How to unlock all characters in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero
If youre an avid fan of Dragon Ball, youll know that the series is comprised of a plethora of personalities that just love a fight.Thankfully, this has been translated into the Sparking Zero roster with characters aplenty read for you to control.However, while there are some that you can use right off the bat, a lot need to be unlocked.Here, well take you through how to unlock characters in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero so you can play as whoever you want, increasing Proficiency as you go.How to unlock characters in Dragon Ball Sparking ZeroTo unlock characters in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, you can do so by completing specific portions of the game or purchasing them from the in-game store for Zeni.If youre planning on heading straight to the store to gather as many characters as possible, while some can be bought at level 1, there are a lot that require you to increase your Player Level in order to access.Here is the complete list of characters available for unlock and the requirements you need to complete:CharacterUnlock MethodAlternate Unlock MethodAndroid 1360,000 Zeni (Player Level 10)N/AAnilazaComplete the Tournament of Power60,000 Zeni (Player Level 10)Baby Vegeta (GT)Use Vegeta in Battle 10 times (Zen-Ohs Order)120,000 Zeni (Player Level 10)Bardock60,000 Zeni (Player Level 10)N/ABergamoComplete Rematch with Bergamo the Crusher Bonus Battle90,000 Zeni (Player Level 1)BojackComplete Combined Power in Gohans Episode Battle60,000 Zeni (Player Level 10)Broly (Super)Complete Gokus Strength in Gokus Episode Battle60,000 Zeni (Player Level 10)CauliflaComplete Fight! Universe 6s Mighties Warriors Bonus Battle60,000 Zeni (Player Level 1)Cell Jr.Complete the Cell Games30,000 Zeni (Player Level 1)CoolerClear Brothers Fight Together in Friezas Episode Battle90,000 Zeni (Player Level 10)CuiComplete Friezas Assassination Order in Vegetas Episode Battle30,000 Zeni (Player Level 1)Dr. WheeloUse Dr. Gero in Battle 10 times (Zen-Ohs Order)45,000 Zeni (Player Level 10)DyspoComplete Virtuous Warrior, Virtuous Villain in Friezas Episode Battle90,000 Zeni (Player Level 1)Frieza Force SoldierComplete Welcome to the Frieza Force Bonus Battle30,000 Zeni (Player Level 1)FrostComplete the Tournament of Destroyers60,000 Zeni (Player Level 1)Fused ZamasuWish after summoning Super Shenron90,000 Zeni (Player Level 1)Gogeta (GT) Super Saiyan 4Use Gogeta in Battle 10 times (Zen-Ohs Order)120,000 Zeni (Player Level 10)Gogeta (Super)Complete The Greatest Saiyan of All Bonus Battle105,000 Zeni (Player Level 10)Gohan (Future)Complete Defiance in the Face of Despair! Gohan vs. Android Bonus Battle60,000 Zeni (Player Level 10)Goku (GT)Complete Number One Spot in Vegetas Episode Battle75,000 Zeni (Player Level 1)Goku (Super). Ultra InstinctComplete Gokus Mentor in Jirens Episode Battle120,000 Zeni (Player Level 1)Goku (Teen)Complete the World Tournament for the first time45,000 Zeni (Player Level 1)Goku BlackWish after summoning Super Shenron120,000 Zeni (Player Level 20)HirudegarnComplete Great Saiyaman vs. Kaiju?! Bonus Battle75,000 Zeni (Player Level 10)Janemba45,000 Zeni (Player Level 10)N/AKakunsa90,000 Zeni (Player Level 1)N/AKaleComplete Surpass God, Trunks in Future Trunks Episode Battle90,000 Zeni (Player Level 1)King ColdComplete Parent-Child Tournament of Power in Friezas Episode Battle60,000 Zeni (Player Level 10)Lord SlugComplete Android 17 in Piccolos Episode Battle60,000 Zeni (Player Level 10)Majin Buu (Evil)Complete To Be the Best: Advanced Bonus Battle90,000 Zeni (Player Level 1)Majin VegetaComplete The Long-Awaited Battle in Vegetas Episode Battle105,000 Zeni (Player Level 1)Mecha FriezaComplete Frieza Descends on Earth in Friezas Episode Battle90,000 Zeni (Player Level 1)Metal CoolerUse Cooler in Battle 10 times (Zen-Ohs Order)105,000 Zeni (Player Level 10)NailComplete Piccolo Returns to his Birthplace in Piccolos Episode Battle60,000 Zeni (Player Level 10)Pan (GT)Complete Defend the Earth from the Frieza Force in Gohans Episode Battle45,000 Zeni (Player Level 10)RoasieComplete Neo Tri-Beam is All Powered-Up Like Never Before! Bonus Battle120,000 Zeni (Player Level 1)SaibamanComplete the Yamcha Games30,000 Zeni (Player Level 1)SpopovichComplete Lust for Power in Gohans Episode Battle75,000 Zeni (Player Level 20)Super Garlic Jr.Use Piccolo in Battle 10 times (Zen-Ohs Order)45,000 Zeni (Player Level 10)Super Gogeta (Z)Complete the Other World Tournament105,000 Zeni (Player Level 1)Syn Shenron (GT)30,000 Zeni (Player Level 1)N/ATapionComplete Final Battle with Zamasu in Future Trunks Episode Battle90,000 Zeni (Player Level 10)TurlesComplete Avenger Returns Bonus Battle60,000 Zeni (Player Level 10)Uub (GT)Complete The Power of One, The Power of All in Gokus Episode Battle60,000 Zeni (Player Level 10)Vegeta (GT) Super Saiyan 4Complete Pushing the Limit in Gokus Episode Battle120,000 Zeni (Player Level 10)VidelComplete Chaos at the World Tournament in Gohans Episode Battle after choosing to battle Spopovich30,000 Zeni (Player Level 1)YajirobeComplete Vegetas Secret Maneuver in Gokus Episode Battle30,000 Zeni (Player Level 1)Since there are so many characters to get your hands on, youll be playing Dragon Ball Sparking Zero for some time. Whether thats to gain enough Zeni to purchase them or completing all the required battles, if you want to sink serious hours in you certainly have the opportunity to do so.The post How to unlock all characters in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero appeared first on ReadWrite.