The under-construction David Geffen Galleries at LACMA, now set to open in April of 2026, will be part of the display taking place this summer as the institution opens one of its new plaza areas to the public for the first time. Photo: Museum Associates/LACMAArtist Mariana Castillo Deballs 75,000-square-footsite-specific piece will inaugurate the plaza. This covers the entire ground plane of the space, connecting the museum site to its geological memory and Indigenous past while referencing the form of the new building. The LA Times said in its preview that the installation "acts as the ground below the building and suggests various routes around the campus." Photo: Museum Associates/LACMAThis is part of a 3.5-acre total mosaic of public spaces in the redevelopment plan and precedes the installation of artworks from the permanent collection in the Peter Zumthor-designed new galleries. The new 110,000-square-foot wing is now 90% constructed. Photo: Museum Associates/LACMAO...