• مقدمة كورس "الثري دي كمادة وليس كبرنامج" يلي ان شا الله رح يكون تعريف عام بالثري دي كمادة بدون ما ندخل بتفاصيل أي برنامج.
    برأيي هي الطريقة الصح لتتعلم, افهم المادة صح قبل ما تفهم الأدوات.
    مقدمة كورس "الثري دي كمادة وليس كبرنامج" يلي ان شا الله رح يكون تعريف عام بالثري دي كمادة بدون ما ندخل بتفاصيل أي برنامج. برأيي هي الطريقة الصح لتتعلم, افهم المادة صح قبل ما تفهم الأدوات. https://youtu.be/1ZTEQ9i1Ga4?si=EqoXomEo0LOjVKT4 لــؤي
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  • How resident evil 4 Still Impacts New AAA Games
    Many of your favorite, modern AAA game releases would not exist the way they do without one survival horror game from 2005. Here's how even after 20 years, resident evil 4 is still a huge influence on how we play games in 2025.
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  • Marvel Rivals player dedicates himself to its worst hero to prove she isnt as bad as you think
    Most Marvel Rivals tier lists agree: Scarlet Witch is one of the worst heroes to play if you plan on climbing the games competitive ranks. Like Moira in Overwatch, shes devastating if left unchecked, but crumbles as soon as people know how to deal with her. In the highest ranks where the meta revolves around Storm, nobody bothers picking her except one player who has dedicated an entire account to playing Scarlet Witch and Scarlet Witch only.She is DEFINITELY not as bad as people say, Byou, one of the highest ranked Scarlet Witch players, told Polygon on Discord. I do think she needs minor buffs, but if you know what youre doing with her, youre pretty effective and can support multiple different [team] comps.Byou has over 200 hours in the game and has spent 47 hours playing matches as Scarlet Witch. He said high rank players have been the most skeptical of his pick, but once he put in enough time to earn her Lord icon, theyve started to respect his choice.Most heroes have to focus on landing their abilities and aiming their guns instead of predicting their opponents next move. Scarlet Witch doesnt, and Byou said its the reason hes doing so well with her. She allows you to put the brain power youd put into the character, into the game, he said. Paying more attention to your surroundings, voice calls, cooldown tracking, etc.Unlike other heroes, Scarlet Witch can easily fly up into the air and pester people from above. Her damage output is low, but she can still be enough of a nuisance to help set up kills for her team. Byou said most players dont realize how important that is: You create a ton of pressure and distraction, something that your team wont notice because thats not something that shows up on the scoreboard.Her Dark Seal ability can stun enemies in place for your team to take them out. It can be a bit unwieldy to use, but Byou said its crucial if you want to improve with her, especially in higher ranks where players are more likely to act on it. He likes to sit near the enemy spawn doors and toss it at Dr. Strange players trying to place their portal, shutting down the teams surprise attack.When it comes to her ultimate, which is an explosion of pure chaos that can clear the entire room, Byou has found it unreliable. If you dont get taken out before it goes off, people just run out of its range, he said. Byou said the only way it can work is if you use it while a support hero pumps out healing with their ultimate, or if you use it against an enemy support hero doing the same thing since they cant out-heal a one-shot.Byou has found the best way to play Scarlet Witch is like a mosquito, hovering around the battlefield and pestering people when they dont expect it. Shes great at hovering above her fellow duelists when they seek out squishy targets, he said, adding that when melee heroes like Magik and Thor are in the fray, she can ruin their day before they can even touch her.Despite being the weakest hero in the roster, Byou said he doesnt think she needs much help. There are bugs to fix, like one that causes her primary fire beam to latch onto terrain instead of enemies, but shes otherwise pretty balanced, he said, adding, Outside of a few heroes and all of the healing ultimates being over-tuned, the game is in a great spot in season 1.
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  • Saying No More to Boring Pet Beds With NomoHaus
    We all know that our furry-legged family members deserve only the best and yet, unsightly, uninspired pet beds are still a thing. Why should giving your pet a cozy spot to snooze mean compromising your aesthetic or their comfort? Thankfully, NomoHaus is here to put an end to clunky, boring designs with sleek, modern pet furniture that garners just as much attention as your designer sofa. The emerging pet brand founded by Taiwanese American designers Lydia Ho and Jacky Huang are proudly declaring No mo! to boring pet furniture, offering a better alternative.NomoHaus was born out of Ho and Huangs frustration with the lack of thoughtfully crafted pet furniture available today most cheaply made, disposable pieces that clashed with todays modern home styles. Driven to create better options for their own pets a husky named Nomo, a ginger cat named Leo, and Nami, a sweet terrier mix the designers set out to prove that pet furniture can look just as chic as the interiors theyre placed in. Their inaugural creation, The Leo Bed, is a minimalist, durable, and undeniably cool statement piece for pets and their humans alike.Crafted from premium multi-layer eucalyptus and poplar solid wood, The Leo Beds frame is inspired by Japanese joinery techniques, eliminating the need for screws or tools. Assembly is as simple as slotting the five wooden pieces together with a bit of hand pressure intuitive, effortless, and sturdy.A subtle painted edge adds a pop of color to the frame, while the vibrant, patterned cushion cover is removable and machine washable, keeping the bed looking fresh. The high-density memory foam cushion offers superior comfort for pets, while an anti-slip fabric on the underside keeps it securely in place.Available in two sizes (S/M and L/XL), The Leo Bed accommodates pets of various breeds and adds a splash of style to any modern home. With NomoHaus, you no longer have to choose between comfort for your pet and good design its a win-win for everyone.To give your pet the gift of comfort with a new Leo bed, visit nomohaus.com. (PS. The L/XL size will be back in stock soon!)
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  • Sidebar is back, Duolingos strategy, AIUX frameworks, accessible outcomes
    Weekly curated resources for designersthinkers andmakers.The news that Sidebar.io was taking a break felt a bit like a heartbreak. Sidebar has been one of my favorite sources to keep up with design, and with content that would make me a better, smarter, more informed designer.No noise, no endless scrolling, just the goodstuff.5 links a day. Thatsit.WellSidebar is back from its breakBecome an Expert with the Online Master in UI/UX Design at LABASAD [Sponsored] Learn advanced UI/UX design with a 100% online, practical methodology. In 12 months, master wireframing, user research, interface design, prototyping, design systems, typography, and colour theory using industry-standard tools like Figma. Limited places, start May2025!Editor picksThe fastest gun in UX Why your team is telling the wrong story.By PavelSamsonovDuolingos gamification strategy The good, the bad, and the ugly.By TiinaGolubWhy TikTok users are flocking to Xiaohongshu Part UX, part politics.By DaleyWilhelmMeta and Spotifys AI takeover Is this the end of human-created content?By Angele LenglemetzHuman flourishing in the Age of AI Challenges, strategies, and opportunities.By JoshLaMarThe UX Collective is an independent design publication that elevates unheard design voices and helps designers think more critically about theirwork.Subway Stories: an interactive visualization Make methinkA journey of craft built on trust, confidence, and focus Experiencing imposter syndrome has taught me to accept feedbackboth positive and constructivewith openness and to lean on my teammates for perspective and support. Its uncomfortable, but its also a reminder that the work youre doing matters.Consistency means nothing Modern software is a paradox. On one hand its more conformist than ever. On the other hand, most are hilariously inconsistent in execution. The majority of software from large orgs leans towards disorder. This is often due to how large orgs operate.Stop trying to schedule a call with me Chances are, I signed up to see if your tool can do one specific thing. If it doesnt, Ive already mentally moved on and forgotten about it. So, when you email me, Im either actively evaluating whether to buy your product, or I have no idea why youre reachingout.Little gems thisweekHow first impressions drive AI adoption By Tetiana SydorenkoDesigners: always read the comments By Euphrates DahoutThe future of design systems is decentralized By Oscar Gonzalez, WASTools and resourcesHuman-centered AI frameworks Adopting a structured approach to AI initiatives.By RobChappellDesign systems and accessibility What was top of mind for the international community in 2024?By MatheusCervoAccessible outcomes To create more accessible outcomes, we need better design tools.By Nik JeleniauskasSupport the newsletterIf you find our content helpful, heres how you can supportus:Check out this weeks sponsor to support their worktooForward this email to a friend and invite them to subscribeSponsor aneditionSidebar is back, Duolingos strategy, AIUX frameworks, accessible outcomes was originally published in UX Collective on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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  • No, We Arent All Eating 'Too Much' Protein
    If youll permit me a rantI promise to make it fact-filled and interestingI am sick of the articles that seem to pop up every few months claiming that we are all eating too much protein. They convey an inaccurate picture of how the body uses protein, and they demonize perfectly healthy meals that happen to be high in protein. Its time to set the record straight.It is true that most of us eat more than the RDA (recommended daily allowance) of protein, but that's a good thingthe RDA is meant as a minimum. It's true that protein-boosted foods are trendy, and that they're not necessarily great dietary choices in the big picture. It's also true that you can eat a healthy diet with little to no meat, but meat is not synonymous with protein. Let's look at what we actually know about the role of protein in a healthy diet, and how to tell if you're eating too much or too little.What foods contain protein?As a refresher, protein is one of the three calorie-containing macronutrients (fats, carbs, protein) that make up most of the food we eat. Proteins are made of amino acids, and these amino acids are required for the growth, repair, and functioning of our body.We can get protein from a variety of sources. Meats are particularly protein-dense; a chicken breast contains about 35 grams of protein. Other animal products, like milk and eggs, are also rich in protein. Plant-based foods tend to have less protein than animal products, but its not hard to meet or exceed protein requirements even on a vegan diet. Beans, grains, and soy products like tofu contain significant amounts of protein, for example.If youd like a cheat sheet on how much protein youre supposed to eat based on your activity level, you can find one here. And thats a good place to start dissecting this too much protein myth, because before we can declare an amount of protein to be too much, we need to understand how much is enough.The RDA is meant to be considered a minimumThe government communicates targets for different nutrients to encourage us all to eat a healthy, balanced diet. These targets are the basis for the % daily value labels on the back of packaged foods, and for the nutrient makeup of school lunches.The RDA, or recommended daily allowance, is defined as the average daily dietary intake level that is sufficient to meet the nutrient requirement of nearly all (97 to 98 percent) healthy individuals in a group.In other words, if 100% of us were to eat the RDA of protein, at least 97% of us would be getting enough proteinwe'd be meeting the minimum to be healthy. That's right, this number is a minimum to avoid malnutrition, not a maximum, and not a recommendation for optimal health. By the way, if you're wondering how that number is determined? For protein, it is based on nitrogen balance. Humans break down proteins, excreting nitrogen, as part of the bodys daily function. If you eat enough protein (which contains nitrogen), the amount of nitrogen you excrete will be the same as, or more than, the amount you eat. In other words, if you arent breaking your own body proteins down (in excess of what you eat), then whatever youre eating must be, in some sense, enough.In this way of thinking, the RDA is the minimum to stay healthy. More is fine; less would mean that you may not be getting enough. For some nutrients, there is also an UL, or upper limit, telling you that more than a certain amount is too much. Upper limits are calculated for vitamins and minerals; there is no upper limit defined for protein.Therefore, there is no official definition for too much protein. If somebody eats more than the RDA, theyre not eating too much; theyre just eating more than the minimum. Youre supposed to eat more than the minimum.How much is the RDA for protein, and how much is the average American actually eating?The RDA for protein is set at 46 grams per day for a 125-pound woman, and at 56 grams per day for a 154-pound man. Thats based on an RDA of 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram bodyweight, which works out to 0.36 grams per pound. So a 200-pound person would need 72 grams of protein per day.This USDA report found that most adult men average between roughly 90 to 100 grams of protein per day, although men aged 70 and up only get about 80 grams of protein per day. Women tend to average around 70 grams per day, with those aged 70 and up averaging 62 grams.Above the RDA? Yes. Too much? I dont see any way of arguing that. And before you say that were getting almost double the recommendation, let's check the math. Those RDA numbers are for 125- and 154-pound people. On the other hand, the averages for what we eat are based on actual people, not ideals. The average American man is 200 pounds, and the average American woman is 171 pounds. So, to compare the numbers: The average woman is 171 pounds, so her RDA would be 62 grams per day. (Women, on average, eat 70 grams of protein per day.)The average man is 200 pounds, so his RDA would be 72 grams per day. (Men, on average, eat 90 to 100 grams of protein per day.)Again, theres no need to stick to the minimum; going 8 grams over, or even 28 grams over, is fine. Its probably better to go over than to just scrape by, and many of us arguably dont get enough. Let me explain.Many older adults dont get enough proteinLets start with older adults. Not only does protein intake tend to decrease with age, older adults are vulnerable to issues that stem from a loss of muscle mass. People tend to lose 3-5% of their muscle mass per decade starting at age 30, but strength training and protein intake can support maintaining our muscle, and thus likely prevent or reduce that decline.The Dietary Guidelines include a note that About 50 percent of women and 30 percent of men 71 and older fall short of protein foods recommendations. Meanwhile, a study found that older adults who dont meet the recommendations are more likely to be limited when stooping, crouching, or kneeling, standing or sitting for long periods, walking up 10 steps, preparing meals, and walking for a quarter mile.So even if its true that the average adult gets more protein than recommended, there are clearly a lot of elderly folks who dont. These are the same people who have more issues functioning in everyday life. This may be a chicken-and-egg situationwas the functional decline a cause or an effect of the change in their diet?but this sure does not seem to be a group of people who should be eating less protein.You need more than the default RDA if youre pregnant or lactatingTheres another large group of people who benefit from more, not less, protein: people who are pregnant or lactating. Instead of 0.36 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight (62 grams for a 171-pound person), the RDA for people who are pregnant or lactating is 0.5 grams/pound (so, 86 grams of protein per day).When youre pregnant, you also have higher caloric needs, so the increased total amount of food makes it easier to get the higher protein amount. Still, it makes more sense to spend your energy on making sure youre getting enough protein, rather than worrying about getting too much.Higher-protein diets support healthy exercise and muscle massYou knew we heading in this direction (I say between reps of barbell squats, wiping protein shake off my lips): People who exercise should get more protein than just the RDA.While the fear-mongering too much protein articles sometimes mention that bodybuilders or elite athletes need their protein, they tend to hand-wave this away as a special concern that doesnt apply to normal people. But I think its worth a closer lookand honestly, this situation applies to a lot more people than just a few athletes.Officially, there isnt an RDA for athletes; people who exercise can stave off malnutrition with the same 0.36 grams per pound as everyone else. But that doesnt mean that the RDA is the best target to aim for.The International Association of Athletics Federations, which governs track and field competitions, recommends that most athletes who are maintaining or gaining weight eat 0.59 to 0.77 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight per day. Thats 101 to 131 grams for the average 171-pound woman, and 118 to 154 grams for a 200-pound man.A group of organizations including the American College of Sports Medicine largely agrees, recommending a range from 0.54 to 0.9 grams per pound for all athletes whose weight is stable or gaining. That includes people who do endurance training like distance running, as well as strength athletes whose exercise involves mainly lifting weights. Those ranges would go as high as 153 grams for our 171-pound woman, and 180 grams for our 200-pound man.You dont need to be an Olympian to consider yourself an athlete in this sense. If youre training for a half marathon, youre doing plenty of distance running, and should fuel accordingly. And if youre just lifting weights in the gym, but taking it seriously enough that youre training regularly and working hard, you should consider eating in these ranges as well.Higher-protein diets support healthy weight lossDieting to lose weight is not only a popular American pastime, its also arguably good for at least some of your health. If youve been on a diet recently, or if youre planning to go on one, you arent a person who should settle for the RDA either.Research shows that protein intake (and strength trainingthey go together!) is important to maintain muscle mass when were losing weight. After all, youre aiming for fat loss, not trying to get your muscles to waste away.For example, this study found that diets ranging from 0.48 to 0.72 grams of protein per kg of body weight (thats 82 to 123 grams for our 171-pound woman, 96 to 144 for our 200-pound man) resulted in less weight regain after the diet, and helped people to maintain muscle mass and feel more full while they were dieting.And if youre losing weight and exercising? The IAAF recommends that athletes who are undertaking high-quality weight loss need at least 0.72 grams per pound of bodyweight, and possibly as much as 1.09 grams per pound. That would be 186 grams for a 171-pound athlete, or 218 grams for a 200-pound athlete. Most people wont need to go that high, and its unclear whether athletes need to go that high. But Im including these numbers so you see how high the ranges actually go.Ultimately, weight loss is widely understood to be more effective and have healthier results with higher protein intakes rather than lower ones. When people focus on just eating less, without thinking about what their diet actually consists of, its easy to forget about protein. But the evidence suggests that you should increase protein when youre decreasing overall calories.Does too much protein turn into fat?This is a common talking point in those articles about too much protein, and its sort of truebut it also doesnt mean what you think it means.When you eat more food than your body needs, your body can store it as fat. Thats true no matter what the excess is made ofprotein, carbs, fat, or even alcohol. The protein you eat gets used for many different things in your body. You can build it into muscle tissue, use it for growth and repair of different kinds of cells, and so on. You can also use it for energybasically, burning it for the calories.So if you were eating a perfectly balanced diet, and then decided to add an extra 100 grams of protein per day, then sure, a lot of that protein would be used for energy, and since wed have excess energy, it would get stored as fat.But if you ate more protein, and that protein replaced other foods in your diet, then there would be no excess calories to store. Nobody is saying you should chug a couple of protein shakes on top of your regular diet. Theyre saying (Im saying) that you should plan your meals and snacks to include more protein.For example, if your regular lunch is a turkey-and-cheese sandwich with a side of chips, you could improve the protein content of your diet by adding more turkey to the sandwich and replacing the chips with an apple. Same total calories, but more protein. As long as your total calories for the day arent in excess of your needs, the extra protein wont get stored as fat.Is it bad to get too much protein?In general, high protein diets dont have any serious health consequences. Theres a major exception, though: in some medical conditions, you may be told to limit your protein intake to protect your health.For example, people with chronic kidney disease are often advised to use the RDA (0.36 grams per pound of body weight) as a maximum rather than a minimum. Your kidneys play a role in processing protein for excretion, so a lowered protein intake reduces the amount of work that a damaged kidney has to do. That said, once a person with chronic kidney disease begins dialysis, they may be advised to increase their protein intake for better health now that their body has help to handle the higher levels.People with certain other disorders, like phenylketonuria and homocystinuria, may also be advised to eat a low protein diet. Obviously, if you have one of these conditions, you should be getting your dietary advice from your medical team (ask for a referral to a dietitian!) rather than from general articles on the internet.Wasnt there a study that said too much protein is bad?Besides those known medical issues, the occasional findings about eating too much protein tend to fit into the X is good for you/X is bad for you ricochet news cycle. Theyre not holistic assessments of protein in general on health in general, but rather specific research questions that are still being figured out.For example, this study found that a high protein (and high fiber) diet seemed to slightly worsen one measure of insulin resistance; but it also improved metabolic health and body composition. The researchers concluded that the subjects body chemistry was probably just responding appropriately to the changed nutrient content of their diet. A few years later, a study of high-BMI women with insulin resistance saw improvements to their insulin resistance on a high protein diet.Or to take another example, a study earlier this year found a link between high protein diets and atherosclerosis. But if you look at what the researchers were actually studying, they were looking at how leucine (one amino acid found in protein) affects the mTOR biochemical pathway in certain types of white blood cells. By the way, that mTOR pathway is involved in a lot more body processes than atherosclerosis, and does a lot of good things too.So are these results interesting, and worth further study? Definitely. Worth changing protein recommendations? Only if this effect turns out (1) to actually lead to worse health outcomes, and (2) to outweigh the known benefits of higher protein. The body of evidence doesnt support lowering protein recommendations, nor adding an upper limit.Theres no urgent health problem that lowering our protein intake will solveSo if protein is good for us, and most of us cant really get too much, why are so many people arguing that were overdoing it?I think part of the reason is just misunderstanding (the writers dont tend to have a background in nutrition and especially not in sports nutrition), but more often, I think theyre talking about a different issue entirely.Often the too much protein stuff is just a way of talking about the environmental effects of meat consumption or dairy farming. People making this argument are trying to pry the double cheeseburgers out of our hands and reassuring us that well be okay. I dont think an attack on protein is an appropriate way to make that point, since plant-based proteins exist and are a fine alternative. But I understand where theyre coming from.Ultimately, if youre trying to make the argument that were eating too much protein for our health, you really cant do that without some evidence that were eating so much protein that its harming our health on a widespread level. And that evidence just doesnt exist.To understand that point, just look at the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. This is the master document that tells us what we should be eating and what government programs should be funding. The goals include reducing rates of heart disease and diabetes, and making sure people get enough vitamins. There are Key Recommendations to limit certain nutrientsspecifically sugars, saturated fats, sodium, and alcohol. There is no recommendation to reduce your intake of protein.Corrected 1/15/2025 to note that we lose 3-5% of our muscle mass per decade, not per year, without training.
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  • Googles Pixel 8a is back on sale for a record-low price
    January is bleak, to say the least, and sometimes getting through it requires buying a treat. Fortunately, the month is also big on sales, including 20 percent off the Google Pixel 8a. Currently, Amazon has the Google Pixel 8a available for $399, down from $499, the same deal it had on Black Friday. The Google Pixel 8a debuted in May last year and garnered a 90 in our review. We thought it was an excellent value for the phone, even at its sticker price, and named it the best midrange smartphone. Part of that is thanks to the 6.1-inch device's vibrant OLED panel with a 120Hz refresh rate (an upgrade from 90Hz on the Pixel 7a). Other perks of the Google Pixel 8a include its excellent 4,492 mAh battery. In our test, the battery ran for 20 hours and 29 minutes with one charge. Plus, it offers excellent cameras. The Pixel 8a offers the same 64MP main and 13MP ultra-wide sensors as its predecessor, but they really stack up when compared against the Samsung 24 Ultra. Follow @EngadgetDeals on Twitter and subscribe to the Engadget Deals newsletter for the latest tech deals and buying advice.This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/deals/googles-pixel-8a-is-back-on-sale-for-a-record-low-price-140055731.html?src=rss
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  • Rumor has it AMDs feeling the heat from Nvidias RTX 5000 GPU launch prices but a decision on RX 9070 pricing must be made soon
    Bewildered by all the RX 9070 GPU price rumors? I know I am, and AMD needs to cut through the confusion sooner rather than later.
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  • Bitcoin jumps to new record above $109,000 as traders cheer Trump inauguration, meme coins
    Bitcoin jumped above $109,000 as traders eagerly awaited the inauguration of incoming President Donald Trump and cheered his weekend meme coin launch.
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  • The wide use of machine learning VFX techniques on Here
    Up-rezing, ML for transitions, and ageing and de-ageing were all part of the mix.Today on the befores & afters podcast were chatting to VFX supervisor Kevin Baillie about the Robert Zemeckis film, Here. You may have already seen I did an entire issue of the print magazine on Here which you can grab now. There we covered the machine learning de-ageing work in this film for actors like Tom Hanks and Robin Wright, plus the virtual production and visual effects work, which also included some ML approaches.Well, I was so taken really with the art and tech in Here that I wanted to share with everyone my original chat with Kevin where he breaks all of that down in detail. I really think Here is a great example of what new tech exists out there and how it can be used in storytelling. I mean, even since they made this film, things have advanced so much in the area. But, listening to Kevin talk about how to solve particular issues is always a good way to hear about how VFX supes tackle big ticket items on films.This episode is sponsored by Suite Studios. Ready to accelerate your creative workflow? Suites cloud storage is designed for teams to store, share, and edit media in real-time from anywhere. The best part? With Suite, you can stream your full-resolution files directly from the cloud without the need to download or sync media locally before working. Learn more about why the best creative teams are switching to Suite at suitestudios.ioThe post The wide use of machine learning VFX techniques on Here appeared first on befores & afters.
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