TikTok, Reddit & Imgur Under Investigation over Handling of Childrens Data
Key TakeawaysThe UKs data watchdog has launched an investigation into three social media platformsTikTok, Reddit, and Imgurover their handling of the personal information of children.TikTok will also be judged on its data protection policies, whereas Imgur and Reddit will be scrutinized based on their age verification process for minors.TikTok, Reddit, and Imgur are under fire from the UKs data watchdog over how they handle the personal data of children those aged between 13 and 17.An investigation has been launched by the Information Commissioners Office (ICO), which is looking into how these platforms run their algorithms. For those unaware, these algorithms ultimately decide what content gets recommended to users.Some critics are worried that these algorithms can expose young users to harmful content and trap them in a vicious loop, where they get habituated (or even worse, addicted) to such types of content. These concerns are justified, too, as weve recently seen Instagram coughing up sensitive content out of nowhere.This isnt the first time authorities have raised questions on TikTok, either. Back in January, UK technology minister Peter Kyle said, I am genuinely concerned about the ownership model of TikTok.There have also been concerns over TikToks data protection given its track record. Just last year, the ICO fined it 12.7 million for failing to protect the privacy of children. According to the complaint, the company used the data of more than 1.4 million children without the permission of their parents to intentionally profile and target them with inappropriate content.The authorities are worried that a repeat of the 2023 events might be happening again.Reddit and Imgurs Age VerificationIn addition to the investigation over the usage of childrens data, Imgur and Reddit will also be questioned on their age verification process.While both platforms explicitly state that no one under the age of 13 is allowed on their platforms, its really not that hard to bypass these rules.And with the younger generation getting more tech-savvy, companies need to keep up.The authorities want to check exactly what these companies are doing to ensure underage users cant sneak in.What Do the Companies Have to Say?TikTok responded to the probe by saying that theyre deeply committed to creating a safe and positive experience for all their young users. The company is already taking a lot of measures, including best-in-class security and monitoring tools, to protect minors from inappropriate content.The other two platforms, Reddit and Imgur, are yet to respond.Ever since the UK introduced the Childrens Code, tech companies have been under greater pressure to step up their security game. This new set of laws holds online platforms to a higher standard where theyre expected to apply the highest privacy setting by default for all users under 18.Its also on these companies to protect young users from all sorts of online harm, such as exploitation, cyberbullying, and online sexual abuse.While most companies have been trying to adapt to the new changes, there have been instances of slip-ups, such as in the case of TikTok in 2023. However, the good thing is that slip-ups will no longer be ignored. The ICO has decided to fine every offense accordingly to reflect the severity of the issue.Add Techreport to Your Google News Feed Get the latest updates, trends, and insights delivered straight to your fingertips. Subscribe now! Subscribe now Alpa is a senior editor with a wealth of experience in alternative finance, fintech, cryptocurrency, app security software, and the medical industry. She's currently an in-house managing editor with the Techreport team.Alpa is passionate about breaking down complex topics and sharing informative content that provides value. View all articles by Alpa Somaiya Our editorial processThe Tech Reporteditorial policyis centered on providing helpful, accurate content that offers real value to our readers. We only work with experienced writers who have specific knowledge in the topics they cover, including latest developments in technology, online privacy, cryptocurrencies, software, and more. Our editorial policy ensures that each topic is researched and curated by our in-house editors. We maintain rigorous journalistic standards, and every article is 100% written byreal authors.
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