• What Good Parenting Looks Like in the Animal Kingdom
    New mothers and fathers tend to obsess over the smallest nuances of child-rearing, for the simple reason that they want to be good parents. So does every other animal, as it turns out, and over millions of years theyve developed a surprising range of strategies for keeping their offspring safe and healthy.At some level they and we all have the same goal. Karen Bales, a professor at University of California Davis who studies social bonding, explains the two (hopefully obvious) fundamentals of good parenting: Number 1 is that the baby survives, she says. Number 2, that the parent is responsive to the babys needs.But behind those core tenets youll find crocodiles swimming around with hatchlings inside their lethal jaws, cuckoos surreptitiously pawning their eggs off on other birds, and meerkats who teach their young to hunt by bringing them disabled scorpions. In other words, youll find as many ways of parenting as there are animals in the world. (Credit: Tukio/Shutterstock)Good Parenting Can be No ParentingTo put things into perspective, parenting behavior that we would consider good from a human standpoint is relatively rare in nature. In fact, Kumi O. Kuroda, who studies social behavior at Japans RIKEN Center for Brain Science, writes in a recent review that in the majority of animals, parents do not care for the offspring.Only 30 percent of fish, 25 percent of amphibians, and 10 percent of reptiles do anything to set their children up for success. These are major taxonomic groups and theyve been getting along fine for hundreds of millions of years so maybe they are doing something right? Nevertheless, if its role models you want, you could do better.Maternal Care: A Mothers LovePerhaps the best place to look for parenting best practices in nature is the closest to home: other mammals. Their babies cant survive without nursing, which means 100 percent of parents (or at least mothers) must act like parents. And oh, do they in many species, adults will feed and protect their young for years, all while preparing them to tackle life on their own.With elephants, this process can take almost as long as it does for humans. Males stay with their natal herd until they reach maturity, between 10 and 14 years old, while females stay for their entire lives, up to 80 years. Herds are matriarchal, and all the females chip in to raise the calves communally.The only species that rivals this bond is the orangutan. Mothers often carry their children until age 5, nurse them until age 8, and continue to teach them well beyond that. Even after theyve become independent, females in particular keep coming back to visit Mom into their mid-teens. One rationale for this prolonged relationship is that theres just so much to learn what to eat, where to find it, and of course how to build one of those cozy treehouse nests. Paternal Care: Sticking AroundUnfortunately, the mammalian need for milk means that Mom is indispensable, whereas Dad can often get off the hook without threatening the survival of his offspring. As a result, only 10 percent of males stick around to see the project through. Thats not to say all mammal fathers are like this. Some, like the titi monkey, are paragons of parenting. Bales says these tiny South American primates are the only species I've ever worked with where I would actually say the mothers dont like their infants. Mother and child only interact during nursing; afterward, the little one crawls right back to father.Speaking of wonder-dads, they can even be found farther afield in the animal kingdom. Take the African bullfrog, females of which lay their eggs in small, seasonal pools that eventually disappear. If a male sees the pool evaporating too quickly, he strenuously digs a channel to another one, diverting water to make sure his babies dont dry up.Read More: Were Dinosaurs Good Parents to Their Offspring?Monogamy: Joining ForcesMonogamy isnt common in animals, but it has big perks. With two parents instead of one, Bales explains, you increase the fitness of the baby because youre giving it extra care. More food and a second bodyguard makes survival that much more likely.This is where our feathered friends shine: Whereas 90 percent of mammal species separate after reproduction, 90 percent of bird species stay together. That cooperation creates new possibilities. Emperor penguin parents famously take turns incubating their egg while the other goes out to feed; hornbill mothers seal themselves up securely in a tree with their hatchlings, leaving a hole just large enough for the father to slip grub through; and bald eagle mates work together to construct the largest nests in the world, up to 4 feet tall and 6 feet in diameter. (Credit: Bartosz Budrewicz/Shutterstock)Alloparenting: It Takes a VillageFor some animals, child-rearing is even more of an all-hands-on-deck affair. Prairie voles like humans engage in alloparenting, where siblings, other relatives and even non-relatives help take care of the young. According to Bales, many prairie voles choose not to venture out of their burrows and reproduce, likely because they make a terribly easy snack (theyve been called the popcorn of the prairie).Its dangerous to leave, she says, and therefore youre better off staying home and helping. After all, siblings share 50 percent of their genome, meaning they have as much genetic stake in their brothers and sisters as in their own offspring. All this awe-inspiring animal parenting demands an explanation: Why go to the trouble? To some moms and dads, the answer is surely self-evident. To Bales who observes adorable younglings for a living and still doesnt want any of her own it remains something of a mystery.I get how cute they are and everything, she says. But boy, they need to be cute. They are a lot of work.Article SourcesOur writers at Discovermagazine.com use peer-reviewed studies and high-quality sources for our articles, and our editors review for scientific accuracy and editorial standards. Review the sources used below for this article:National Library of Medicine. Egg laying behavior of common cuckoos (Cuculus canorus): Data based on field video-recordingsThe New York Academy of Sciences. Parental brain through time: The origin and development of the neural circuit of mammalian parentingBritannica. Reproduction and life cycleOrangutan Foundation International. Social OrganizationCornell Lab. Bald EagleNational Library of Medicine. Maternal Motivation: Exploring the Roles of Prolactin and Pup StimuliCody Cottier is a contributing writer at Discover who loves exploring big questions about the universe and our home planet, the nature of consciousness, the ethical implications of science and more. He holds a bachelor's degree in journalism and media production from Washington State University.
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  • Medieval toilet helps uncover lost home of the Englands last Anglo-Saxon King
    A portion of the Bayeux Tapestry showing King Harold riding to his residence, Bosham. The full tapestry depicts the Norman Conquest of England in 1066. The Society of Antiquaries of LondonShareA team of archeologists in the United Kingdom believe that they have found the lost residence of Harold Godwinson, the last Anglo-Saxon King of England. The home is shown in the 1,000 year-old Bayeux Tapestry and was uncovered through a combination of new surveys and a reinterpretation of evidence from earlier digs. The findings were recently published in The Antiquaries Journal.The Norman Conquest saw a new ruling class supplant an English aristocracy that has left little in the way of physical remains, which makes the discovery at Bosham hugely significant, Oliver Creighton, a study co-author and archeologist at the University of Exeter, said in a statement. We have found an Anglo-Saxon show-home. Get the Popular Science newsletter Breakthroughs, discoveries, and DIY tips sent every weekday. By signing up you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.The last Anglo-Saxon King of EnglandHarold Godwinson (Harold II) ruled for only nine months in 1066 before he was killed in the critical Battle of Hastings. His residence Bosham, on the coast of West Sussex, is depicted twice in the Bayeux Tapestry. This famed piece of Medieval embroidery depicts the Norman Conquest of England in 1066. William, Duke of Normandy, challenged Harold for the throne and was ultimately successful.The Bayeux Tapestry culminates in Williams victory in the Battle of Hastings. However, earlier artwork from the time also depicts that Bosham was where Harold enjoyed a feast in an extravagant hall before setting sail for France and upon his return.The Bayeux Tapestry, showing King Harold riding to Bosham, where he attends church and feasts in a hall, before departing for France. CREDIT: The Society of Antiquaries of London. Clues in a latrinePreviously, it was suggested that Harolds residence once stood at the current location of a private home in West Sussex. To unpack the early history of the property, the team in this study deployed several methods. They conducted a geophysical survey of the surrounding area, assessed the standing remains, poured over maps and records, and took a closer look at evidence uncovered from excavations conducted by West Sussex Archaeology in 2006. They found two previously unidentified Medieval buildings one that is integrated into the current house and the other structure is in the garden.Part of the garden ruin at Bosham, confirmed as a medieval building by recent research. CREDIT: Newcastle University. A crucial indication that the site had even earlier origins comes from a latrine within a large timber building. This latrine was first uncovered during the 2006 excavations of the site. Archaeologists in England have noticed a pattern that around the 10th century CE, high-status houses began to integrate toilets. This latrine indicated to the team that the timber building must have belonged to someone of an elite status and likely represents part of Harolds residence illustrated on the Bayeux Tapestry. The hall was only one part of a larger complex that includes a still-standing church.The realisation that the 2006 excavations had found, in effect, an Anglo-Saxon en-suite confirmed to us that this house sits on the site of an elite residence pre-dating the Norman Conquest, Duncan Wright, a study co-author and a medieval archeologist at Newcastle University, said in a statement. Looking at this vital clue, alongside all our other evidence, it is beyond all reasonable doubt that we have here the location of Harold Godwinsons private power centre, the one famously depicted on the Bayeux Tapestry.[ Related: Archeologists think they solved a 4,500-year-old Stonehenge mystery. ]The research at Bosham was part of the Where Power Lies Project. The joint venture between Newcastle University and the University of Exeter aims to explore the origins and early development of aristocratic hubs across all of England.
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