Some Destiny 2 Advice To Steamroll Expert Court Of Blades
Destiny 2BungieI am really enjoying the new activity Court of Blades in Destiny 2, the one added in Act 2 that references Court of Oryx but is way, way more in-depth than that was back in Destiny 1.I dont always play non-matchmade Expert modes in activities unless Im really dying to get something specific, but here? Its all I play, and even after Ive mostly farmed everything I want, Im just playing it to test out different, fun builds this season, and Im having a great time. As such, I thought I would give you some advice if youre struggling.Read the Modifiers I know it can be annoying to have to look at the statues every round and see what the modifiers are, but you want to know what youre getting into. The only ones that really matter are the augments, as those often have to do with taking down protective shields or negating immunity altogether. You will also want to familiarize yourself with the exact way to do them, and I recommend giving this list a read here.Take the Extra Ammo Perk I dont have all that many strong opinions on the list of benefits you can tick through to go into Court of Blades, but I would say one is explicitly necessary, adding more ammo to the in-between rounds ammo box which gives you special and heavy, as given how intense these encounters are, you may not be using anything but special and heavy for a lot of them, and you need all the refills you can get.Destiny 2BungieElectric, Void, Strand Builds Im not saying that you cant do well with other elemental builds, but between the artifact mods and the Tome which bolsters those artifact mods, these three may be stronger than theyve ever been. I also have some specific recommendations.Chaos Reach/Geomag/Delicate Tomb Warlock Both Geomags and Delicate Tomb have been buffed recently, plus other arc effects mean you can have this super up more or less constantly, plus loads of chain kills with Tomb. Combined with the new, final column artifact mod that boosts Super damage by 30% if youre amplified, which is super easy, and this tears through bosses, even shielded ones.Barrow Dyad/Peacekeeper/Storms Keep Titan This Act, if you switch over to the new track of reputation at the slab, it will also change the nature of your Barrow Dyad SMG, where it does more single target damage. You can combine that with both Peacekeepers, which increases SMG damage on repeat shots, and Storms Keep, which you should be using on all Titans for Bolt damage, and put up 10-15 million damage a run, and blast through bosses with quite literally just a primary, its insane. You can use it on any class really, but on Titan it may be the best.Destiny 2BungieHunter Alright, you tell me here. I have a pretty great Prismatic Hunter that uses all the Strand mods right now, plus the new SMG, plus Microcosm, but nothing as good as the two above yet.Microcosm Speaking of Microcosm, use Microcosm when you can. The trace rifle artifact damage boosts are always active for it, plus you can pair it with something like Storms Keep to melt bosses. Get three of them on your team? Forget about it.Use the Seasonal Weapons Not only will this slate of weapons be Overcharged for 25% more damage much of the time, they all also have access to special mods that give them more damage like extra Taken missiles that shoot at enemies all the time, like a fantastic bonus perk that no other weapons will have access to.Destiny 2BungieBring Anti-Barrier Weapons During Taken Week My options of choice here are Heavy Sidearms, and I say this not just for champions, but mainly one of the worst new enemy types in the game, Taken Bound Captains during Taken week which now put up immunity shields, but when you go inside them, you will almost always get one-shot. Anti-Barrier weapons will pierce those shields from afar, and you can pair that with an element that also matches shields youll find (Id say Arc, most of the time).Those are my tips, hit me up with some of your own.Follow me , and .Pick up my sci-fi novels the and
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