The new Link figma from 'Tears of the Kingdom'.Ollie BarderIts been a while since I reviewed a Zelda action figure, but this new Link figma from Tears of the Kingdom is exceptional.For starters, I really enjoyed Tears of the Kingdom. Far more so than Breath of the Wild. However, to get a decent action figure of the updated blue tunic version of Link wasnt exactly affordable.While Good Smile Company skipped Breath of the Wild in terms of figma releases, they have more than made up for it with this new Tears of the Kingdom figma.To date, my favorite Zelda-related figma is from Skyward Sword. That said, I may have to re-appraise my evaluation after this new Tears of the Kingdom iteration.So what makes it so special then? Well, lots of things. The figma line has undergone a renaissance in recent years, with genuinely astonishing levels of detail and advanced sculpture.To give an idea of what I am talking about, you can see the huge upgrade the figma line has received when you look at the latest Guyver figmas. These are leagues ahead of the older releases, and this is what makes this new Tears of the Kingdom figma stand out.The main thing is that the detailing and finesse of the sculpt are remarkably high-end for a figure this small. Its not that this figma is undersized, not at all. Its in line with other recent figma releases but has a lot more detail and intricate aspects to its sculpt.The articulation on this figma is excellent.Ollie BarderFrom the new armor, chain mail, belts, arrows to just everything else really. Its all very accurate to the game.The version I managed to get my hands on was the DX release, which has extra weapons and other additional accessories.As with all figmas, you get a nice stand that allows for aerial poses. Even with the increased detail, the articulation is still very solid, holding poses just fine without the stand (shown above).You also get all sorts of additional hands and facial expressions; even Links new ponytail is articulated.Theres a lot here, and as someone that has almost all the prior Link figmas, this may be the best and almost my favorite. The latter is more my preference for Skyward Swords design, more than the figma itself.All that aside, if you enjoyed Tears of the Kingdom, then this is a must-buy figma. More figmas from the game are on their way, including Zelda and Ganondorf, but this Link figma is definitely worth getting.This figma of Link from Tears of the Kingdom is available on the Good Smile Company online shop for 16,800 yen (or around $112 as of writing).Figma Link Tears of the Kingdom DXOllie BarderManufacturer: Good Smile CompanyRelease Date: February 2025Price: $112 (approx)Disclosure: Good Smile Company sent me this figma for the purposes of this review.Follow me on X, Facebook and YouTube. I also manage Mecha Damashii and am currently featured in the Giant Robots exhibition currently touring Japan.