March 12Andrew Watson1537 CroatianOttoman wars: After the execution of feudal lord Petar Krui, Croatian forces at Klis surrendered to the Ottoman forces in exchange for their safe passage to northern locations.1881 Andrew Watson (pictured) captained the Scotland national football team against England, becoming the world's first black international footballer.1947 Cold War: U.S. president Harry S. Truman proclaimed the Truman Doctrine to help stem the spread of communism.1952 British diplomat Lord Ismay was appointed the first secretary general of NATO.1971 The Turkish Armed Forces executed a "coup by memorandum", forcing the resignation of Prime Minister Sleyman Demirel.2006 U.S. Army soldiers gang-raped a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and murdered her along with her family members.William Henry Perkin (b.1838)Gemma Galgani (b.1878)Zhao Wei (b.1976)Arina Tanemura (b.1978)More anniversaries: March 11March 12March 13ArchiveBy emailList of days of the yearAbout