Looking for help with today's NYT Mini Crossword puzzle? Here are some hints and answers for the ... More puzzle.Credit: NYTIn case you missed Sundays NYT Mini Crossword puzzle, you can find the answers here:Another day, another NYT Mini Crossword to solve. Its Monday, and to help us with our Monday blues, a puzzle or two is in order. Maybe more! But for now, lets figure out this one!The NYT Mini is a smaller, quicker, more digestible, bite-sized version of the larger and more challenging NYT Crossword, and unlike its larger sibling, its free-to-play without a subscription to The New York Times. You can play it on the web or the app, though youll need the app to tackle the archive.Spoilers ahead!ACROSS1- Hey . . . wanna hear a secret? PSST5- Spooky story? ATTIC7- Baby grand, for one PIANO8- Perfectly behaved child ANGELPlay Puzzles & Games on Forbes9- Something to cram for TESTDOWN1- Letter between Oscar and Quebec in the NATO alphabet PAPA2- Period of work STINT3- All the world per a famous line from Shakespeare STAGE4- Pointy parts of a fork TINES6- Indianapolis football player COLTToday's MiniScreenshot: Erik KainA somewhat tricky Mini today, especially with 5-Across. The play on words that gets you from Scary story to Attic is clever and definitely threw me for a loop. I was think stories in a book, not a building. Where I really tripped up though was with STINT when I accidentally typed in STITT by mistake and didnt realize it, really throwing off my game with 8-Across. I spaced the word TINES for a bit also, but ultimately got this one in 1:21.How did you do? Let me know on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.If you also play Wordle, I write guides about that as well. You can find those and all my TV guides, reviews and much more here on my blog. Thanks for reading!