look in 2025? As workers and employers continue wrestling between remote and return to office, and the speed of innovation outpaces many industries and workplace structures, this is the year when new models will anchor into the zeitgeist (minus the post-pandemic prefix that we can hopefully stop attaching to everything, bird flu warnings notwithstanding).As a professional astrologer (along with my twin) who advise CEOs, founders, and businesses on strategy and planning,and publish an in-depth yearly guide, we look to mundane astrology (a branch of astrology that studies the cosmic effects on world events, politics, and governments) for historical cycles that may be repeating for the first time in decades, even centuries.With more than 60% of Gen Z and millennials using astrology as a serious tool for navigating their careers, more professionals than ever are looking to the stars for insight and foresight. Heres what we found.Hybrid, fractional, remoteThe trend wants to skew toward the part-time model of hybrid workplaces and fractional executives. Butwill it? The arm-wrestling match will wage on, with some bosses trying to corral people back to the office against their willonly to discover theyre paying a steep talent tax by doing so. With data from companies like Pinterest showing massive leaps in remote workers engagement levels, 2025 will demand a compromise that doesnt ask workers to sacrifice the lifestyle upgrade they gained during the pandemic. How might that look? To woo workers back into a corporate compromise, offices could experiment with new forms of flexibility, such as creating on-site perks that ease personal life stressors like cooking and childcare. Imagine: a private chef preps a week of healthy family dinnersdietary restrictions and preferences includedand its waiting as you leave the office. Or, how about an apartment style corner office with your own bathroom, shower, and kitchen? Hey, maybe thats a solution for all those unoccupied luxury high-rise co-ops?Diverse skill sets become an assetPortfolio-based worka career that combines multiple titles or roles across disparate sectorsis another exciting trend that speaks to the diversity of skills many workers bring. Why yes, you can be an accountant and a food photographer or part of both the marketing and the business development teams. If youve got range, theres no need to shoehorn yourself into a box this year.Reskilling, upskilling, and continuing education trendWith technology and AI rapidly advancing, people must continually update their tools to stay competitive in fast-changing industries. A spring and summer phase that encourages individual growth and self-sufficiency, drives a trend toward continuous skill-building and refreshing. Savvy companies will invest in the ongoing training of workers, funding their continued learning via micro-certifications, short courses, tuition matching, and digital boot camps. Paid education may become a benefit that bigger companies use to entice staff to stay long-term.New ways to create culture Workers floating in and out of roles or coming into the office can present challenges around teamwork. New strategies will emerge to help companies unify their staff and create camaraderie, while also respecting that the office is no longer the source of social bonding that it was during the early Google and startup era. Periodic offsites and team-building retreats could become essential ingredients to creating culture where the Zoom square fails (add a line item to your department budget for travel!). Beyond basic bonding experiences, these perks can foster a desirable corporate culture and inspire workers to be part of the companys missionespecially if hosted in locations like a boutique hotels idyllic property or a citys buzziest neighborhood.How about some outdoor space, too?As we progress into the second half of the decade, the future of work will be burgeoning with offices with terraces, rooftops, and outdoor meeting spaces as must-have amenities for recruiting and retaining top talent. Forget about the flatscreens and foosball machines of yore. Greenspaces, air-purifying plants, and natural light are the new luxury perks. The new corner office could have open-air access with Wi-Fi, a barista, and even a pool! Communal options are also a perk. We can expect to see food trucks, fitness classes, and other experiences become part of the modern workers lifestyle. Biophilic design, where architecture and nature intertwine, will increase in popularity.Home sweet officeIn the second half of 2025, workplaces may reimagine their physical spaces to create a sense of belonging and comfort. Offices will feature communal spaces that feel like home, with comfortable furniture, wellness rooms, and even family-friendly zones. This trend could foster a more nurturing atmosphere, making the workplace feel like an extension of your WFH sanctuary. Companies may also organize more family days and community service activities, nurturing a workplace culture rooted in compassion and shared values. The future of work in 2025 could see more kid-friendly offices that offer on-site care, education, and experiences, especially during holidays.Coworking for focus and productivityThe ADHD technique of body doubling could become a popular strategy for remote workers to adopt in 2025especially in this era of distraction. Body doubling involves working alongside another person to support each other in staying focused and productive, even if your tasks are independent. Whether IRL or virtually, this can stave off isolation and replace the built-in accountability of an office environment. Remote teams might even set up an office in the metaverse, using dashboard and app-based programs like Teamflow HQ, which allow customized decor that looks and feels like home.Ethical AI and transparent data practicesPrivacy policies? Check. The future of work in 2025 emphasizes transparency and ethics, particularly surrounding data and technology. In the workplace, this could lead to innovative practices around ethical AI use and data privacy, with companies hammering out clear policies on data collection, employee surveillance, and AI usage for the team. This will become crucial in the summer and fall especially.Wanted: Emotionally mature leadersHard skills wont be the only key assets to bring to the table in the Age of Aquarius. A high EQ and emotional maturity will also be a marker for success and leadership in the future of work. Companies may increase investments in interpersonal training for their teams. There are now five generations sharing office space. Gen Alpha, first born in 2010, is not far behind. The vastly divergent communication styles, comfort level with technology, and values are already creating clashes. Executives may lean into personality tests, gamified icebreakers, and other common-interest activities to mitigate volatility and create cohesion.Overall, weve exited a 16-year cycle steeped in hierarchy, control, and sharp divisions in rankone that last took place from 1762-78 and wont surface again in our lifetimes. Next, the cosmos indicates the resurgence of a we the people era that will span the next 19 years and mirrors a cycle from 1778-98 that last occurred at the advent of the United States and Americas first Industrial Revolution.Autocratic leaders (including, ahem, elected ones) will find new ways to hold on to their power, including through alliances with tech oligarchs. But technology and greater decentralization will also work in the employees favor, as the future of work moves deeper into a knowledge economy and younger generations pile into the workforce.Serendipitously nestled in the middle of the decade, 2025 is indeed the fulcrumThe Year of the Divine Pendulum, as weve named itthat will reveal how society will leap into a fast-paced, innovation-driven second half of the 2020s.
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  • 4 red flags that your New Years resolution will fail
    Are New Years resolutions losing their appeal? According to Drive Research, only 30% of Americans made a resolution in 2024 and of those who did, 62% felt pressured to. The lack of interest could be due to the success rate: Just 9% of Americans stick with their New Years resolutions.While there are several reasons why we struggle with resolutions, the bottom line is that we havent addressed the conditions we need to change, says Michael Lopez, author of the forthcoming book Change: Six Science-Backed Strategies to Transform Your Brain, Body, and Behavior. Resolutions are changes, he says. Just like you build a muscle, you also need to build the habit of change. It takes effort.Impatience can get in the way, adds Dr. Yalda Safai, a New York-based psychiatrist. People often forget you need to plan ahead to reach a goal, she says. The ambition is usually there but the goal is unrealistic, and the lack of planning makes people struggle.Still, a new year feels like an ideal opportunity for self-improvement. But before you resolve to make a change, make sure your resolution doesnt include one of these four red flags that could doom itand youto fail.1. Your List Is Too LongAs the calendar is about to turn, its natural to take stock of your life and identify things you want to change. The problem comes when that list is too long, says Lopez.You can really only work on a couple things at a time, he says. Its about paring down that list and prioritizing it.Becoming more selective doesnt mean you shouldnt want to change all those areas you identified. It means you need focus to build progress, says Lopez. My recommendation is to pick one thing and focus on it for three months, he adds. One goal for three months is a great way to increase your chances of success.If you can stick with a new habit for three months, youll be more prone to maintain it. Then, you can add a second goal for the next quarter. Build the habit of change, says Lopez. Go from something thats very effortful to something that becomes the way you do things.2. You Start with a Difficult GoalAiming high is a good thing, but you need to make sure your goals are attainable and realistic, says Safai, or else you will be disappointed.If you havent been to the gym in six months, dont make it your resolution to run a marathon anytime soon, she says. Small goals are always better than big ones. Start small and reevaluate every month.Lopez agrees: If you have a few things you want to change, dont start off with the toughest thing on your list, especially if youve made this resolution in the past and were unable to stick with it, he says. Theres something to be said about the low-hanging-fruit experience. Picking the easy one first helps you build confidence by accomplishing your goals.The more you progress, the more motivated you will be to take on the next goal. If you havent built the muscle for accomplishing your goals, though, youll set yourself up for potential challenges right away.3. Your Goals Are Framed WrongWhether its avoiding sugar, alcohol, or social media, its common to identify the things you no longer want to do. But defining goals in avoidance terms can doom you to fail. Instead, Lopez suggests using approach goals, which are more motivating.Most of the time when we set an avoidance goal, its because theres something about ourselves, our life, our circumstances, our behavior that we dont like, he says. What happens, though, is it becomes the emphasis of our focus, and its all we can think about.Instead, redesign your goals into desired-approach patterns, says Lopez. I use a from/to statement, he says. For example, I want to go from somebody who leads an unhealthy lifestyle and eats poorly to somebody who makes healthy choices. Then, every time Im faced with a choice, I remind myself that Im somebody who makes a healthy choice.4. You Track Your Progress In an Incremental WayIf your New Years resolution is to lose 30 pounds, chances are youll track your progress by your output, which is what you weigh on the scale. However, if that number doesnt budge right away or if it goes down slowly, it can hurt your motivation.Instead, Lopez recommends tracking your resolution in terms of your effort. Shift your goal from saying I want to lose 30 pounds to I want to go for a walk four days a week for 30 minutes, he says. All you have to track is the effort that you provide in pursuing [your] goal. If you do that, youll accomplish your goal a lot more rapidly and sustain the motivation for pursuing it.If your goal doesnt have a measurable outcome, such as being a better spouse, parent, or manager, Lopez recommends identifying the practices that characterize the goal. For example, if you are in a conflict with someone, you can choose to listen first and ask questions instead of tracking the conversation by winning or losing the argument.What you have to do is show up differently in that conversation, he says. Dont worry about outcomes. Just in the act of trying, youll eventually get better at whatever you do.If you stumble in your resolution journey, Safai advises that you try not to get discouraged, remember that youre human. [Not sticking with resolutions] happens to all of us, she says. Think about why you care about the goal and how it could benefit you. Then, use that as fuel.
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  • A Fusion of Design and Innovation: Inside the realme 14 Pro Series with Chase Xu and Torsten Valeur
    Ahead of its official launch, Yanko Design was invited to the exclusive Design Meets Innovation media event in Copenhagen, Denmark. Here, we had the opportunity to speak with two key figures behind the design of the highly anticipated realme 14 Pro series: Chase Xu, Vice President and CMO of realme, and Torsten Valeur, Master Designer and CEO of Valeur Designers. In this article, we delve into the groundbreaking design features of the realme 14 Pro series, exploring the innovative ideas and creative vision that shaped this next-gen smartphone.Designer: realme x Torsten ValeurRevolutionary Design FeaturesWhile many details of the realme 14 Pro series remain under wraps, one standout feature is its world-first, cold-sensitive color-changing back panel. This innovative design uses thermochromic fibers that shift color from white to blue in response to temperatures dropping below 16C (60.8F), and vice versa. Although the effect gradually fades over time, realme estimates the color-changing effect will remain vibrant for up to 12 months with regular use.Made with special fusion fiber, composed of 95% eco-friendly, bio-based materials, the Perl White version of the 14 Pro series boasts a unique, one-of-a-kind pattern, further emphasizing realmes commitment to sustainability and individuality. In addition to the dynamic color-changing back, the realme 14 Pro+ features an industry-first triple-flash system, known as Magic Glow. Designed to enhance nighttime portrait photography, this system captures more natural skin tones. The ring around the camera module seamlessly connects the back panel with the camera island, enhancing both aesthetics and ergonomics. The phone also features a quad-curved body, offering a more comfortable and ergonomic grip.A User-Centric Design: Crafted from InsightAccording to Chase Xu, realme places great importance on user feedback, conducting extensive research to understand the preferences, habits, and cultural influences of their target audience. This research directly informs the design process, ensuring the devices not only meet functional needs but also integrate seamlessly into users daily lives.Taking user feedback into account, we redefined the design philosophy for the number series, focusing on three core principles: trendy, premium, and lightweight, Chase explained. However, realme aims to do more than simply meet user expectations. It strives to inspire creativity and passion as well. The goal is to create devices that push the boundaries of innovation while remaining in tune with their audiences desires.Torsten ValeurRealme has a history of collaborating with renowned designers like Naoto Fukasawa (realme GT 2 Pro) and Matteo Menotto (realme 11 Pro+). For the realme 14 Pro series, the company teamed up with Valeur Designers, a Danish design studio led by Torsten Valeur. As Chase Xu highlights, these partnerships bring a unique synergy that results in products that are both inspiring and memorable. By collaborating with world-class designers, realme continues to elevate its devices while staying closely connected to its young, trend-conscious audience.Innovation with a Youthful SpiritTorsten Valeur, the mastermind behind the realme 14 Pro series design, sees the younger generation as particularly open to new ideas and cutting-edge technology. He believes realme speaks directly to this demographic through its bold design choices and innovative approach.The collaboration between realme and Valeur Designers began over a year ago, and Torstens design process was rooted in a deep understanding of the brand. It was important to challenge preconceived notions and think outside the box, he said. Initially, the team envisioned an aluminum unibody phone with a premium feel, but they soon realized this would make the device too heavy. Instead, they focused on creating a more ergonomic design without compromising on functionality.The final design reflects true collaboration and meticulous iteration. Torsten emphasizes, There should be a strong connection between the exterior and interior design, meaning the design must serve a real, practical purpose. Design must be an authentic solution. This philosophy is evident not just in the playful color-changing back panel but also in the symmetrical camera module design, which incorporates the Magic Glow system. Torsten notes that many camera modules feel chaotic in design, but with the realme 14 Pro+, the team created a sleek, symmetrical layout that balances aesthetics and functionality.WhiteBlue (After Color Shift)A Sneak Peek at Whats to ComeDuring our time in Copenhagen, we had the opportunity to test the realme 14 Pro+ in real-world conditions. Here are some sample photos from our hands-on experience. realme also teased that the 14 Pro series will be available in additional colors at launch. Stay tuned for an in-depth review of the realme 14 Pro+ where well dive deeper into its features, performance, and more.The post A Fusion of Design and Innovation: Inside the realme 14 Pro Series with Chase Xu and Torsten Valeur first appeared on Yanko Design.
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