Von Gerkan, Marg & Partners (gmp) has shared new images from their 2019 prefabricated K-12 design for Frankfurts diverse Westend community that now stands as one of the EUs and worlds largest modular timber school buildings.Photo by Marcus Bredt, courtesy of gmp.The fully demountable 175,000-square-foot school building temporarily accommodates 2,000 students while their new permanent building was being completed nearby. It was built in under 24 months using 350 prefabricated modules and 176,000 cubic feet of wood taken from Central European forests.Photo by Marcus Bredt, courtesy of gmp.The firm says the combination of strategy and material results in a 30% improvement of Energy Conservation Regulations (EnEV) metrics, with another 60% reduction in terms of the time spent on construction.Photo by Marcus Bredt, courtesy of gmp.The design's compactness responds to the relatively confined site while reducing the distances traveled within the high school and the elementary school...