• Aimed for photorealism... Not sure I succeeded...
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  • Godot Engines Terrain3D Received Dynamic Collision Mode
    Launched by Cory Petkovsek in 2023, Terrain3D is a Godot Engine extension designed to set up landscapes in official engine builds with GDScript, C#, and any language supported by Godot.It recently got a major update, bringing in several highly anticipated features, such as paintable foliage instancing, scale and rotation, and more.The latest addition to Terrain3D is Dynamic Collision mode, which generates collision only around the camera, allowing for adjustable block size and range. For terrains larger than 8K, it dramatically saves memory and cuts down load times. On top of that, it can be updated at over 60 FPS, enabling real-time terrain modification with live collision updates.Check out the documentation for details and get the extension here. If youre ready to dive into Terrain3D, Cory has two video tutorials that cover the basics, including installation, setting up textures, importing, sculpting, and other basic operations. The second tutorial is focused on advanced usage like blended texturing, auto shading, holes, navigation, and more.Also,join our80 Level Talent platformand ournew Discord server, follow us onInstagram,Twitter,LinkedIn,Telegram,TikTok, andThreads,where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.Source link The post Godot Engines Terrain3D Received Dynamic Collision Mode appeared first on CG SHARES.
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  • 25 Years Later, Nintendo Switch Online Brings Back This Classic N64 Racing Game
    It's been a long time since there's been a new game in Namco's Ridge Racer series, and it's anyone's guess if the franchise will make a comeback. But in the interim, Ridge Racer 64--which was originally released in February 2000--has made a welcome return on Nintendo Switch. As seen in the announcement trailer below, Ridge Racer 64 still has that classic arcade-style charm a quarter century later.Unfortunately, this game isn't available as a standalone purchase. It was re-released earlier today exclusively for Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack subscribers--which costs $50 per year for individuals and $80 for families in exchange for access to N64, Sega Genesis, and Game Boy Advance games as well as select DLC for modern titles.Ridge Racer 64 includes a Quick Play option for anyone who just wants a fast run through the Revolution Novice course. Veteran drivers can try their hand on the Grand Prix and choose from nine different race tracks.Continue Reading at GameSpot
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  • This Intriguing New Horror Game Is Only Held Back By Your Sub-Tortoise Speeds
    Fans of psychological horror are in for a paranoia-inducing treat this year. Karma: The Dark World seems to be a gripping, deeply unsettling first-person cinematic horror game set to release for PC sometime in 2025. I played a demo of the game that lasted about three hours, and found the gameplay to be refreshingly dread-inducing.Set in an alternate version of East Germany in 1984, Karma: The Dark world combines Orwellian dystopia with some of the best bits of popular psychological thrillers. The game sees players step into the shoes of one Daniel McGovern, a Roam Agent working for the Leviathan Organization--specifically the company's Thought Bureau. The Leviathan Organization appears to have effectively replaced the government of the entire Soviet Union.It immediately becomes clear that regardless of which branch one works for, Leviathan fosters a paranoid, hostile, extremely strange work environment. For example, when visiting the Thought Bureau offices, players will notice that Daniel's colleagues all have television sets in place of a head, with their face appearing on the screen. Although Daniel's own organic skull seems to be intact, he also has no reaction whatsoever to encountering his TV-headed coworkers. There are lots of odd little details like this, many pointing to this version of East Germany's recent progress in tech development. Leviathan itself is run by Mother: an artificial intelligence built by Soviet scientists for the purpose of enforcing social order. Given the public executions Daniel stumbles across early on in the game, the whole social order thing seems like it might not be going so well.Continue Reading at GameSpot
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  • All TMs (& How to Get Them) in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
    Pokemon Scarlet & Violethave a lot of secrets to be uncovered, items to be found, and rare Pokemon to be caught. But to be the very best, players will need to dominate one of the oldest and most important mechanics in the game: TMs.
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  • Best Fighting Types In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
    Pokemon Scarlet and Violet continue to grow the franchise through the newest pocket monster additions, expanding the number of Pokemon players can catch while exploring the region of Paldea. In this ninth generation of the Pokemon series, players have been rewarded with countless new Fighting-type Pokemon for players to use while competing against foes that are either Flying, Psychic, or Fairy.
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  • Gigantamax Kingler counters, weakness, and battle tips in Pokmon Go
    Gigantamax Kingler is the seventh Gigantamax Pokmon introduced to Pokmon Go, and is available in Max Battles as part of the Gigantamax Kingler Max Battle Day on Feb. 1 from 2-5 p.m. in your local time.Like all the other Gigantamax Battles, Kingler will be challenging, so players who arent ready for the spike in difficulty are going to have a tough time.Below, we list out some general Gigantamax Max Battle tips and counters for Gigantamax Kingler in Pokmon Go.Gigantamax Kingler weaknessWell want to utilize Gigantamax Kinglers weaknesses: grass-, and electric-type moves. At this point, theres a nice spread of Pokmon that you can use against it.Kingler resists steel-, fire-, water-, and ice-type moves, so we dont recommend using those offensively, with the exception of using fast moves to build up the max gauge.Gigantamax Kingler best countersWith the above in mind, theres quite a few counters to bring to Kingler. We recommend the following to focus on offensive moves:Gigantamax/Dynamax Venusaur with Vine WhipGigantamax/Dynamax Toxtricity with SparkDynamax Zapdos with ThundershockDynamax Rillaboom with Razor LeafKingler can possibly use X-Scissor, which will deal increased damage against Rillaboom, so we recommend using the other counters, if possible.If you want to be an ally to your team, you can bring the following Pokmon with Max Guard and/or Max Spirit to help our defensively:Gigantamax Lapras with Water GunGigantamax/Dynamax Blastoise with BiteGigantamax/Dynamax Venusaur with Vine WhipThese moves will allow you to build up the max gauge quickly; they resist most of, if not all of, Kinglers possible moves. (Yes, Venusaur can dish out some good DPS while also serving as a tank.)Even if you dont have these powered up, consider just bringing the strongest Dynamax Pokmon you have. If you have a maxed out Dynamax Gengar and your Dynamax Venusaur isnt leveled (and you dont have the means to power it up), just bring your Gengar.General Gigantamax Kingler tipsIf youve been struggling in Max Battles, heres some general tips to survive and make sure youre an asset to your team. Gigantamax battles involve way more strategy than the usual rampant tapping that you do in raids, so make sure to know what youre doing before jumping in.Make sure you have enough players.High-efficiency groups with maxed out investments can take down the Kingler with fewer people, but practically, if you dont have hundreds of spare candy and even more Stardust laying around, this isnt going to be an option for you. Make sure you have as many people as possible to ensure that you get your foamy-bearded king crab.Dont sleep on Max Spirit and Max Guard. Teams work best when theres a variety of moves, not just maxed-out attacks. Each player should bring Pokmon with the defensive and healing moves unlocked as well. Max Guard will focus single-target damage towards you and reduce the damage taken and Max Spirit will heal the whole party, so these moves are really important to make sure your damage-dealers can keep dishing.Remember to swap to super effective moves when its time to Dynamax. ForDynamax Pokmon, their max moves are determined by whatever type their fast move is. This means if you have a Cryogonal with Frost Breath, it will know Max Hailstorm. A Gengar with Lick will know Max Phantasm. Take advantage of this and make sure to swap to a Pokmon that will deal super effective damage to your target before Dynamaxing, if you can.Focus on your fast moves. You want to spam your fast moves to build up that Dynamax meter and often times, using your charge move is actually a DPS loss when compared to the damage you could be doing with your max move will be. Spam those attacks!Level up a few mons, but you dont have to go too hard. Depending on your group size, you absolutely do not need to max out all your Dynamax Pokmon to level 40-50. While this will make it easier on the rest of your group, if this isnt an investment you can make, you dont have to stress about it. Power things up as high as you can afford to, but dont fret if you dont have a maxed out Pokmon.That all being said,make sure to come as prepared as you can be. This is a team effort and theres a chance that a full group of four can still fail. Do not just bring your unleveledDynamax Woolooexpecting a free ride to a powerful Pokmon. (After all, ifeveryonedoes that, then you certainly wont clear the battle.) Again, you dont have to completely max out your Pokmon, but it will be better for everyone involved if you bring something helpful to the table.Keep your eye out for a shiny Kingler!If you clear the raid, there is a chance that the Kingler you catch will be shiny which also means itll be a guaranteed catch. Use a Pinap Berry to score extra candy if you get lucky enough to find a sparkly Kingler.
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  • The Sims 2 cheat codes list
    If youre looking for cheats for The Sims 2 (which is out for PC as part of The Sims: Legacy Collection, allowing fans to play the game without having to jump through a bunch of hoops for the first time in a long while), then youve come to the right place.Below, we list all of the working cheats in The Sims 2 that we know of, along with what they do, and how to use them, thanks to help from The Sims Wiki. There may be more cheats, but these are the ones we can confirm work in the game. And if youre looking for more Legacy Collection cheats, see our guide to The Sims 1 cheat codes.How to input cheats in The Sims 2By pressing Ctrl + Shift + C, you can open up a text command bar. Typing in specific cheats and hitting enter will open your game up to all sorts of new possibilities. You can add money, max out your Sims motives, and even do fiddly things when it comes to build mode that you wouldnt be able to do normally.To use these cheats, just type (or paste) them into the command bar mentioned above without the brackets. Youll need to input a numeric value, on, off, true, or false for some of the cheats, which we explain more for each respective cheat.There are a few commands you can also use to fiddle with the command console, too:Cheat codeEffecthelpLists a bunch of (but not all of) cheatsexitCloses the cheat console (though you can also just press Esc.)expandExpands the cheat console.clearClears the cheat console of any previous commands.All gameplay cheat codes for The Sims 2These are cheats that directly affect your gameplay, like money cheats that will beef up your family funds or cheats that will allow you to change skill levels and stuff like that.Cheat codeEffectkachingGives the houshold 1,000 SimoleonsmotherlodeGives the household 50,000 SimoleonsfamilyFunds [last name] [#]Changes the household funds to whatever number you inputaging [on/off]Disables or re-enables aging for the Sims on the lot.maxMotivesMaxes the motives of all the Sims on the lot.motiveDecay [on/off]Toggles motive decay for every Sim on the lot.aspirationLevel [#]Sets the Sims aspiration to whatever level you input between 0 and 5.aspirationPoints [#]Gives the Sim as many aspiration points as you input.lockAspiration [on/off]Locks the aspirations of Sims on the lot.unlockCareerRewards Unlocks all career rewards for selected Sim.boolProp testingcheatsenabled [true/false]Toggles testing cheats, which allows you to spawn in debugging items and manipulate skill levels, personalities, relationships, and motives. This code needs to be inputted before you select the household.loadLot [lot name]Loads the inputted lot. Requires testingcheatsenabled to be toggled..intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims [#]Sets the max number of visiting Sims on the lot to whatever number you input.deleteAllCharacters [true/false]Deletes all characters in the neighborhood, but also can cause corruption.StretchSkeleton [#]Adjusts a Sims height, with 1 being the default height.bugJarTimeDecay [true/false]Toggles if bugs in jars die or not.setHour [#]Sets the time to the value inputted between 0 and 23.All build mode cheat codes for The Sims 2These are cheats that will change your build mode capabilities, allowing you to place objects in places you wouldnt be able to, as well as toggle the appearances of some objects.Cheat codeEffectmoveObjects [on/off]Toggles the ability to place and move objects freely. (Note that this can cause routing and interaction problems if the objects you move arent deemed accessible.)boolProp snapObjectsToGrid [true/false]Toggles the ability to place and move objects without the grid.boolProp allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation [true/false]Toggles the ability to rotate objects 45 degrees.boolProp lotTerrainPaints [true/false]Toggles the appearance of plants on the ground.boolProp lotWater [true/false]Toggles the decorative water on the lot (not pools).boolProp lockTiles [true/false]Toggles the ability to edit the sidewalks and roads.boolProp constrainFloorElevation [true/false]Toggles the ability to change elevations of tiles with walls, flooring, and foundation on them.boolProp ShowCatalogePFlags [true/false]Toggles the ability to see which DLC the objects in buy mode came from.terrainType [x]Changes the terrain type to what you input (Temperate/Desert/Dirt/Concrete)All visual cheat codes for The Sims 2These cheats are more niche and only affect the visuals in the game. This is useful for toggling shadows, object rendering, and the like, which in turn can make the game run better, if youre playing on a lower-spec PC. Theres also some interesting cheats in here that add effects on the screen, which can be helpful if you like making movies or taking specific types of screenshots of your Sims.Cheat codeEffectPlumbBobToggle Toggles the showing of the Plumbbob.showHeadlines [on|off]Toggles thought and speech bubbles.boolProp objectShadows [true/false]Toggles the shadows from outdoor objects.boolProp guob [true/false]Toggles the shadows from indoor objects.boolProp simShadows [true/false]Toggles the shadows from Sims.floatprop particleDensity [0-10]Sets the strength of transparent effects (like stink clouds) with 0 removing them entirely, 1 being the default, and 10 being the max visibility.boolProp lotTerrainLighting [true/false]Toggles the light-up effect that happens when you mouse over a lot.boolProp displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel [true/false]Toggles the visuals of the bridges in the neighborhood.boolProp displayLotImposters [true/false]Toggles the visuals of the buildings in the neighborhood.boolprop displayNeighborhoodWater [true/false]Toggles the visuals of water in the neighborhood.boolProp displayNeighborhoodFlora [true/false]Toggles the visuals of shrubbery and plants in the neighborhood.boolProp displayNeighborhoodRoads [true/false]Toggles the visuals of roads in the neighborhood.boolProp displayNeighborhoodProps [true/false]Toggles the visuals of decorations in the neighborhood.boolprop nhoodWaterReflection [true/false]Toggles the reflections in the water in the neighborhood.boolProp CameraDriftCamEnabled [true/false]Toggles the idle camera movement in the neighborhood.boolProp carsCompact [true/false]Toggles the detail of the car models in the neighborhood.boolProp carsOnRight [true/false]Toggles what side of the road cars drive on in the neighborhood.boolprop ShowLotPackageFilename [true/false]Toggles the appearance of the lots filename when you mouse over a lot.boolProp renderSelectedSimLevel [true/false]Toggles the wall cut away effect on selected Sims if you use the cutaway mode.boolProp renderInsideObjectOnlyOnSelectedSimLevel [true/false]Toggles the appearance of objects that arent on the same floor as your selected Sim.boolProp displayPaths [true/false]Toggles the path display when your Sim is moving.boolProp displayLookAtBoxes [true/false]Toggles the appearance of boxes around your Sims faces.boolProp allObjectLightsOn [true/false]Toggles all lights to be on continuously rather than only when set to being on.vsync [on/off]Toggles vsync.boolProp useShaders [true/false]Toggles graphical shaders, which improves graphics.boolProp bumpMapping [true/false]Toggles bump maps, which increases detail on walls, floors, and clothes.boolProp reflectionWithExtraViewer [true/false]Toggles mirror reflections.faceBlendLimits [on/off]Toggles facial bounding limitations.boolProp simpleTerrain [true/false]Toggles simple neighborhood terrain textures.slowMotion [#]Slows down the game depending on the number you input with 0 being normal speed and 8 being the slowest speed.boolProp enablePostProcessing [true/false]Toggles the ability to use postprocessing cheats.bloom [r g b x]A postprocessing cheat that adds blur and bloom. You will need to enter the respective RGB values for the r, g, and b. X is the bloom amount set between 0 and 1.vignette [centerX centerY X] A postprocessing cheat that adds a vignette. (Upper left is 0,0, lower right is 1,1). X is the amount of blurring between 0 and 1.filmGrain [#]A postprocessing cheat that adds a film grain effect based on the number you input with 0 being the least amount of grain and 1 being the most.letterBox [#]A postprocessing cheat that adds a letterbox effect based on the number you input between 0 and 0.4.
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  • 'Mewing,' 'Sigma,' and Other Gen Z and Gen Alpha Slang You Might Need Help Decoding
    Its been a minute since Lifehacker looked at the slang of Generation Zlong enough that Generation Alpha has had time to develop and spread some of its own special buzzwords and jargon. Below is an alphabetized collection of slang taken from both Gen Z and Gen A, in case someone younger than you says something you don't understand. As with all slang, if you need an online list to know what a word means, you are too old to say it aloud. 304: Hoe. (Type "304" on a calculator and turn it upside down.)4+4: Ate. Four plus four is eight, or "ate." (See "ate")Alpha male: Taken from animal ethology, an alpha male is the dominant member of a group of males, or just a male who is in charge. (See "beta male" and "sigma male.")Ate/eat: Done very well, often regarding clothing. e.g.: "You ate that outfit." See also: "serving." Aura: Someone who is mysterious and cool is said to "have aura."Baddie: A bad/wild girl. Meant as a compliment. Baka: Japanese word meaning crazy" or foolish. Used mainly in the anime community.Based: Independent in a cool way. Bed-rotting: Staying in bed all day. You may know it as lazing around. See also: "Hurkle-durkle."Beta male: A beta male, or just "beta," is a weaker, subservient male. (See "alpha male" and "sigma male")Bop: A girl who sleeps around. Also: a great song. Boysober: Someone who has sworn off sex, relationships, and/or dating.Brain-rot: A description of the overuse of stupid slang. See also: Skibidi. Also used to describe the effects of being overly online.Brat: The contemporary meaning of "brat" is an adjective describing a person who is edgy, imperfect, and confident. It was coined by pop star Charli XCX who defined it as "that girl who is a little messy and likes to party and maybe says some dumb things sometimes. Who feels herself but maybe also has a breakdown."Bruzz: Bros. Part of the -uzz family of slang words. See "Huzz" and "-uzz"Bubba truck: A lifted or otherwise modified pick-up truck.Bussin': Very good or excellent. Cap: A lie. Often used to say "no cap." Cake: Butt, especially a nice butt.Chad: An attractive man; an alpha male.See "Giga-Chad."Chat: A reference to streamers addressing their chat windows aloud. Saying chat in real life is an ironic joke.Chud: A physically unappealing person. Sometimes used for a man who holds right wing views. Coomer: A man who masturbates too often.Corn: Corn is algo-speak that means porn. Used in online spaces where the word might cause your account to be flagged or banned.Coworker-core: A catch-all description for things that are unfunny or uninteresting in a way that appeals to older people.Dead: Past tense of having died laughing. If someone responds to a joke with "dead" or a skull emoji, they find it funny. Deadass: Seriously. Used like, "I am deadass not lying."Delulu: Delusional.Doomer: A person who is overly negative and/or cynical.Drip: A fashionable or stylish look.Edgar: A variation of the Caesar haircut worn especially among Hispanic males. Also refers to the kind of person who wears the haircut.Fanum tax: The theft of food between friends. Named for streamer Fanum, known for taxing his friends by taking bites of their meals or stealing fries.Fax, no printer: Telling the truth, since "fax and "facts" are pronounced the same. It's a colorful way of saying "facts, no cap."Fent-fold: A description of the bent-over posture of people nodding on heavy drugs.Fit: Short for "outfit."Fuhuhluhtoogan: Supposedly from Baltimore slang, this is a nonsense word used so people will ask what it means but never receive an answer. Often paired with "Jittleyang."Gamer dent: The temporary indentation left on someones hair or skin after wearing headphones for too long.Geeker: Someone who uses a lot of drugs.Giga-Chad: A Chad among Chads. Glaze: To overly praise someone, often insincerely, or with the hope of getting something in return.Gleek: An older slang term that is gaining prominence lately, gleeking describes squirting saliva from under the tongue.Glizzy: Hot dog. "Glizzy" was originally slang for Glock or gun, but came to mean hot dog based on the hot dog shape of a Glock's magazine. Green fn: An interjection one might used when someone does something cool or impressive. Often used ironically.Gooning: Extended masturbation without orgasm done for the purpose of entering an altered state of consciousness.Gyatt or Gyat: Once an interjection used when seeing someone sexy, like god-DAMN, gyatt has come to mean attractive booty.Hewwo: An overly cute way of saying "hello." Usually used online, and often ironically. HGS: Abbreviation for "home girls" used in comment sections. Hurkle-durkle: Based on an archaic Scottish word, hurkle-durkle means to lounge in bed after it is time to get up. See also: bed-rotting."Huzz: -uzz slang for "hoes." See "bruzz" and "-uzz.""It's giving": Used to convey that something has a specific vibe. Example: "That dude texts you every 10 minutes; it's giving desperate.""It's so over": The situation is hopeless. The opposite of "we're so back." See also: "Doomer."Jelqing: The use of stretching or weights in an attempt to increase penis size.Jit: A kid. Used ironically online.Jittleyang: Supposedly from Baltimore slang, this is a nonsense word used so people will ask what it means but never receive an answer. See also: "Fuhuhluhtoogan."JOMO: A play on FOMO (fear of missing out) JOMO is an acronym that stands for joy of missing out."Learn Chinese": Sports slang directed at failing players. They are in danger of being sent to play in China, so they should "learn Chinese."Looksmaxxing: Maximizing ones physical attractiveness through personal grooming, working out, and dressing stylishly. See also: -maxxing.-maxxing: A suffix used with any word to indicate trying to improve. Seeing your friends could be called "friendmaxxing," working out could be called "gymmaxxing," making jokes could be called "jestermaxxing," etc. Mid: Average, bland, expected.Mewing: A facial exercise meant to strengthen the jawline.Mirror sex: Using a mirror to watch yourself have sex.Mog: To be more attractive than someone, usually in an intentional or aggressive way. Example: "I was rizzing up this girl, but he walked in and totally mogged me."Neurospicy: A different way of saying neuro-divergent.NPC: Non-player character. Originally describing video game characters, NPC is now used on the internet to mean people who don't think for themselves. Opp: Short for "opposition." Someone who is out to get you. An enemy. Pink cocaine: Also known as "pink snow," pink cocaine is slang for a powdered drug mixture that usually contains some combination of ketamine, MDMA, meth, opioids, and other substances.Pole: A gun. See "up pole.""Press F for respect:" In 2014 video game Call of Duty: Advanced Warfighter, the player attends a funeral and a prompt is given that reads "Press F to pay respects." Now, a singular "F" in a chat window indicates respect. It's usually ironic. Regarded: Regarded is algo-speak for retarded."Rizz: As a noun, "rizz" means charisma. As a verb, "rizz" or "rizz up" means attracting someone with your charisma.Serve: Wearing a particularly stylish outfit. See also: "ate."Serve cunt: To act in a powerfully and unapologeticallyfeminineway; toslay.Sigma male: An internet-created male classification, a "sigma male" is as dominant as an alpha male, but is outside the male hierarchy, i.e.: a lone wolf. Originally used seriously, the concept was so widely derided it's now almost always used ironically. (See "Alpha male" and "Beta male.")Skibidi: Named after Skibidi Toilet, a popular series of YouTube videos, skibidi itself has no specific meaning, beyond ridiculing the overuse of slang itself. See brain-rot.Skrt: Onomatopoetic word for the sound of tires squealing upon acceleration. Sweat: A person who tries too hard, usually used in reference to video games.The adjective form is "sweaty."Spawn point: Mother. Based on the spot you start in a video game.Spoopy: Spooky.Striker: Stolen/no-title car.Tradwife: Believer in traditional married gender roles.Treatler (and Treatlerite): "Treatler" and "Treatlerite" are online insults that combine "treat" and "Hitler" to refer to entitled users of services like Doordash or Uber Eats who regard luxury delivery services as a human right, and don't consider the hardships of the people who do the work that makes "private taxis for burritos" possible.TS: TS originally was AAVE shorthand for "this shit," but it is often used to just mean "this."Turnt: Excited or intoxicated, or excitedly intoxicated.Unc: Short for "uncle," used to describe slightly older people. Example: "The class of 2024 are unc-status to the class of 2028." See "yunc."-uzz: -uzz slang words use "uzz" at the end of any word, so "bros" becomes "bruzz," "hoes" becomes "huzz," "granny" becomes "gruzz," etc. Up pole: To raise a gun. Twelve: Police.Twin: Best friend. "We're so back": Opposite of "it's so over."Wojack: The name of a style of internet drawings used to quickly stereotype someone. See this post for a full explanation of the Wojak universe. Yapping: Describes a presentational style often seen on online streams of talking a lot and/or quickly while not saying anything worthwhile.Yeet: To quickly and/or forcibly eject. Yunc: Yunc is a variation of "unc." In AAVE, a "yn" is a "young n-word." So "yunc" means something like "young uncle," or a person who may be young but has uncle vibes or unc status.Zoomer Perm: A curly on top, short on the sides haircut popular among young people.
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  • Another Healthcare Data Breach Compromised a Million Patients' Information
    The healthcare sector is one of the most common targets for hackers and cyber criminals, and yet another data breach has put the personal data of more than a million patients at risk. Community Health Center (CHC), a nonprofit healthcare provider in Connecticut, has disclosed that hackers gained access to its system in October and stole sensitive health and personal information belonging to 1,060,936 individuals. What happened with CHC? According to reporting by Bleeping Computer, hackers had access to the CHC network for several hours on October 14, 2024, though the breach was not discovered until January 2, 2025. Stolen data may include names, birthdates, addresses, phone numbers, emails, and Social Security numbers as well as medical records and health insurance information. CHC has indicated that it was not a ransomware attack, and no data was locked or deleted. What you can do if your data was stolenWhile you can't un-leak your personal data, you can (and should) be on the lookout for signs that it is being used maliciously. CHC is offering 24 months of free identity theft protection through IDX, including credit and cyber monitoring and ID theft recovery. According to CHC's filing with the Maine attorney general, those affected by the breach were notified by letter beginning on Jan. 30and that consumer notice includes a QR code to activate monitoring services, or you can go to the IDX website and enter the enrollment code provided. The deadline to sign up for identity theft protection is April 30. You should also commit to other best practices for securing your data, including utilizing credit monitoring services (even if you don't qualify for IDX enrollment), activating credit freezes and fraud alerts, staying skeptical of requests for your personal information (don't give anything out via text, email, or phone until you've verified), and never clicking strange links. Of course, the CHC incident isn't the only one to compromise patient dataand it's far from the largest. The major breach of UnitedHealth Group subsidiary Change Healthcare (first reported in October 2024) is now believed to impact nearly twice as many people as previously disclosed. That ransomware attack included the health insurance, billing, and payment information as well as medical records and sensitive personal data of nearly 190 million patients. Ascension Health suffered a similar breach in February 2024, which affected nearly 6 million individuals.
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