'We need to define what it means to be safe as gamers around the world:' a code of ethics in gaming
Laura GrayMarch 20, 20255 Min ReadVia Pexels user YankrukovWeve all seen it. The headlines detailing developer harassment after a major release, for the "crime" of certain inclusions, exclusions, or design choices. A showcase livestream comments section filled with hateful commentary and abusive language at specific games and teams. Reports of whole studios being laid off days after the release of a highly anticipated title. We see it every day, but what can we do to change it? Celia Hodent, a game UX strategist, believes a cohesive Code of Conduct for the industry is the answer, and its a lot less intimidating than many might think.Hodent started her breakdown of ethics in games for Western audiences by mentioning several similar codes that exist in other parts of the world. What is important in a code of ethics? was the question she posed.As someone who has always been nervous about censorship and limitations, I was curious to know how a set of rules could make a community safer, and build better games. Her points on ethics in games genuinely changed my perspective on how such a code could make gaming and game development better for everyone.What is a Code of Ethics?When I think code in any capacity, I think of a list of rules. A set of guidelines that govern how people think and act. This is likely why I have perceived a code of ethics as potentially limiting to the creative process. However, Hodent broke down exactly what a Code of Ethics in games would look like. These rules would create protections for players, including safety expectations at events or within a community and security for the player both in purchasing and playing a title. It would also create solid expectations for what players purchase, putting down better rules around monetization and marketing.Related:Most players are more than familiar with how predatory some live-service games can be. Loot boxes, season passes, and microtransactions plague communities, with few guidelines on how they function. Often, the only regulation present is player commentary, and even pushback from communities doesnt always encourage companies to change or improve how they function.Additionally, a code of ethics would create protections for developers and those making games. This would include better transparency of company values, worker protections, diversity, and impact on the environment.In a time where anyone can lose their job for nearly any reason, these types of protections are invaluable for those who pour their heart and soul into a companys IP. It would also create better protections for developers in the trenches, cracking down on harassment, and promoting healthier work environments for those in the industry.Related:It sounds amazing when broken down this way, so why has it taken so long for a code of ethics to be built and used in the Western industry? Unfortunately, a combination of misinformation and perceived barriers have left many unsure about a universal set of guidelines. Hodent explained that this bias has prevented companies from engaging or even pushing back on a potential code.The Barriers Are In Your MindI mentioned above that I had several ideas of what a code of ethics could be like in the games industry. Unfortunately, these barriers are commonplace. Hodent said that a core reason a code of ethics hasnt been implemented is that companies believe it is too expensive, too complicated, or too overreaching to be effective. There are concerns about censorship and many believe that policing to uphold a code would lead to legal and PR nightmares.There are more benefits than we can count when trying to make the industry a safer place both for creators and players. Hodent explained that "we care about players having fun," but much of that fun has been lost in recent years as hostility and anxiety of increased.Related:These codes could ensure the safety of players and developers, but also protect businesses by managing toxicity before it starts. Hodent explained that one of the biggest financial burdens companies shoulder comes from players avoiding titles due to normalized toxicity and harassment. Safe players want to play more, and this in turn helps those making the games.In reality, these "barriers" could be opportunities if we change our mindset. Instead of thinking about a code as expensive, we could see it as an investment. We are investing in an overarching set of guidelines that everyone is meant to adhere to, creating an agreed-upon set of expectations and behaviors.Who Makes The Rules?The hardest part of making a code of ethics is deciding what should be included and how it should look. Hodent explained that we need to "protect our art from moral panics," and base the content of the code on studies and evidence/science-based data. "How are games actually impacting players?" and how can we make guidelines and rules that tackle real problems, not perceived ones?"We need to define what it means to be safe as gamers around the world," she explained, stating that the best way to do this is by agreeing as a collective on true issues, creating solutions, and then supporting these solutions with resources and guidelines.The reality is that a code of ethics in games won't be an easy task, but Hodent believes the time is now. "Together, we can make the industry a safer and more accepting place, she concluded, If there is any moment where standing up for our values in this industry matters, this is it."After having my perception of this issue completely altered by her breakdown, I couldnt agree more.Read more about:GDC 2025Top StoriesFeaturesAbout the AuthorLaura GrayLaura Gray, known as Ezra when not putting pen to paper, is a D&D enthusiast with a love of all things written. They are a collector of fantasy and sci-fi novels, a lover of cooking weird food, and a player of farming sims and Pokmon games. When not engrossed in a re-read of Anne McCaffrey or a deep dive into the Adventure Zone: Balance, they can be found sniffing the cats and napping in half-finished crochet projects.See more from Laura GrayDaily news, dev blogs, and stories from Game Developer straight to your inboxStay UpdatedYou May Also Like
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