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  • All Golden Fleece Locations in Wuthering Waves
    Golden Fleece is an ascension material only needed to ascend Brant in Wuthering Waves, as of version 2.1. Fortunately, finding these plants is a breeze with the collection spots feature. These plants are conveniently clustered near one another, similar to how Firecracker Jewelweed spotsare also generally easy to spot.
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  • Suikoden 1 & 2 HD Remaster - Official Launch Trailer
    Konami's iconic JRPGs Suikoden 1 and Suikoden 2 have been remastered in HD. See the official launch trailer for Suikoden I & II HD Remaster Gate Rune and Dunan Unification Wars here.
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    https://asprcmsolutions.com/specialities/aba-billing-services/?utm_source=google-seo&utm_medium=organic-parveenUnderstanding ABA Billing ServicesApplied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy is a specialized form of treatment primarily used to support individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (A
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  • Navigating embedding vectors
    AI, feedback & the need for greater usercontrol.As of March 2025, we still lack meaningful control over AI-generated outputs. From a user experience point of view, most of the time this is acceptable. However, when using AI tools to help with complex information discovery or nuanced creative tasks, the prompting process quickly becomes convoluted, imprecise and frustrating. Technically, this shouldnt need to be thecase.Every time we revise a prompt, a new cycle of input and output tokens is generated. This is an awkward way of working when you are honing in towards a final output. The back and forth text prompting needed to direct AI tools is inefficient, quickly strays from naturally constructed phrases and previous incorrect responses pollute the attention mechanism.This lack of predictability currently prevents users from gaining an intuitive working knowledge of AI tools, which in turn limits the models capabilities.What If?What if we had customisable UI controls that would allow users to navigate towards a desired output without having to use imprecise languageprompts?Older electronic products had direct mechanical feedback between a users input and a corresponding action. This experience feels distant when using current AI tools. But does this need to be the case? Dieter Rams. World Receiver T 1000 Radio, 1963. BrooklynMuseum.Why Is ThisBetter?This isnt just about convenienceits about creating a more natural way for users to collaborate with AI tools and harness their power. The most efficient way for users to solve problems is to learn by doing. The most natural way is by trial, error and refinement. Rewriting a prompt resets all the input token embeddings which mean that users loose any sense of control when working with AItools.A more sensible approach would be to allow users to move through the AI model space and let them navigate to a desiredoutcome.Wireflow: Enhancing AI prompts with a control panel and concept vectorsliders.Erm, I Still Dont GetItTo illustrate this concept more clearly, lets use an analogy. Imagine a game where the multi-dimensional geometry of an AI model is represented by inter-galactic space. Each time you prompt a spaceship pops up somewhere in this inter-galactic space. You have a destination in mindsay a specific star system that you want to explore. At the moment, the only way to navigate towards your star system is to prompt. Each time you do so, the spaceship teleports to another somewhat random position. You are unsure if your new prompt will appear closer or further away to your destination. Your prompts balloon in length, and your uncertainty increases as each additional word has less impact on the spaceships position.If, on the other hand, you had navigational controls, instead of blindly jumping about the universe, you could increase or decrease various values and more effectively learn which values move you towards your destination.You might find that you need to re-prompt a couple of times first to start closer to your destination. But when youre closing in, being able to navigate through the vector space with sliders is significantly more effective.(But what about prompt weightings? By adding + andto words in a prompt it is possible to change their importance! > This is a useful hack but it isnt intuitive or efficient. With successive, lengthy prompts users are still blindly guessing with new token embeddings.)Whats Needed For A UI ControlPanel?UI controls would need to be inferred from eachprompt.The input embeddings go through many cycles of attention processing, so controls would need to directly alter the prompts final input embedding vectorsprior to the output content generation process.Proposed and existing data flow through an LLM attention head.So, How Could ThisWork?When a prompt is being processed a copy of the final input vector embeddings would need to be stored prior to the output generation. From these copied embeddings it should be possible to infer the most relevant values to provide as controls. It should also be possible to allow users to input their ownvalues.If a user needs to fine-tune an output, they could adjust controls which would shift the token embeddings. These new embeddings would be fed directly into the output generation, skipping the input prompt generation.While Im at the edge of my knowledge of ML models, it seems that mathematically it might be possible to effect a change in the token embeddings by altering the Value V in the equationbelow.This mathematical equation describes the attention head layer within a Large Language Model. Query (Q) relates to the token generation of the input prompt. Key (K) maps the input prompt to the model space. Value (V) is a weighting layer that intentionally guides output generation.Where This Approach WorksBestWorking With Near-Known & Unknown InformationWhen new information can shift a users initial intention. Eg, Travel Planning > If a user wrote an initial prompt for a personalised travel itinerary, they could then shift subjective parameters to tailor the plan without having to re-write longprompts.Content GenerationThe tasks that stand to gain the most are when prompting during the creative process, when its beneficial for the temperature parameter to be higher. Eg, when using image generation tools users either have a conscious target in mind that they are trying to match, or they will discover what feels right as they use the generative tool. Endless prompting harms the creative process and is computationally expensive. Concept vector sliders should expand a users creative flow state rather than frustrate it.Deep Research | Searching Within Complex Vertical DatabasesInterrogating data with nuanced vector based search would be useful for particular scientific experiments that involve large databases. Eg, for research studies attempting to map animal communication, it might be useful to explore the contextual differences in the way animals communicate. The same sound pattern might be being made, but being expressed differently depending on comfort and safety vs threat and danger. Navigating a database with UI sliders that control various embedding vectors and provide feedback analysis on search terms could beuseful.Generative AI: Two Example UseCases1. Writing | Feedback & Modulation ControlBefore making style changes to text, it would be useful for writers to receive feedback. As Im writing this article for example, when Im deep in a writing flow, Im unsure if Im keeping an acceptable level of complexity and tone across sections. Variance of course is ok, but feedback would behelpful.Then when making style changes, users need more precise control. Default commands, such as Apple Intelligences Friendly, Professional, Concise, or Geminis Rephrase, Shorten, Elaborate offer little feedback or control. How Friendly or Professional is the text to begin with? And then when applying the change, how much more Friendly, Professional, Shorter or Longer does the user want it to be? Also, perhaps there are more nuanced stylistic changes that Id like toexplore.An initial mock up of how a simple control panel could function within Google Docs existingUI.So Wait, WhatsNew?FeedbackUsers can quickly review a text based on customisable values.User Interface ControlsFollowing feedback, users can then make informed and confident changes along several nuanced concept vectors at once. Without a multi-step prompt dialogue. Using these concept sliders users can pinpoint a specific intention that might be difficult, or inefficient to describe withwords.Easier Development, Deployment & Modulation of Personal StylesA fully customisable control panel can help users create and deploy a personal style and then modulate it for a givencontext.The impact of document analytics and vector sliders like this would be considerable. Instead of giving full agency to AI to re-write texts, using a copilot to quickly analyse and variably modulate text could help users to be more intentional with their writing and improve their writing skills rather than loosing it toAI.2. Multi-Media Content GenerationCompared to text based LLMs text to media generation tools currently suffer from an even greater lack of traction between intention, prompt and output. This is because they have huge dual model spaces with a text input analysis as well as an output vector space which have to be matched together.As well as media labelling issues and black holes within training data (eg. there are hardly any images of wine glasses that are full to the brim), another significant problem is a UXone.Users lack intuition of how to prompt text-image models effectively. With vector sliders users would have greater certainty in knowing whether a desired outcome is even achievable in the model and not a prompt failure. By removing the uncertainty involved with prompts, users would increasingly enjoy working with generative AI tools and be more effective with less overall prompt attempts. Efficiencies in text prompting can only be beneficial from a business standpoint.Mock up of a text to image generator to shown the usefulness of subjective conceptvectors.Im Almost Lost Again, WhatsNew?Two Step Prompts | Text + Concept Vector SlidersWith a more straightforward initial prompt, users could now make further changes using subjective concept vectors. In the above example atmosphere is added to the image. There is feedback of how atmospheric the images is, which informs a user when changing thisvalue.Control Panels Change the Final Input EmbeddingsThis is crucial. When users decide to make a change they would now be able to carefully fine tune an existing prompt without reshuffling all the vector embeddings.It took over an hour of repeated prompts to Adobe Firefly to get the three images for the above mock-up. Every time I re-prompted Firefly I felt as though I was playing roulette. I was never certain of what any of Fireflys controls or presets were doing. Perhaps its a skill issue, but even after finding an image to use as a firm compositional lock and as a style transfer, I was frustrated with an inability to nudge the image in any meaningful non-random way.It definitely feels that something is going wrong. These models are incredibly powerful, and they should be able to handle incremental changes and nuanced inference. There is obviously a lot of untapped potential with the combination of LLMs and diffusion models.Doing More With Less. Why This Is Worth Pursuing.Part of the problem with prompt engineering is that users have to communicate to an AI that has an unknown exposure to the world. Users dont know what information they need to provide to an AI or how that information should be provided. To make matters worse, models frequently change, and in turn, their sensitivities to words and phraseschange.If users had greater model space control, this would ease some of these tensions. Users could write shorter prompts to establish a baseline which they could re-define with concept vectors. A multi-step user interface means shorter, less perfect, and more efficient prompts with increased fine control of the output for the last mile of accuracy.A two-step process, of prompting and then fine-tuning final input embeddings, should also be more computationally efficient. From a UX perspective it would be more satisfying because this method is in-sync with how we think and workparticularly when working through unknown problems and when needing Generative AI to perform at higher temperatures (hallucinations) for creativework.NotesThe ideas in this article can be seen as part of wider evolving research and discussions surrounding Large Concept Models that are being developed by Meta. Essentially this is an LLM model that is specifically organised around conceptually related terms. This approach should make navigating concepts more predictable and reliable from a user experience interaction. Articles for further reading:- Mehul Guptas Meta Large Concept Models (LCM): End of LLMs?- Vishal Rajpjuts Forget LLMs, Its Time For Large Concept Models (LCMs).I first encountered Concept Activation Vectors (CAVs) in 2020, while working alongside Nord Projects on a research project for GoogleAI. This project, which explored subjectivity, style, and inference in images, won an Interaction Award (IxDA).The idea of identifying and working with subjective inference, which Nord Projects explored, has stayed with me ever since. It has influenced the central ideas of this piece and shaped my thinking on how similar concepts could be applied as user controls within LLM and GenAImodels.ReferencesAttention In Transformers, step-by-step Grant Sanderson, (3Blue1Brown Youtube Channel)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMlx5fFNoYcLarge Language Models II: Attention, Transformers and LLMsMitul Tiwarihttps://www.linkedin.com/pulse/large-language-models-ii-attention-transformers-llms-mitul-tiwari-zg0uf/Attention Is All You NeedAshish Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N. Gomez, Lukasz Kaiser, Illia Polosukhinhttps://arxiv.org/abs/1706.03762What Is ChatGPT Doing and Why Does It Work Stephen Wolframhttps://writings.stephenwolfram.com/2023/02/what-is-chatgpt-doing-and-why-does-it-work/KingMan + Woman is Queen; but why?Piotr Migdahttps://p.migdal.pl/blog/2017/01/king-man-woman-queen-whyDont Use Cosine Similarity CarelesslyPiotr Migdahttps://p.migdal.pl/blog/2025/01/dont-use-cosine-similarityOpen sourcing the Embedding Projector: a tool for visualizing high dimensional dataDaniel Smilkov and the Big Picture grouphttps://research.google/blog/open-sourcing-the-embedding-projector-a-tool-for-visualizing-high-dimensional-data/How AI Understands Images (CLIP)Mike Pound, (Computerphile)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcSXcpluDe4www.tomhatton.co.ukNavigating embedding vectors was originally published in UX Collective on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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  • AI transparency in UX: Designing clear AI interactions
    Users need more than a sparkle icon and chat-bot to designate embeddedAI.As AI is integrated more and more throughout website and app experiences, its critical to distinguish where AI has been implemented from where it hasnot.Initially, most products introduced AI as a chat-bot where users initiated and facilitated their interaction with AI. Now, products are merging AI into dashboards, tasks, and search functions. Users are no longer initiating their experience with AIits pre-existing.Since users no longer control when they trigger usage of AI, users need to be made aware of when theyre shown AI features or content to determine its validity and quality. Not only that, the European Union AI Act (applicable in 2026) will enforce that users are made aware when they communicate or interact with an AIsystem.This is where design systems come inimplementing specialized visual treatment to consistently separate AI content and features from non-AI content and features.Googles Material design system documentationUnfortunately, only a few open-source design systems have explicit AI components and patterns today. Im hoping more will be incorporated soon, but so far, only GitLabs Pajamas, IBMs Carbon, and Twilios Paste acknowledge AI in their guidelines.Note: I use Design Systems for Figma to benchmark AI components and patterns. I also did not include design systems that only include documentation for AI chat-bots or conversation design since its a more standard interaction pattern; this includes Amazons Cloudscape and Salesforces Lightning.Lets compare and contrast these design system AI components and patterns and see where they can be optimized for better usability.GitLabs PajamasIBMs CarbonTwilios Paste1. GitLabsPajamasPajamas currently doesnt include explicit components or patterns, but it does include interesting documentation about AI-human interactions. The documentation first recommends understanding if the usage of AI will actually benefit the user by identifying when its ethical and beneficial to automate (I.E., high-risk vs. low-risktasks).Next, it recommends being transparent about where AI is usedPajamas does this with its GitLab Duo, an indicator of AI-features, capabilities, and limitations.GitLab Duo is used to indicate where the user can interact with AI in the interfaceSince the GitLab Duo is used for AI-features and interactions (and not any AI content), Pajamas also recommends flagging AI-generated content with <Verb> by AI (I.E., Summarized by AI), as well as a message encouraging users to check the AI-content.GitLab is also working on a framework to practice their guidelines; its currently in-progress, but the general work can be viewed in GitLabs AI UX Patterns. Their goal is to release an AI-pattern library with documentationjust what we need (pleaseee!).GitLabs vision for their AI UX patterns is split into 4 dimensions to help select the right AI pattern: Mode, Approach, Interactivity, andTask.Mode: The emphasis of the AI-human interaction (focused, supportive, or integrated)Approach: What the AI is improving (automate or augmenttasks)Interactivity: How the AI engages with users (proactive or reactive)Task: What the AI system can help the user with (classification, generation, or prediction)For example, their early explorations for AI patterns include low-fidelity mockups of how AI can be integrated in an interface with charts or inline explanations. The patterns clearly mark the usage of AI to help build user understanding and trust with the AIsystem.Lo-fi integrated chart with markers indicating AI, such as predicted data (via GitLabs Vision for AIUX)Lo-fi integrated explainer to fill out a form with AI (via GitLabs Vision for AIUX)VerdictCurrently, GitLabs documentation is conceptual and generalized to how they want the AI UX experience to be like in the future. But it gives a solid framework that most design systems could adoptno matter the industry orproduct.Im hopeful they release more in-depth information about their AI UX patterns soon. I think it could be a great open-source asset to other design systems developing their AI documentation.2. IBMsCarbonOut of the open-source design systems, Carbon has the most robust documentation for AI usage. It includes an AI-dedicated section, Carbon for AI, which encompasses components, patterns, and guidelines to help users recognize AI-generated content and understand how AI is used in theproduct.Carbon for AI builds on top of the existing Carbon componentsadding a blue glow and gradient to highlight instances of AI. So far, there are 12 components with AI variants, such as a modal, data table, and textinput.Carbon for AIs component list with specific AIvariantsThough the AI variants of the components are given a distinct visual treatment, in context, its difficult to distinguish which component is currently active (because they all lookactive).In the below form, AI was used to auto-fill most of the input fields, so these fields use the AI-variants. The AI-variants receive a blue gradient and border even if its in a default statemaking it hard to visually identify which component isactive.The blue gradient and border used on AI-components makes it hard to tell which component isactiveUsers can override inputs made by AI, which will swap the AI-variant for the default-variant of the component. This will cause a revert to AI input action to replace the AI label in the input fieldallowing users to control manual or automated form responses.Carbons revert to AI input function appears when users overrideAI-inputIn addition to the AI-variant, it includes an explicit AI label that can display a popover explaining the details of AI in the particular scenario (Carbon calls this pattern AI explainability). The user can select the AI label and the popover appears beneath the button.Carbons AI label includes an explainer popover for the user to get more details on the usage ofAIVerdictIts exciting to see design system documentation on AI patterns and components thats as well-developed as Carbons. Not only do they have documentation on the general usage of AI, but actually have components and patterns touse.But since the AI-variants of the components make it difficult to distinguish which component is active when used in-context, I think there are usability and accessibility issues. The AI-variants draw too much attention with the color usage, and also look like Carbons focus state (which could impact low-vision users reliant on the focusstate).Carbons AI-variant vs. focus state of the textfield3. TwiliosPasteLastly, Paste offers an Artificial Intelligence section under their Experiences section. Paste includes general documentation on using AI in user experiences, as well as a few components touse.When designing AI features, Paste recommends allowing users to compare AI outcomes to their current experiences, as well as handle potential errors and risks. To mitigate these errors, Paste advocates for giving the user the ability to review and undo outputs, control data sources, and give feedback to the AIsystem.Paste also suggests asking yourself, How would I design this feature if it did the same thing but didnt use AI? when designing a new AI feature. Users dont use products just so they can interact with AItheyre trying to complete tasks and achieve goals as efficiently as possible.Paste includes an AI UI kit with 5 components: artificial intelligence icon, badge, button, progress bar, and skeleton loader. It also includes components specific to their AI chat experience, such as the AI chatlog.Whats most helpful in Pastes documentation is the examples they provide. This includes signposting, generative features, and thechat.For signposting, Paste suggests using the decorative badge with the artificial intelligence icon to indicate a feature is using AI, such as AI recommendations or predictions. The signposting is non-interactive, but resembles a button, so it looks clickable.Pastes signposting example using a badge and AIiconThe generative feature gives users prompts to help them use the AI feature, such as Summarize the data or Recommend the next step. When you select the generative feature, a popover appears below giving the user instructions and what AI model itsusing.Pastes generative feature includes a button with a popover to instruct the user interacting withAILastly, the chat is pretty typical of AI chat-bots known today, and includes references to their conversational principles to develop the AIs personality.Pastes AI chat-bot with an empty state and prompts below the textfieldPaste does have another pattern coming soon with the loading pattern, but well have to wait and see. This pattern will give users a way to control and anticipate the AI output; this includes stopping the output and adapting the state based on how long the AI output willtake.VerdictIm happy to see a mixture of some documentation with real examples we can look at. Though one of the examples is a chat-bot, the other components in the AI UI kit demonstrate how to be transparent when showing AI-usage in an interface.Paste is looking for feedback on their AI UI kitthey have an open Github discussion where you can submit requests.Its surprising how few design systems have released documentation on components and patterns to address AI-driven content and features (at least publicly). For instance, both Google and Microsoft are leaders in the AI industry, but open-source Material and Fluent design systems dont include AI patterns.Since these AI leaders are integrating AI into common products a broader user group interacts with (like Gemini and Copilot), theyre establishing the users mental model that other products need to also adopt. Even Adobes Spectrum, who has integrated AI into many of their products (Adobe Firefly), only has a short blurb acknowledging machine learning and AI when it comes to content and writing aboutpeople.Maybe their AI patterns are still in development? Maybe theyre waiting to get itright?Either way, its valuable and crucial to identify AI features and generated content to users, so they can better understand whats being shown to them, as well as trust the product. Im looking forward to more design system patterns that go beyond the sparkle icon and the chat-bot.Stay tuned!AI transparency in UX: Designing clear AI interactions was originally published in UX Collective on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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  • Polaroid refines our long-time favorite instant camera series with new Now 3 and Now 3+, and I bet they'll sell like hotcakes
    Polaroid's Now 3 and Now 3+ feature a new two-lens autofocus system, improved ranging sensor, and better light metering.
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  • NYT Connections hints and answers for Tuesday, March 4 (game #632)
    Looking for NYT Connections answers and hints? Here's all you need to know to solve today's game, plus my commentary on the puzzles.
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  • Streamlining Media Review: How to Speed Up Approvals & Boost Creative Efficiency
    Streamlining Media Review: The Key to Faster Approvals & Creative EfficiencyHow many hoursor even daysdo you spend fine-tuning a version to fit your clients needs?Media review isnt just another step in the creative pipeline; its an iterative process that demands precision, collaboration, and time. Unlike other industries, where answers are often clear-cut, the creative world thrives on interpretation. Every artist brings a unique vision, yet the final output must align with client expectations. And achieving that perfect balance? It takes multiple iterations, endless feedback loops, and countless review sessions.The Never-Ending Loop of Media ReviewFor any creative team, the review process typically looks like this:Artists submit work Reviewers provide feedback Artists make changes Supervisors approve or request more changes Repeat.This cycle continues until the version meets approval, but what slows things down? Disjointed workflows, platform switching, and delayed feedback notifications. Moving from one app for creation, another for review, and yet another for communication drains productivity. Every second spent waiting for feedback or manually updating versions adds to the time and cost of production.Bringing Everything Under One RoofWhat if the entire process could sync in real time?Instead of juggling between multiple platforms, 2dview integrates media review, feedback loops, and approval workflowsall in one place. Heres how it transforms the review process:Real-time Feedback Artists get instant notifications when a reviewer adds feedback, so revisions start immediately.No Delays in Notifications The moment a revised version is uploaded, supervisors are alerted instantly.Direct Publishing Tools like Maya and Nuke can be directly integrated, so artists publish versions without leaving their creative environment.Half the Price, Double the Efficiency With everything streamlined, studios save time and money while ensuring high-quality output.Creative Work Deserves a Smarter WorkflowIn an industry where time equals money, waiting for feedback or struggling with platform inefficiencies is a setback. 2dview eliminates the lag, syncs teams in real-time, and ensures that every version gets closer to approvalfaster.Why juggle multiple platforms when you can have it all under one roof? The future of media review is seamless, synchronized, and cost-effective.Ready to experience the difference? The post Streamlining Media Review: How to Speed Up Approvals & Boost Creative Efficiency appeared first on Vfxexpress.
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  • This is what your life will be like when the world hits a dangerous climate tipping point
    A new consensus is growing within the scientific community about climate change: The goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2050, as set out in the Paris Agreement, is probably out of reach. Weve already experienced the first full calendar year beyond this threshold, with last years global average temperature being 1.6 C higher than that of the preindustrial era. And while a single year at this level isnt enough to confirm without a doubt that the Paris goal is a goner, several recent scientific papers have come to the same unsettling conclusion that a new era of warming has already begun.How hot will things get within our lifetimes? The answer will be determined largely by how quickly we can wean ourselves off fossil fuels, and with greenhouse gas emissions still risingand to new highsthis remains uncertain. But researchers can make an educated guess. Right now they say were on track for about 2.7 degrees Celsius of warming by the end of the century. That means that on average, the world will be about 5 degrees Fahrenheit warmer in 2100 than it was at the turn of the 20th century, or about 3 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than it is today.That may not sound like much, but a 5-degree rise will affect almost every aspect of human life, in ways both large and small. What will life be like in this much warmer world? Answering this question with any certainty is difficult, because so much depends on how the earths many complex and interconnected systems respond. But climate scientists agree a warmer future is a more dangerous one. I like to think of good analogies, says Luke Jackson, an assistant professor of physical geography at Durham University in the U.K. So, if you imagine that scoring a goal represents an extreme event, then the larger the goal, the more likely you are to score. Were widening the goal posts.But if we want to try to get more specific, there are projections that are backed by science. These are some of the changes that are most likely, and their potential trickle-down effects.Endless summerIn the Northern Hemisphere, summer will take up a larger chunk of the year by 2100, extending from about 95 days to 140 days. Summer-like temperatures will appear much earlier, cutting springtime short, and linger well into the fall. Winter will become warmer, too, though theres some debate over whether extreme winter storms will actually become more common as the climate changes. In many places, the warmer seasons will be unbearable, with oppressive heat waves that last for weeks on end.Thanks to the urban heat island effect, cities will be especially hot. San Antonio, for example, could see six heat waves per year, with temperatures lingering around 95 degrees, sometimes for up to a month at a time. Farther north, New York City will get eight heat waves per year, some lasting as long as two weeks. For context, in the early 2000s New York averaged less than one heat wave annually. Air-conditioning will be a literal life-saver, and the number of people with air-conditioning will increase dramatically. (Paradoxically, all these new air conditioners are likely to contribute even more greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere.) Still, heat-related deaths will continue to rise to 20,000 annually in the U.S., and thats a conservative estimate.At 5 degrees Fahrenheit of warming, the share of the worlds population living in areas outside the human climate niche (the temperature range at which human life can thrive) would grow from 9% to 40%. Low- and middle-income countries would be disproportionately affected. In India, the most populated country in the world, some 600 million people will feel unprecedented heat outside this niche. Other hard-hit countries will include Nigeria, Indonesia, the Philippines, Pakistan, Sudan, and Niger. The Arctic is predicted to be practically ice-free during summertime. This will accelerate warming even more, and also threaten the homes, livelihoods, and cultures of millions of people in Arctic regions, to say nothing of the wildlife and ecosystems.Fires and DiseaseBy 2100, the number of extreme fires could increase 50% globally. The boreal forests of Canada, Alaska, and Russia will be especially vulnerable. Events like the 2023 Canadian wildfires, which burned more than 37 million acres and sent plumes of smoke billowing across the U.S., will become more common. At the same time, well likely get better at forecasting and tracking wildfires, and, out of pure necessity, more cities will have clean air shelters with filtration systems where people can be protected from wildfire smoke.There will likely be a rise in mosquito-borne illnesses like dengue, Zika, West Nile, and yellow fever, as more warmth will mean more days during which viruses can spread. The peak transmission period for West Nile currently lasts about three months per year in Miami, but would likely increase to about five months. Across much of the Global South, temperatures will become too hot for malaria to spread, but conditions for this disease would become more favorable in other parts of the world, including Europe, North America, and Central Asia. According to the World Resources Institute, As occasional reports arise of locally acquired malaria in Europe and the U.S., there is increasing concern that malaria could creep into places that havent seen it in living memory.Sinking citiesIn a scenario of 5 degrees Fahrenheit of warming, the ice sheets and glaciers will continue to melt, and the sea water will warm and expand. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, in this scenario sea levels could rise about 2 feet on average across the globe by 2100. This will put at risk decades of human development progress in densely populated coastal zones which are home to one in seven people in the world, says Pedro Conceio, director of the United Nations Development Programmes Human Development Report Office.The effect will be more extreme in areas that already have higher-than-average sea levels, such as the U.S. East Coast, Japan, and the west coast of South America. New York City, for example, could see water levels rise more than 3 feet by the end of the century. High-tide flooding will become a regular nuisance in many places, with water seeping into city streets and shop fronts every day for a few hours before receding, making it increasingly difficult to live or do business near the waterfront.Flooding from extreme storms like hurricanes will also become more frequent. Roughly speaking, the vast majority of global coastlines are going to experience a present-day 100-year event every year, Jackson says. Todays extreme event becomes tomorrows normal event.For many low-lying island nations, the challenge of higher seas and more intense tropical storms will be existential. The U.N. projects that the Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guernsey, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Netherlands, Saint Martin, Seychelles, Turks and Caicos, and Tuvalu will see at least 5% of their territories permanently inundated by the end of the century. Most of the populations of these regions live within a few miles of the shoreline, putting them in grave danger.At the same time that sea levels are rising, coastal megacities that sit on river deltaslike New Orleans, Houston, and Shanghaiwill sink as more water is pumped out of the ground for things like drinking and irrigation, causing the sediment to compact. This is a massive concern for our global megacities, Jackson asserts. Theres a real sting in the tail with that one, because these are places which are some of the most densely populated locations on Earth. In many locations, there are inadequate coastal protections to deal with it, and the length of time it would take to build coastal defenses in order to accommodate for this problem is, frankly, not achievable.Indonesia is already experiencing this, and has planned to relocate its capital city of Jakarta entirely rather than try to keep the water at bay. Other populations may eventually follow. After all, retreat is a form of adaptation, Jackson says. Sea levels will continue to rise for centuries, according to the IPCC, and will remain elevated for thousands of years.Food shortagesFlooding, heat stress, and changing weather patterns will make it harder to grow crops and raise livestock. One estimate suggests up to 30% of the worlds food production could be at risk by 2100 if temperatures rise by 6.6 degrees Fahrenheit. At 5 degrees, the percentage may be slightly lower, but still devastating for millions of people. According to the World Bank, about 80% of the global population most at risk from crop failures and hunger from climate change are in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. The threat of malnutrition will stalk these populations.In other regions, like the U.S. and Europe, problems with food will be annoying at first and grow over time, says Kai Kornhuber, a research scientist studying future climate risks at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, and an adjunct assistant professor at the Columbia Climate School. It starts with these small nuisances, like your favorite vegetable is not available anymore for a week or so because there was a huge flood or a heat wave or wildfire in Spain, for instance, he says. These things are already happening, right?Gradually, lower yields for staple crops like corn, rice, and wheat could become the norm. One analysis projects that as early as 2030, Iowa could see corn production plummet 25% due to climate change, Minnesotas soybean yield could drop as much as 19%, and wheat production in Kansas could fall 9%. Without adaptation, those numbers will continue to rise through 2100, threatening farmers livelihoods, as well as food supply chains and nutrition in the U.S. Its not only crops and livestock that are affected, says Gerald Nelson, professor emeritus at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaigns College of Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences. The agricultural workers who plant, till, and harvest much of the food we need will also suffer due to heat exposure, reducing their ability to undertake work in the field.Soil degradation, biodiversity loss, and the collapse of ecosystems due to climate change will leave plants more vulnerable to disease and further exacerbate the risk of crop failure. Food prices around the world will rise. In fact, this is already happening: In 2023, extreme weather was the main driver of food price volatility. Researchers say that between now and 2035, global food prices could rise by up to 3% every year because of climate change.Mass migration and increased conflictIts difficult to know what human migration patterns will look like in the years to come, but many people will have little choice but to move out of rural areas or across borders to find work, food, and a viable human habitat. These mass migrations are likely to trigger conflict and confusion. Attempts to enter the U.S. through the southern border will rise as populations in the dry corridor in Central America face food insecurity. Even the idea of where a countrys borders lie could be thrown into question. The borders of your country are defined, at least along their coasts, by the position of high tide, Jackson explains. If your coastline moves inland [due to sea level rise] your economic zone is going to move too.This is all very bleak, I know. And its only scratching the surface. But the enduring good news is that we can still change the future. Indeed, we already have. Just 10 years ago, scientists were forecasting a global temperature rise of 3.6 degrees Celsius by the end of the centuryor 6.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Since then, new government policies, and the meteoric rise of renewable energy, seem to have made a dent. Still, there is much more to be done. The world will not end like a computer game by the end of the century, Kornhuber says. Its going to continue afterwards, and temperatures and extreme weather will continue to get worse until weve managed to phase out fossil fuels.
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