NYT Mini Clues And Answers For Thursday, March 20
Mini CrosswordNYTIn case you missed Wednesdays NYT Mini, you can find the answers here:The NYT Mini is a quick and dirty version of the newspaper's larger and long-running crossword. Most days, there are between three and five clues in each direction on a five by five grid, but the puzzles are sometimes larger, especially on Saturdays.Unlike its larger sibling, the NYT Mini crossword is free to play on the New York Times website or NYT Games app. However, youll need an NYT Games subscription to access previous puzzles in the archives.The NYT Mini is a fun daily distraction that usually takes no time at all. I try to beat the standard weekday grid in less than a minute. But sometimes I can't quite figure out one or two clues and need to reveal the answer.To help you avoid doing that, here are the NYT Mini Crossword answers (spoilers lie ahead, of course):Play Puzzles & Games on ForbesNYT Mini Crossword Clues And AnswersACROSS1) Chowder morsel - CLAM 5) Emblem on a glass of Guinness - HARP 6) ___ Madness (annual event that hints at 1-Down) - MARCH 7) Strong desire - URGE 8) Contacted privately on social media, for short - DMEDDOWN1) Anagram of 6-Across - CHARM 2) L, as in Lands End - LARGE 3) Moved with a curving trajectory ARCED 4) Speedometer abbr. - MPH 6) What hiking boots might track in the house - MUDNYTMiniI was puzzling what they meant by L, as in Lands End for a while, as I do not think that was clear at all, but I now realize they were talking about the size L at the clothes store. I mean, I knew it was a store, but still a weird way to phrase that. The rest? Figuring out charm from March wasnt too bad, and a recent pint of Guinness made that one easy. Did you struggle with any of these?Follow me , and .Pick up my sci-fi novels the and
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