The Witcher 4 release date could be 2027 confirms CD Projekt RedGameCentralPublished March 26, 2025 2:00am The Witcher 4 could be out in two years time (CD Projekt)CD Projekt has narrowed down the release date of The Witcher 4 and offered updates for the Cyberpunk 2077 sequel and The Witcher 1 remake.Cyberpunk 2077 might have had the bumpiest launch of any modern video game but it all turned out okay in the end and publisher CD Projekts sci-fi dystopia has now sold over 30 million copies. Thats nothing compared to 2015s The Witcher 3 though, which has racked up over 50 million sales making it one of the best-selling single-player games of all time.At one point, publisher CD Projekt implied there wouldnt be any direct sequel, but after the rocky road travelled by Cyberpunk 2077 they changed their mind and announced a host of new titles, including a remake of the first game and a new trilogy of original titles.The Witcher 4 is the first of these but the only thing weve seen so far is a pre-rendered trailer, which implies that Ciri, not Geralt, is the lead protagonist. Its not clear when CD Projekt are going to reveal any more information, but they have narrowed down the release date a bit.In the companys latest financial report, it completely ruled out the chance of The Witcher 4 in 2026. However, 2027 was described as a possibility, but with no promises that it wouldnt be pushed back beyond that.We are not going to announce the precise launch date for the game yet, said chief financial officer Piotr Nielubowicz. All we could share now to give more visibility to investors is that the game will not be launched within the time frame of the first target for the incentive program, which ends December 31, 2026.As you can tell by the way he phrased it, the information was aimed at investors, not fans, but its pretty unambiguous in terms of when you should start hoping for the game to be released.That wasnt the only revelation though, with CD Projekt announcing that it has also partnered with new Pokmon Go owner Scopely, for an unnamed title set within one of CD Projekts IPs. That probably means The Witcher or Cyberpunk, but CD Projekt does have at least one other new IP underway.There were also minor updates on some of CD Projekts other internal projects, with The Witcher multiplayer spin-off Project Sirius described as still being in pre-production. Nevertheless, developer The Molasses Flood has already been merged with the CD Projekt Red team, which suggests Sirus will share some of The Witcher 4s DNA (and assets).More TrendingStrangely, The Witcher 1 remake, which was implied to be the next game to be released, still isnt in full production, with some of the development team now helping out with The Witcher 4 instead.A remake shouldnt take as long as a brand new game but theres now a question mark over whether the game will in fact be the next title from CD Projekt, or if The Witcher 4 will leapfrog in front of it.CD Projekt has also hinted that it has a number of other unannounced projects in development, as well as brand new IP codenamed Project Hadar. What that is though, is a completely mystery.The Cyberpunk 2077 sequel is currently codenamed Project Orion and will apparently be entering pre-production in the coming weeks. Theres no clue as to when it will be released but it will definitely be after The Witcher 4, so 2028 at the very earliest. Its unclear what CD Projekts next game will be (CD Projekt), leave a comment below,follow us on Twitter, andsign-up to our newsletter.To submit Inbox letters and Readers Features more easily, without the need to send an email, just use ourSubmit Stuff page here.For more stories like this,check our Gaming page.GameCentralSign up for exclusive analysis, latest releases, and bonus community content.This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Your information will be used in line with our Privacy Policy