The Most Unexplainable User-Submitted UFO Videos of 2024
A black triangle floating over Bolton, England, a metallic orb cruising over Sarasota, Florida, and a bunch of luminescent orbs that create a weird blob over Danville, Illinois. These are just a few of the interesting videos submitted by witnesses as UFOs in 2024 that I am at a loss to explain.There was a lot of news about UFOs in 2024, but were there any actual UFOs spotted? And who even collects and looks at UFO reports? I do, with my colleagues at Enigma Labs. I have been writing about sci-fi, science, and UFOs for years for Den of Geek, but over the last few years I have also been a consultant for Enigma Labs, a company that has created an app to collect UFO reports and to coalesce a community to talk about the sightings to kind of crowd source the analysis.Recently, I came up with a top five list for the best UFO videos submitted to Enigma from 2024 and here are the best 5.5. Enigma #303251Location: Bolton, EnglandDate/Time: 2024 November 14 5:05:00 PM GMTLink to report and video: https://enigmalabs.io/sighting/303251Coming in at number 5 is this weird video from Bolton, England. When analyzing these videos, we want to look for anything mundane the object could be, such as birds, balloons, SpaceX rockets, stars, planets, or airplanes to name a few. When we cant match it up to something we know, it is an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) or the more scientifically posh, Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP). The key word being unidentified. Congress defines UAP as something not immediately identifiable. It doesnt mean it is aliens, it just means we are not sure what it is. It also means a UAP to one person may be easily explainable to another. You may be able to easily identify some of the videos in this article. If that is the case, let us know.In this report, the witness says, there were thee black objects slowly moving, the last one seemed to be triangular with a dim light in [the] middle. He says he tried to capture the third black object but it suddenly disappeared.In the video, it is dusk, and the object appears very dark against the clouds. There were two videos submitted, both of a dark object moving very high among the clouds. The objects do not move notably fast, so it is possible they are balloons floating in the wind, but they certainly look odd. It is even more odd that there were three and one disappeared.4. Enigma #295340Location: Sarasota, FloridaDate/Time: 2024 July 1 11:55:40 AM EDTLink to report and video: https://enigmalabs.io/sighting/295340Fortunately, this is a daytime sighting. Random lights at night are easy to mistake for something weird, but daytime objects can be seen better, so hard-to-explain videos captured during the day are more rare. In this case, the objects seem to be a clear round, metallic orb. It also could be a balloon, but it is moving very quickly. The palm trees do not seem to be blown by strong winds, which is what would carry a balloon so quickly through the sky. It also looks like it is made of metal.Something made out of metal appeared out of nowhere, the witness stated in the report. And disappeared just as quick.What makes this metallic orb sighting even more interesting is that the Pentagons All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) has also had cases of metallic orbs they cannot explain.Join our mailing listGet the best of Den of Geek delivered right to your inbox!3. Enigma #288257Location: Grays Harbor, Hoquiam, WashingtonDate/Time: 2024 February 5 10:32:00 PM PSTLink to report and video: https://enigmalabs.io/sighting/288257This is another nighttime video, but the object is moving strangely enough to be considered weird. It has been suggested this odd light could be the result of a cobweb flapping in the wind near the camera reflecting a light. However, no cobwebs are visible. It is also a stormy night, so this could be ball lightning. Ball lightning has not been confirmed to exist, but many witnesses have reported balls of light during thunderstorms that appear, meander around for a few seconds then disappear. Perhaps videos like this can help the scientific community on research such as ball lightning demonstrating that the search for UFOs can aid the scientific community make new discoveries.2. Enigma #299139Location: Danville, IllinoisDate/Time: 2024 September 10 3:49:00 PM CDTLink to report and video: https://enigmalabs.io/sighting/299139This is another night time video, but again the weirdness is readily apparent.Me and my wife were sitting on the porch, states the witness. And my wife saw a bright light in the sky. I then looked over and saw it to [sic].The witness said they thought it was a bright star, but then it began to multiply. In the full video it continues to multiply creating a larger and larger glob of luminescent orbs.1. Enigma #308042Location: Belle River, Ontario, CanadaDate/Time: 2024 August 24 8:24:00 PM EDTLink to report and video: https://enigmalabs.io/sighting/308042The number one video of the year has to be a daytime video, and this one delivers. It was captured on the evening of August 24, 2024 in Belle River, Ontario, Canada. In the video, you can hear the witnesses are a young woman, her father, and their dog. The object itself is very strange.In the report, the witness states he was sitting in the backyard with wife and daughter and my daughter spotted the UAP just east of our location. He continued, I told her to get out her phone and video it which she did.The description is brief, so we dont know what caught their attention first. At the beginning of the video, the object is very bright, especially for how bright it is outside. Most things flying around go in a straight line, and most lights in the sky maintain a consistent brightness until they either turn on or turn off. This object speeds up, slows down, stops, dims, disappears, re-appears, and when it disappears, there is no visible object still there. All of this is odd behavior and not typical for things flying around in the sky. That is why this video, from Canada of all places, is the top Enigma UFO (UAP) video of the year.Watch the entire Top 10 UFO Videos here. This was the first full year of collecting reports for Enigma and the reports are coming in more quickly as time goes on. We are receiving hundreds a week. You can view all of the videos posted on the Enigma app for free, which is coming to Android very soon. Let us know if you find some reports that are even better than these.
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